コード例 #1
ファイル: gateway.py プロジェクト: scottjiang1415/syndicate
    def SetCaps(cls, g_name_or_id, caps):
      Set this gateway's capabilities.
        def set_caps_txn(g_name_or_id):
            gateway = Gateway.Read(g_name_or_id)
            if gateway == None:
                raise Exception("No such Gateway '%s'" % caps)

            gateway.caps = Gateway.safe_caps(gateway.gateway_type, caps)
            gateway.cert_version += 1
            gateway.need_cert = Gateway.needs_cert(gateway.gateway_type, caps)
            return gateway

            gateway = storagetypes.transaction(
                lambda: set_caps_txn(g_name_or_id))
            log.error("Failed to set caps")
            return False

        if gateway is not None:
            return True
            return False
コード例 #2
    def create_or_ref(cls, _text):
      Create a new driver, or re-ref the existing one.
      Do so atomically.
        driver_hash = cls.hash_driver(_text)

        def txn():

            dk = storagetypes.make_key(
                GatewayDriver, GatewayDriver.make_key_name(driver_hash))
            d = dk.get()
            f = None

            if d is None:
                d = GatewayDriver(key=dk,

                d.refcount += 1

            return d

        return storagetypes.transaction(txn)
コード例 #3
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: etherparty/syndicate
 def Reversion( cls, volume_name_or_id ):
    Increase the cert version by one.
    Call this when you add/remove a Gateway.
    def update_txn( volume_id ):
       Update the Volume transactionally.
       volume = Volume.Read( volume_id )
       if not volume or volume.deleted:
          raise Exception("No volume with the ID %d exists.", volume_id)
       # purge from cache
       Volume.FlushCache( volume_id )
       volume.cert_version += 1
       return volume.cert_version
    volume = Volume.Read( volume_name_or_id )
    if volume is None or volume.deleted:
       raise Exception("No such Volume %s" % volume_name_or_id)
       new_version = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn(volume.volume_id), xg=True )
    except Exception, e:
       logging.exception( e )
       raise e
コード例 #4
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: scottjiang1415/syndicate
    def Reversion(cls, volume_name_or_id):
      Increase the cert version by one.
      Call this when you add/remove a Gateway.
        def update_txn(volume_id):
         Update the Volume transactionally.

            volume = Volume.Read(volume_id)
            if not volume or volume.deleted:
                raise Exception("No volume with the ID %d exists.", volume_id)

            # purge from cache

            volume.cert_version += 1


            return volume.cert_version

        volume = Volume.Read(volume_name_or_id)
        if volume is None or volume.deleted:
            raise Exception("No such Volume %s" % volume_name_or_id)

            new_version = storagetypes.transaction(
                lambda: update_txn(volume.volume_id), xg=True)
        except Exception, e:
            raise e
コード例 #5
ファイル: gateway.py プロジェクト: fireshock199/syndicate
 def SetCaps( cls, g_name_or_id, caps ):
    Set this gateway's capabilities.
    def set_caps_txn( g_name_or_id ):
       gateway = Gateway.Read( g_name_or_id )
       if gateway == None:
          raise Exception("No such Gateway '%s'" % caps)
       gateway.caps = Gateway.safe_caps( gateway.gateway_type, caps )
       gateway.cert_version += 1
       gateway.need_cert = Gateway.needs_cert( gateway.gateway_type, caps )
       return gateway
       gateway = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: set_caps_txn( g_name_or_id ) )
       log.error("Failed to set caps")
       return False
    if gateway is not None:
       Gateway.FlushCache( gateway.g_id )
       return True
       return False
コード例 #6
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: etherparty/syndicate
 def update_shard_count( cls, volume_id, num_shards, **txn_args ):
    Update the shard count of the volume, but in a transaction.
    volume_key = storagetypes.make_key( Volume, Volume.make_key_name( volume_id=volume_id ) )      
    num_shards = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: Volume.__update_shard_count( volume_key, num_shards ), **txn_args )
    return num_shards
コード例 #7
    def Delete(cls, g_name_or_id):
      Given a gateway ID, delete the corresponding gateway.
      That is, set it's "deleted" flag so it no longer gets read.
      Unref the driver as well.

        gateway = Gateway.Read(g_name_or_id)
        if gateway:
            g_id = gateway.g_id
            return True

        key_name = Gateway.make_key_name(g_id=g_id)

        def set_deleted():
            # atomically set the gateway to deleted
            g_key = storagetypes.make_key(cls, key_name)
            gw = g_key.get()
            if gw is None:
                return None

            gw.deleted = True
            return gw.key

        storagetypes.transaction(lambda: set_deleted())

        g_name_key = storagetypes.make_key(
            GatewayNameHolder, GatewayNameHolder.make_key_name(gateway.name))

        g_name_delete_fut = g_name_key.delete_async()
        driver_fut = GatewayDriver.unref_async(gateway.driver_hash)

        storagetypes.wait_futures([g_name_delete_fut, driver_fut])


        g_name_to_id_cache_key = Gateway.Read_ByName_name_cache_key(

        return True
コード例 #8
ファイル: closure.py プロジェクト: iychoi/syndicate-core
   def Update( cls, cls_name_or_id, **fields ):
      Update the closure--i.e. to refer to a new binary.
      NOTE: You should call Reversion() on all Gateways that use this closure after calling this method
      # get closure ID
         cls_id = int(cls_name_or_id)
         closure = Closure.Read( cls_name_or_id )
         if closure:
            cls_id = closure.closure_id 
            raise Exception("No such Closure '%s'" % cls_name_or_id )
      if len(fields.keys()) == 0:
         return True
      # validate...
      invalid = cls.validate_fields( fields )
      if len(invalid) != 0:
         raise Exception( "Invalid values for fields: %s" % (", ".join( invalid )) )

      invalid = cls.validate_write( fields )
      if len(invalid) != 0:
         raise Exception( "Unwritable fields: %s" % (", ".join(invalid)) )
      def update_txn( fields ):
         Update the Closure transactionally.
         closure = cls.Read(cls_id)
         if closure is None:
            raise Exception("No Closure with the ID %d exists.", cls_id)
         # purge from cache
         Closure.FlushCache( cls_id )
         # apply update
         for (k,v) in fields.items():
            setattr( closure, k, v )
         return closure.put()
      closure_key = None
         closure_key = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn( fields ), xg=True )
         assert closure_key is not None, "Transaction failed"
      except Exception, e:
         logging.exception( e )
         raise e
コード例 #9
    def Reset(cls, user_cert):
      Reset a user's account credentials.
      NOTE: the caller will need to have validated the cert beforehand

        user_attrs = cls.cert_to_dict(user_cert)
        for k in user_attrs.keys():
            if k not in cls.modifiable_cert_fields:
                del user_attrs[k]

        user_cert_protobuf = user_cert.SerializeToString()

        def update_txn(fields):
         Update the User transactionally.
            user = SyndicateUser.Read(user_cert.email)
            if user is None:
                raise Exception("No such user '%s'" % user_cert.email)

            # key can't repeat
            if user_attrs['public_key'] == user.public_key:
                raise Exception("Public key did not change")

            # verify update
            unwriteable = []
            for (k, v) in fields.items():
                if k not in cls.modifiable_cert_fields and getattr(user,
                                                                   k) != v:

            if len(unwriteable) > 0:
                raise Exception("Tried to modify read-only fields: %s" %

            # apply update
            for (k, v) in fields.items():
                setattr(user, k, v)

            # store new cert
            user.user_cert_protobuf = user_cert_protobuf
            ret = user.put()

            user_key_name = SyndicateUser.make_key_name(email=user.email)
            return ret

            user_key = storagetypes.transaction(lambda: update_txn(user_attrs),
            return user_key
        except Exception, e:
            raise e
コード例 #10
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: scottjiang1415/syndicate
    def Update(cls, email, **fields):
      Atomically (transactionally) update a SyndicateUser with the new fields.
      Positionl arguments:
      email             -- Email address of the user to update (str)
        def verify_auth_change(user, attrs):
            if not user.active:
                raise Exception(
                    "Account for %s is not active.  Please activate it." %

            if attrs.has_key('allow_password_auth'):
                # this can only be disabled
                if attrs['allow_password_auth']:
                    raise Exception(
                        "For security reasons, re-enabling password authentication is forbidden.  Reset the account for %s instead."
                        % user.email)

            if attrs.has_key('signing_public_key'):
                # can't unset this if password auth is disabled
                if not user.allow_password_auth and not SyndicateUser.is_signing_public_key_set(
                    raise Exception(
                        "Cannot disable public-key authentication once password authentication is disabled."

            return True

        def update_txn(email, attrs):
            user = SyndicateUser.Read(email)
            if user is None:
                raise Exception("No such user %s" % email)

            verify_auth_change(user, attrs)

            user_key_name = SyndicateUser.make_key_name(email=email)

            for (k, v) in attrs.items():
                setattr(user, k, v)
            return user.put()

        # sanity check
        invalid = SyndicateUser.validate_fields(fields)
        if len(invalid) > 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid fields: %s" % (', '.join(invalid)))

        invalid = SyndicateUser.validate_write(fields)
        if len(invalid) > 0:
            raise Exception("Unwritable fields: %s" % (', '.join(invalid)))

        return storagetypes.transaction(lambda: update_txn(email, fields))
コード例 #11
ファイル: closure.py プロジェクト: iychoi/syndicate-core
    def Update(cls, cls_name_or_id, **fields):
      Update the closure--i.e. to refer to a new binary.
      NOTE: You should call Reversion() on all Gateways that use this closure after calling this method

        # get closure ID
            cls_id = int(cls_name_or_id)
            closure = Closure.Read(cls_name_or_id)
            if closure:
                cls_id = closure.closure_id
                raise Exception("No such Closure '%s'" % cls_name_or_id)

        if len(fields.keys()) == 0:
            return True

        # validate...
        invalid = cls.validate_fields(fields)
        if len(invalid) != 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid values for fields: %s" %
                            (", ".join(invalid)))

        invalid = cls.validate_write(fields)
        if len(invalid) != 0:
            raise Exception("Unwritable fields: %s" % (", ".join(invalid)))

        def update_txn(fields):
         Update the Closure transactionally.

            closure = cls.Read(cls_id)
            if closure is None:
                raise Exception("No Closure with the ID %d exists.", cls_id)

            # purge from cache

            # apply update
            for (k, v) in fields.items():
                setattr(closure, k, v)

            return closure.put()

        closure_key = None
            closure_key = storagetypes.transaction(lambda: update_txn(fields),
            assert closure_key is not None, "Transaction failed"
        except Exception, e:
            raise e
コード例 #12
   def Delete( cls, g_name_or_id ):
      Given a gateway ID, delete the corresponding gateway.
      That is, set it's "deleted" flag so it no longer gets read.
      Unref the driver as well.
      gateway = Gateway.Read( g_name_or_id )
      if gateway:
         g_id = gateway.g_id 
         raise Exception("No such Gateway '%s'" % g_name_or_id )
      key_name = Gateway.make_key_name( g_id=g_id )
      def set_deleted():
          # atomically set the gateway to deleted
          g_key = storagetypes.make_key( cls, key_name )
          gw = g_key.get()
          if gw is None:
              return None

          gw.deleted = True
          return gw.key 

      storagetypes.transaction( lambda: set_deleted() )

      g_name_key = storagetypes.make_key( GatewayNameHolder, GatewayNameHolder.make_key_name( gateway.name ) )
      g_name_delete_fut = g_name_key.delete_async()
      driver_fut = GatewayDriver.unref_async( gateway.driver_hash )
      storagetypes.wait_futures( [g_name_delete_fut, driver_fut] )
      Gateway.FlushCache( g_id )
      Gateway.FlushCacheDriver( gateway.driver_hash )
      g_name_to_id_cache_key = Gateway.Read_ByName_name_cache_key( g_name_or_id )
      storagetypes.memcache.delete( g_name_to_id_cache_key )
      return True
コード例 #13
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: scottjiang1415/syndicate
    def update_shard_count(cls, volume_id, num_shards, **txn_args):
      Update the shard count of the volume, but in a transaction.
        volume_key = storagetypes.make_key(
            Volume, Volume.make_key_name(volume_id=volume_id))
        num_shards = storagetypes.transaction(
            lambda: Volume.__update_shard_count(volume_key, num_shards),

        return num_shards
コード例 #14
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: iychoi/syndicate
   def Reset( cls, user_cert ):
      Reset a user's account credentials.
      NOTE: the caller will need to have validated the cert beforehand
      user_attrs = cls.cert_to_dict( user_cert )
      for k in user_attrs.keys():
          if k not in cls.modifiable_cert_fields:
              del user_attrs[k]
      user_cert_protobuf = user_cert.SerializeToString()

      def update_txn( fields ):
         Update the User transactionally.
         user = SyndicateUser.Read( user_cert.email )
         if user is None:
             raise Exception("No such user '%s'" % user_cert.email )

         # key can't repeat 
         if user_attrs['public_key'] == user.public_key:
             raise Exception("Public key did not change")

         # verify update
         unwriteable = []
         for (k, v) in fields.items():
            if k not in cls.modifiable_cert_fields and getattr(user, k) != v:
         if len(unwriteable) > 0:
            raise Exception("Tried to modify read-only fields: %s" % ",".join(unwriteable))
         # apply update
         for (k,v) in fields.items():
            setattr( user, k, v )
         # store new cert 
         user.user_cert_protobuf = user_cert_protobuf
         ret = user.put()

         user_key_name = SyndicateUser.make_key_name( email=user.email ) 
         storagetypes.memcache.delete( user_key_name )
         return ret
         user_key = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn( user_attrs ), xg=True )
         return user_key 
      except Exception, e:
         logging.exception( e )
         raise e
コード例 #15
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: etherparty/syndicate
   def Update( cls, email, **fields ):
      Atomically (transactionally) update a SyndicateUser with the new fields.
      Positionl arguments:
      email             -- Email address of the user to update (str)
      def verify_auth_change( user, attrs ):
         if not user.active:
            raise Exception("Account for %s is not active.  Please activate it." % user.email )
         if attrs.has_key('allow_password_auth'):
            # this can only be disabled
            if attrs['allow_password_auth']:
               raise Exception("For security reasons, re-enabling password authentication is forbidden.  Reset the account for %s instead." % user.email)
         if attrs.has_key('signing_public_key'):
            # can't unset this if password auth is disabled
            if not user.allow_password_auth and not SyndicateUser.is_signing_public_key_set( attrs['signing_public_key'] ):
               raise Exception("Cannot disable public-key authentication once password authentication is disabled.")
         return True
      def update_txn( email, attrs ):
         user = SyndicateUser.Read(email)
         if user is None:
            raise Exception("No such user %s" % email)
         verify_auth_change( user, attrs )
         user_key_name = SyndicateUser.make_key_name( email=email)
         storagetypes.memcache.delete( user_key_name )

         for (k,v) in attrs.items():
            setattr(user, k, v )
         return user.put()
      # sanity check
      invalid = SyndicateUser.validate_fields( fields )
      if len(invalid) > 0:
         raise Exception( "Invalid fields: %s" % (', '.join( invalid )) )
      invalid = SyndicateUser.validate_write( fields )
      if len(invalid) > 0:
         raise Exception( "Unwritable fields: %s" % (', '.join( invalid )) )
      return storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn( email, fields ) )
コード例 #16
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: syndicate-storage/syndicate
   def Put( cls, volume_id, cert_protobuf ):
      Put a new volume cert bundle (which is really an SG Manifest repurposed)
      Verify that the version number has incremented.

      cert = sg_pb2.Manifest() 
      cert.ParseFromString( cert_protobuf )
      if cert.volume_id != volume_id:
         raise Exception("Invalid volume ID: %s != %s" % (cert.volume_id, volume_id))
      def put_txn():
         volume_cert_bundle = cls.Get( volume_id )
         if volume_cert_bundle is not None:
            existing_cert = cls.Load( volume_cert_bundle )
            if existing_cert.volume_id != volume_id:
               raise Exception("BUG: existing cert bundle is for %s, but expected %s" % (volume_id, existing_cert.volume_id))
            if existing_cert.file_version > cert.file_version:
               raise Exception("Stale volume cert version: expected >= %s, got %s" % (existing_cert.file_version, cert.file_version))
            if existing_cert.mtime_sec > cert.mtime_sec or (existing_cert.mtime_sec == cert.mtime_sec and existing_cert.mtime_nsec > cert.mtime_nsec):
               # stale 
               raise Exception("Stale cert bundle timestamp: expected > %s.%s, got %s.%s" % (volume_id, existing_cert.mtime_sec, existing_cert.mtime_nsec, cert.mtime_sec, cert.mtime_nsec))
            volume_cert_bundle.cert_protobuf = cert_protobuf
            storagetypes.memcache.delete( VolumeCertBundle.make_key_name( volume_id ) )
            volume_cert_bundle = VolumeCertBundle( key=storagetypes.make_key( VolumeCertBundle, VolumeCertBundle.make_key_name( volume_id ) ), volume_id=volume_id, cert_protobuf=cert_protobuf )
         return True 
      return storagetypes.transaction( put_txn )
コード例 #17
ファイル: gateway.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/syndicate
 def create_or_ref( cls, _text ):
    Create a new driver, or re-ref the existing one.
    Do so atomically.
    driver_hash = cls.hash_driver( _text )
    def txn():
        dk = storagetypes.make_key( GatewayDriver, GatewayDriver.make_key_name( driver_hash ) )
        d = dk.get()
        f = None 
        if d is None:
            d = GatewayDriver( key=dk, driver_hash=driver_hash, driver_text=_text, refcount=1 )
            d.refcount += 1
        return d
    return storagetypes.transaction( txn )
コード例 #18
ファイル: gateway.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/syndicate
 def Update( cls, gateway_cert, new_driver=None ):
    Update a gateway identified by ID with a new certificate.
    Return the gateway record's key on success
    Raise an exception on error.
    NOTE: the caller must verify the authenticity of the certificate.
    Only the volume owner should be able to update a gateway cert.
    fields = cls.cert_to_dict( gateway_cert )
    g_id = fields['g_id']
    # validate...
    invalid = cls.validate_fields( fields )
    if len(invalid) != 0:
       raise Exception( "Invalid values for fields: %s" % (", ".join( invalid )) )
    rename = False
    gateway_nameholder_new_key = None
    new_driver_hash = None 
    old_driver_hash = None
    # sanity check...
    if new_driver is not None:
       new_driver_hash = GatewayDriver.hash_driver( new_driver )
       if binascii.hexlify( gateway_cert.driver_hash ) != new_driver_hash:
          raise Exception("Certificate driver hash mismatch: expected %s, got %s" % (binascii.hexlify( gateway_cert.driver_hash ), new_driver_hash))
    # do we intend to rename?  If so, reserve the name
    if "name" in fields.keys() and fields['name'] != gateway_cert.name:
       gateway_nameholder_new_fut = GatewayNameHolder.create_async( fields.get("name"), g_id )
       gateway_nameholder_new = gateway_nameholder_new_fut.get_result()
       gateway_nameholder_new_key = gateway_nameholder_new.key
       if gateway_nameholder_new.g_id != g_id:
          # name collision
          raise Exception("Gateway '%s' already exists!" % (fields.get("name")) )
          # reserved!
          rename = True
    # drop cert; we'll store it separately 
    gateway_cert_bin = fields['gateway_cert']
    del fields['gateway_cert']
    def update_txn( fields ):
       Update the Gateway transactionally.
       g_id = fields['g_id']
       gateway = cls.Read(g_id)
       if gateway is None:
          # gateway does not exist...
          # if we were to rename it, then delete the new nameholder
          if rename:
             storagetypes.deferred.defer( Gateway.delete_all, [gateway_nameholder_new_key] )
          raise Exception("No Gateway with the ID %d exists.", g_id)
       old_driver_hash = gateway.driver_hash
       old_name = gateway.name 
       # verify update
       unwriteable = []
       for (k, v) in fields.items():
          if k not in cls.modifiable_cert_attrs and getattr(gateway, k) != v:
       if len(unwriteable) > 0:
          raise Exception("Tried to modify read-only fields: %s" % ",".join(unwriteable))
       # sanity check: valid version?
       if gateway.cert_version >= gateway_cert.version:
          raise Exception("Stale Gateway certificate: expected > %s; got %s" % (gateway.cert_version, gateway_cert.version))
       # apply update
       for (k,v) in fields.items():
          setattr( gateway, k, v )
       gateway.need_cert = cls.needs_cert( gateway.gateway_type, fields['caps'] )
       gateway.gateway_cert = gateway_cert_bin
       gw_key = gateway.put()
       if old_driver_hash is not None:
           # unref the old one 
           GatewayDriver.unref( old_driver_hash )
           cls.FlushCacheDriver( old_driver_hash )
       # purge from cache
       cls.FlushCache( g_id )
       return gw_key, old_name
    gateway_key = None
    old_name = None
       gateway_key, old_name = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn( fields ), xg=True )
       assert gateway_key is not None, "Transaction failed"
    except Exception, e:
       logging.exception( e )
       raise e
コード例 #19
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: syndicate-storage/syndicate
 def Update( cls, volume_name_or_id, volume_cert ):
    Atomically (transactionally) update a given Volume with the given fields.
    NOTE: volume_cert will need to have been validated by the caller.
    NOTE: this calls should be followed up with a VolumeCertBundle.Put() to put the caller's new volume cert bundle
    return the volume key on success 
    raise an Exception on error
       volume_id = int(volume_name_or_id)
       volume = Volume.Read_ByName( volume_name_or_id )
       if volume:
          volume_id = volume.volume_id
          raise Exception("No such Volume '%s'" % volume_name_or_id )
    fields = cls.cert_to_dict( volume_cert )
    invalid = Volume.validate_fields( fields )
    if len(invalid) != 0:
       raise Exception( "Invalid values for fields: %s" % (", ".join( invalid )) )
    # are we changing the name? acquire the new name if so
    rename = False
    volume_nameholder_new_key = None
    old_name = None
    if "name" in fields.keys():
       volume_nameholder_new_fut = VolumeNameHolder.create_async( fields.get("name"), volume_id )
       volume_nameholder_new = volume_nameholder_new_fut.get_result()
       volume_nameholder_new_key = volume_nameholder_new.key
       if volume_nameholder_new.volume_id != volume_id:
          # name collision
          raise Exception("Volume '%s' already exists!" % (fields.get("name")) )
          # reserved!
          rename = True
    volume_cert_bin = volume_cert.SerializeToString()
    def update_txn( fields ):
       Update the Volume transactionally.
       volume = Volume.Read(volume_id)
       if not volume or volume.deleted:
          # volume does not exist...
          # if we were to rename it, then delete the new nameholder
          if rename:
             storagetypes.deferred.defer( Volume.delete_all, [volume_nameholder_new_key] )
          raise Exception("No volume with the ID %d exists.", volume_id)
       old_name = volume.name 
       # verify update
       unwriteable = []
       for (k, v) in fields.items():
          if k not in cls.modifiable_cert_fields and getattr(volume, k) != v:
       if len(unwriteable) > 0:
          raise Exception("Tried to modify read-only fields: %s" % ",".join(unwriteable))
       # check version...
       if volume.version > fields['version']:
          raise Exception("Stale Volume version: expected > %s, got %s" % (volume.version, fields['version']))
       # apply update
       for (k,v) in fields.items():
          setattr( volume, k, v )
       # store new cert 
       volume.volume_cert_bin = volume_cert_bin
       ret = volume.put()
       Volume.FlushCache( volume_id )
       return ret
    volume_key = None
       volume_key = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn( fields ), xg=True )
    except Exception, e:
       logging.exception( e )
       raise e
コード例 #20
ファイル: gateway.py プロジェクト: fireshock199/syndicate
   def Update( cls, g_name_or_id, **fields ):
      Update a gateway identified by ID with fields specified as keyword arguments.
      # get gateway ID
         g_id = int(g_name_or_id)
         gateway = Gateway.Read( g_name_or_id )
         if gateway is not None:
            g_id = gateway.g_id 
            raise Exception("No such Gateway '%s'" % g_name_or_id )
      if len(fields.keys()) == 0:
         return True
      # validate...
      invalid = cls.validate_fields( fields )
      if len(invalid) != 0:
         raise Exception( "Invalid values for fields: %s" % (", ".join( invalid )) )

      invalid = cls.validate_write( fields )
      if len(invalid) != 0:
         raise Exception( "Unwritable fields: %s" % (", ".join(invalid)) )
      rename = False
      gateway_nameholder_new_key = None
      old_name = None
      # do we intend to rename?  If so, reserve the name
      if "name" in fields.keys():
         gateway_nameholder_new_fut = GatewayNameHolder.create_async( fields.get("name"), g_id )
         gateway_nameholder_new = gateway_nameholder_new_fut.get_result()
         gateway_nameholder_new_key = gateway_nameholder_new.key
         if gateway_nameholder_new.g_id != g_id:
            # name collision
            raise Exception("Gateway '%s' already exists!" % (fields.get("name")) )
            # reserved!
            rename = True
      def update_txn( fields ):
         Update the Gateway transactionally.
         gateway = cls.Read(g_id)
         if not gateway:
            # gateway does not exist...
            # if we were to rename it, then delete the new nameholder
            if rename:
               storagetypes.deferred.defer( Gateway.delete_all, [gateway_nameholder_new_key] )
            raise Exception("No Gateway with the ID %d exists.", g_id)

         old_name = gateway.name 
         # purge from cache
         Gateway.FlushCache( g_id )
         old_version = gateway.cert_version
         # apply update
         for (k,v) in fields.items():
            setattr( gateway, k, v )
         gateway.cert_version = old_version + 1
         return gateway.put()
      gateway_key = None
         gateway_key = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn( fields ), xg=True )
         assert gateway_key is not None, "Transaction failed"
      except Exception, e:
         logging.exception( e )
         raise e
コード例 #21
 def Update( cls, gateway_cert, new_driver=None ):
    Update a gateway identified by ID with a new certificate.
    Do not call this method directly.
    Return the gateway record's key on success
    Raise an exception on error.
    NOTE: the caller must verify the authenticity of the certificate.
    Only the volume owner should be able to update a gateway cert's capabilities.
    fields = cls.cert_to_dict( gateway_cert )
    g_id = fields['g_id']
    # validate...
    invalid = cls.validate_fields( fields )
    if len(invalid) != 0:
       raise Exception( "Invalid values for fields: %s" % (", ".join( invalid )) )
    new_driver_hash = None 
    old_driver_hash = None
    # sanity check...
    if new_driver is not None:
       new_driver_hash = GatewayDriver.hash_driver( new_driver )
       if binascii.hexlify( gateway_cert.driver_hash ) != new_driver_hash:
          raise Exception("Certificate driver hash mismatch: expected %s, got %s" % (binascii.hexlify( gateway_cert.driver_hash ), new_driver_hash))
    # drop cert; we'll store it separately 
    gateway_cert_bin = fields['gateway_cert']
    del fields['gateway_cert']
    def update_txn( fields ):
       Update the Gateway transactionally.
       g_id = fields['g_id']
       gateway = cls.Read(g_id)
       if gateway is None:
          # gateway does not exist...
          raise Exception("No Gateway with the ID %d exists.", g_id)
       old_driver_hash = gateway.driver_hash
       # verify update
       unwriteable = []
       for (k, v) in fields.items():
          if k not in cls.modifiable_cert_attrs and getattr(gateway, k) != v:
       if len(unwriteable) > 0:
          raise Exception("Tried to modify read-only fields: %s" % ",".join(unwriteable))
       # sanity check: valid version?
       if gateway.cert_version >= gateway_cert.version:
          raise Exception("Stale Gateway certificate: expected > %s; got %s" % (gateway.cert_version, gateway_cert.version))
       # apply update
       for (k,v) in fields.items():
          setattr( gateway, k, v )
       gateway.need_cert = cls.needs_cert( gateway.gateway_type, fields['caps'] )
       gateway.gateway_cert = gateway_cert_bin
       gw_key = gateway.put()
       if old_driver_hash is not None:
           # unref the old one 
           GatewayDriver.unref( old_driver_hash )
           cls.FlushCacheDriver( old_driver_hash )
       # purge from cache
       cls.FlushCache( g_id )
       return gw_key
    gateway_key = None
       gateway_key = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn( fields ), xg=True )
       assert gateway_key is not None, "Transaction failed"
    except Exception, e:
       logging.exception( e )
       raise e
コード例 #22
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: scottjiang1415/syndicate
    def Update(cls, volume_name_or_id, **fields):
      Atomically (transactionally) update a given Volume with the given fields.
      volume_id         -- ID of the Volume to update.
      Keyword arguments: same as Create()
            volume_id = int(volume_name_or_id)
            volume = Volume.Read_ByName(volume_name_or_id)
            if volume:
                volume_id = volume.volume_id
                raise Exception("No such Volume '%s'" % volume_name_or_id)

        invalid = Volume.validate_fields(fields)
        if len(invalid) != 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid values for fields: %s" %
                            (", ".join(invalid)))

        # make sure we're only writing correct fields
        invalid = Volume.validate_write(fields)
        if len(invalid) != 0:
            raise Exception("Unwritable fields: %s" % (", ".join(invalid)))

        if fields.has_key("metadata_private_key"):
            # extract the public key
                metadata_private_key = CryptoKey.importKey(
                kwargs['metadata_public_key'] = metadata_private_key.publickey(
                raise Exception("Invalid metadata private key: could not load")

            if not Volume.is_valid_key(metadata_private_key):
                raise Exception(
                    "Invalid metadata private key: not sufficiently secure")

        # are we changing the name? acquire the new name if so
        rename = False
        volume_nameholder_new_key = None
        old_name = None

        if "name" in fields.keys():
            volume_nameholder_new_fut = VolumeNameHolder.create_async(
                fields.get("name"), volume_id)

            volume_nameholder_new = volume_nameholder_new_fut.get_result()
            volume_nameholder_new_key = volume_nameholder_new.key

            if volume_nameholder_new.volume_id != volume_id:
                # name collision
                raise Exception("Volume '%s' already exists!" %

                # reserved!
                rename = True

        def update_txn(fields):
         Update the Volume transactionally.

            volume = Volume.Read(volume_id)
            if not volume or volume.deleted:
                # volume does not exist...
                # if we were to rename it, then delete the new nameholder
                if rename:

                raise Exception("No volume with the ID %d exists.", volume_id)

            old_name = volume.name

            # purge from cache

            old_version = volume.version
            old_cert_version = volume.cert_version

            # apply update
            for (k, v) in fields.items():
                setattr(volume, k, v)

            volume.version = old_version + 1
            volume.cert_version = old_cert_version + 1

            return volume.put()

        volume_key = None
            volume_key = storagetypes.transaction(lambda: update_txn(fields),
        except Exception, e:
            raise e
コード例 #23
    def Update(cls, gateway_cert, new_driver=None):
      Update a gateway identified by ID with a new certificate.
      Do not call this method directly.
      Return the gateway record's key on success
      Raise an exception on error.
      NOTE: the caller must verify the authenticity of the certificate.
      Only the volume owner should be able to update a gateway cert's capabilities.

        fields = cls.cert_to_dict(gateway_cert)
        g_id = fields['g_id']

        # validate...
        invalid = cls.validate_fields(fields)
        if len(invalid) != 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid values for fields: %s" %
                            (", ".join(invalid)))

        new_driver_hash = None
        old_driver_hash = None

        # sanity check...
        if new_driver is not None and len(new_driver) > 0:
            new_driver_hash = GatewayDriver.hash_driver(new_driver)
            if binascii.hexlify(gateway_cert.driver_hash) != new_driver_hash:
                raise Exception(
                    "Certificate driver hash mismatch: expected %s, got %s" %
                        gateway_cert.driver_hash), new_driver_hash))

        # drop cert; we'll store it separately
        gateway_cert_bin = fields['gateway_cert']
        del fields['gateway_cert']

        def update_txn(fields):
         Update the Gateway transactionally.

            g_id = fields['g_id']

            gateway = cls.Read(g_id)
            if gateway is None:
                # gateway does not exist...
                raise Exception("No Gateway with the ID %d exists.", g_id)

            old_driver_hash = gateway.driver_hash

            # verify update
            unwriteable = []
            for (k, v) in fields.items():
                if k not in cls.modifiable_cert_attrs and getattr(gateway,
                                                                  k) != v:

            if len(unwriteable) > 0:
                raise Exception("Tried to modify read-only fields: %s" %

            # sanity check: valid version?
            if gateway.cert_version >= gateway_cert.version:
                raise Exception(
                    "Stale Gateway certificate: expected > %s; got %s" %
                    (gateway.cert_version, gateway_cert.version))

            # apply update
            for (k, v) in fields.items():
                setattr(gateway, k, v)

            gateway.need_cert = cls.needs_cert(gateway.gateway_type,
            gateway.gateway_cert = gateway_cert_bin

            gw_key = gateway.put()

            if old_driver_hash is not None and new_driver_hash is not None and old_driver_hash != new_driver_hash:
                # unref the old one

            # purge from cache

            return gw_key

        gateway_key = None
            gateway_key = storagetypes.transaction(lambda: update_txn(fields),
            assert gateway_key is not None, "Transaction failed"
        except Exception, e:
            raise e
コード例 #24
def create(request):
    View for creating UG's
    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    user = db.read_user(username)

    # Helper method that simplifies returning forms after user error.
    def give_create_form(username, session):
        message = session.pop('message', "")
        form = gatewayforms.CreateUG()
        t = loader.get_template('gateway_templates/create_user_gateway.html')
        c = RequestContext(request, {
            'username': username,
            'form': form,
            'message': message
        return HttpResponse(t.render(c))

    if request.POST:
        # Validate input forms
        form = gatewayforms.CreateUG(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            if not form.cleaned_data['volume_name']:
                vol = None
                attrs = {
                    "Volume.name ==":
                    form.cleaned_data['volume_name'].strip().replace(" ", "_")
                vols = db.list_volumes(attrs, limit=1)
                if vols:
                    vol = vols[0]
                        'message'] = "No volume %s exists." % form.cleaned_data[
                    return give_create_form(username, session)
                if (vol.volume_id
                        not in user.volumes_r) and (vol.volume_id
                                                    not in user.volumes_rw):
                        'message'] = "Must have read rights to volume %s to create UG for it." % form.cleaned_data[
                    return give_create_form(username, session)
                # Force update of UG version
                attrs = {"UG_version": 1}

                        lambda: db.update_volume(vol.volume_id, **attrs))
                except Exception as E:
                    session['message'] = "UG creation error: %s" % E
                    return give_create_form(username, session)

                # Prep kwargs
                kwargs = {}
                kwargs['read_write'] = form.cleaned_data['read_write']
                kwargs['ms_username'] = form.cleaned_data['g_name']
                kwargs['port'] = form.cleaned_data['port']
                kwargs['host'] = form.cleaned_data['host']
                kwargs['ms_password'] = form.cleaned_data['g_password']

                # Create
                new_ug = db.create_user_gateway(user, vol, **kwargs)
            except Exception as E:
                session['message'] = "UG creation error: %s" % E
                return give_create_form(username, session)

            session['new_change'] = "Your new gateway is ready."
            session['next_url'] = '/syn/UG/mygateways'
            session['next_message'] = "Click here to see your gateways."
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/syn/thanks/')
            # Prep returned form values (so they don't have to re-enter stuff)

            if 'g_name' in form.errors:
                oldname = ""
                oldname = request.POST['g_name']
            if 'volume_name' in form.errors:
                oldvolume_name = ""
                oldvolume_name = request.POST['volume_name']
            if 'host' in form.errors:
                oldhost = ""
                oldhost = request.POST['host']
            if 'port' in form.errors:
                oldport = ""
                oldport = request.POST['port']

            # Prep error message
            message = "Invalid form entry: "

            for k, v in form.errors.items():
                message = message + "\"" + k + "\"" + " -> "
                for m in v:
                    message = message + m + " "

            # Give then the form again
            form = gatewayforms.CreateUG(
                    'g_name': oldname,
                    'volume_name': oldvolume_name,
                    'host': oldhost,
                    'port': oldport,
            t = loader.get_template(
            c = RequestContext(request, {
                'username': username,
                'form': form,
                'message': message
            return HttpResponse(t.render(c))

        # Not a POST, give them blank form
        return give_create_form(username, session)
コード例 #25
ファイル: gateway.py プロジェクト: scottjiang1415/syndicate
    def Update(cls, g_name_or_id, **fields):
      Update a gateway identified by ID with fields specified as keyword arguments.

        # get gateway ID
            g_id = int(g_name_or_id)
            gateway = Gateway.Read(g_name_or_id)
            if gateway is not None:
                g_id = gateway.g_id
                raise Exception("No such Gateway '%s'" % g_name_or_id)

        if len(fields.keys()) == 0:
            return True

        # validate...
        invalid = cls.validate_fields(fields)
        if len(invalid) != 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid values for fields: %s" %
                            (", ".join(invalid)))

        invalid = cls.validate_write(fields)
        if len(invalid) != 0:
            raise Exception("Unwritable fields: %s" % (", ".join(invalid)))

        rename = False
        gateway_nameholder_new_key = None
        old_name = None

        # do we intend to rename?  If so, reserve the name
        if "name" in fields.keys():
            gateway_nameholder_new_fut = GatewayNameHolder.create_async(
                fields.get("name"), g_id)

            gateway_nameholder_new = gateway_nameholder_new_fut.get_result()
            gateway_nameholder_new_key = gateway_nameholder_new.key

            if gateway_nameholder_new.g_id != g_id:
                # name collision
                raise Exception("Gateway '%s' already exists!" %

                # reserved!
                rename = True

        def update_txn(fields):
         Update the Gateway transactionally.

            gateway = cls.Read(g_id)
            if not gateway:
                # gateway does not exist...
                # if we were to rename it, then delete the new nameholder
                if rename:

                raise Exception("No Gateway with the ID %d exists.", g_id)

            old_name = gateway.name

            # purge from cache

            old_version = gateway.cert_version

            # apply update
            for (k, v) in fields.items():
                setattr(gateway, k, v)

            gateway.cert_version = old_version + 1

            return gateway.put()

        gateway_key = None
            gateway_key = storagetypes.transaction(lambda: update_txn(fields),
            assert gateway_key is not None, "Transaction failed"
        except Exception, e:
            raise e
コード例 #26
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: etherparty/syndicate
 def Update( cls, volume_name_or_id, **fields ):
    Atomically (transactionally) update a given Volume with the given fields.
    volume_id         -- ID of the Volume to update.
    Keyword arguments: same as Create()
       volume_id = int(volume_name_or_id)
       volume = Volume.Read_ByName( volume_name_or_id )
       if volume:
          volume_id = volume.volume_id
          raise Exception("No such Volume '%s'" % volume_name_or_id )
    invalid = Volume.validate_fields( fields )
    if len(invalid) != 0:
       raise Exception( "Invalid values for fields: %s" % (", ".join( invalid )) )
    # make sure we're only writing correct fields
    invalid = Volume.validate_write( fields )
    if len(invalid) != 0:
       raise Exception( "Unwritable fields: %s" % (", ".join( invalid )) )
    if fields.has_key("metadata_private_key"):
       # extract the public key
          metadata_private_key = CryptoKey.importKey( kwargs['metadata_private_key'] )
          kwargs['metadata_public_key'] = metadata_private_key.publickey().exportKey()
          raise Exception("Invalid metadata private key: could not load")
       if not Volume.is_valid_key( metadata_private_key ):
          raise Exception("Invalid metadata private key: not sufficiently secure")
    # are we changing the name? acquire the new name if so
    rename = False
    volume_nameholder_new_key = None
    old_name = None
    if "name" in fields.keys():
       volume_nameholder_new_fut = VolumeNameHolder.create_async( fields.get("name"), volume_id )
       volume_nameholder_new = volume_nameholder_new_fut.get_result()
       volume_nameholder_new_key = volume_nameholder_new.key
       if volume_nameholder_new.volume_id != volume_id:
          # name collision
          raise Exception("Volume '%s' already exists!" % (fields.get("name")) )
          # reserved!
          rename = True
    def update_txn( fields ):
       Update the Volume transactionally.
       volume = Volume.Read(volume_id)
       if not volume or volume.deleted:
          # volume does not exist...
          # if we were to rename it, then delete the new nameholder
          if rename:
             storagetypes.deferred.defer( Volume.delete_all, [volume_nameholder_new_key] )
          raise Exception("No volume with the ID %d exists.", volume_id)
       old_name = volume.name 
       # purge from cache
       Volume.FlushCache( volume_id )
       old_version = volume.version
       old_cert_version = volume.cert_version
       # apply update
       for (k,v) in fields.items():
          setattr( volume, k, v )
       volume.version = old_version + 1
       volume.cert_version = old_cert_version + 1
       return volume.put()
    volume_key = None
       volume_key = storagetypes.transaction( lambda: update_txn( fields ), xg=True )
    except Exception, e:
       logging.exception( e )
       raise e