コード例 #1
ファイル: nodeserver.py プロジェクト: danielnorberg/tako
class NodeServer(object):
    def __init__(self, node_id, store_file=None, explicit_configuration=None, coordinator_addresses=[], var_directory='var',
        super(NodeServer, self).__init__()
        if __debug__: logging.debug('node_id = %s, store_file = %s, explicit_configuration = %s, coordinators = %s, var_directory = %s',
                  node_id, store_file, explicit_configuration, coordinator_addresses, var_directory)
        self.id = node_id
        self.node = None
        var_directory = paths.path(var_directory)
        store_file = store_file or os.path.join(var_directory, 'data', '%s.tcb' % self.id)
        self.__store = Store(store_file)
        self.__node_clients = {}
        self.__internal_cluster_client = service.MulticastClient(InternalNodeServiceProtocol())
        configuration_directory = os.path.join(var_directory, 'etc')
        self.__repair_task = None
        self.__background_repair_enabled = False
        self.__background_repair_interval_seconds = None
        self.__read_repair_enabled = False
        self.__configuration = None
        self.__configuration_controller = ConfigurationController('nodeserver-%s' % self.id,
                                                                  coordinator_addresses, explicit_configuration,
                                                                  configuration_directory, self.__update_configuration,

    def __initialize_node_client_pool(self):
        nodes = self.__configuration.find_neighbour_nodes_for_node(self.node) if self.node else {}

        recycled_node_clients = {}
        for node_id, client in self.__node_clients.iteritems():
            if node_id in nodes:
                recycled_node_clients[node_id] = client

        new_node_clients = {}
        for node_id, node in nodes.iteritems():
            if node_id not in recycled_node_clients:
                new_node_clients[node_id] = service.Client((node.address, node.port), InternalNodeServiceProtocol, tag=node_id)

        self.__node_clients = dict(recycled_node_clients, **new_node_clients)

        # Blocking, do this after setting self.__node_clients
        for client in new_node_clients.itervalues():

    def __update_configuration(self, new_configuration):
        if __debug__: logging.debug('New configuration: %s', new_configuration)
        self.__configuration = new_configuration
        deployment = None
        if self.id in new_configuration.active_deployment.nodes:
            deployment = new_configuration.active_deployment
        if new_configuration.target_deployment and self.id in new_configuration.target_deployment.nodes:
            deployment = new_configuration.target_deployment
        self.node = deployment.nodes.get(self.id, None) if deployment else None
        self.__read_repair_enabled = deployment.read_repair_enabled if deployment else False
        self.__background_repair_enabled = deployment.background_repair_enabled if deployment else False
        self.__background_repair_interval_seconds = deployment.background_repair_interval_seconds if deployment else 0
        # TODO: restart servers if addresses changed

    def __fetch_value(self, key, node_id):
        if __debug__: logging.debug('key: %s, node_id: %s', key, node_id)
        return self.__clients_for_nodes((node_id,))[0].get(key) or (None, None)

    def __fetch_timestamps(self, key, node_ids):
        if __debug__: logging.debug('key: %s', key)
        node_ids = dict(node_ids)
        node_ids.pop(self.node.id, None)
        if not node_ids:
            return []
        clients = self.__clients_for_nodes(node_ids)
        return self.__internal_cluster_client.stat(clients, key)

    def __clients_for_nodes(self, node_ids):
        return [self.__node_clients[node_id] for node_id in node_ids]

    def __propagate(self, key, timestamp, value, target_nodes):
        if __debug__: logging.debug('key: %s, target_nodes: %s', key, target_nodes)
        collector = self.__internal_cluster_client.set_collector(self.__clients_for_nodes(target_nodes), 1)
        self.__internal_cluster_client.set_async(collector, key, timestamp, value)

    def __read_repair(self, key, timestamp, value, node_ids):
        if __debug__: logging.debug('key: %s, timestamp: %s', key, timestamp)
        remote_timestamps = self.__fetch_timestamps(key, node_ids)
        if __debug__: logging.debug('remote: %s', [(client.tag, repr(remote_timestamp)) for client, remote_timestamp in remote_timestamps])
        newer = [(client, remote_timestamp) for client, remote_timestamp in remote_timestamps
                 if remote_timestamp and remote_timestamp > timestamp]

        if __debug__: logging.debug('newer: %s', [(client.tag, repr(remote_timestamp)) for client, remote_timestamp in newer])
        if newer:
            latest_client, latest_timestamp = newer[-1]
            latest_timestamp, latest_value = self.__fetch_value(key, latest_client.tag)
            if __debug__: logging.debug('latest_timestamp: %s', latest_timestamp)
            if latest_timestamp and latest_value:
                value = latest_value
                timestamp = latest_timestamp

        older = [(client, remote_timestamp) for client, remote_timestamp in remote_timestamps
                 if remote_timestamp != None and remote_timestamp < timestamp]
        if __debug__: logging.debug('older: %s', [(client.tag, repr(remote_timestamp)) for client, remote_timestamp in older])
        if older:
            older_node_ids = [client.tag for (client, remote_timestamp) in older]
            self.__propagate(key, timestamp, value, older_node_ids)

        return timestamp, value

    def __internal_get(self, key):
        if __debug__: logging.debug('key: %s', key)
        timestamp, value = self.__store.get(key)
        return timestamp or 0, value

    def __internal_set(self, key, timestamp, value):
        if __debug__: logging.debug('key: %s', key)
        self.__store.set(key, timestamp, value)
        return timestamp

    def __internal_stat(self, key):
        if __debug__: logging.debug('key: %s', key)
        timestamp, value = self.__store.get(key)
        if __debug__: logging.debug('timestamp: %s', timestamp)
        return timestamp or 0

    def __public_get(self, key):
        if __debug__: logging.debug("key: %s", key)
        timestamp, value = None, None
        node_ids = self.__configuration.find_nodes_for_key(key)
        if self.node.id in node_ids:
            timestamp, value = self.__store.get(key)
        if self.__read_repair_enabled:
            new_timestamp, new_value = self.__read_repair(key, timestamp, value, node_ids)
            if new_timestamp > timestamp and self.node.id in node_ids:
                timestamp, value = new_timestamp, new_value
                self.__store.set(key, timestamp, value)
        return timestamp or 0, value

    def __public_set(self, key, timestamp, value):
        if __debug__: logging.debug("key: %s", key)
        node_ids = self.__configuration.find_nodes_for_key(key)
        if self.__read_repair_enabled:
            timestamp, value = self.__read_repair(key, timestamp, value, node_ids)
        if self.node.id in node_ids:
            self.__store.set(key, timestamp, value)
        return timestamp

    def __public_stat(self, key):
        return self.__public_get(key)

    def __repair_key(self, key):
        node_ids = self.__configuration.find_nodes_for_key(key)
        if self.node.id not in node_ids:
            timestamp, value = self.__store.get(key)
            if timestamp:
                new_timestamp, new_value = self.__read_repair(key, timestamp, value, node_ids)
                if new_timestamp > timestamp:
                    self.__store.set(key, new_timestamp, new_value)

    def __repair_store(self):
        if not self.node:
        if not self.__background_repair_enabled:

        total_count = self.__store.count()
        scan_count = 0
        start_time = time.time()
        last_time = start_time
        elapsed_time = 0

        logging.info('Starting store repair. Total %d keys.', total_count)

        # TODO: Refactor away this cursor muck
        cursor = self.__store.cursor()
        while True:
            key = None
                key = cursor.key()
            except StopIteration:
            except KeyError, e:
                logging.warning('KeyError: %s', e)
            except Exception, e:
                logging.warning('TC Exception: %s', e)
                # Not supposed to get this... pytc is broken.
            if not key:
            scan_count += 1
            now = time.time()
            if now - last_time > 5.0:
                last_time = now
                elapsed_time = now - start_time
                if __debug__: logging.debug('Store repair in progress. Scanned %d keys. Elapsed time: %s', scan_count, timedelta(seconds=elapsed_time))
            total_count = self.__store.count()
            if total_count == 0:
            if not self.node:
            if not self.__background_repair_enabled:
            coio.sleep(self.__background_repair_interval_seconds / total_count)