def __init__(self, stock_selection=None, facet_selection=None, index=None, request=None): """ Values are extracted from the request. This will raise an IndexError if there is no object at the given index. """ if index is None: if request: self.index = int(request.GET.get("index", 0)) else: self.index = 0 else: self.index = index self.stock_selection = stock_selection self.facet_selection = facet_selection if facet_selection: self.stock_facet_qs = facet_selection.stock_facet_qs( self.stock_selection.stock) else: self.stock_facet_qs = StockFacetQuerySet( stock=self.stock_selection.stock) try: self.object_at_index = self.stock_facet_qs[self.index] except IndexError: self.object_at_index = None
def __init__(self, stock_selection=None, facet_selection=None, index=None, request=None): """ Values are extracted from the request. This will raise an IndexError if there is no object at the given index. """ if index is None: if request: self.index = int(request.GET.get("index", 0)) else: self.index = 0 else: self.index = index self.stock_selection = stock_selection self.facet_selection = facet_selection if facet_selection: self.stock_facet_qs = facet_selection.stock_facet_qs(self.stock_selection.stock) else: self.stock_facet_qs = StockFacetQuerySet(stock=self.stock_selection.stock) try: self.object_at_index = self.stock_facet_qs[self.index] except IndexError: self.object_at_index = None
def stock_facet_qs(self, stock): return StockFacetQuerySet(stock=stock, facet_slug=self.slug, facet_value=self.value)
class StockSequencer(object): """ This class is used to create a view that iterates through a faceted stock based. The iterating depends on information that is placed in the query string of a GET request. """ #Movement constants (NEXT, PREVIOUS, FIRST, LAST, TO_INDEX) = range(5) def __init__(self, stock_selection=None, facet_selection=None, index=None, request=None): """ Values are extracted from the request. This will raise an IndexError if there is no object at the given index. """ if index is None: if request: self.index = int(request.GET.get("index", 0)) else: self.index = 0 else: self.index = index self.stock_selection = stock_selection self.facet_selection = facet_selection if facet_selection: self.stock_facet_qs = facet_selection.stock_facet_qs(self.stock_selection.stock) else: self.stock_facet_qs = StockFacetQuerySet(stock=self.stock_selection.stock) try: self.object_at_index = self.stock_facet_qs[self.index] except IndexError: self.object_at_index = None @property def stock(self): return self.stock_selection.stock def next(self, current_object_id=None, current_slug=None, slug_field=None): return self._step(1, current_object_id, current_slug, slug_field) def previous(self, current_object_id=None, current_slug=None, slug_field=None): return self._step(-1, current_object_id, current_slug, slug_field) def first(self): if self.count() == 0: raise StopIteration return StockSequencer(self.stock_selection, self.facet_selection, 0) def last(self ): if self.count() == 0: raise StopIteration return StockSequencer(self.stock_selection, self.facet_selection, self.count() - 1) def to_index(self, to_index): if self.count() == 0: raise StopIteration return StockSequencer(self.stock_selection, self.facet_selection, to_index) def _step(self, step_amount, current_object_id, current_slug, slug_field): """ Return the next or previous in the sequence based on the step_amount. If cur_object_id and slug are None then the previous object is index + step. If current_object or slug is not None and if the object at index is not equal to current object's id or slug then previous will have the same index, so simply return self. Raises StopIteration if the next index is invalid. """ if not current_object_id: self.index = 0 rv = self elif not self.object_at_index: raise StopIteration elif current_object_id != rv = self elif current_slug is not None: if slug_field is None: raise ValueError("There must be a slug_field give if current_slug is given.") if current_slug != self.get_object()[slug_field]: rv = self else: stepped_index = self.index + step_amount if stepped_index < 0: raise StopIteration rv = StockSequencer(self.stock_selection, self.facet_selection, stepped_index) if not rv.object_at_index: raise StopIteration return rv def update_query_dict(self, query_dict): """ Set the values relevant to this object in the query dict. """ query_dict = self.stock_selection.update_query_dict(query_dict) if self.facet_selection: query_dict = self.facet_selection.update_query_dict(query_dict) query_dict["index"] = str(self.index) return query_dict def query_str(self): """ Update the request's GET query string with the values in this object and return the resulting query url encoded string. """ qd = QueryDict("", mutable=True) qd = self.update_query_dict(qd) return qd.urlencode() def count(self): """ Return a count that takes into account the facet. """ return self.stock_facet_qs.count()
class StockSequencer(object): """ This class is used to create a view that iterates through a faceted stock based. The iterating depends on information that is placed in the query string of a GET request. """ #Movement constants (NEXT, PREVIOUS, FIRST, LAST, TO_INDEX) = range(5) def __init__(self, stock_selection=None, facet_selection=None, index=None, request=None): """ Values are extracted from the request. This will raise an IndexError if there is no object at the given index. """ if index is None: if request: self.index = int(request.GET.get("index", 0)) else: self.index = 0 else: self.index = index self.stock_selection = stock_selection self.facet_selection = facet_selection if facet_selection: self.stock_facet_qs = facet_selection.stock_facet_qs(self.stock_selection.stock) else: self.stock_facet_qs = StockFacetQuerySet(stock=self.stock_selection.stock) try: self.object_at_index = self.stock_facet_qs[self.index] except IndexError: self.object_at_index = None @property def stock(self): return self.stock_selection.stock def next(self, current_object_id=None, current_slug=None, slug_field=None): return self._step(1, current_object_id, current_slug, slug_field) def previous(self, current_object_id=None, current_slug=None, slug_field=None): return self._step(-1, current_object_id, current_slug, slug_field) def first(self): if self.count() == 0: raise StopIteration return StockSequencer(self.stock_selection, self.facet_selection, 0) def last(self ): if self.count() == 0: raise StopIteration return StockSequencer(self.stock_selection, self.facet_selection, self.count() - 1) def to_index(self, to_index): if self.count() == 0: raise StopIteration return StockSequencer(self.stock_selection, self.facet_selection, to_index) def _step(self, step_amount, current_object_id, current_slug, slug_field): """ Return the next or previous in the sequence based on the step_amount. If cur_object_id and slug are None then the previous object is index + step. If current_object or slug is not None and if the object at index is not equal to current object's id or slug then previous will have the same index, so simply return self. Raises StopIteration if the next index is invalid. """ if not current_object_id: self.index = 0 rv = self elif not self.object_at_index: raise StopIteration elif current_object_id != rv = self elif current_slug is not None: if slug_field is None: raise ValueError("There must be a slug_field give if current_slug is given.") if current_slug != self.get_object()[slug_field]: rv = self else: stepped_index = self.index + step_amount if stepped_index < 0: raise StopIteration rv = StockSequencer(self.stock_selection, self.facet_selection, stepped_index) if not rv.object_at_index: raise StopIteration return rv def update_query_dict(self, query_dict): """ Set the values relevant to this object in the query dict. """ query_dict = self.stock_selection.update_query_dict(query_dict) if self.facet_selection: query_dict = self.facet_selection.update_query_dict(query_dict) query_dict["index"] = self.index return query_dict def query_str(self): """ Update the request's GET query string with the values in this object and return the resulting query url encoded string. """ qd = QueryDict("", mutable=True) qd = self.update_query_dict(qd) return qd.urlencode() def count(self): """ Return a count that takes into account the facet. """ return self.stock_facet_qs.count()