コード例 #1
class PaymentChangeHistory(Domain):
    """ A class to hold information about changes to a payment.

    Only one tuple (last_due_date, new_due_date) or (last_status, new_status)
    should be non-null at a time.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/payment_change_history.html>`__

    __storm_table__ = 'payment_change_history'

    payment_id = IdCol()

    #: the changed |payment|
    payment = Reference(payment_id, 'Payment.id')

    #: the reason of the change
    change_reason = UnicodeCol(default=None)

    #: when the changed happened
    change_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: the due date that was set before the changed
    last_due_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: the due date that was set after changed
    new_due_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: status before the change
    last_status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=Payment.STATUS_PREVIEW)

    #: status after change
    new_status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=Payment.STATUS_PREVIEW)
コード例 #2
class ProfileSettings(Domain):
    """Profile settings for user profile instances. Each instance of this
    class stores information about the access availability in a certain

    __storm_table__ = 'profile_settings'

    #: The user profile that has these settings.
    user_profile_id = IdCol()

    user_profile = Reference(user_profile_id, 'UserProfile.id')

    #: The app name this user has or does not have access to.
    app_dir_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: Has this user permission to use this app?
    has_permission = BoolCol(default=False)

    def set_permission(cls, store, profile, app, permission):
        Set the permission for a user profile to use a application
        :param store: a store
        :param profile: a UserProfile
        :param app: name of the application
        :param permission: a boolean of the permission
        setting = store.find(cls, user_profile=profile, app_dir_name=app).one()
        setting.has_permission = permission
コード例 #3
ファイル: purchase.py プロジェクト: n3zsistemas-bkp/stoq
class QuoteGroup(Domain):

    __storm_table__ = 'quote_group'

    #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of
    #: :obj:`Domain.id` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to
    #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such.
    identifier = IdentifierCol()

    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    # IContainer

    def get_items(self):
        return self.store.find(Quotation, group=self)

    def remove_item(self, item):
        if item.group is not self:
            raise ValueError(
                _(u'You can not remove an item which does not '
                  u'belong to this group.'))

        order = item.purchase
        # FIXME: Bug 5581 Removing objects with synced databases is dangerous.
        # Investigate this usage
        for order_item in order.get_items():

    def add_item(self, item):
        store = self.store
        return Quotation(purchase=item,

    # IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return _(u"quote number %s") % self.identifier

    # Public API

    def cancel(self):
        """Cancel a quote group."""
        store = self.store
        for quote in self.get_items():
            # FIXME: Bug 5581 Removing objects with synced databases is
            # dangerous. Investigate this usage
コード例 #4
ファイル: taxes.py プロジェクト: leandrodax/stoq
class ProductCofinsTemplate(BaseCOFINS):
    """Template of COFINS tax"""

    __storm_table__ = 'product_cofins_template'

    product_tax_template_id = IdCol()
    product_tax_template = Reference(product_tax_template_id,
コード例 #5
ファイル: taxes.py プロジェクト: murilomenezescosta/stoq
class ProductIpiTemplate(BaseIPI):
    """Template of IPI tax"""

    __storm_table__ = 'product_ipi_template'

    product_tax_template_id = IdCol()
    product_tax_template = Reference(product_tax_template_id,
コード例 #6
ファイル: taxes.py プロジェクト: leandrodax/stoq
class ProductPisTemplate(BasePIS):
    """Template of PIS tax"""

    __storm_table__ = 'product_pis_template'

    product_tax_template_id = IdCol()
    product_tax_template = Reference(product_tax_template_id,
コード例 #7
class CreditProvider(Domain):
    """A credit provider

    This is the institution that provides the credit to the client, for
    instance: American Express, Visanet, Redecard, etc...
    __storm_table__ = 'credit_provider'

    #: A short description of this provider
    short_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: An identification for this provider
    provider_id = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: the maximum number of installments for a |sale| using this credit provider.
    max_installments = IntCol(default=1)

    default_device_id = IdCol()
    #: The default device for this credit provider. This will be suggested to
    #: the user when he selects this provider in the checkout dialog
    default_device = Reference(default_device_id, 'CardPaymentDevice.id')

    #: The date when we start working with this provider
    open_contract_date = DateTimeCol()

    # IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.short_name

    # Public API

    def get_provider_by_provider_id(cls, provider_id, store):
        """Get a provider given a provider id string
        :param provider_id: a string representing the provider
        :param store: a database store
        return store.find(cls, provider_id=provider_id)

    def get_card_providers(cls, store):
        """Get a list of all credit card providers.
        :param store: a database store
        return store.find(cls)

    def has_card_provider(cls, store):
        """Find out if there is a card provider
        :param store: a database store
        :returns: if there is a card provider
        return bool(store.find(cls).count())
コード例 #8
class TillEntry(Domain):
    """A TillEntry is a representing cash added or removed in a |till|.
     * A positive value represents addition.
     * A negative value represents removal.
    __storm_table__ = 'till_entry'

    #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of
    #: :obj:`Domain.id` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to
    #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such.
    identifier = IdentifierCol()

    #: the date the entry was created
    date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: A small string describing what was done
    description = UnicodeCol()

    #: value of transaction
    value = PriceCol()

    till_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)

    #: the |till| the entry takes part of
    till = Reference(till_id, 'Till.id')

    payment_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: |payment| of this entry, if any
    payment = Reference(payment_id, 'Payment.id')

    branch_id = IdCol()

    #: |branch| that received or gave money
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    def time(self):
        """The time of the entry

        Note that this is the same as :obj:`.date.time()`, but with
        microseconds replaced to *0*.
        time = self.date.time()
        return time.replace(microsecond=0)
コード例 #9
class Message(Domain):
    """A message that will be displayed at the launcher screen.
    __storm_table__ = 'message'

    #: The content of the message
    content = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: When this message was created
    created_at = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: Until when this message will be shown
    expire_at = DateTimeCol()

    created_by_id = IdCol(default=None)
    #: The user that created this message
    created_by = Reference(created_by_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    branch_id = IdCol()
    #: the branch this message will be displayed at
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    profile_id = IdCol()
    #: the user this message will be displayed to
    profile = Reference(profile_id, 'UserProfile.id')

    user_id = IdCol()
    #: the user profile this message will be displayed to
    user = Reference(user_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    def find_active(cls, store):
        branch = api.get_current_branch(store)
        user = api.get_current_user(store)
        profile = user.profile
        now = localnow()
        query = And(
            # All fields are optional, so default to the current user (or now) if they are missing
            Coalesce(cls.expire_at, now) >= now,
            Coalesce(cls.branch_id, branch.id) == branch.id,
            Coalesce(cls.user_id, user.id) == user.id,
            Coalesce(cls.profile_id, profile.id) == profile.id,
        return store.find(cls, query)
コード例 #10
ファイル: nfe.py プロジェクト: pauloscarin1972/stoq
class NFeSupplier(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'nfe_supplier'

    #: The CNPJ of the supplier
    cnpj = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: The real name of the supplier
    name = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: The fancy name of the supplier
    fancy_name = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: Postal code
    postal_code = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: Address commplement (ex: ap 22)
    complement = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: The supplier district
    district = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: The street/avenue name
    street = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: Primary phone
    phone_number = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: Street number
    street_number = IntCol()

    #: Municipal registry if have both product and service in the same invoice
    municipal_registry = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: IBGE's State Code is national 2 digit registry (ex: 29 = Bahia)
    state_registry = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: IBGE's City Code is national 7 digit registry (ex: 2927408 = Salvador)
    city_code = IntCol()

    #: Stoq supplier id
    supplier_id = IdCol()

    #: Stoq supplier reference
    supplier = Reference(supplier_id, "Supplier.id")

    def state(self):
        city_location = self.store.find(CityLocation,
        return city_location.state

    def country(self):
        city_location = self.store.find(CityLocation,
        return city_location.country
コード例 #11
class CardPaymentDevice(Domain):
    """An eletronic device used to charge the client.

    Each device may have different costs for the company, depending on the
    contract between them.

    These costs should be configured using |cardcost|

    __storm_table__ = 'card_payment_device'

    #: How much the it costs the shop per month to have this device
    monthly_cost = PriceCol()

    #: user-defined description of the device, like "Mastercard reader"
    description = UnicodeCol()

    #: The |supplier| id for this device
    supplier_id = IdCol()
    supplier = Reference(supplier_id, 'Supplier.id')

    def get_description(self):
        return self.description

    def get_provider_cost(self, provider, card_type, installments):
        query = And(CardOperationCost.device_id == self.id,
                    CardOperationCost.provider_id == provider.id,
                    CardOperationCost.card_type == card_type,
                    CardOperationCost.installment_start <= installments,
                    CardOperationCost.installment_end >= installments)
        return self.store.find(CardOperationCost, query).one()

    def get_all_costs(self):
        return self.store.find(CardOperationCost, device=self)

    def get_devices(cls, store):
        return store.find(cls)

    def delete(cls, id, store):
        """Removes a device from the database.

        Since devices may be referenced by |cardcost| and
        |creditcarddata| objects, this method will also:

            * Remove all |cardcost| objects
            * Update all references to this device by |creditcarddata| objects
              to ``None``.
        CardOperationCost.delete_from_device(id, store)

        vals = {CreditCardData.device_id: None}
        clause = CreditCardData.device_id == id
        store.execute(Update(vals, clause, CreditCardData))
        store.remove(store.get(cls, id))
コード例 #12
class Invoice(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'invoice'

    TYPE_IN = u'in'
    TYPE_OUT = u'out'

    invoice_number = IntCol()
    operation_nature = UnicodeCol()
    invoice_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False)
    branch_id = IdCol()
コード例 #13
ファイル: taxes.py プロジェクト: metrorede/stak
class ProductPisTemplate(BasePIS):
    """Template of PIS tax"""

    __storm_table__ = 'product_pis_template'

    product_tax_template_id = IdCol()
    product_tax_template = Reference(product_tax_template_id, 'ProductTaxTemplate.id')

    def get_description(self):
        return self.product_tax_template.name
コード例 #14
ファイル: taxes.py プロジェクト: metrorede/stak
class ProductCofinsTemplate(BaseCOFINS):
    """Template of COFINS tax"""

    __storm_table__ = 'product_cofins_template'

    product_tax_template_id = IdCol()
    product_tax_template = Reference(product_tax_template_id, 'ProductTaxTemplate.id')

    def get_description(self):
        return self.product_tax_template.name
コード例 #15
class ProductStockItem(Domain):
    """Class that makes a reference to the |product| stock of a
    certain |branch|.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product_stock_item.html>`__

    __storm_table__ = 'product_stock_item'

    #: the average stock price, will be updated as new stock items are
    #: received.
    stock_cost = PriceCol(default=0)

    #: number of storables in the stock item
    quantity = QuantityCol(default=0)

    branch_id = IdCol()

    #: the |branch| this stock item belongs to
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    storable_id = IdCol()

    #: the |storable| the stock item refers to
    storable = Reference(storable_id, 'Storable.id')

    batch_id = IdCol()

    #: The |batch| that the storable is in.
    batch = Reference(batch_id, 'StorableBatch.id')

    def update_cost(self, new_quantity, new_cost):
        """Update the stock_item according to new quantity and cost.

        :param new_quantity: The new quantity added to stock.
        :param new_cost: The cost of one unit of the added stock.
        total_cost = self.quantity * self.stock_cost
        total_cost += new_quantity * new_cost
        total_items = self.quantity + new_quantity
        self.stock_cost = total_cost / total_items
コード例 #16
ファイル: sellable.py プロジェクト: lucaslamounier/stoq
class ClientCategoryPrice(Domain):
    """A table that stores special prices for |clients| based on their

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/client_category_price.html>`__
    __storm_table__ = 'client_category_price'

    sellable_id = IdCol()

    #: The |sellable| that has a special price
    sellable = Reference(sellable_id, 'Sellable.id')

    category_id = IdCol()

    #: The |clientcategory| that has the special price
    category = Reference(category_id, 'ClientCategory.id')

    #: The price for this (|sellable|, |clientcategory|)
    price = PriceCol(default=0)

    #: The max discount that may be applied.
    max_discount = PercentCol(default=0)

    def markup(self):
        if self.sellable.cost == 0:
            return Decimal(0)
        return ((self.price / self.sellable.cost) - 1) * 100

    def markup(self, markup):
        self.price = self.sellable._get_price_by_markup(markup)

    def category_name(self):
        return self.category.name

    def remove(self):
        """Removes this client category price from the database."""
コード例 #17
ファイル: booksdomain.py プロジェクト: leandrodax/stoq
class Book(Domain):
    """ A book class for products, holding specific data about books  """

    __storm_table__ = 'book'

    product_id = IdCol()
    product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
    publisher_id = IdCol(default=None)
    publisher = Reference(publisher_id, 'BookPublisher.id')
    author = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    series = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    edition = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    subject = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    isbn = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    language = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    decorative_finish = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    country = UnicodeCol(default=u'Brazil')
    pages = IntCol(default=0)
    year = IntCol(default=0)
    synopsis = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
コード例 #18
ファイル: invoice.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stoq-1
class InvoicePrinter(Domain):
    """An invoice printer is a representation of a physical printer
    connected to a branch station.
    It has a layout assigned which will be used to format the data sent
    to the printer
    __storm_table__ = 'invoice_printer'

    #: a operating system specific identifier for the
    #: device used to send the printer job, /dev/lpX on unix
    device_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: a human friendly description of the printer, this
    #: will appear in interfaces
    description = UnicodeCol()

    #: the station this printer is connected to
    station_id = IdCol()
    station = Reference(station_id, 'BranchStation.id')

    #: the layout used to format the invoices
    layout_id = IdCol()
    layout = Reference(layout_id, 'InvoiceLayout.id')

    def get_description(self):
        Gets the description of the printer.
        :returns: description
        return self.description

    def get_by_station(cls, station, store):
        """Gets the printer given a station.
        If there's no invoice printer configured for this station, return None.

        :param station: the station
        :param store: a store
        :returns: an InvoiceLayout or None
        return store.find(InvoicePrinter, station=station).one()
コード例 #19
class TillSummary(Domain):
    """A TillSummary is a summary of the state of all payment methods when the till was
    __storm_table__ = 'till_summary'

    #: The value that was registerd in Stoq when the till was closed.
    system_value = PriceCol()

    #: The value the user informed when closing the till. This can be different than the
    #: system value when using a blind till closing process (where the user does not
    #: know the system value)
    user_value = PriceCol()

    #: When using a blind closing process, this is the value that the manager verified
    #: that actually was on the till. All values can differ.
    verify_value = PriceCol()

    notes = UnicodeCol()

    method_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The method this item is for
    method = Reference(method_id, 'PaymentMethod.id')

    provider_id = IdCol(allow_none=True)
    provider = Reference(provider_id, 'CreditProvider.id')

    card_type = EnumCol(allow_none=True)

    till_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: the |till| this item takes part of
    till = Reference(till_id, 'Till.id')

    def description(self):
        if not self.card_type:
            return self.method.get_description()

        return '%s %s %s' % (self.method.get_description(),
コード例 #20
ファイル: uiform.py プロジェクト: rosalin/stoq
class UIField(Domain):
    """This describes a field in form a.
    Can be used makae fields mandatory or hide them completely.
    __storm_table__ = 'ui_field'

    ui_form_id = IdCol()
    ui_form = Reference(ui_form_id, 'UIForm.id')
    field_name = UnicodeCol()
    description = UnicodeCol()
    visible = BoolCol()
    mandatory = BoolCol()
コード例 #21
ファイル: nfe.py プロジェクト: pauloscarin1972/stoq
class NFePayment(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = "nfe_payment"

    nfe_purchase_id = IdCol()
    nfe_purchase = Reference(nfe_purchase_id, "NFePurchase.id")
    method_id = IdCol()

    #: Payment method (ex: bill, credit card, etc)
    method = Reference(method_id, "PaymentMethod.id")

    #: The final value of the payment
    value = PriceCol()

    #: Installment number
    duplicate_number = UnicodeCol()

    #: The final date for the payment
    due_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: The description generated by the system for the payment
    description = UnicodeCol(default=u"")
コード例 #22
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: sarkis89/stoq
class ProfileSettings(Domain):
    """Profile settings for user profile instances. Each instance of this
    class stores information about the access availability in a certain

    __storm_table__ = 'profile_settings'

    #: The user profile that has these settings.
    user_profile_id = IdCol()

    user_profile = Reference(user_profile_id, 'UserProfile.id')

    #: The app name this user has or does not have access to.
    app_dir_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: Has this user permission to use this app?
    has_permission = BoolCol(default=False)

    #: Virtual apps. They will have permission if one of the apps mapped
    #: on the list have permission
    virtual_apps = {
        'link': ['admin'],

    def get_permission(cls, store, profile, app):
        """Check if a profile has access to an app

        :param store: A store
        :param profile: The :class:`.UserProfile` to check for permission
        :param app: The name of the application
        :return: Whether the profile has access to the profile or not
        apps = [app] + cls.virtual_apps.get(app, [])
        res = store.find(
            And(cls.user_profile_id == profile.id, Eq(cls.has_permission,
        return res.one() is not None

    def set_permission(cls, store, profile, app, permission):
        Set the permission for a user profile to use a application
        :param store: a store
        :param profile: a UserProfile
        :param app: name of the application
        :param permission: a boolean of the permission
        setting = store.find(cls, user_profile=profile, app_dir_name=app).one()
        setting.has_permission = permission
コード例 #23
ファイル: receiving.py プロジェクト: n3zsistemas-bkp/stoq
class PurchaseReceivingMap(Domain):
    """This class stores a map for purchase and receivings.

    One purchase may be received more than once, for instance, if it was
    shippped in more than one package.

    Also, a receiving may be for different purchase orders, if more than one
    purchase order was shipped in the same package.

    __storm_table__ = 'purchase_receiving_map'

    purchase_id = IdCol()

    #: The purchase that was recieved
    purchase = Reference(purchase_id, 'PurchaseOrder.id')

    receiving_id = IdCol()

    #: In which receiving the purchase was received.
    receiving = Reference(receiving_id, 'ReceivingOrder.id')
コード例 #24
ファイル: overrides.py プロジェクト: metrorede/stak
class ProductBranchOverride(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'product_branch_override'

    location = UnicodeCol()

    icms_template_id = IdCol()
    icms_template = Reference(icms_template_id, 'ProductIcmsTemplate.id')

    ipi_template_id = IdCol()
    ipi_template = Reference(ipi_template_id, 'ProductIpiTemplate.id')

    pis_template_id = IdCol()
    pis_template = Reference(pis_template_id, 'ProductPisTemplate.id')

    cofins_template_id = IdCol()
    cofins_template = Reference(cofins_template_id, 'ProductCofinsTemplate.id')

    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    product_id = IdCol()
    product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')

    def find_product(cls, branch: Branch, product):
        return product.store.find(cls, product=product, branch=branch).one()
コード例 #25
class Quotation(IdentifiableDomain):
    __storm_table__ = 'quotation'

    #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of
    #: :obj:`Domain.id` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to
    #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such.
    identifier = IdentifierCol()

    group_id = IdCol()
    group = Reference(group_id, 'QuoteGroup.id')
    purchase_id = IdCol()
    purchase = Reference(purchase_id, 'PurchaseOrder.id')
    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    station_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The station this object was created at
    station = Reference(station_id, 'BranchStation.id')

    def get_description(self):
        supplier = self.purchase.supplier.person.name
        return u"Group %s - %s" % (self.group.identifier, supplier)

    # Public API

    def close(self):
        """Closes the quotation"""
        # we don't have a specific status for closed quotes, so we just
        # cancel it
        if not self.is_closed():

    def is_closed(self):
        """Returns if the quotation is closed or not.

        :returns: True if the quotation is closed, False otherwise.
        return self.purchase.status == PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CANCELLED
コード例 #26
ファイル: ecfdomain.py プロジェクト: rosalin/stoq
class FiscalSaleHistory(Domain):
    """Holds fiscal information about the sales.
    (TYPE_CPF, TYPE_CNPJ) = range(2)

    __storm_table__ = 'fiscal_sale_history'

    document_type = IntCol(default=TYPE_CPF)
    document = UnicodeCol(default=None)
    sale_id = IdCol()
    sale = Reference(sale_id, 'Sale.id')
    coo = IntCol(default=0)
    document_counter = IntCol(default=0)
コード例 #27
class OpticalMedic(Domain):
    """Information about the Medic (Ophtamologist)"""

    __storm_table__ = 'optical_medic'

    person_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    person = Reference(person_id, 'Person.id')

    # TODO: Find out a better name for crm
    crm_number = UnicodeCol()

    #: If this medic is a partner of the store, ie, if they recomend clients to
    #: this store
    partner = BoolCol()

    # IDescribable implementation

    def get_person_by_crm(cls, store, document):
        query = cls.crm_number == document

        tables = [
            Join(OpticalMedic, Person.id == OpticalMedic.person_id)
        return store.using(*tables).find(Person, query).one()

    def get_description(self):
        return _('%s (upid: %s)') % (self.person.name, self.crm_number)

    def on_domain_merge(cls, obj, other):
        if type(obj) != Person:
        this_facet = obj.store.find(cls, person=obj).one()
        other_facet = obj.store.find(cls, person=other).one()
        if not this_facet and not other_facet:

        # If this facet does not have a crm, but the other one does, the crm would be copied to
        # this, but we need to clear the other value, since crm is unique in the database.
        if other_facet and other_facet.crm_number and not this_facet.crm_number:
            crm = other_facet.crm_number
            other_facet.crm_number = None
            this_facet.crm_number = crm

        obj.merge_facet(this_facet, other_facet)
        return set([('optical_medic', 'person_id')])
コード例 #28
class StorableBatch(Domain):
    """Batch information for storables.

    A batch is a colection of products (storable) that were produced at the same
    time and thus they have some common information, such as expiration date.

    This information is useful since sometimes its necessary to make decisions
    based on the batch like a special promotion for older batches (if it is
    close to the expiration date, for instance) or if a batch is somehow
    defective and we need to contact the clients that purchased items from this

    __storm_table__ = 'storable_batch'

    #: The sequence number for this batch. Should be unique for a given
    #: storable
    batch_number = UnicodeCol(allow_none=False)

    #: The date this batch was created
    create_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: An expiration date, specially for perishable products, like milk and food in
    #: general
    expire_date = DateTimeCol()

    #: Some space for the users to add notes to this batch.
    notes = UnicodeCol()

    storable_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)

    #: The storable that is in this batch
    storable = Reference(storable_id, 'Storable.id')

    def get_balance_for_branch(self, branch):
        """Return the stock balance for this |batch| in a |branch|.

        :param branch: the |branch| to get the stock balance for
        :returns: the amount of stock available in the |branch|
        store = self.store
        stock_items = store.find(ProductStockItem, storable=self.storable,
                                 batch=self, branch=branch)
        return stock_items.sum(ProductStockItem.quantity) or Decimal(0)

    #  IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.batch_number
コード例 #29
class CostCenterEntry(Domain):
    """A operation that generated some cost in a |costcenter|.

    A cost can be generated when a lonely out |payment| is paid or when some
    operations on the stock are performed.
    __storm_table__ = 'cost_center_entry'

    cost_center_id = IdCol()

    #: The cost center this entry belongs to
    cost_center = Reference(cost_center_id, 'CostCenter.id')

    payment_id = IdCol()

    #: The payment that generated this cost.
    payment = Reference(payment_id, 'Payment.id')

    stock_transaction_id = IdCol()

    #: The stock movement transaction that generated this cost.
    stock_transaction = Reference(stock_transaction_id,
コード例 #30
ファイル: ecfdomain.py プロジェクト: sarkis89/stoq
class FiscalSaleHistory(Domain):
    """Holds fiscal information about the sales.
    TYPE_CPF = u'cpf'
    TYPE_CNPJ = u'cnpj'

    __storm_table__ = 'fiscal_sale_history'

    document_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=TYPE_CPF)
    document = UnicodeCol(default=None)
    sale_id = IdCol()
    sale = Reference(sale_id, 'Sale.id')
    coo = IntCol(default=0)
    document_counter = IntCol(default=0)