コード例 #1
    def fix(self):
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            success = True
            self.detailedresults = ""
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:

            if os.path.exists(self.path):
                sttyText = readFile(self.path, self.logger)
                newSttyText = []
                for line in sttyText:
                    # Check for both serial connections and the old style of
                    # virtual connections
                    if re.search(self.serialRE, line) or \
                       re.search(r"^vc/\d", line):
                        line = "#" + line
                newSttyString = "".join(newSttyText)
                tmpfile = self.path + ".tmp"
                if writeFile(tmpfile, newSttyString, self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {"eventtype": "conf", "filepath": self.path}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                        self.path, tmpfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, self.path)

                    perms = self.perms
                    setPerms(self.path, perms, self.logger,
                             self.statechglogger, myid)

                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Problem writing new " + \
                                            "contents to temporary file"
            self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #2
ファイル: PasswordExpiration.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def fixShadow(self):
        success = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.shadowfile):
            self.detailedresults += self.shadowfile + "does not exist. \
Will not perform fix on shadow file\n"
            return False
        if self.fixusers:
            contents = readFile(self.shadowfile, self.logger)

            if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
                perms = [0, 42, 0o640]
                perms = [0, 0, 0o400]
            if not checkPerms(self.shadowfile, perms, self.logger) and \
               not checkPerms(self.shadowfile, [0, 0, 0], self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                setPerms(self.shadowfile, perms, self.logger,
                         self.statechglogger, myid)

            tmpdate = strftime("%Y%m%d")
            tmpdate = list(tmpdate)
            date = tmpdate[0] + tmpdate[1] + tmpdate[2] + tmpdate[3] + "-" + \
                tmpdate[4] + tmpdate[5] + "-" + tmpdate[6] + tmpdate[7]
            for user in self.fixusers:
                cmd = ["chage", "-d", date, "-m", "1", "-M", "180", "-W", "28",
                       "-I", "35", user]

            # We have to do some gymnastics here, because chage writes directly
            # to /etc/shadow, but statechglogger expects the new contents to
            # be in a temp file.
            newContents = readFile(self.shadowfile, self.logger)
            shadowTmp = "/tmp/shadow.stonixtmp"
            createFile(shadowTmp, self.logger)
            writeFile(shadowTmp, "".join(newContents) + "\n", self.logger)
            writeFile(self.shadowfile, "".join(contents) + "\n", self.logger)
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
            event = {'eventtype': 'conf',
                     'filepath': self.shadowfile}
            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
            self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(self.shadowfile, shadowTmp,
            shutil.move(shadowTmp, self.shadowfile)
            os.chmod(self.shadowfile, perms[2])
            os.chown(self.shadowfile, perms[0], perms[1])
        return success
コード例 #3
 def fixFreebsd(self):
     if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
         self.iditerator += 1
         myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
         if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                         self.statechglogger, myid):
             return False
     if self.networkTuning1.getcurrvalue() or \
         if self.editor.fixables:
             self.iditerator += 1
             myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
             if not self.editor.fix():
                 return False
             elif not self.editor.commit():
                 return False
             os.chown(self.path, 0, 0)
             os.chmod(self.path, 0o644)
             cmd = ["/usr/sbin/service", "sysctl", "restart"]
             if self.ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
                 self.detailedresults = "Unable to restart sysctl\n"
                 self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                 return False
                 return True
             return True
コード例 #4
    def fixsolaris(self):
        '''because solaris has to be different
        @author bemalmbe


        if not checkPerms(self.editor.getPath(), [0, 3, 420], self.logger):
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)

            if not setPerms(self.editor.getPath(), [0, 3, 420], self.logger,
                                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                self.rulesuccess = False

        if self.editor.fixables or self.editor.removeables:
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)

            if not self.editor.fix():
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to run fix for kveditor\n"
                self.rulesuccess = False
                return False
            elif not self.editor.commit():
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to run commit for kveditor\n"
                self.rulesuccess = False
                return False

        return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: NoEmptyPasswords.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def fixMain(self, command):
        '''Entries that are found with an empty password field (2nd field)
        should have the blank field replaced with an !
        @author: dwalker

        :param command: 

        success = True
        if os.path.exists(self.shadow):
            if self.empty:
                for user in self.empty:
                        retval = call(command + user, stdout=None, shell=True)
                        if retval != 0:
                            self.detailedresults += "not able to lock the \
following account: " + user + "\n"
                            success = False
                    except OSError:
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += traceback.format_exc() + "\n"
                        self.detailedresults += " unable to run the account \
lock command\n"

            if self.ph:
                if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
                    retval = getUserGroupName("/etc/shadow")
                    if retval[0] != "root" or retval[1] != "shadow":
                        uid = pwd.getpwnam("root").pw_uid
                        gid = grp.getgrnam("shadow").gr_gid
                        setPerms("/etc/shadow", [uid, gid, 416], self.logger)
                    if not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger) \
                       and not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 0], self.logger):
                        if not setPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger):
                            success = False
                if not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger) and \
                   not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 0], self.logger):
                    if not setPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger):
                        success = False
            return success
            self.detailedresults += "/etc/shadow file or /etc/master.passwd \
file not present, cannot perform fix\n"

            return False
コード例 #6
ファイル: PasswordExpiration.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
 def fixLogDef(self, specs):
     success = True
     debug = ""
     if not os.path.exists(self.logdeffile):
         if createFile(self.logdeffile, self.logger):
             self.logindefcreate = True
             setPerms(self.logdeffile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger)
             tmpfile = self.logdeffile + ".tmp"
             self.editor1 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                           "conf", self.logdeffile, tmpfile,
                                           specs, "present", "space")
             self.detailedresults += "Was not able to create " + \
                 self.logdeffile + " file\n"
             success = False
     if self.logindefcreate:
         self.iditerator += 1
         myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
         event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                  "filepath": self.logdeffile}
         self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
     elif not checkPerms(self.logdeffile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
         self.iditerator += 1
         myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
         if not setPerms(self.logdeffile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                         self.statechglogger, myid):
             debug += "permissions not correct on: " + \
                 self.logdeffile + "\n"
             success = False
     if self.editor1.fixables or self.editor1.removeables:
         if not self.logindefcreate:
             self.iditerator += 1
             myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
         if not self.editor1.fix():
             debug += "fixLogDef editor.fix did not complete successfully\n"
             success = False
         elif not self.editor1.commit():
             debug += "fixLogDef editor.commit did not complete successfully\n"
             success = False
         os.chown(self.logdeffile, 0, 0)
         os.chmod(self.logdeffile, 0o644)
     if debug:
         self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
     return success
コード例 #7
    def setaccountlockout(self, regex):
        configure the account lockout time in pam

        :param regex: string; regular expression
        :return: success
        :rtype: bool

        success = True
        pamfiles = []
        if self.ph.manager in ("yum", "dnf"):
            writecontents = self.auth + "\n" + self.acct + "\n" + \
                        self.password + "\n" + self.session
            writecontents = self.auth
        for pamfile in pamfiles:
            if not os.path.exists(pamfile):
                self.detailedresults += pamfile + " doesn't exist.\n" + \
                    "Stonix will not attempt to create this file " + \
                    "and the fix for the this rule will not continue\n"
                return False
        # """Check permissions on pam file(s)"""
        for pamfile in pamfiles:
            if not checkPerms(pamfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if not setPerms(pamfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to set " + \
                        "correct permissions on " + pamfile + "\n"
            contents = readFile(pamfile, self.logger)
            found = False
            for line in contents:
                if re.search(regex, line.strip()):
                    found = True
            if not found:
                tmpfile = pamfile + ".stonixtmp"
                if writeFile(tmpfile, writecontents, self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {'eventtype': 'conf',
                             'filepath': pamfile}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(pamfile, tmpfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, pamfile)
                    os.chown(pamfile, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(pamfile, 0o644)
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to write to " + pamfile + "\n"
                    success = False
        return success
コード例 #8
ファイル: RestrictAdminSSH.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def fix(self):
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():

            results = ""
            success = True

            # Clear out event history so only the latest fix is recorded
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:

            if os.path.exists(self.path):
                if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        results += "Could not set permissions on " + \
                            self.path + "\n"
                if self.editor.fixables or self.editor.removeables:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not self.editor.fix():
                        debug = "kveditor fix did not run successfully\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                    elif not self.editor.commit():
                        debug = "kveditor commit did not run  successfully\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                    os.chown(self.path, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(self.path, 0o644)
                success = False
                results += "Could not find path to sshd_config\n"
            self.detailedresults = results
            self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            success = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", success, self.detailedresults)
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #9
    def setlogindefs(self):
        configure login.defs options

        :return: success
        :rtype: bool

        success = True
        if not checkPerms(self.logindefs, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
            if not setPerms(self.logindefs, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                            self.statechglogger, myid):
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to set permissions on " + self.logindefs + " file\n"
                success = False

        if self.editor2:
            if self.editor2.fixables:
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if self.editor2.fix():
                    if self.editor2.commit():
                        debug = "/etc/login.defs file has been corrected\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        os.chown(self.logindefs, 0, 0)
                        os.chmod(self.logindefs, 0o644)
                        debug = "Unable to correct the contents of /etc/login.defs\n"
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct the contents of /etc/login.defs\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct the contents of /etc/login.defs\n"
                    debug = "Unable to correct the contents of /etc/login.defs\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False

        return success
コード例 #10
    def fixLinux(self):
        @change: dkennel removed extraneous arg from setperms call on 864
        universal = "#The following lines were added by stonix\n"
        debug = ""
        success = True
        ifacefile = ""
        netwrkfile = ""
        sysctl = "/etc/sysctl.conf"
        blacklistfile = "/etc/modprobe.d/stonix-blacklist.conf"

        # STIG portion, correct netconfig file
        if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
            nfspkg = "nfs-common"
            nfspkg = "nfs-utils.x86_64"
        # if package not installed, no need to configure it
        if self.ph.check(nfspkg):
            if os.path.exists("/etc/netconfig"):
                filestring = ""
                # we want to make sure the following two lines don't
                # appear in the netconfig file
                item1 = "udp6 tpi_clts v inet6 udp - -"
                item2 = "tcp6 tpi_cots_ord v inet6 tcp - -"
                contents = readFile("/etc/netconfig", self.logger)
                for line in contents:
                    templine = re.sub("\s+", " ", line.strip())
                    # if we find the lines, skip them thus leaving them out of
                    # of the rewrite
                    if re.search(item1, templine) or re.search(
                            item2, templine):
                        filestring += line
                tmpfile = "/etc/netconfig.tmp"
                if not writeFile(tmpfile, filestring, self.logger):
                    success = False
                    # record event, rename file, set perms
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {"eventtype": "conf", "filepath": "/etc/netconfig"}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                        "/etc/netconfig", tmpfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, "/etc/netconfig")
                    os.chown("/etc/netconfig", 0, 0)
                    os.chmod("/etc/netconfig", 420)

        # remove any ipv6 addresses from /etc/hosts file
        if os.path.exists("/etc/hosts"):
            contents = readFile("/etc/hosts", self.logger)
            tempstring = ""
            tmpfile = "/etc/hosts.tmp"
            for line in contents:
                if re.search("^#", line) or re.match("^\s*$", line):
                    tempstring += line
                elif re.search(":", line):
                    tempstring += "#" + line
                    tempstring += line
            if writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "conf", "filepath": "/etc/hosts"}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                self.statechglogger.recordfilechange("/etc/hosts", tmpfile,
                os.rename(tmpfile, "/etc/hosts")
                os.chown("/etc/hosts", 0, 0)
                os.chmod("/etc/hosts", 420)
                success = False
                debug = "Unable to write to file /etc/hosts\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

        # fix sysctl / tuning kernel parameters
        # manually write key value pairs to /etc/sysctl.conf
        created = False
        if not os.path.exists(sysctl):
            if createFile(sysctl, self.logger):
                created = True
                setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger)
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "creation", "filepath": sysctl}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                success = False
                debug = "Unable to create " + sysctl + "\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
        if os.path.exists(sysctl):
            if not checkPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                if not created:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False

            tmpfile = sysctl + ".tmp"
            self.editor1 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                          "conf", sysctl, tmpfile,
                                          self.sysctls, "present", "openeq")
            if not self.editor1.report():
                if self.editor1.fixables:
                    # If we did not create the file, set an event ID for the
                    # KVEditor's undo event
                    if not created:
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not self.editor1.fix():
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to complete kveditor fix method" + \
                            "for /etc/sysctl.conf file\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    elif not self.editor1.commit():
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to complete kveditor commit " + \
                            "method for /etc/sysctl.conf file\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    if not checkPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                        if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                            self.detailedresults += "Could not set permissions on " + \
                                                    self.path + "\n"
                            success = False

        # here we also check the output of the sysctl command for each key
        # to cover all bases
        for key in self.sysctls:
            if self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl " + key):
                output = self.ch.getOutputString().strip()
                errmsg = output + self.ch.getErrorString()
                if re.search("unknown key", errmsg):
                if not re.search(self.sysctls[key] + "$", output):
                    undovalue = output[-1]
                    self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl -q -e -w " + key +
                                           "=" + self.sysctls[key])
                    retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                    if retcode != 0:
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Failed to set " + key + " = " + self.sysctls[
                            key] + "\n"
                        errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        command = "/sbin/sysctl -q -e -w " + key + "=" + undovalue
                        event = {
                            "eventtype": "commandstring",
                            "command": command
                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to get value for " + key + "\n"
                success = False
        # at the end do a print and ignore any key errors to ensure
        # the new values are read into the kernel
        self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl -q -e -p")
        retcode2 = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode2 != 0:
            success = False
            self.detailedresults += "Failed to load new sysctl configuration from config file\n"
            errmsg2 = self.ch.getErrorString()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg2)

        # We never found the correct contents in any of the modprobe.d files
        # so we're going to created the stonix-blacklist file
        # this file is used in other rules
        if not self.modprobeOK:
            created = False
            tmpfile = blacklistfile + ".tmp"
            modprobekveditor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                              "conf", blacklistfile, tmpfile,
                                              self.modprobes, "notpresent",
            if not os.path.exists(blacklistfile):
                # create the file and record the event as file creation
                if createFile(blacklistfile, self.logger):
                    created = True
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {
                        "eventtype": "creation",
                        "filepath": blacklistfile
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
            if os.path.exists(blacklistfile):
                if not modprobekveditor.report():
                    if not modprobekveditor.fix():
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct contents in " + \
                                                blacklistfile + "\n"
                        # if the file was created, then we already recorded an event
                        # for that, so this step would get skipped
                        if not created:
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if not modprobekveditor.commit():
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct contents in " + \
                                                blacklistfile + "\n"

        # fix ifcfg (interface) files
        if self.ph.manager == "yum":
            ifacefile = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/"
            netwrkfile = "/etc/sysconfig/network"
        elif self.ph.manager == "zypper":
            ifacefile = "/etc/sysconfig/network/"
        if ifacefile:
            if os.path.exists(ifacefile):
                dirs = glob.glob(ifacefile + "*")
                if dirs:
                    for loc in dirs:
                        interface = {"IPV6INIT": "no", "NETWORKING_IPV6": "no"}
                        interface2 = {
                            "IPV6INIT": "no",
                            "NETWORKING_IPV6": "no"
                        found = False
                        tempstring = ""
                        if re.search('^' + ifacefile + 'ifcfg', loc):
                            filename = loc
                            tmpfile = filename + ".tmp"
                            contents = readFile(filename, self.logger)
                            if not checkPerms(filename, [0, 0, 420],
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator,
                                if not setPerms(filename, [0, 0, 420],
                                                self.statechglogger, myid):
                                    debug = "Unable to set permissions on " + \
                                        filename + "\n"
                                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                                    success = False
                            for key in interface:
                                found = False
                                for line in contents:
                                    if re.search("^#", line) or \
                                       re.match("^\s*$", line):
                                    if re.search("^" + key, line):
                                        if re.search("=", line):
                                            temp = line.split("=")
                                            if temp[1].strip(
                                            ) == interface[key]:
                                                if found:
                                                found = True
                                if found:
                                    del interface2[key]
                            for line in contents:
                                tempstring += line
                            tempstring += universal
                            for key in interface2:
                                tempstring += key + "=" + interface2[key] + \
                            if not writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                                success = False
                                debug = "Unable to write to file " + loc + "\n"
                                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            event = {'eventtype': 'conf', 'filepath': filename}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                filename, tmpfile, myid)
                            os.rename(tmpfile, filename)
                            os.chown(filename, 0, 0)
                            os.chmod(filename, 420)
            elif not os.path.exists(ifacefile) and ifacefile != "":
                # will not attempt to create the interface files
                debug = "interface directory which holds interface \
                files, doesn't exist, stonix will not attempt to make this \
                directory or the files contained therein"

                success = False
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

        # fix network file if it exists
        if netwrkfile:
            if not os.path.exists(netwrkfile):
                if not createFile(netwrkfile, self.logger):
                    debug = "Unable to create " + netwrkfile + "file\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
                    if not checkPerms(netwrkfile, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if not setPerms(netwrkfile, [0, 0, 420], self.logger,
                                        self.statechglogger, myid):
                            debug = "Unable to set permissions on " + \
                                    netwrkfile + "\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            success = False
                    tmpfile = netwrkfile + ".tmp"
                    self.editor2 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger,
                                                  self.logger, "conf",
                                                  netwrkfile, tmpfile,
                                                  self.interface, "present",
                    if not self.editor2.report():
                        self.detailedresults += netwrkfile + " doesn't contain \
the correct contents\n"

            if self.editor2:
                if self.editor2.fixables:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not self.editor2.fix():
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to complete kveditor fix method" + \
                            "for " + netwrkfile + "\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    elif not self.editor2.commit():
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to complete kveditor commit " + \
                            "method for " + netwrkfile + "\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    os.chown(netwrkfile, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(netwrkfile, 420)

        # fix sshd_config file for apt-get systems if ssh is installed
        if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
            if not os.path.exists("/etc/ssh/sshd_config"):
                msg = "/etc/ssh/ssd_config doesn\'t exist.  This could mean ssh \
    is not installed or the file has been inadvertantly deleted.  Due to the \
    complexity of this file stonix will not attempt to create this file"

                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, msg)
                success = False
                if not checkPerms("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", [0, 0, 420],
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", [0, 0, 420],
                                    self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to set permissions on " + \
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                if self.editor3:
                    if self.editor3.fixables:
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if not self.editor3.fix():
                            success = False
                            debug = "Unable to complete kveditor fix method" + \
                                "for /etc/ssh/sshd_config file\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        elif not self.editor3.commit():
                            success = False
                            debug = "Unable to complete kveditor commit " + \
                                "method for /etc/ssh/sshd_config file\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        os.chown("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", 0, 0)
                        os.chmod("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", 420)
        return success
コード例 #11
    def fix(self):
        '''The fix method will apply the required settings to the system.
        self.rulesuccess will be updated if the rule does not succeed.
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        @change: dwalker - added statechglogger findrulechanges and deleteentry
        @changed: Breen Malmberg - 12/05/2017 - removed unnecessary servicetarget



            self.rulesuccess = True
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:
            self.detailedresults = ""

            # if this system is a mac, run fixmac()
            if self.ismac:
                self.rulesuccess = self.fixmac()

            # if not mac os x, run this portion
                # if DisableAvahi CI is enabled, disable the avahi service
                # and remove the package
                if self.DisableAvahi.getcurrvalue():
                    avahi = self.package
                    avahid = 'avahi-daemon'
                    if self.sh.auditService(avahid):
                        debug = "Disabling " + avahid + " service"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        event = {
                            "eventtype": "servicehelper",
                            "servicename": avahid,
                            "startstate": "enabled",
                            "endstate": "disabled"
                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    if self.environ.getosfamily() == 'linux' and \
                        if self.numdependencies <= 3:
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            event = {
                                "eventtype": "pkghelper",
                                "pkgname": avahi,
                                "startstate": "installed",
                                "endstate": "removed"
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                            debug += 'Avahi package has too many dependent ' \
                                + 'packages. Will not attempt to remove.\n'
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

                    if self.pkghelper.determineMgr() == 'yum' or \
                       self.pkghelper.determineMgr() == 'dnf':
                        path = self.path
                        if not os.path.exists(path):
                            if createFile(path, self.logger):
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator,
                                event = {
                                    "eventtype": "creation",
                                    "filepath": path
                                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                self.rulesuccess = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Failed to create " + \
                                    "file: " + path + ".\n"
                        if self.editor is None:
                            tmppath = path + ".tmp"
                            data = {"NOZEROCONF": "yes"}
                            self.editor = KVEditorStonix(
                                self.statechglogger, self.logger, "conf", path,
                                tmppath, data, "present", "closedeq")
                        if not self.editor.report():
                            if self.editor.fix():
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator,
                                if not self.editor.commit():
                                    self.rulesuccess = False
                                    self.detailedresults += "Could not " + \
                                        "commit changes to " + path + ".\n"
                                self.rulesuccess = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Could not fix " + \
                                    "file " + path + ".\n"

                # if SecureMDNS CI is enabled, configure avahi-daemon.conf
                if self.SecureMDNS.getcurrvalue():
                    # if config file is present, proceed
                    avahiconf = '/etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf'
                    if os.path.exists(avahiconf):
                        if self.avahiconfeditor.fixables:
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            if not self.avahiconfeditor.fix():
                                self.rulesuccess = False
                                debug = "KVEditor fix for " + avahiconf + \
                                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            elif not self.avahiconfeditor.commit():
                                self.rulesuccess = False
                                debug = "KVEditor commit for " + avahiconf + \
                                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        setPerms(avahiconf, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                 self.statechglogger, myid)

                    # if config file is not present and avahi not installed,
                    # then we can't configure it
                        if not self.pkghelper.check(avahi):
                            debug = 'Avahi Daemon not installed. ' + \
                                'Cannot configure it.'
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            self.detailedresults += 'Avahi daemon ' + \
                                'installed, but could not locate the ' + \
                                'configuration file for it.\n'
                            self.rulesuccess = False

        except IOError:
            self.detailedresults += '\n' + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #12
    def fix(self):
        '''will check if the shadow, passwd, or group file is present and
        if so remove the plus(+) account located in the file


            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            self.detailedresults = ""
            #clear out event history so only the latest fix is recorded
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:
            for path in self.badfiles:
                path = path.strip()
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    tempstring = ""
                    contents = readFile(path, self.logger)
                    if not contents:
                    for line in contents:
                        if not re.search('^\+', line.strip()):
                            tempstring += line
                    if path == "/etc/master.passwd":
                        if not checkPerms(path, [0, 0, 384], self.logger):
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            setPerms(path, [0, 0, 384], self.logger,
                                                     self.statechglogger, myid)
                    elif path == "/etc/shadow":
                        #put in code to handle apt-get systems /etc/shadow file later
                        #for this file, the owner is root, but the group is shadow
                        #by default this group is 42 but may not always be that
                        if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
                            retval = getUserGroupName("/etc/shadow")
                            if retval[0] != "root" or retval[1] != "shadow":
                                uid = pwd.getpwnam("root").pw_uid
                                gid = grp.getgrnam("shadow").gr_gid
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                setPerms(path, [uid, gid, 420], self.logger, 
                                                     self.statechglogger, myid)
                            if not checkPerms(path, [0, 0, 256], self.logger) and \
                                      not checkPerms(path, [0, 0, 0], self.logger):
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                setPerms(path, [0, 0, 256], self.logger, 
                                                         self.statechglogger, myid)
                        if not checkPerms(path, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            setPerms(path, [0, 0, 420], self.logger,
                                                     self.statechglogger, myid)
                    tmpfile = path + ".tmp"
                    if not writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                        self.rulesuccess = False
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {'eventtype': 'conf',
                             'filepath': path}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(path, tmpfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, path)
                    if path == "/etc/master.passwd":
                        os.chown(path, 0, 0)
                        os.chmod(path, 384)
                    elif path == "/etc/shadow":
                        if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
                            os.chown(path, uid, gid)
                            os.chmod(path, 420)
                            os.chown(path, 0, 0)
                            os.chmod(path, 256)
                        os.chmod(path, 420)
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #13
    def fix(self):
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
                self.detailedresults += "CI not enabled\n"
                success = True
                self.detailedresults = ""
                self.iditerator = 0
                eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
                for event in eventlist:

                if not os.path.exists(self.path1):
                    createFile(self.path1, self.logger)
                    self.created = True
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                             "filepath": self.path1}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)

                self.tmppath = self.path1 + ".tmp"
                self.editor1 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                              "conf", self.path1, self.tmppath,
                                              self.data1, "present",
                self.editor2 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                              "conf", self.path1, self.tmppath,
                                              self.data2, "present", "space")

                if self.editor1.fixables or self.editor2.fixables:
                    if self.editor1.fix():
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if self.editor1.commit():
                            debug = self.path1 + "'s contents have been " + \
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            debug = "kveditor commit not successful\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += self.path1 + \
                                " properties could not be set\n"
                        debug = "kveditor fix not successful\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += self.path1 + \
                            " properties could not be set\n"
                    if self.editor2.fix():
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if self.editor2.commit():
                            debug = self.path1 + "'s contents have been " + \
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            debug = "kveditor commit not successful\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += self.path1 + \
                                " properties could not be set\n"
                        debug = "kveditor fix not successful\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += self.path1 + \
                            " properties could not be set\n"
                if not checkPerms(self.path1, [0, 0, 0o755], self.logger) and \
                   not checkPerms(self.path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Could not set permissions " + \
                            "for " + self.path1 + "\n"

                if not os.path.exists(self.path2):
                    createFile(self.path2, self.logger)
                    self.created = True
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                             "filepath": self.path2}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                writeFile(self.path2, self.cshData, self.logger)
                if not checkPerms(self.path2, [0, 0, 0o755], self.logger) and \
                   not checkPerms(self.path2, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.path2, [0, 0, 0o644],
                                    self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Could not set permissions " + \
                            "for " + self.path2 + "\n"

                self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #14
ファイル: SecureSquidProxy.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def fix(self):
        ''' '''
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            self.detailedresults = ""
            success = True
            created = False
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:

            if self.installed:
                if not os.path.exists(self.squidfile):
                    if not createFile(self.squidfile, self.logger):
                        success = False
                        created = True
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                                 "filepath": self.squidfile}
                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                if not checkPerms(self.squidfile, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                    if not created:
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if not setPerms(self.squidfile, [0, 0, 420], self.logger,
                                        self.statechglogger, myid):
                            success = False
                        if not setPerms(self.squidfile, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                            success = False
                tempstring = ""
                contents = readFile(self.squidfile, self.logger)
                newcontents = []
                if contents:
                    '''Remove any undesired acl lines'''
                    for line in contents:
                        if re.match('^#', line) or re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
                        elif re.search("^acl Safe_ports port ", line.strip()):
                            m = re.search("acl Safe_ports port ([0-9]+).*", line)
                            if m.group(1):
                                item = "acl Safe_ports port " + m.group(1)
                                if item in self.denied:
                    '''removeables list holds key vals we find in the file
                    that we can remove from self.data'''
                    removeables = []
                    '''deleteables list holds key vals we can delete from 
                    newcontents list if it's incorrect.'''
                    deleteables = {}
                    for key in self.data1:
                        found = False
                        for line in reversed(newcontents):
                            if re.match('^#', line) or re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
                            elif re.search("^" + key + " ", line) or re.search("^" + key, line):
                                temp = line.strip()
                                temp = re.sub("\s+", " ", temp)
                                temp = temp.split(" ")
                                if len(temp) >= 3:
                                    joinlist = [temp[1], temp[2]]
                                    joinstring = " ".join(joinlist)
                                    if self.data1[key] == joinstring:
                                        '''We already found this line and value
                                        No need for duplicates'''
                                        if found:
                                        found = True
                                            deleteables[line] = ""
                                        except Exception:
                                elif len(temp) == 2:
                                    if self.data1[key] == temp[1]:
                                        '''We already found this line and value
                                        No need for duplicates'''
                                        if found:
                                        found = True
                                            deleteables[line] = ""
                                        except Exception:
                                elif len(temp) == 1:
                                        deleteables[line] = ""
                                    except Exception:
                    if deleteables:
                        for item in deleteables:
                    '''anything in removeables we found in the file so
                    we will remove from the self.data1 dictionary'''
                    if removeables:
                        for item in removeables:
                    '''now check if there is anything left over in self.data1
                    if there is we need to add that to newcontents list'''
                    if self.data1:
                        for item in self.data1:
                            line = item + " " + self.data1[item] + "\n"
                    for line in newcontents:
                        found = False
                        if re.search("^http_access", line.strip()):
                            temp = line.strip()
                            temp = re.sub("\s+", " ", temp)
                            temp = re.sub("http_access\s+", "", temp)
                            if re.search("^deny to_localhost", temp):
                                found = True
                    if not found:
                        newcontents.append("http_access deny to_localhost\n")
                    for item in newcontents:
                        tempstring += item
                    tmpfile = self.squidfile + ".tmp"
                    if not writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                        success = False
                        if not created:
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            event = {"eventtype": "conf",
                                     "filepath": self.squidfile}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                                                 tmpfile, myid)
                            os.rename(tmpfile, self.squidfile)
                            os.chown(self.squidfile, 0, 0)
                            os.chmod(self.squidfile, 420)
                    tempstring = ""
                    for item in self.data1:
                        tempstring += item + " " + self.data1[item] + "\n"
                    for item in self.data2:
                        tempstring += item + " " + self.data2[item] + "\n"
                    tmpfile = self.squidfile + ".tmp"
                    if not writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                        success = False
                        if not created:
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            event = {"eventtype": "conf",
                                     "filepath": self.squidfile}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                                                 tmpfile, myid)
                        os.rename(tmpfile, self.squidfile)
                        os.chown(self.squidfile, 0, 0)
                        os.chmod(self.squidfile, 420)
                self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception as err:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults = self.detailedresults + "\n" + str(err) + \
                " - " + str(traceback.format_exc())
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess 
コード例 #15
ファイル: PreventXListen.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def fix(self):
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            self.iditerator = 0

            # clear out event history so only the latest fix is recorded
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:

            success = True
            index = {
                "command = /usr/X11R6/bin/X -nolisten tcp",
                "DisallowTCP = true",
                "DisallowTCP = true",
                "exec /usr/X11R6/bin/X -nolisten tcp",
                "ServerArgsLocal = -nolisten tcp",
                "ServerArgsLocal = -nolisten tcp",
                "ServerArgsLocal = -nolisten tcp",
                ":0   Local local_uid@console root /usr/X11/bin/Xserver :0 -nobanner -nolisten tcp",
                ":0   Local local_uid@console root /usr/X11/bin/Xserver :0 -nobanner -nolisten tcp"
            for item in self.fp1:
                if os.path.exists(item[1]):
                    if item[1] == "/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers" or \
                       item[1] == "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers":
                        if not checkPerms(item[1], [0, 0, 292], self.logger):
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            if not setPerms(item[1], [0, 0, 292], self.logger,
                                            self.statechglogger, myid):
                                success = False
                        if not checkPerms(item[1], [0, 3, 292], self.logger):
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            if not setPerms(item[1], [0, 3, 292], self.logger,
                                            self.statechglogger, myid):
                                success = False
            for item in self.fp2:
                if os.path.exists(item[1]):
                    if item[1] == "/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc":
                        if not checkPerms(item[1], [0, 0, 493], self.logger):
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            if not setPerms(item[1], [0, 0, 493], self.logger,
                                            self.statechglogger, myid):
                                success = False
                    elif not checkPerms(item[1], [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if not setPerms(item[1], [0, 0, 420], self.logger,
                                        self.statechglogger, myid):
                            success = False
            for item in self.fixables1:
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if self.writeConfig(item[1], myid, item[0], item[2]):
                    os.chown(item[1], 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(item[1], 292)
                    success = False
            for item in self.fixables2:
                for item2 in index:
                    if item[1] == item2:
                        item[0] = index[item2]
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if self.writeConfig(item[1], myid, item[0], item[2]):
                    if item[1] == "/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc":
                        os.chmod(item[1], 493)
                        os.chmod(item[1], 420)
                    os.chown(item[1], 0, 0)
                    success = False
            if self.environ.getosfamily() == "solaris":
                fp3 = "/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf"
                if self.editor.fixables():
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if self.editor.fix():
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if self.editor.commit():
                            self.detailedresults += "/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf \
file has been fixed\n"

                            os.chown(fp3, 0, 0)
                            os.chmod(fp3, 292)
                            debug = "kveditor commit did not run successfully, must return"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            success = False
                        debug = "kveditor fix did not run successfully, must return"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
            self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #16
ファイル: SecureDHCPServer.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def fix(self):
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            success = True
            # Clean out old undo events
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:

            self.detailedresults = ""
            if not os.path.exists(self.path):
                createFile(self.path, self.logger)
                self.created = True
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "creation", "filepath": self.path}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                             "conf", self.path, self.tmppath,
                                             self.data1, "present", "space")
            tempstring = ""
            tmpfile = self.path + ".tmp"
            contents = readFile(self.path, self.logger)
            changes = False
            for line in contents:
                found = False
                if re.match('^#', line) or re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
                    tempstring += line
                if re.search("^option", line):
                    temp = line.split()
                    if len(temp) >= 2:
                        for item in self.data2:
                            if re.search(item, temp[1]):
                                found = True
                                changes = True
                        if found:
                            tempstring += line
                    tempstring += line
            if changes:
                debug = "Writing changes to " + tmpfile
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                if not writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                    debug = "Unable to write changes to " + tmpfile
                    self.detailedresults += debug
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {"eventtype": "conf", "filepath": self.path}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                        self.path, tmpfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, self.path)
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                             self.statechglogger, myid)
            if self.editor.fixables:
                if not self.created:
                    if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                        self.statechglogger, myid):
                            success = False
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if self.editor.fix():
                    if self.editor.commit():
                        debug = self.path + "'s contents have been " + \
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        os.chown(self.path, 0, 0)
                        os.chmod(self.path, 0o644)
                        debug = "kveditor commit not successful\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                    debug = "kveditor fix not successful\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
            self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #17
    def fix_security_limits(self):
        '''ensure the limits.conf file contains the configuration
        setting * hard core 0

        :returns: succcess

        :rtype: bool
@author: ???


        success = True
        path1 = "/etc/security/limits.conf"
        lookfor1 = "(^\*)\s+hard\s+core\s+0?"
        created = False
        if not os.path.exists(path1):
            if not createFile(path1, self.logger):
                success = False
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to create " + path1 + " file\n"
                created = True
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "creation", "filepath": "path1"}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
        if os.path.exists(path1):
            if not checkPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                if not created:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct permissions on " + path1 + "\n"
            contents = readFile(path1, self.logger)
            found = False
            tempstring = ""
            if contents:
                for line in contents:
                    if re.search(lookfor1, line.strip()):
                        found = True
                        tempstring += line
                found = False
            if not found:
                tempstring += "* hard core 0\n"
                tempfile = path1 + ".stonixtmp"
                if not writeFile(tempfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to write contents to " + path1 + "\n"
                    if not created:
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        event = {"eventtype": "conf", "filepath": path1}
                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                            path1, tempfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tempfile, path1)
                    setPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger)
        return success
コード例 #18
    def fix(self):
        '''Enable the firewall services and establish basic rules if needed.

        @author: D. Kennel

            if not self.clfci.getcurrvalue():
            self.iditerator = 0
            self.detailedresults = ""
            success = True
            # delete past state change records from previous fix
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:
            #firewall-cmd portion
            if self.checkFirewalld():
                if self.servicehelper.enableService('firewalld.service', serviceTarget=self.serviceTarget):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    cmd = "/usr/bin/systemctl disable firewalld.service"
                    event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                             "command": cmd}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    self.detailedresults += "Firewall configured.\n "
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to enable firewall\n"
                    debug = "Unable to enable firewall\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

            #ufw command portion
            elif self.checkUFW():
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "System uses ufw. Running ufw commands...")
                cmdufw = '/usr/sbin/ufw status'
                if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(cmdufw):
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to run " + \
                        "ufw status command\n"
                    success = False
                    outputufw = self.cmdhelper.getOutputString()
                    if re.search('Status: inactive', outputufw):
                        ufwcmd = '/usr/sbin/ufw --force enable'
                        if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(ufwcmd):
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to run " + \
                                "ufw enable command\n"
                            success = False
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            undocmd = "/usr/sbin/ufw --force disable"
                            event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                     "command": undocmd}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                            cmdufw = "/usr/sbin/ufw status verbose"
                            if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(cmdufw):
                                self.detailedresults += "Unable to retrieve firewall rules\n"
                                success = False
                                outputfw = self.cmdhelper.getOutputString()
                                if not re.search("Default\:\ deny\ \(incoming\)", outputfw):
                                    ufwcmd = "/usr/sbin/ufw default deny incoming"
                                    if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(ufwcmd):
                                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to set default " + \
                                            "rule for incoming unspecified packets\n"
                                        success = False
                                        self.iditerator += 1
                                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                        undocmd = "/usr/sbin/ufw default allow incoming"
                                        event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                                 "command": undocmd}
                                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    elif re.search('Status: active', outputufw):
                        cmdufw = "/usr/sbin/ufw status verbose"
                        if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(cmdufw):
                            self.detailedresults += "Cannot retrieve firewall rules\n"
                            success = False
                            outputufw = self.cmdhelper.getOutputString()
                            if not re.search("Default\:\ deny\ \(incoming\)", outputufw):
                                ufwcmd = "/usr/sbin/ufw default deny incoming"
                                if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(ufwcmd):
                                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to set default " + \
                                        "rule for incoming unspecified packets\n"
                                    success = False
                                    self.iditerator += 1
                                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                    undocmd = "/usr/sbin/ufw default allow incoming"
                                    event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                             "command": undocmd}
                                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                #following portion is mainly for debian and opensuse systems only

                if os.path.exists("/etc/network/if-pre-up.d"):
                    self.iptScriptPath = "/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables"
                    self.scriptType = "debian"
                    servicename = "networking"
                elif os.path.exists("/etc/sysconfig/scripts"):
                    self.iptScriptPath = "/etc/sysconfig/scripts/SuSEfirewall2-custom"
                    self.scriptType = "suse"
                    servicename = "network"
                #this script will ensure that iptables gets configured
                #each time the network restarts
                iptables = self.getScriptValues("iptables")
                ip6tables = self.getScriptValues("ip6tables")
                iptScript = ""
                created = False
                if self.iptScriptPath:
                    if self.scriptType == "debian":
                        if self.iprestore and self.ip6restore:
                            iptScript = '#!/bin/bash\n' + self.iprestore + \
                                        ' <<< "' + iptables + '"\n' + self.ip6restore + \
                                        ' <<< "' + ip6tables + '"'
                        iptScript = self.getScriptValues("iptscript")
                    if iptScript:
                        if not os.path.exists(self.iptScriptPath):
                            if not createFile(self.iptScriptPath, self.logger):
                                success = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Unable to create file " + self.iptScriptPath + "\n"
                                created = True
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                                         "filepath": self.iptScriptPath}
                                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                        if os.path.exists(self.iptScriptPath):
                            if not checkPerms(self.iptScriptPath, [0, 0, 0o755], self.logger):
                                if not created:
                                    self.iditerator += 1
                                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                    if not setPerms(self.iptScriptPath, [0, 0, 0o755], self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                                        success = False
                                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to set permissions on " + self.iptScriptPath + "\n"
                            contents = readFile(self.iptScriptPath, self.logger)
                            if contents != iptScript:
                                tempfile = self.iptScriptPath + ".tmp"
                                if not writeFile(tempfile, iptScript, self.logger):
                                    success = False
                                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to write contents to " + self.iptScriptPath + "\n"
                                    if not created:
                                        self.iditerator += 1
                                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                        event = {"eventtype": "conf",
                                                 "filepath": self.iptScriptPath}
                                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                        self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(self.iptScriptPath, tempfile, myid)
                                    os.rename(tempfile, self.iptScriptPath)
                                    os.chown(self.iptScriptPath, 0, 0)
                                    os.chmod(self.iptScriptPath, 0o755)

                            stonixfilepath = "/var/db/stonix/"
                            savecmd = "/sbin/iptables-save > " + stonixfilepath + "user-firewall-pre-stonix"
                            if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(savecmd):
                                success = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Unable to save current ipv4 " + \
                                                        "firewall rules for revert\n"
                                debug = "Unable to save current ipv4 " + \
                                        "firewall rules for revert\n"
                                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            save6cmd = "/sbin/ip6tables-save > " + stonixfilepath + "user-firewall6-pre-stonix"
                            if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(save6cmd):
                                success = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Unable to save current ipv6 " + \
                                                        "firewall rules for revert\n"
                                debug = "Unable to save current ipv6 " + \
                                        "firewall rules for revert\n"
                                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

                            if not self.servicehelper.startService(servicename):
                                success = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Unable to restart networking\n"
                                debug = "Unable to restart networking\n"
                                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                cmd = "/sbin/iptables-restore < " + stonixfilepath + "user-firewall-pre-stonix"
                                event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                         "command": cmd}
                                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                cmd = "/sbin/ip6tables-restore < " + stonixfilepath + "user-firewall6-pre-stonix"
                                event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                         "command": cmd}
                                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)

                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "There is no iptables startup script\n"
                        debug = "There is no iptables startup script\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

                #this portion mostly applies to RHEL6 and Centos6
                if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/system-config-firewall') or \
                    systemconfigfirewall = self.getScriptValues("systemconfigfirewall")
                    sysconfigiptables = self.getScriptValues("sysconfigiptables")
                    sysconfigip6tables = self.getScriptValues("sysconfigip6tables")

                    fwpath = '/etc/sysconfig/system-config-firewall'
                    iptpath = '/etc/sysconfig/iptables'
                    ip6tpath = '/etc/sysconfig/ip6tables'
                    #portion to handle the system-config-firewall file
                    created = False
                    if not os.path.exists(fwpath):
                        if not createFile(fwpath, self.logger):
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to create file " + fwpath + "\n"
                            created = True
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                                     "filepath": fwpath}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    if os.path.exists(fwpath):
                        if not checkPerms(fwpath, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger):
                            if not created:
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                if not setPerms(fwpath, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                                    success = False
                                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to set permissions on " + fwpath + "\n"
                        contents = readFile(fwpath, self.logger)
                        if contents != systemconfigfirewall:
                            print("contents don't equal systemconfigurefirewall contents\n")
                            tempfile = fwpath + ".tmp"
                            if not writeFile(tempfile, systemconfigfirewall, self.logger):
                                success = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Unable to write contents to " + fwpath + "\n"
                                if not created:
                                    self.iditerator += 1
                                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                    event = {"eventtype": "conf",
                                             "filepath": fwpath}
                                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                    self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(fwpath, tempfile, myid)
                                os.rename(tempfile, fwpath)
                                os.chown(fwpath, 0, 0)
                                os.chmod(fwpath, 0o600)
                    created = False
                    #portion to handle the iptables rules file
                    if not os.path.exists(iptpath):
                        if not createFile(iptpath, self.logger):
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to create file " + iptpath + "\n"
                            created = True
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                                     "filepath": iptpath}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    if os.path.exists(iptpath):
                        if not checkPerms(iptpath, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                            if not created:
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                if not setPerms(iptpath, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                                    success = False
                                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to set permissions on " + iptpath + "\n"
                        contents = readFile(iptpath, self.logger)
                        if contents != sysconfigiptables:
                            tempfile = iptpath + ".tmp"
                            if not writeFile(tempfile, sysconfigiptables, self.logger):
                                success = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Unable to write contents to " + iptpath + "\n"
                                if not created:
                                    self.iditerator += 1
                                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                    event = {"eventtype": "conf",
                                             "filepath": iptpath}
                                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                    self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(iptpath, tempfile, myid)
                                os.rename(tempfile, iptpath)
                                os.chown(iptpath, 0, 0)
                                os.chmod(iptpath, 0o644)
                    created = False
                    #portion to handle ip6tables rules file
                    if not os.path.exists(ip6tpath):
                        if not createFile(ip6tpath, self.logger):
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to create file " + ip6tpath + "\n"
                            created = True
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                                     "filepath": ip6tpath}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    if os.path.exists(ip6tpath):
                        if not checkPerms(ip6tpath, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                            if not created:
                                self.iditerator += 1
                                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                if not setPerms(ip6tpath, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                                    success = False
                                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to set permissions on " + ip6tpath + "\n"
                        contents = readFile(ip6tpath, self.logger)
                        if contents != sysconfigip6tables:
                            tempfile = ip6tpath + ".tmp"
                            if not writeFile(tempfile, sysconfigip6tables, self.logger):
                                success = False
                                self.detailedresults += "Unable to write contents to " + ip6tpath + "\n"
                                if not created:
                                    self.iditerator += 1
                                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                                    event = {"eventtype": "conf",
                                             "filepath": ip6tpath}
                                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                                    self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(ip6tpath, tempfile, myid)
                                os.rename(tempfile, ip6tpath)
                                os.chown(ip6tpath, 0, 0)
                                os.chmod(ip6tpath, 0o644)
                    # check if iptables is enabled to run at start
                    if not self.servicehelper.auditService('iptables'):
                        # enable service to run at start if not
                        if not self.servicehelper.enableService('iptables'):
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to enable iptables service\n"
                            debug = "Unable to enable iptables service\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            success = False
                            # record event if successful
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            cmd = self.servicehelper.getDisableCommand('iptables')
                            event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                     "command": cmd}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)

                    # start iptables if not
                    if not self.servicehelper.startService('iptables'):
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to start iptables service\n"
                        debug = "Unable to start iptables service\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                        stonixfilepath = "/var/db/stonix/"
                        savecmd = "/sbin/iptables-save > " + stonixfilepath + "user-firewall-pre-stonix"
                        if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(savecmd):
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to save current ipv4 " + \
                                                    "firewall rules for revert\n"
                            debug = "Unable to save current ipv4 " + \
                                    "firewall rules for revert\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            cmd = "/sbin/iptables-restore < " + stonixfilepath + "user-firewall-pre-stonix"
                            event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                     "command": cmd}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                        savecmd = "/sbin/ip6tables-save > " + stonixfilepath + "user-firewall6-pre-stonix"
                        if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(savecmd):
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to save current ipv6 " + \
                                                    "firewall rules for revert\n"
                            debug = "Unable to save current ipv6 " + \
                                    "firewall rules for revert\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            cmd = "/sbin/ip6tables-restore < " + stonixfilepath + "user-firewall6-pre-stonix"
                            event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                     "command": cmd}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    # check if ip6tables is enabled to run at start
                    if not self.servicehelper.auditService('ip6tables'):
                        # enable service to run at start if not
                        if not self.servicehelper.enableService('ip6tables'):
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to enable ip6tables service\n"
                            debug = "Unable to enable ip6tables service\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                            success = False
                            # record event if successful
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            cmd = self.servicehelper.getDisableCommand('ip6tables')
                            event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                     "command": cmd}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)

                    # start ip6tables if not
                    if not self.servicehelper.startService('ip6tables'):
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to start ip6tables service\n"
                        debug = "Unable to start ip6tables service\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False

                     # Sleep for a bit to let the restarts occur
            self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #19
 def afterfix(self):
     for path in self.permsdict:
         setPerms(path, self.permsdict[path], self.logdispatch,
コード例 #20
    def fixMac(self):
        '''run fix actions for mac systems

        :returns: success

        :rtype: bool
@author: dwalker
@change: Breen Malmberg - 1/10/2017 - added doc string; try/except;
        fixed perms for file sysctl.conf (should be 0o600; was 0o644)


        success = True


            if not os.path.exists(self.path):
                if createFile(self.path, self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {"eventtype": "creation", "filepath": self.path}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    return False
            if self.networkTuning2.getcurrvalue():
                if not self.editor:
                    mfc = {"net.inet.ip.forwarding": "0",
                           "net.inet.ip.redirect": "0"}
                    kvtype = "conf"
                    intent = "present"
                    self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                                 kvtype, self.path, self.tmpPath,
                                                 mfc, intent, "closedeq")
                if not self.editor.report():
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if self.editor.fix():
                        if not self.editor.commit():
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += "KVEditor commit to " + \
                                self.path + " was not successful\n"
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "KVEditor fix of " + self.path + \
                            " was not successful\n"
                if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        self.detailedresults += "Could not set permissions on " + \
                            self.path + "\n"
                        success = False

        except Exception:

        return success
コード例 #21
    def fixLinux(self):
        success = True
        created = False
        debug = ""
        sysctl = "/etc/sysctl.conf"
        tmpfile = sysctl + ".tmp"
        if not os.path.exists(sysctl):
            if createFile(sysctl, self.logger):
                created = True
                setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger)
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                         "filepath": sysctl}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                self.detailedresults += "Could not create file " + self.path + \
                self.formatDetailedResults("fix", False,
        if not checkPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
            if not created:
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if not setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                self.statechglogger, myid):
                    success = False
        lfc = {}
        if self.networkTuning1 and self.networkTuning1.getcurrvalue():
            lfc.update({"net.ipv4.conf.all.secure_redirects": "0",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects": "0",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter": "1",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians": "1",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route": "0",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects": "0",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.default.secure_redirects": "0",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter": "1",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route": "0",
                        "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies": "1",
                        "net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts": "1",
                        "net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog": "4096"})
        if self.networkTuning2 and self.networkTuning2.getcurrvalue():
            lfc.update({"net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects": "0",
                        "net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects": "0",
                        "net.ipv4.ip_forward": "0"})
        self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                         "conf", sysctl, tmpfile,
                                         lfc, "present", "openeq")
        if not self.editor.report():
            if self.editor.fixables:
                # If we did not create the file, set an event ID for the
                # KVEditor's undo event to record the file write
                if not created:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if not self.editor.fix():
                    success = False
                    debug = "KVEditor fix of " + self.path + \
                                            " was not successful\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                elif not self.editor.commit():
                    success = False
                    debug = "KVEditor commit to " + \
                        self.path + " was not successful\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                # permissions on file are incorrect
                if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                    if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                        self.detailedresults += "Could not set permissions on " + \
                                                self.path + "\n"
                        success = False

        # here we also check the output of the sysctl command for each key
        # to cover all bases
        for key in lfc:
            if self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl " + key):
                output = self.ch.getOutputString().strip()
                if not re.search(lfc[key] + "$", output):
                    undovalue = output[-1]
                    self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl -w " + key + "=" + lfc[key])
                    retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                    if retcode != 0:
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Failed to set " + key + " = " + lfc[key] + "\n"
                        errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        command = "/sbin/sysctl -w " + key + "=" + undovalue
                        event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                 "command": command}
                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to get value for " + key + "\n"
                success = False
        # at the end do a print and ignore any key errors to ensure
        # the new values are read into the kernel
        self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl -q -e -p")
        retcode2 = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode2 != 0:
            success = False
            self.detailedresults += "Failed to load new sysctl configuration from config file\n"
            errmsg2 = self.ch.getErrorString()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg2)
        return success
コード例 #22
    def fixLinux(self):
        '''sub method for linux portion of compliance fixing
        @author: dwalker

        :returns: success

        :rtype: boolean

        success = True
        created1, created2 = False, False
        changed = False
        tempstring = ""
        grubfilefound = False

        for grub in self.grubfiles:
            if os.path.exists(grub):
                grubfilefound = True
                if self.grubperms:
                    if not checkPerms(grub, self.grubperms, self.logger):
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        if not setPerms(grub, self.grubperms, self.logger,
                                        self.statechglogger, myid):
                            success = False
                contents = readFile(grub, self.logger)
                kernellinefound = False
                if contents:
                    for line in contents:
                        if re.search("^kernel", line.strip()) or re.search("^linux", line.strip()) \
                                or re.search("^linux16", line.strip()):
                            kernellinefound = True
                            if not re.search("\s+nousb\s*", line):
                                changed = True
                                tempstring += line.strip() + " nousb"
                            if not re.search(
                                changed = True
                                tempstring += line.strip(
                                ) + " usbcore.authorized_default=0"
                            tempstring += "\n"
                        elif re.search("^set default_kernelopts",
                            # Fedora 31 has changed it's kernel option line format
                            kernellinefound = True
                            kernelline = line.strip()
                            if not re.search("\s+nousb\s*", kernelline):
                                changed = True
                                kernelline = re.sub("\"$", " nousb\"",
                            if not re.search(
                                changed = True
                                kernelline = re.sub(
                                    "\"$", " usbcore.authorized_default=0\"",
                            tempstring += kernelline + "\n"
                            tempstring += line
                if not kernellinefound:
                    changed = False
                    self.detailedresults += "The grub file doesn't contain kernel line\n" + \
                                            "Unable to fully implement fixes in this rule\n"
                    success = False
                if changed:
                    tmpfile = grub + ".tmp"
                    if writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        event = {"eventtype": "conf", "filepath": grub}
                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                            grub, tmpfile, myid)
                        os.rename(tmpfile, grub)
                        if not setPerms(grub, self.grubperms, self.logger):
                            success = False
                            self.detailedresults += "Unable to set permissions on " + \
                                                    grub + " file\n"
                        success = False
        if not grubfilefound:
            self.detailedresults += "No grub configuration file found\n" + \
                                    "Unable to fully fix system for this rule\n"
            success = False
        blacklistf = "/etc/modprobe.d/stonix-blacklist.conf"
        tempstring = ""
        # Check if self.blacklist still contains values, if it
        # does, then we didn't find all the blacklist values
        # in report
        if self.blacklist:
            # didn't find one or more directives in the files
            # inside modprobe.d so we now check an alternate file
            # we create stonixblacklist file if it doesn't
            # exist and put remaining unfound blacklist
            # items there
            if not os.path.exists(blacklistf):
                created1 = True
                createFile(blacklistf, self.logger)
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "creation", "filepath": blacklistf}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
            # file was already present and we need contents already
            # inside file to remain in newly written file
            if not created1:
                contents = readFile(blacklistf, self.logger)
                for item in contents:
                    tempstring += item
            for item in self.blacklist:
                tempstring += item + "\n"
            tmpfile = blacklistf + ".tmp"
            if writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "conf", "filepath": blacklistf}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(blacklistf, tmpfile, myid)
                os.rename(tmpfile, blacklistf)
                os.chown(blacklistf, 0, 0)
                os.chmod(blacklistf, 420)
            if not checkPerms(blacklistf, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if not setPerms(blacklistf, [0, 0, 420], self.logger,
                                self.statechglogger, myid):
                    success = False
            if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
                cmd = ["/usr/sbin/update-initramfs", "-u"]
                if not self.ch.executeCommand(cmd):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to run update-initramfs command\n"
        for item in self.pcmcialist:
            if self.ph.check(item):
        if not os.path.exists(self.udevfile):
            if not createFile(self.udevfile, self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to create " + \
                                        self.udevfile + " file\n"
                success = False
                created2 = True
        if os.path.exists(self.udevfile):
            if not checkPerms(self.udevfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                if created2:
                    if not setPerms(self.udevfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to set " + \
                                                "permissions on " + self.udevfile + "\n"
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.udevfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to set " + \
                                                "permissions on " + self.udevfile + "\n"
            found = False
            contents = readFile(self.udevfile, self.logger)
            tempstring = ""
            for line in contents:
                if re.search(
                        "ACTION==\"add\"\, SUBSYSTEMS==\"usb\"\, RUN+=\"/bin/sh -c \'for host in /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb\*\; do echo 0 > \$host/authorized_default; done\'\"",
                    found = True
                tempstring += line
            if not found:
                tempstring += "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEMS==\"usb\", RUN+=\"/bin/sh -c \'for host in /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*; do echo 0 > $host/authorized_default; done\'\""
                tmpfile = self.udevfile + ".tmp"
                if writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                    if not created2:
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        event = {
                            "eventtype": "conf",
                            "filepath": self.udevfile
                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                            self.udevfile, tmpfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, self.udevfile)
                    os.chown(self.udevfile, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(self.udevfile, 0o644)
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to write changes " + \
                                            "to " + self.udevfile + "\n"
        return success
コード例 #23
    def setpasswordsetup(self, regex1, pkglist = None):
        configure password requirements in pam, install necessary packages

        :param regex1: string; regular expression
        :param pkglist: list; string names of packages to install
        :return: success
        :rtype: bool

        regex2 = "^password[ \t]+sufficient[ \t]+pam_unix.so sha512 shadow " + \
            "try_first_pass use_authtok remember=10"
        success = True
        pamfiles = []
        installed = False
        if pkglist:
            for pkg in pkglist:
                if self.ph.check(pkg):
                    installed = True
            installed = True
        if not installed:
            for pkg in pkglist:
                if self.ph.checkAvailable(pkg):
                    if not self.ph.install(pkg):
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to install pkg " + pkg + "\n"
                        return False
                        installed = True
                        if self.usingpwquality:
                            self.iditerator += 1
                            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                            comm = self.ph.getRemove() + pkg
                            event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                                     "command": comm}
                            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                            pwqfile = "/etc/security/pwquality.conf"
                            tmpfile = pwqfile + ".stonixtmp"
                            if self.environ.getsystemfismacat() == "high":
                                data = {"difok": "7",
                                        "minlen": "14",
                                        "dcredit": "0",
                                        "ucredit": "0",
                                        "lcredit": "0",
                                        "ocredit": "0",
                                        "maxrepeat": "3",
                                        "minclass": "4"}
                                data = {"difok": "7",
                                        "minlen": "8",
                                        "dcredit": "0",
                                        "ucredit": "0",
                                        "lcredit": "0",
                                        "ocredit": "0",
                                        "maxrepeat": "3",
                                        "minclass": "3"}
                            self.pwqeditor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger,
                                                            self.logger, "conf",
                                                            pwqfile, tmpfile, data,
                                                            "present", "openeq")
        if not installed:
            self.detailedresults += "No password checking program available\n"
            return False
        if self.usingpwquality:
            if not self.setpwquality():
                success = False
        if self.ph.manager in ("yum", "dnf"):
            writecontents = self.auth + "\n" + self.acct + "\n" + \
                self.password + "\n" + self.session
            writecontents = self.password
        for pamfile in pamfiles:
            if not os.path.exists(pamfile):
                self.detailedresults += pamfile + " doesn't exist.\n" + \
                    "Stonix will not attempt to create this file " + \
                    "and the fix for the this rule will not continue\n"
                return False
        # """Check permissions on pam file(s)"""
        for pamfile in pamfiles:
            if not checkPerms(pamfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if not setPerms(pamfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to set correct permissions on " + pamfile + "\n"
            contents = readFile(pamfile, self.logger)
            found1, found2 = False, False
            for line in contents:
                if re.search(regex1, line.strip()):
                    found1 = True
                if re.search(regex2, line.strip()):
                    found2 = True
            if not found1 or not found2:
                tmpfile = pamfile + ".stonixtmp"
                if writeFile(tmpfile, writecontents, self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {'eventtype': 'conf',
                             'filepath': pamfile}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(pamfile, tmpfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, pamfile)
                    os.chown(pamfile, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(pamfile, 0o644)
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to write to " + pamfile + "\n"
                    success = False
        return success
コード例 #24
    def setlibuser(self):
        """Method to check if libuser is installed and the contents of libuser
        @author: Derek Walker

        :return: bool

        created = False
        success = True
        data = {"defaults": {"crypt_style": "sha512"}}
        # """check if installed"""
        if not self.ph.check("libuser"):
            # """if not installed, check if available"""
            if self.ph.checkAvailable("libuser"):
                # """if available, install it"""
                if not self.ph.install("libuser"):
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to install libuser\n"
                    return False
                    # """since we're just now installing it we know we now
                    # need to create the kveditor"""
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    comm = self.ph.getRemove() + "libuser"
                    event = {"eventtype": "commandstring",
                             "command": comm}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    datatype = "tagconf"
                    intent = "present"
                    tmppath = self.libuserfile + ".stonixtmp"
                    self.editor1 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                                  datatype, self.libuserfile,
                                                  tmppath, data, intent, "openeq")
                return True
        if not os.path.exists(self.libuserfile):
            if not createFile(self.libuserfile, self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to create libuser file\n"
                debug = "Unable to create the libuser file\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                return False
            created = True
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
            event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                     "filepath": self.libuserfile}
            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
            tmppath = self.libuserfile + ".stonixtmp"
            self.editor1 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                          "tagconf", self.libuserfile,
                                          tmppath, data, "present", "openeq")
        if not checkPerms(self.libuserfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
            if not created:
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if not setPerms(self.libuserfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                self.statechglogger, myid):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to set the permissions on " + self.libuserfile + "\n"
            elif not setPerms(self.libuserfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                success = False
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to set the permissions on " + self.libuserfile + "\n"
        if self.editor1.fixables:
            if not created:
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
            if self.editor1.fix():
                if self.editor1.commit():
                    debug = "/etc/libuser.conf has been corrected\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    os.chown(self.libuserfile, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(self.libuserfile, 0o644)
                    self.detailedresults += "/etc/libuser.conf couldn't be corrected\n"
                    success = False
                self.detailedresults += "/etc/libuser.conf couldn't be corrected\n"
                success = False
        return success
コード例 #25
    def fix(self):
        '''DisableWeakAuthentication.fix() Public method to fix any issues
        that were found in the report method.
        @author: dwalker

        :returns: bool - False if the method died during execution

            self.detailedresults = ""
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            success = True
            for item in self.rsh:
                if self.helper.check(item):
                    if not self.helper.remove(item):
                        success = False
            if self.incorrects:
                for item in self.incorrects:
                    tempstring = ""
                    contents = readFile(item, self.logger)
                    if not contents:
                    for line in contents:
                        if re.match('^#', line) or re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
                            tempstring += line
                        elif re.search("pam_rhosts", line):
                            tempstring += line
                    if not checkPerms(item, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                        if not setPerms(item, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                            success = False
                    tmpfile = item + ".tmp"
                    if writeFile(tmpfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                        os.rename(tmpfile, item)
                        os.chown(item, 0, 0)
                        os.chmod(item, 420)
                        success = False
            for item in self.pams:
                if os.path.exists(item):
                    if not checkPerms(item, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                        if not setPerms(item, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                            success = False
            if os.path.exists("/etc/pam.d/"):
                fileItems = glob.glob("/etc/pam.d/*")
                for item in fileItems:
                    if not checkPerms(item, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                        if not setPerms(item, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                            success = False
            return success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #26
ファイル: NoEmptyPasswords.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def fixOther(self):
        config = ""
        success = True
        permswrong = False
        debug = ""
        if not os.path.exists(self.shadow):
            debug += "shadow or master.passwd file not present, \
cannot perform fix"

            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return False
        statdata = os.stat(self.shadow)
        owner = statdata.st_uid
        group = statdata.st_gid
        mode = stat.S_IMODE(statdata.st_mode)
        if not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger) or \
           not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 0], self.logger):
            permswrong = True
            if not setPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger):
                success = False
        contents = readFile(self.shadow, self.logger)
        if not contents:
            return False
        if self.empty:
                for line in contents:
                    for user in self.empty:
                        if re.search(":", line):
                            temp = line.split(':')
                            if temp[0] == user:
                                tempstring = ""
                                if temp[1].strip() == "":
                                    temp[1] = "!"
                                    tempstring = ":".join(temp)
                                    config += tempstring
                                config += line
                            config += line
            except IndexError:
            except Exception:
                self.detailedresults += traceback.format_exc() + "\n"
                self.detailedresults += "Index out of range\n, stonix will \
not continue to complete fix"

                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                return False
            tempfile = self.shadow + ".tmp"
            if not writeFile(tempfile, config, self.logger):
                success = False
            os.rename(tempfile, self.shadow)
            if permswrong:
                os.chown(self.shadow, 0, 0)
                os.chmod(self.shadow, 256)
                os.chown(self.shadow, owner, group)
                os.chmod(self.shadow, mode)
        return success
コード例 #27
    def fix_sysctl(self):
        '''set the systemd configuration setting fs.suid_dumpable
        to 0

        :returns: success

        :rtype: bool
@author: ???


        success = True

        # manually writing key and value to /etc/sysctl.conf
        sysctl = "/etc/sysctl.conf"
        created = False
        if not os.path.exists(sysctl):
            if createFile(sysctl, self.logger):
                created = True
                setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger)
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "creation", "filepath": sysctl}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                success = False
                debug = "Unable to create " + sysctl + "\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
        if os.path.exists(sysctl):
            if not checkPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                if not created:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
            tmpfile = sysctl + ".tmp"
            editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger, "conf",
                                    sysctl, tmpfile, {"fs.suid_dumpable": "0"},
                                    "present", "openeq")
            if not editor.report():
                if editor.fixables:
                    # If we did not create the file, set an event ID for the
                    # KVEditor's undo event
                    if not created:
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not editor.fix():
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to complete kveditor fix method" + \
                            "for /etc/sysctl.conf file\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    elif not editor.commit():
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to complete kveditor commit " + \
                            "method for /etc/sysctl.conf file\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    if not checkPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                        if not setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                            self.detailedresults += "Could not set permissions on " + \
                                                    self.path + "\n"
                            success = False

        # using sysctl -w command
                        "Configuring /etc/sysctl fs.suid_dumpable directive")
        self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl -w fs.suid_dumpable=0")
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            success = False
            self.detailedresults += "Failed to set core dumps variable suid_dumpable to 0\n"
            errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)
                            "Re-reading sysctl configuration from files")
            self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl -q -e -p")
            retcode2 = self.ch.getReturnCode()
            if retcode2 != 0:
                success = False
                self.detailedresults += "Failed to load new sysctl configuration from config file\n"
                errmsg2 = self.ch.getErrorString()
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg2)
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                command = "/sbin/sysctl -w fs.suid_dumpable=1"
                event = {"eventtype": "commandstring", "command": command}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
        return success
コード例 #28
    def fixFree(self):
        # debug messages are used for developers, self.detailedresults
        # are used for the users information
        path1 = "/etc/rc.conf"
        path2 = "/etc/sysctl.conf"
        success = True
        debug = ""
        if os.path.exists(path1):
            if not checkPerms(path1, [0, 0, 420], self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 420], self.logger,
                                self.statechglogger, myid):
                    success = False
            if self.editor1:
                if self.editor1.fixables:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not self.editor1.fix():
                        debug += "Kveditor unable to correct file: " + \
                            path1 + "\n"
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct " + path1 + \
                        success = False
                    elif not self.editor1.commit():
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct " + path1 + \
                        debug += "commit for kveditor1 was not successful\n"
                        success = False
                debug += "Editor2 was never created so path didn't exist \
and/or wasn't able to be created\n"

                success = False
            self.detailedresults += path1 + " doesn't exist!\n"
            debug += path1 + " doesn't exist, unble to fix file\n"
            success = False

        if os.path.exists(path2):
            # check permissions on /etc/sysctl.conf
            if not checkPerms(path2, [0, 0, 384], self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)

                # set permissions if wrong
                if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 384, self.logger],
                                self.statechglogger, myid):
                    success = False
            # check if editor is present
            if self.editor2:
                if self.editor2.fixables():
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not self.editor2.fix():
                        debug += "Kveditor unable to correct file: " + \
                            path2 + "\n"
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct " + path2 + \
                        success = False
                    elif not self.editor2.commit():
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct " + path2 + \
                        debug += "commit for kveditor2 was not successful\n"
                        success = False
                debug += "Editor2 was never created so path didn't exist \
and/or wasn't able to be created\n"

                success = False
            self.detailedresults += path2 + " doesn't exist!\n"
            debug += path2 + " doesn't exist, unble to fix file\n"
            success = False

        # restart the network
        ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        cmd = ["/etc/rc.d/netif", "restart"]
        if not ch.executeCommand(cmd):
            self.detaileresults += "Unable to restart network\n"
            success = False
        return success
コード例 #29
    def fix(self):
        '''The fix method will apply the required settings to the system.
        self.rulesuccess will be updated if the rule does not succeed.
        Search for the /etc/sysconfig/init configuration file and set the
        PROMPT setting to PROMPT=no
        @author bemalmbe
        @change: dwalker 4/8/2014 implementing KVEditorStonix

            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            self.detailedresults = ""

            # clear out event history so only the latest fix is recorded
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:

            if os.path.exists(self.filepath):
                if not checkPerms(self.filepath, self.perms, self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.filepath, self.perms, self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        self.rulesuccess = False
            if self.editor.fixables:
                if not self.created:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if self.editor.fix():
                    self.detailedresults += "kveditor fix ran successfully\n"
                    if self.editor.commit():
                        self.detailedresults += "kveditor commit ran " + \
                        self.detailedresults += "kveditor commit did not " + \
                            "run successfully\n"
                        self.rulesuccess = False
                    self.detailedresults += "kveditor fix did not run " + \
                    self.rulesuccess = False
                os.chown(self.filepath, self.perms[0], self.perms[1])
                os.chmod(self.filepath, self.perms[2])
            if self.restart:
                if self.ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to restart Grub with " + \
                        "new changes\n"
                    self.rulesuccess = False
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
コード例 #30
ファイル: NoDirectRootLogin.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def fix(self):
        '''The report method examines the current configuration and determines
        whether or not it is correct. If the config is correct then the
        self.compliant, self.detailedresults and self.currstate properties are
        updated to reflect the system status. self.rulesuccess will be updated
        if the rule does not succeed.

        :returns: self.rulesuccess

        :rtype: bool
@author bgonz12

            self.iditerator = 0
            self.detailedresults = ""
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            success = True
            if not os.path.exists(self.securettypath):
                if not createFile(self.securettypath, self.logger):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to create " + \
                                            self.securettypath + "\n"
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                             "filepath": self.securettypath}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    if not setPerms(self.securettypath, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct permissions on " + \
                                                self.securettypath + "\n"
            elif not self.isblank:
                tempfile = self.securettypath + ".tmp"
                if not checkPerms(self.securettypath, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.securettypath, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct permissions on " + \
                            self.securettypath + "\n"
                if not writeFile(tempfile, "", self.logger):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to write blank contents " + \
                        "to " + self.securettypath + "\n"
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {"eventtype": "conf",
                             "filepath": self.securettypath}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(self.securettypath, tempfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tempfile, self.securettypath)
                    os.chmod(self.securettypath, 0o600)
                    os.chown(self.securettypath, 0, 0)
                if not checkPerms(self.securettypath, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.securettypath, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct permissions on " + \
                                                self.securettypath + "\n"
            self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess