def test_composite_datasource_operations(stix_objs1, stix_objs2):
    BUNDLE1 = dict(
        id="bundle--%s" % make_id(),
    cds1 = CompositeDataSource()
    ds1_1 = MemorySource(stix_data=BUNDLE1)
    ds1_2 = MemorySource(stix_data=stix_objs2)

    cds2 = CompositeDataSource()
    ds2_1 = MemorySource(stix_data=BUNDLE1)
    ds2_2 = MemorySource(stix_data=stix_objs2)

    cds1.add_data_sources([ds1_1, ds1_2])
    cds2.add_data_sources([ds2_1, ds2_2])

    indicators = cds1.all_versions("indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001")

    # In STIX_OBJS2 changed the 'modified' property to a later time...
    assert len(indicators) == 3


    indicator = cds1.get("indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001")

    assert indicator["id"] == "indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001"
    assert indicator["modified"] == parse_into_datetime("2017-01-31T13:49:53.935Z")
    assert indicator["type"] == "indicator"

    query1 = [
        Filter("type", "=", "indicator"),

    query2 = [
        Filter("valid_from", "=", "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"),


    results = cds1.query(query1)

    # STIX_OBJS2 has indicator with later time, one with different id, one with
    # original time in STIX_OBJS1
    assert len(results) == 4

    indicator = cds1.get("indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001")

    assert indicator["id"] == "indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001"
    assert indicator["modified"] == parse_into_datetime("2017-01-31T13:49:53.935Z")
    assert indicator["type"] == "indicator"

    results = cds1.all_versions("indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001")
    assert len(results) == 3

    # Since we have filters already associated with our CompositeSource providing
    # nothing returns the same as cds1.query(query1) (the associated query is query2)
    results = cds1.query([])
    assert len(results) == 4
コード例 #2
def test_add_get_remove_filter(collection):
    ds = stix2.TAXIICollectionSource(collection)

    # First 3 filters are valid, remaining properties are erroneous in some way
    valid_filters = [
        Filter('type', '=', 'malware'),
        Filter('id', '!=', 'stix object id'),
        Filter('labels', 'in', ["heartbleed", "malicious-activity"]),

    assert len(ds.filters) == 0

    assert len(ds.filters) == 1

    # Addin the same filter again will have no effect since `filters` acts
    # like a set
    assert len(ds.filters) == 1

    assert len(ds.filters) == 2

    assert len(ds.filters) == 3

    assert valid_filters == [f for f in ds.filters]

    # remove

    assert len(ds.filters) == 2

コード例 #3
    def all_versions(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None):
        """Retrieve STIX object from local/remote TAXII Collection
        endpoint, all versions of it

            stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX objects to be retrieved.
            _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from the parent
                CompositeDataSource, not user supplied
            version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If
                None, use latest version.

            (see query() as all_versions() is just a wrapper)

        # make query in TAXII query format since 'id' is TAXII field
        query = [
            Filter("match[id]", "=", stix_id),
            Filter("match[version]", "=", "all")

        all_data = self.query(query=query, _composite_filters=_composite_filters)

        # parse STIX objects from TAXII returned json
        all_data = [parse(stix_obj, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) for stix_obj in all_data]

        # check - was added to handle erroneous TAXII servers
        all_data_clean = [stix_obj for stix_obj in all_data if == stix_id]

        return all_data_clean
コード例 #4
ファイル: プロジェクト: agfoster/projectMirror
    def all_versions(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None):
        """Retrieve STIX object from local/remote TAXII Collection
        endpoint, all versions of it

            stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX objects to be retrieved.
            version (str): If present, it forces the parser to use the version
                provided. Otherwise, the library will make the best effort based
                on checking the "spec_version" property.
            _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from the parent
                CompositeDataSource, not user supplied

            (see query() as all_versions() is just a wrapper)

        # make query in TAXII query format since 'id' is TAXII field
        query = [
            Filter('id', '=', stix_id),
            Filter('version', '=', 'all'),

        all_data = self.query(query=query, _composite_filters=_composite_filters)

        # parse STIX objects from TAXII returned json
        all_data = [parse(stix_obj, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) for stix_obj in all_data]

        # check - was added to handle erroneous TAXII servers
        all_data_clean = [stix_obj for stix_obj in all_data if == stix_id]

        return all_data_clean
コード例 #5
def test_datetime_filter_behavior():
    """if a filter is initialized with its value being a datetime object
    OR the STIX object property being filtered on is a datetime object, all
    resulting comparisons executed are done on the string representations
    of the datetime objects, as the Filter functionality will convert
    all datetime objects to there string forms using format_datetim()

    This test makes sure all datetime comparisons are carried out correctly
    filter_with_dt_obj = Filter(
        "created", "=",
        parse_into_datetime("2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z", "millisecond"))
    filter_with_str = Filter("created", "=", "2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z")

    # compare datetime obj to filter w/ datetime obj
    resp = list(apply_common_filters(real_stix_objs, [filter_with_dt_obj]))
    assert len(resp) == 1
    assert resp[0][
        "id"] == "vulnerability--ee916c28-c7a4-4d0d-ad56-a8d357f89fef"
    assert isinstance(resp[0].created,
                      STIXdatetime)  # make sure original object not altered

    # compare datetime string to filter w/ str
    resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filter_with_str]))
    assert len(resp) == 1
    assert resp[0][
        "id"] == "vulnerability--ee916c28-c7a4-4d0d-ad56-a8d357f89fef"

    # compare datetime obj to filter w/ str
    resp = list(apply_common_filters(real_stix_objs, [filter_with_str]))
    assert len(resp) == 1
    assert resp[0][
        "id"] == "vulnerability--ee916c28-c7a4-4d0d-ad56-a8d357f89fef"
    assert isinstance(resp[0].created,
                      STIXdatetime)  # make sure original object not altered
コード例 #6
def test_filter_value_type_check():
    # invalid filters - non supported value types

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Filter('created', '=', object())
    # On Python 2, the type of object() is `<type 'object'>` On Python 3, it's `<class 'object'>`.
    assert any([
        s in str(excinfo.value)
        for s in ["<type 'object'>", "'<class 'object'>'"]
    assert "is not supported. The type must be a Python immutable type or dictionary" in str(

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Filter("type", "=", complex(2, -1))
    assert any([
        s in str(excinfo.value)
        for s in ["<type 'complex'>", "'<class 'complex'>'"]
    assert "is not supported. The type must be a Python immutable type or dictionary" in str(

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Filter("type", "=", set([16, 23]))
    assert any(
        [s in str(excinfo.value) for s in ["<type 'set'>", "'<class 'set'>'"]])
    assert "is not supported. The type must be a Python immutable type or dictionary" in str(
コード例 #7
def test_composite_datasource_operations(stix_objs1, stix_objs2):
    BUNDLE1 = dict(id="bundle--%s" % make_id(),
    cds1 = CompositeDataSource()
    ds1_1 = MemorySource(stix_data=BUNDLE1)
    ds1_2 = MemorySource(stix_data=stix_objs2)

    cds2 = CompositeDataSource()
    ds2_1 = MemorySource(stix_data=BUNDLE1)
    ds2_2 = MemorySource(stix_data=stix_objs2)

    cds1.add_data_sources([ds1_1, ds1_2])
    cds2.add_data_sources([ds2_1, ds2_2])

    indicators = cds1.all_versions(

    # In STIX_OBJS2 changed the 'modified' property to a later time...
    assert len(indicators) == 2


    indicator = cds1.get("indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f")

    assert indicator["id"] == "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f"
    assert indicator["modified"] == "2017-01-31T13:49:53.935Z"
    assert indicator["type"] == "indicator"

    query1 = [Filter("type", "=", "indicator")]

    query2 = [Filter("valid_from", "=", "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z")]


    results = cds1.query(query1)

    # STIX_OBJS2 has indicator with later time, one with different id, one with
    # original time in STIX_OBJS1
    assert len(results) == 3

    indicator = cds1.get("indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f")

    assert indicator["id"] == "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f"
    assert indicator["modified"] == "2017-01-31T13:49:53.935Z"
    assert indicator["type"] == "indicator"

    # There is only one indicator with different ID. Since we use the same data
    # when deduplicated, only two indicators (one with different modified).
    results = cds1.all_versions(
    assert len(results) == 2

    # Since we have filters already associated with our CompositeSource providing
    # nothing returns the same as cds1.query(query1) (the associated query is query2)
    results = cds1.query([])
    assert len(results) == 3
コード例 #8
def test_filters6(stix_objs2, real_stix_objs2):
    # Test filtering on non-common property
    resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs2, [Filter("name", "=", "Malicious site hosting downloader")]))
    assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs2[0]['id']
    assert len(resp) == 3

    resp = list(apply_common_filters(real_stix_objs2, [Filter("name", "=", "Malicious site hosting downloader")]))
    assert resp[0].id == real_stix_objs2[0].id
    assert len(resp) == 3
コード例 #9
def test_filters5(stix_objs2, real_stix_objs2):
    # "Return any object whose id is not indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000002"
    resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs2, [Filter("id", "!=", "indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000002")]))
    assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs2[0]['id']
    assert len(resp) == 1

    resp = list(apply_common_filters(real_stix_objs2, [Filter("id", "!=", "indicator--00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000002")]))
    assert resp[0].id == real_stix_objs2[0].id
    assert len(resp) == 1
コード例 #10
def test_filters2(stix_objs2, real_stix_objs2):
    # "Return any object modified after or on 2017-01-28T13:49:53.935Z"
    resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs2, [Filter("modified", ">=", "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z")]))
    assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs2[0]['id']
    assert len(resp) == 3

    resp = list(apply_common_filters(real_stix_objs2, [Filter("modified", ">=", parse_into_datetime("2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z"))]))
    assert resp[0].id == real_stix_objs2[0].id
    assert len(resp) == 3
コード例 #11
def test_filters7(stix_objs2, real_stix_objs2):
    # Test filtering on embedded property
    obsvd_data_obj = {
        "type": "observed-data",
        "spec_version": "2.1",
        "id": OBSERVED_DATA_ID,
        "created_by_ref": "identity--f431f809-377b-45e0-aa1c-6a4751cae5ff",
        "created": "2016-04-06T19:58:16.000Z",
        "modified": "2016-04-06T19:58:16.000Z",
        "first_observed": "2015-12-21T19:00:00Z",
        "last_observed": "2015-12-21T19:00:00Z",
        "number_observed": 50,
        "objects": {
            "0": {
                "type": "file",
                "hashes": {
                "extensions": {
                    "pdf-ext": {
                        "version": "1.7",
                        "document_info_dict": {
                            "Title": "Sample document",
                            "Author": "Adobe Systems Incorporated",
                            "Adobe FrameMaker 5.5.3 for Power Macintosh",
                            "Acrobat Distiller 3.01 for Power Macintosh",
                            "CreationDate": "20070412090123-02",
                        "pdfid0": "DFCE52BD827ECF765649852119D",
                        "pdfid1": "57A1E0F9ED2AE523E313C",

    stix_objects = list(stix_objs2) + [obsvd_data_obj]
    real_stix_objects = list(real_stix_objs2) + [parse(obsvd_data_obj)]

    resp = list(
            [Filter("objects.0.extensions.pdf-ext.version", ">", "1.2")]))
    assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objects[3]['id']
    assert len(resp) == 1

    resp = list(
            [Filter("objects.0.extensions.pdf-ext.version", ">", "1.2")]))
    assert resp[0].id == real_stix_objects[3].id
    assert len(resp) == 1
コード例 #12
def test_filter_ops_check():
    # invalid filters - non supported operators

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        # create Filter that has an operator that is not allowed
        Filter('modified', '*', 'not supported operator')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "Filter operator '*' not supported for specified property: 'modified'"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        Filter("type", "%", "4")
    assert "Filter operator '%' not supported for specified property" in str(excinfo.value)
コード例 #13
ファイル: プロジェクト: zv/cti-python-stix2
    def relationships(self,
        """Retrieve Relationships involving the given STIX object.

        Only one of `source_only` and `target_only` may be `True`.

            obj (STIX object OR dict OR str): The STIX object (or its ID) whose
                relationships will be looked up.
            relationship_type (str): Only retrieve Relationships of this type.
                If None, all relationships will be returned, regardless of type.
            source_only (bool): Only retrieve Relationships for which this
                object is the source_ref. Default: False.
            target_only (bool): Only retrieve Relationships for which this
                object is the target_ref. Default: False.

            list: The Relationship objects involving the given STIX object.

        results = []
        filters = [Filter('type', '=', 'relationship')]

            obj_id = obj['id']
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("STIX object has no 'id' property")
        except TypeError:
            # Assume `obj` is an ID string
            obj_id = obj

        if relationship_type:
            filters.append(Filter('relationship_type', '=', relationship_type))

        if source_only and target_only:
            raise ValueError(
                "Search either source only or target only, but not both")

        if not target_only:
                self.query(filters + [Filter('source_ref', '=', obj_id)]))
        if not source_only:
                self.query(filters + [Filter('target_ref', '=', obj_id)]))

        return results
def test_store_mixed(indicator):
    mstore = MemoryStore([TLP_GREEN, indicator])

    assert mstore.get( == TLP_GREEN
    assert mstore.all_versions( == [TLP_GREEN]
    assert mstore.query(Filter("id", "=", == [TLP_GREEN]

    assert mstore.get( == indicator
    assert mstore.all_versions( == [indicator]
    assert mstore.query(Filter("id", "=", == [indicator]

    all_objs = mstore.query()
    assert TLP_GREEN in all_objs
    assert indicator in all_objs
    assert len(all_objs) == 2
コード例 #15
    def get(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None):
        """Retrieve STIX object from file directory via STIX ID.

            stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX object to be retrieved.
            _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from the parent
                CompositeDataSource, not user supplied
            version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If
                None, use latest version.

            (STIX object): STIX object that has the supplied STIX ID.
                The STIX object is loaded from its json file, parsed into
                a python STIX object and then returned

        query = [Filter("id", "=", stix_id)]

        all_data = self.query(query=query,

        if all_data:
            stix_obj = sorted(all_data, key=lambda k: k['modified'])[0]
            stix_obj = None

        return stix_obj
コード例 #16
def test_filters4():
    # Assert invalid Filter cannot be created
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        Filter("modified", "?", "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z")
    assert str(excinfo.value) == (
        "Filter operator '?' not supported "
        "for specified property: 'modified'"
コード例 #17
def test_filter_value_type_check():
    # invalid filters - non supported value types

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Filter('created', '=', object())
    assert "'<class 'object'>'" in str(excinfo.value)
    assert "is not supported. The type must be a Python immutable type or dictionary" in str(excinfo.value)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Filter("type", "=", complex(2, -1))
    assert "'<class 'complex'>'" in str(excinfo.value)
    assert "is not supported. The type must be a Python immutable type or dictionary" in str(excinfo.value)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Filter("type", "=", set([16, 23]))
    assert "'<class 'set'>'" in str(excinfo.value)
    assert "is not supported. The type must be a Python immutable type or dictionary" in str(excinfo.value)
コード例 #18
def test_query_404(collection):
    """ a TAXIICollectionSource.query() call that recieves an HTTP 404
    response code from the taxii2client should be returned as an exception"""

    ds = stix2.TAXIICollectionStore(collection)
    query = [Filter("type", "=", "malware")]

    with pytest.raises(DataSourceError) as excinfo:
    assert "are either not found or access is denied" in str(excinfo.value)
    assert "404" in str(excinfo.value)
コード例 #19
ファイル: プロジェクト: zv/cti-python-stix2
    def related_to(self,
        """Retrieve STIX Objects that have a Relationship involving the given
        STIX object.

        Only one of `source_only` and `target_only` may be `True`.

            obj (STIX object OR dict OR str): The STIX object (or its ID) whose
                related objects will be looked up.
            relationship_type (str): Only retrieve objects related by this
                Relationships type. If None, all related objects will be
                returned, regardless of type.
            source_only (bool): Only examine Relationships for which this
                object is the source_ref. Default: False.
            target_only (bool): Only examine Relationships for which this
                object is the target_ref. Default: False.
            filters (list): list of additional filters the related objects must

            list: The STIX objects related to the given STIX object.

        results = []
        rels = self.relationships(obj, relationship_type, source_only,

            obj_id = obj['id']
        except TypeError:
            # Assume `obj` is an ID string
            obj_id = obj

        # Get all unique ids from the relationships except that of the object
        ids = set()
        for r in rels:
            ids.update((r.source_ref, r.target_ref))

        # Assemble filters
        filter_list = FilterSet(filters)

        for i in ids:
                self.query([f for f in filter_list] + [Filter('id', '=', i)]))

        return results
コード例 #20
def test_parse_taxii_filters(collection):
    query = [
        Filter("added_after", "=", "2016-02-01T00:00:01.000Z"),
        Filter("id", "=", "taxii stix object ID"),
        Filter("type", "=", "taxii stix object ID"),
        Filter("version", "=", "first"),
        Filter("created_by_ref", "=", "Bane"),

    taxii_filters_expected = [
        Filter("added_after", "=", "2016-02-01T00:00:01.000Z"),
        Filter("id", "=", "taxii stix object ID"),
        Filter("type", "=", "taxii stix object ID"),
        Filter("version", "=", "first"),

    ds = stix2.TAXIICollectionSource(collection)

    taxii_filters = ds._parse_taxii_filters(query)

    assert taxii_filters == taxii_filters_expected
コード例 #21
    def all_versions(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None):
        """Retrieve STIX object from file directory via STIX ID, all versions.

        Note: Since FileSystem sources/sinks don't handle multiple versions
        of a STIX object, this operation is unnecessary. Pass call to get().

            stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX objects to be retrieved.
            _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from
                the parent CompositeDataSource, not user supplied
            version (str): If present, it forces the parser to use the version
                provided. Otherwise, the library will make the best effort based
                on checking the "spec_version" property.

            (list): of STIX objects that has the supplied STIX ID.
                The STIX objects are loaded from their json files, parsed into
                a python STIX objects and then returned

        query = [Filter("id", "=", stix_id)]
        return self.query(query, version=version, _composite_filters=_composite_filters)
コード例 #22
ファイル: プロジェクト: kroim/MISP
    def all_versions(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None):
        """Retrieve STIX object from file directory via STIX ID, all versions.

        Note: Since FileSystem sources/sinks don't handle multiple versions
        of a STIX object, this operation is unnecessary. Pass call to get().

            stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX objects to be retrieved.
            _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from the parent
                CompositeDataSource, not user supplied
            version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If
                None, use latest version.

            (list): of STIX objects that has the supplied STIX ID.
                The STIX objects are loaded from their json files, parsed into
                a python STIX objects and then returned

        query = [Filter("id", "=", stix_id)]
        return self.query(query,
コード例 #23
ファイル: プロジェクト: tarunkumar1391/peasecTIP
    def get(self, stix_id, _composite_filters=None):
        """Retrieve STIX object from in-memory dict via STIX ID.

            stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX object to be retrieved.
            _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from the parent
                CompositeDataSource, not user supplied

            (dict OR STIX object): STIX object that has the supplied
                ID. As the MemoryStore(i.e. MemorySink) adds STIX objects to memory
                as they are supplied (either as python dictionary or STIX object), it
                is returned in the same form as it as added

        if _composite_filters is None:
            # if get call is only based on 'id', no need to search, just retrieve from dict
                stix_obj = self._data[stix_id]
            except KeyError:
                stix_obj = None
            return stix_obj

        # if there are filters from the composite level, process full query
        query = [Filter("id", "=", stix_id)]

        all_data = self.query(query=query,

        if all_data:
            # reduce to most recent version
            stix_obj = sorted(all_data, key=lambda k: k['modified'])[0]

            return stix_obj
            return None
def test_source_markings():
    msrc = MemorySource(TLP_GREEN)

    assert msrc.get( == TLP_GREEN
    assert msrc.all_versions( == [TLP_GREEN]
    assert msrc.query(Filter("id", "=", == [TLP_GREEN]
コード例 #25
def test_datastore_query_raises():
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
        DataStoreMixin().query([Filter("type", "=", "indicator")])
    assert "DataStoreMixin has no data source to query" == str(excinfo.value)
コード例 #26
def test_composite_datastore_query_raises_error():
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
        CompositeDataSource().query([Filter("type", "=", "indicator")])
    assert "CompositeDataSource has no data sources" == str(excinfo.value)
def test_store_markings():
    mstore = MemoryStore(TLP_GREEN)

    assert mstore.get( == TLP_GREEN
    assert mstore.all_versions( == [TLP_GREEN]
    assert mstore.query(Filter("id", "=", == [TLP_GREEN]
コード例 #28
def test_filter_type_underscore_check():
    # check that Filters where property="type", value (name) doesnt have underscores
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        Filter("type", "=", "oh_underscore")
    assert "Filter for property 'type' cannot have its value 'oh_underscore'" in str(
コード例 #29
        "created": "2016-04-06T19:58:16.000Z",
        "modified": "2016-04-06T19:58:16.000Z",
        "first_observed": "2015-12-21T19:00:00Z",
        "last_observed": "2015-12-21T19:00:00Z",
        "number_observed": 1,
        "objects": {
            "0": {
                "type": "file",
                "name": "HAL 9000.exe",

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