コード例 #1
class ReturnedSalesView(Viewable):
    PersonBranch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch')
    PersonResponsible = ClassAlias(Person, 'responsible_sale')
    PersonClient = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client')

    returned_sale = ReturnedSale

    id = ReturnedSale.id
    identifier = ReturnedSale.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(ReturnedSale.identifier, 'text')
    return_date = ReturnedSale.return_date
    reason = ReturnedSale.reason
    invoice_number = ReturnedSale.invoice_number

    sale_id = Sale.id
    sale_identifier = Sale.identifier
    sale_identifier_str = Cast(Sale.identifier, 'text')

    responsible_name = PersonResponsible.name
    branch_name = PersonBranch.name
    client_name = PersonClient.name

    tables = [
        Join(Sale, Sale.id == ReturnedSale.sale_id),
        Join(LoginUser, LoginUser.id == ReturnedSale.responsible_id),
        Join(PersonResponsible, PersonResponsible.id == LoginUser.person_id),
        Join(Branch, Branch.id == ReturnedSale.branch_id),
        Join(PersonBranch, PersonBranch.id == Branch.person_id),
        LeftJoin(Client, Client.id == Sale.client_id),
        LeftJoin(PersonClient, PersonClient.id == Client.person_id),
コード例 #2
ファイル: postgres.py プロジェクト: welitonfreitas/storm-py3
 def test_json_element(self):
     "JSONElement returns an element from a json field."
     connection = self.database.connect()
     json_value = Cast(u'{"a": 1}', "json")
     expr = JSONElement(json_value, u"a")
     # Need to cast as text since newer psycopg versions decode JSON
     # automatically.
     result = connection.execute(Select(Cast(expr, "text")))
     self.assertEqual("1", result.get_one()[0])
     result = connection.execute(Select(Func("pg_typeof", expr)))
     self.assertEqual("json", result.get_one()[0])
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_expr.py プロジェクト: n3zsistemas-bkp/stoq
    def test_generate_series_date(self):
        a = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1)
        b = datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 1)
        series = GenerateSeries(Cast(a, 'timestamp'), Cast(b, 'timestamp'),
                                Cast(u'1 month', 'interval')),

        data = list(
                Field('generate_series', 'generate_series')))
        self.assertEquals(len(data), 4)

        self.assertEquals(data[0], a)
        self.assertEquals(data[1], datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 1))
        self.assertEquals(data[2], datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 1))
        self.assertEquals(data[3], b)
コード例 #4
class QuotationView(Viewable):
    """Stores information about the quote group and its quotes.

    group = QuoteGroup
    quotation = Quotation
    purchase = PurchaseOrder

    id = Quotation.id
    purchase_id = Quotation.purchase_id
    group_id = Quotation.group_id
    identifier = Quotation.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(Quotation.identifier, 'text')
    group_identifier = QuoteGroup.identifier
    open_date = PurchaseOrder.open_date
    deadline = PurchaseOrder.quote_deadline
    supplier_name = Person.name

    tables = [
        Join(QuoteGroup, QuoteGroup.id == Quotation.group_id),
        LeftJoin(PurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrder.id == Quotation.purchase_id),
        LeftJoin(Supplier, Supplier.id == PurchaseOrder.supplier_id),
        LeftJoin(Person, Person.id == Supplier.person_id),
コード例 #5
ファイル: tillsearch.py プロジェクト: sarkis89/stoq
class TillFiscalOperationsView(Viewable):
    """Stores informations about till payment tables

    :attribute date:         the date when the entry was created
    :attribute description:  the entry description
    :attribute value:        the entry value
    :attribute station_name: the value of name branch_station name column

    id = TillEntry.id
    identifier = Payment.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(Payment.identifier, 'text')
    date = Payment.open_date
    description = Payment.description
    value = Payment.value

    cfop = CfopData.code
    station_name = BranchStation.name
    branch_id = Branch.id
    status = Till.status

    tables = [
        Join(Payment, Payment.id == TillEntry.payment_id),
        Join(Till, Till.id == TillEntry.till_id),
        Join(BranchStation, BranchStation.id == Till.station_id),
        Join(Branch, Branch.id == BranchStation.branch_id),
        Join(PaymentGroup, PaymentGroup.id == Payment.group_id),
        Join(Sale, Sale.group_id == PaymentGroup.id),
        Join(CfopData, CfopData.id == Sale.cfop_id),
コード例 #6
class LoanItemView(Viewable):
    id = LoanItem.id
    quantity = LoanItem.quantity
    sale_quantity = LoanItem.sale_quantity
    return_quantity = LoanItem.return_quantity
    price = LoanItem.price
    total = LoanItem.quantity * LoanItem.price

    loan_identifier = Loan.identifier
    loan_status = Loan.status
    opened = Loan.open_date
    closed = Loan.close_date

    sellable_id = Sellable.id
    code = Sellable.code
    description = Sellable.description

    category_description = SellableCategory.description
    unit_description = SellableUnit.description

    identifier_str = Cast(Loan.identifier, 'text')

    tables = [
        LeftJoin(Loan, LoanItem.loan_id == Loan.id),
        LeftJoin(Sellable, LoanItem.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
        LeftJoin(SellableUnit, Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
                 SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
コード例 #7
ファイル: transfer.py プロジェクト: rosalin/stoq
class TransferOrderView(Viewable):
    BranchDest = ClassAlias(Branch, 'branch_dest')
    PersonDest = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_dest')

    transfer_order = TransferOrder

    id = TransferOrder.id
    identifier = TransferOrder.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(TransferOrder.identifier, 'text')
    status = TransferOrder.status
    open_date = TransferOrder.open_date
    receival_date = TransferOrder.receival_date
    source_branch_id = TransferOrder.source_branch_id
    destination_branch_id = TransferOrder.destination_branch_id
    source_branch_name = Person.name
    destination_branch_name = PersonDest.name

    # Aggregates
    total_items = Sum(TransferOrderItem.quantity)

    group_by = [TransferOrder, source_branch_name, destination_branch_name]

    tables = [
             TransferOrder.id == TransferOrderItem.transfer_order_id),
        # Source
        LeftJoin(Branch, TransferOrder.source_branch_id == Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(Person, Branch.person_id == Person.id),
        # Destination
                 TransferOrder.destination_branch_id == BranchDest.id),
        LeftJoin(PersonDest, BranchDest.person_id == PersonDest.id),
コード例 #8
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: rosalin/stoq
class CardPaymentView(Viewable):
    """A view for credit providers."""
    _DraweePerson = ClassAlias(Person, "drawee_person")

    payment = Payment
    credit_card_data = CreditCardData

    # Payment Columns
    id = Payment.id
    identifier = Payment.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(Payment.identifier, 'text')
    description = Payment.description
    due_date = Payment.due_date
    paid_date = Payment.paid_date
    status = Payment.status
    value = Payment.value

    # CreditCardData
    fare = CreditCardData.fare
    fee = CreditCardData.fee
    fee_calc = CreditCardData.fee_value
    card_type = CreditCardData.card_type
    auth = CreditCardData.auth

    device_id = CardPaymentDevice.id
    device_name = CardPaymentDevice.description

    drawee_name = _DraweePerson.name
    provider_name = CreditProvider.short_name
    sale_id = Sale.id
    renegotiation_id = PaymentRenegotiation.id

    tables = [
        Join(PaymentMethod, PaymentMethod.id == Payment.method_id),
        Join(CreditCardData, CreditCardData.payment_id == Payment.id),
        Join(CreditProvider, CreditProvider.id == CreditCardData.provider_id),
                 CardPaymentDevice.id == CreditCardData.device_id),
        LeftJoin(PaymentGroup, PaymentGroup.id == Payment.group_id),
        LeftJoin(_DraweePerson, _DraweePerson.id == PaymentGroup.payer_id),
        LeftJoin(Sale, Sale.group_id == PaymentGroup.id),
                 PaymentRenegotiation.group_id == PaymentGroup.id),

    def get_status_str(self):
        return Payment.statuses[self.status]

    def renegotiation(self):
        if self.renegotiation_id:
            return self.store.get(PaymentRenegotiation, self.renegotiation_id)

    def find_by_provider(cls, store, provider):
        if provider:
            return store.find(cls, CreditCardData.provider == provider)
        return store.find(cls)
コード例 #9
class CommissionView(Viewable):
    """ Stores information about commissions and it's related
        sale and payment.

    id = Sale.id
    identifier = Sale.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(Sale.identifier, 'text')
    sale_status = Sale.status
    code = Commission.id
    commission_value = Commission.value
    commission_percentage = Commission.value / Payment.value * 100
    salesperson_name = Person.name
    payment_id = Payment.id
    payment_value = Payment.value
    confirm_date = Sale.confirm_date
    paid_date = Payment.paid_date

    tables = [
        Join(Commission, Commission.sale_id == Sale.id),
        Join(SalesPerson, SalesPerson.id == Commission.salesperson_id),
        Join(Person, Person.id == SalesPerson.person_id),
        Join(Payment, Payment.id == Commission.payment_id),

    def sale(self):
        return self.store.get(Sale, self.id)

    def payment(self):
        return self.store.get(Payment, self.payment_id)

    def quantity_sold(self):
        if self.sale_returned():
            # zero means 'this sale does not changed our stock'
            return Decimal(0)

        return self.sale.get_items_total_quantity()

    def get_payment_amount(self):
        # the returning payment should be shown as negative one
        if self.payment.is_outpayment():
            return -self.payment_value
        return self.payment_value

    def get_total_amount(self):
        # XXX: No, the sale amount does not change. But I return different
        # values based in type of the payment to guess how I might show the
        # total sale amount.
        if self.payment.is_outpayment():
            return -self.sale.total_amount
        return self.sale.total_amount

    def sale_returned(self):
        return self.sale_status == Sale.STATUS_RETURNED
コード例 #10
ファイル: postgres.py プロジェクト: welitonfreitas/storm-py3
 def test_json_text_element(self):
     "JSONTextElement returns an element from a json field as text."
     connection = self.database.connect()
     json_value = Cast(u'{"a": 1}', "json")
     expr = JSONTextElement(json_value, u"a")
     result = connection.execute(Select(expr))
     self.assertEqual("1", result.get_one()[0])
     result = connection.execute(Select(Func("pg_typeof", expr)))
     self.assertEqual("text", result.get_one()[0])
コード例 #11
class PurchasedItemAndStockView(Viewable):
    """Stores information about the purchase items that will be delivered and
    also the quantity that is already in stock.
    This view is used to query which products are going to be delivered and if
    they are on time or not.

    :cvar id: the id of the purchased item
    :cvar product_id: the id of the product
    :cvar purchased: the quantity purchased
    :cvar received: the quantity already received
    :cvar stocked: the quantity in stock
    :cvar expected_receival_date: the date that the item might be deliverd
    :cvar purchase_date: the date when the item was purchased
    :cvar branch: the branch where the purchase was done

    purchase_item = PurchaseItem

    id = PurchaseItem.id
    purchased = PurchaseItem.quantity
    received = PurchaseItem.quantity_received
    expected_receival_date = PurchaseItem.expected_receival_date

    order_identifier = PurchaseOrder.identifier
    order_identifier_str = Cast(PurchaseOrder.identifier, 'text')
    purchased_date = PurchaseOrder.open_date
    branch = PurchaseOrder.branch_id

    code = Sellable.code
    description = Sellable.description

    product_id = Product.id

    # Aggregate
    stocked = Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity)

    tables = [
        LeftJoin(PurchaseOrder, PurchaseItem.order_id == PurchaseOrder.id),
        LeftJoin(Sellable, Sellable.id == PurchaseItem.sellable_id),
        LeftJoin(Product, Product.sellable_id == PurchaseItem.sellable_id),
        LeftJoin(Storable, Storable.product_id == Product.id),
                 ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id),

    clause = And(
        PurchaseOrder.status == PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED,
        PurchaseOrder.branch_id == ProductStockItem.branch_id,
        PurchaseItem.quantity > PurchaseItem.quantity_received,

    group_by = [
        PurchaseItem, order_identifier, purchased_date, branch, code,
        description, product_id
コード例 #12
class DeliveryView(Viewable):
    PersonTransporter = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_transporter')
    PersonClient = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client')

    delivery = Delivery

    # Delivery
    id = Delivery.id
    status = Delivery.status
    tracking_code = Delivery.tracking_code
    open_date = Delivery.open_date
    deliver_date = Delivery.deliver_date
    receive_date = Delivery.receive_date

    identifier_str = Cast(Sale.identifier, 'text')

    # Transporter
    transporter_name = PersonTransporter.name

    # Client
    client_name = PersonClient.name

    # Sale
    sale_identifier = Sale.identifier

    # Address
    address_id = Delivery.address_id

    tables = [
        LeftJoin(Transporter, Transporter.id == Delivery.transporter_id),
                 PersonTransporter.id == Transporter.person_id),
        LeftJoin(SaleItem, SaleItem.id == Delivery.service_item_id),
        LeftJoin(Sale, Sale.id == SaleItem.sale_id),
        LeftJoin(Client, Client.id == Sale.client_id),
        LeftJoin(PersonClient, PersonClient.id == Client.person_id),
        # LeftJoin(Address,
        #         Address.person_id == Client.person_id),

    def status_str(self):
        return Delivery.statuses[self.status]

    def address_str(self):
        return self.store.get(Address, self.address_id).get_description()
コード例 #13
class PurchaseReceivingView(Viewable):
    """Stores information about received orders.

    :cvar id: the id of the receiving order
    :cvar receival_date: the date when the receiving order was closed
    :cvar invoice_number: the number of the order that was received
    :cvar invoice_total: the total value of the received order
    :cvar purchase_identifier: the identifier of the received order
    :cvar branch_id: the id branch where the order was received
    :cvar purchase_responsible_name: the one who have confirmed the purchase
    :cvar responsible_name: the one who has received the order
    :cvar supplier_name: the supplier name
    _Responsible = ClassAlias(Person, "responsible")
    _Supplier = ClassAlias(Person, "supplier_person")
    _PurchaseUser = ClassAlias(LoginUser, "purchase_user")
    _PurchaseResponsible = ClassAlias(Person, "purchase_responsible")

    order = ReceivingOrder

    id = ReceivingOrder.id
    receival_date = ReceivingOrder.receival_date
    invoice_number = ReceivingOrder.invoice_number
    invoice_total = ReceivingOrder.invoice_total
    purchase_identifier = PurchaseOrder.identifier
    purchase_identifier_str = Cast(PurchaseOrder.identifier, 'text')
    branch_id = ReceivingOrder.branch_id
    purchase_responsible_name = _PurchaseResponsible.name
    responsible_name = _Responsible.name
    supplier_name = _Supplier.name

    tables = [
                 ReceivingOrder.purchase_id == PurchaseOrder.id),
                 PurchaseOrder.responsible_id == _PurchaseUser.id),
                 _PurchaseUser.person_id == _PurchaseResponsible.id),
        LeftJoin(Supplier, ReceivingOrder.supplier_id == Supplier.id),
        LeftJoin(_Supplier, Supplier.person_id == _Supplier.id),
        LeftJoin(LoginUser, ReceivingOrder.responsible_id == LoginUser.id),
        LeftJoin(_Responsible, LoginUser.person_id == _Responsible.id),
コード例 #14
class BaseTransferView(Viewable):
    BranchDest = ClassAlias(Branch, 'branch_dest')
    PersonDest = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_dest')
    CompanyDest = ClassAlias(Company, 'company_dest')

    transfer_order = TransferOrder

    identifier = TransferOrder.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(TransferOrder.identifier, 'text')
    status = TransferOrder.status
    open_date = TransferOrder.open_date
    finish_date = Coalesce(TransferOrder.receival_date,
    source_branch_id = TransferOrder.source_branch_id
    destination_branch_id = TransferOrder.destination_branch_id
    source_branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), Person.name)
    destination_branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(CompanyDest.fancy_name, u''),

    group_by = [TransferOrder, source_branch_name, destination_branch_name]

    tables = [
             TransferOrder.id == TransferOrderItem.transfer_order_id),
        # Source
        LeftJoin(Branch, TransferOrder.source_branch_id == Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(Person, Branch.person_id == Person.id),
        LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == Person.id),
        # Destination
                 TransferOrder.destination_branch_id == BranchDest.id),
        LeftJoin(PersonDest, BranchDest.person_id == PersonDest.id),
        LeftJoin(CompanyDest, CompanyDest.person_id == PersonDest.id),

    def branch(self):
        # We need this property for the acronym to appear in the identifier
        return self.store.get(Branch, self.source_branch_id)
コード例 #15
class LoanView(Viewable):
    PersonBranch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch')
    PersonResponsible = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_responsible')
    PersonClient = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client')

    loan = Loan

    id = Loan.id
    identifier = Loan.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(Loan.identifier, 'text')
    status = Loan.status
    open_date = Loan.open_date
    close_date = Loan.close_date
    expire_date = Loan.expire_date
    removed_by = Loan.removed_by
    client_id = Loan.client_id
    branch_id = Loan.branch_id

    branch_name = PersonBranch.name
    responsible_name = PersonResponsible.name
    client_name = PersonClient.name

    # Aggregates
    loaned = Sum(LoanItem.quantity)
    total = Sum(LoanItem.quantity * LoanItem.price)

    tables = [
        Join(LoanItem, Loan.id == LoanItem.loan_id),
        LeftJoin(Branch, Loan.branch_id == Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(LoginUser, Loan.responsible_id == LoginUser.id),
        LeftJoin(Client, Loan.client_id == Client.id),
        LeftJoin(PersonBranch, Branch.person_id == PersonBranch.id),
                 LoginUser.person_id == PersonResponsible.id),
        LeftJoin(PersonClient, Client.person_id == PersonClient.id),

    group_by = [Loan, branch_name, responsible_name, client_name]
コード例 #16
class SellableView(Viewable):
    sellable = Sellable
    product = Product
    storable = Storable
    service = Service

    id = Sellable.id

    markup = Case(condition=(Sellable.cost == 0),
                  else_=(Sellable.base_price / Sellable.cost - 1) * 100)

    # Be explict about the type to workaround an issue with storm
    need_price_update = Cast(
        Sellable.cost_last_updated > Sellable.price_last_updated, 'boolean')

    tables = [
        LeftJoin(Service, Sellable.id == Service.id),
        LeftJoin(Product, Sellable.id == Product.id),
        LeftJoin(Storable, Sellable.id == Storable.id),
        LeftJoin(SellableCategory, SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id)
コード例 #17
class InventoryView(Viewable):
    """Stores general information's about inventories"""

    inventory = Inventory
    # Inventory

    #: Inventory Id
    id = Inventory.id
    #: Inventory Identifier
    identifier = Inventory.identifier
    #: Inventory Identifier ToString
    identifier_str = Cast(Inventory.identifier, 'text')
    #: Invoice number
    invoice_number = Inventory.invoice_number
    #: Date of open operation
    open_date = Inventory.open_date
    #: Date of close operation
    close_date = Inventory.close_date
    #: Status of Inventory
    status = Inventory.status
    #: Id of referenced Branch
    branch_id = Inventory.branch_id

    tables = [Inventory]

    def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch=None):
        """find results for this Inventory View that refenrences *Branch*

        :param store: the store that will be used for find the results
        :param branch: the |branch| used to filter the results
        :return: the matching views
        if branch is not None:
            return store.find(cls, branch_id=branch.id)

        return store.find(cls)
コード例 #18
class ProductionItemView(Viewable):
    production_item = ProductionItem

    id = ProductionItem.id
    order_identifier = ProductionOrder.identifier
    order_identifier_str = Cast(ProductionOrder.identifier, 'text')
    order_status = ProductionOrder.status
    quantity = ProductionItem.quantity
    produced = ProductionItem.produced
    lost = ProductionItem.lost
    category_description = SellableCategory.description
    unit_description = SellableUnit.description
    description = Sellable.description

    tables = [
                 ProductionItem.order_id == ProductionOrder.id),
        LeftJoin(Product, ProductionItem.product_id == Product.id),
        LeftJoin(Sellable, Sellable.id == Product.sellable_id),
                 SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
        LeftJoin(SellableUnit, Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
コード例 #19
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: rosalin/stoq
class BasePaymentView(Viewable):
    PaymentGroup_Sale = ClassAlias(PaymentGroup, 'payment_group_sale')
    PaymentGroup_Purchase = ClassAlias(PaymentGroup, 'payment_group_purchase')

    payment = Payment
    group = PaymentGroup
    purchase = PurchaseOrder
    sale = Sale
    method = PaymentMethod

    card_data = CreditCardData
    check_data = CheckData

    # Payment
    id = Payment.id
    identifier = Payment.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(Payment.identifier, 'text')
    description = Payment.description
    due_date = Payment.due_date
    status = Payment.status
    paid_date = Payment.paid_date
    value = Payment.value
    paid_value = Payment.paid_value
    payment_number = Payment.payment_number
    group_id = Payment.group_id

    # PaymentGroup
    renegotiated_id = PaymentGroup.renegotiation_id

    # PaymentMethod
    method_name = PaymentMethod.method_name
    method_id = PaymentMethod.id

    # PaymentCategory
    color = PaymentCategory.color
    category = PaymentCategory.name

    # PaymentComment
    comments_number = Field('_comments', 'comments_number')

    # Sale
    sale_id = Sale.id

    # Purchase
    purchase_id = PurchaseOrder.id
    purchase_status = PurchaseOrder.status

    _count_tables = [
        LeftJoin(PaymentGroup, PaymentGroup.id == Payment.group_id),
        LeftJoin(PaymentCategory, PaymentCategory.id == Payment.category_id),
        Join(PaymentMethod, Payment.method_id == PaymentMethod.id),
        LeftJoin(CreditCardData, Payment.id == CreditCardData.payment_id),
        LeftJoin(CheckData, Payment.id == CheckData.payment_id),

        # Purchase
                 PaymentGroup_Purchase.id == Payment.group_id),
                 PurchaseOrder.group_id == PaymentGroup_Purchase.id),

        # Sale
        LeftJoin(PaymentGroup_Sale, PaymentGroup_Sale.id == Payment.group_id),
        LeftJoin(Sale, Sale.group_id == PaymentGroup_Sale.id),

    tables = _count_tables + [
                 Field('_comments', 'payment_id') == Payment.id),

    def post_search_callback(cls, sresults):
        select = sresults.get_select_expr(Count(1), Sum(cls.value))
        return ('count', 'sum'), select

    def can_change_due_date(self):
        return self.status not in [
            Payment.STATUS_PAID, Payment.STATUS_CANCELLED

    def can_cancel_payment(self):
        """Only  lonely payments and pending can be cancelled
        if self.sale_id or self.purchase_id:
            return False

        return self.status == Payment.STATUS_PENDING

    def get_status_str(self):
        return Payment.statuses[self.status]

    def is_late(self):
        if self.status in [Payment.STATUS_PAID, Payment.STATUS_CANCELLED]:
            return False

        return (localtoday().date() - self.due_date.date()).days > 0

    def get_days_late(self):
        if not self.is_late():
            return 0

        days_late = localtoday().date() - self.due_date.date()
        if days_late.days < 0:
            return 0

        return days_late.days

    def is_paid(self):
        return self.status == Payment.STATUS_PAID

    def operation(self):
        return self.method.operation

    def find_pending(cls, store, due_date=None):
        query = cls.status == Payment.STATUS_PENDING

        if due_date:
            if isinstance(due_date, tuple):
                date_query = And(
                    Date(cls.due_date) >= due_date[0],
                    Date(cls.due_date) <= due_date[1])
                date_query = Date(cls.due_date) == due_date

            query = And(query, date_query)

        return store.find(cls, query)
コード例 #20
ファイル: purchase.py プロジェクト: pjamil/stoq
class PurchaseOrderView(Viewable):
    """General information about purchase orders

    :cvar id: the id of purchase_order table
    :cvar status: the purchase order status
    :cvar open_date: the date when the order was started
    :cvar quote_deadline: the date when the quotation expires
    :cvar expected_receival_date: expected date to receive products
    :cvar expected_pay_date: expected date to pay the products
    :cvar receival_date: the date when the products were received
    :cvar confirm_date: the date when the order was confirmed
    :cvar salesperson_name: the name of supplier's salesperson
    :cvar expected_freight: the expected freight value
    :cvar surcharge_value: the surcharge value for the order total
    :cvar discount_value: the discount_value for the order total
    :cvar supplier_name: the supplier name
    :cvar transporter_name: the transporter name
    :cvar branch_name: the branch company name
    :cvar ordered_quantity: the total quantity ordered
    :cvar received_quantity: the total quantity received
    :cvar subtotal: the order subtotal (sum of product values)
    :cvar total: subtotal - discount_value + surcharge_value

    Person_Supplier = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_supplier')
    Person_Transporter = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_transporter')
    Person_Branch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch')
    Person_Responsible = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_responsible')

    purchase = PurchaseOrder
    branch = Branch

    id = PurchaseOrder.id
    identifier = PurchaseOrder.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(PurchaseOrder.identifier, 'text')
    status = PurchaseOrder.status
    open_date = PurchaseOrder.open_date
    quote_deadline = PurchaseOrder.quote_deadline
    expected_receival_date = PurchaseOrder.expected_receival_date
    expected_pay_date = PurchaseOrder.expected_pay_date
    confirm_date = PurchaseOrder.confirm_date
    salesperson_name = NullIf(PurchaseOrder.salesperson_name, u'')
    expected_freight = PurchaseOrder.expected_freight
    surcharge_value = PurchaseOrder.surcharge_value
    discount_value = PurchaseOrder.discount_value

    branch_id = Branch.id
    supplier_id = Supplier.id
    supplier_name = Person_Supplier.name
    transporter_name = Coalesce(Person_Transporter.name, u'')
    branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), Person_Branch.name)
    responsible_name = Person_Responsible.name

    receival_date = Field('_receiving_order', 'receival_date')

    ordered_quantity = Field('_purchase_item', 'ordered_quantity')
    received_quantity = Field('_purchase_item', 'received_quantity')
    subtotal = Field('_purchase_item', 'subtotal')
    total = Field('_purchase_item', 'subtotal') - \
        PurchaseOrder.discount_value + PurchaseOrder.surcharge_value

    tables = [
             Field('_purchase_item', 'order_id') == PurchaseOrder.id),

                 Field('_receiving_order', 'purchase_id') == PurchaseOrder.id),

        LeftJoin(Supplier, PurchaseOrder.supplier_id == Supplier.id),
        LeftJoin(Transporter, PurchaseOrder.transporter_id == Transporter.id),
        LeftJoin(Branch, PurchaseOrder.branch_id == Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(LoginUser, PurchaseOrder.responsible_id == LoginUser.id),

        LeftJoin(Person_Supplier, Supplier.person_id == Person_Supplier.id),
        LeftJoin(Person_Transporter, Transporter.person_id == Person_Transporter.id),
        LeftJoin(Person_Branch, Branch.person_id == Person_Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == Person_Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(Person_Responsible, LoginUser.person_id == Person_Responsible.id),

    def post_search_callback(cls, sresults):
        select = sresults.get_select_expr(Count(1), Sum(cls.total))
        return ('count', 'sum'), select

    # Public API

    def get_open_date_as_string(self):
        return self.open_date.strftime("%x")

    def status_str(self):
        return PurchaseOrder.translate_status(self.status)

    def find_confirmed(cls, store, due_date=None):
        query = cls.status == PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED

        if due_date:
            if isinstance(due_date, tuple):
                date_query = And(Date(cls.expected_receival_date) >= due_date[0],
                                 Date(cls.expected_receival_date) <= due_date[1])
                date_query = Date(cls.expected_receival_date) == due_date

            query = And(query, date_query)

        return store.find(cls, query)
コード例 #21
    def get(self, store):
        from stoqnfe.domain.distribution import ImportedNfe

        cnpj = self.get_arg('cnpj')
        limit = self.get_arg('limit')
        offset = self.get_arg('offset')

        if not cnpj:
            message = "'cnpj' not provided"
            abort(400, message)

        if not validate_cnpj(cnpj):
            message = "Invalid 'cnpj' provided"
            abort(400, message)

        if limit is not None:
                limit = int(limit)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                message = "'limit' must be a number"
                abort(400, message)

            if limit > MAX_PAGE_SIZE:
                message = "'limit' must be lower than %s" % MAX_PAGE_SIZE
                abort(400, message)

        if offset is not None:
                offset = int(offset)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                message = "'offset' must be a number"
                abort(400, message)

        cnpj = format_cnpj(raw_document(cnpj))
        limit = limit or 20
        offset = offset or 0

        login_user = self.get_current_user(store)
        tables = [
            Join(Person, Branch.person_id == Person.id),
            Join(Company, Company.person_id == Person.id)
        query = Eq(Company.cnpj, cnpj)
        branches = store.using(*tables).find(Branch, query)

        # XXX There should exist at least one branch in database with
        # the cnpj from ImportedNfes. Otherwise, there is something wrong that
        # could lead to unwanted access to these ImportedNfes.
        assert branches

        for branch in branches:
            has_access = UserBranchAccess.has_access(store, login_user, branch)
            if has_access:

            message = 'login_user %s does not have access to branch %s' % \
                (login_user.id, branch.id)
            abort(403, message)

        query = And(ImportedNfe.cnpj == cnpj,
                    Cast(ImportedNfe.xml, 'text').startswith(NFEPROC_TYPE))
        result = store.find(ImportedNfe,
        result_count = result.count()
        imported_nfes = result.config(offset=offset, limit=limit)

        records = []
        for imported_nfe in imported_nfes:
            # FIXME: Change it to a store.find() when NFePurchase.key had been implemented
            query = "SELECT id FROM nfe_purchase WHERE cnpj='{}' AND xml::text ilike '%{}%'"
            nfe_purchase = store.execute(
                query.format(imported_nfe.cnpj, imported_nfe.key)).get_one()

            process_date = imported_nfe.process_date
            record = {
                'id': imported_nfe.id,
                'key': imported_nfe.key,
                # Since process_date is a new column, we can't assure that
                # all entries have it fulfilled
                'process_date': process_date and process_date.isoformat(),
                'purchase_invoice_id': nfe_purchase and nfe_purchase[0]

        next_offset = offset + limit
        has_next = result_count > next_offset
        next_ = None
        if has_next:
            next_ = self.routes[0] + '?limit={}&offset={}&cnpj={}'.format(
                limit, offset + limit, cnpj)

        has_previous = offset > 0
        previous = None
        if has_previous:
            previous = self.routes[0] + '?limit={}&offset={}&cnpj={}'.format(
                limit, max(offset - limit, 0), cnpj)

        response = {
            'previous': previous,
            'next': next_,
            'count': len(records),
            'total_records': result_count,
            'records': records
        return make_response(jsonify(response), 200)
コード例 #22
def calculate_bugsummary_rows(target):
    """Calculate BugSummary row fragments for the given `IBugTarget`.

    The data is re-aggregated from BugTaskFlat, BugTag and BugSubscription.
    # Use a CTE to prepare a subset of BugTaskFlat, filtered to the
    # relevant target and to exclude duplicates, and with has_patch
    # calculated.
    relevant_tasks = With(
        Select((BugTaskFlat.bug_id, BugTaskFlat.information_type,
                BugTaskFlat.status, BugTaskFlat.milestone_id,
                Alias(BugTaskFlat.latest_patch_uploaded != None, 'has_patch'),
                BugTaskFlat.access_grants, BugTaskFlat.access_policies),
               where=And(BugTaskFlat.duplicateof_id == None,

    # Storm class to reference the CTE.
    class RelevantTask(BugTaskFlat):
        __storm_table__ = 'relevant_task'

        has_patch = Bool()

    # Storm class to reference the union.
    class BugSummaryPrototype(RawBugSummary):
        __storm_table__ = 'bugsummary_prototype'

    # Prepare a union for all combination of privacy and taggedness.
    # It'll return a full set of
    # (status, milestone, importance, has_patch, tag, viewed_by, access_policy)
    # rows.
    common_cols = (RelevantTask.status, RelevantTask.milestone_id,
                   RelevantTask.importance, RelevantTask.has_patch)
    null_tag = Alias(Cast(None, 'text'), 'tag')
    null_viewed_by = Alias(Cast(None, 'integer'), 'viewed_by')
    null_policy = Alias(Cast(None, 'integer'), 'access_policy')

    tag_join = Join(BugTag, BugTag.bugID == RelevantTask.bug_id)

    public_constraint = RelevantTask.information_type.is_in(
    private_constraint = RelevantTask.information_type.is_in(

    unions = Union(
        # Public, tagless
        Select(common_cols + (null_tag, null_viewed_by, null_policy),
        # Public, tagged
        Select(common_cols + (BugTag.tag, null_viewed_by, null_policy),
               tables=[RelevantTask, tag_join],
        # Private, access grant, tagless
        Select(common_cols +
               (null_tag, Unnest(RelevantTask.access_grants), null_policy),
        # Private, access grant, tagged
        Select(common_cols +
               (BugTag.tag, Unnest(RelevantTask.access_grants), null_policy),
               tables=[RelevantTask, tag_join],
        # Private, access policy, tagless
            common_cols +
            (null_tag, null_viewed_by, Unnest(RelevantTask.access_policies)),
        # Private, access policy, tagged
            common_cols +
            (BugTag.tag, null_viewed_by, Unnest(RelevantTask.access_policies)),
            tables=[RelevantTask, tag_join],

    # Select the relevant bits of the prototype rows and aggregate them.
    proto_key_cols = (BugSummaryPrototype.status,
                      BugSummaryPrototype.has_patch, BugSummaryPrototype.tag,
    origin = IStore(BugTaskFlat).with_(relevant_tasks).using(
        Alias(unions, 'bugsummary_prototype'))
    results = origin.find(proto_key_cols + (Count(), ))
    results = results.group_by(*proto_key_cols).order_by(*proto_key_cols)
    return results
コード例 #23
class CommissionView(Viewable):
    """ Stores information about commissions and it's related
        sale and payment.

    #: the branch this commission was generated
    branch = Branch

    payment = Payment
    sale = Sale

    # Sale
    id = Sale.id
    identifier = Sale.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(Sale.identifier, 'text')
    sale_status = Sale.status
    confirm_date = Sale.confirm_date

    # Commission
    code = Commission.id
    commission_value = Commission.value
    commission_percentage = Commission.value / Payment.value * 100

    # Payment
    payment_id = Payment.id
    payment_value = Payment.value
    method_name = PaymentMethod.method_name
    paid_date = Payment.paid_date

    # Salesperson
    salesperson_id = SalesPerson.id
    salesperson_name = Person.name

    tables = [
        Join(Branch, Sale.branch_id == Branch.id),
        Join(Commission, Commission.sale_id == Sale.id),
        Join(SalesPerson, SalesPerson.id == Sale.salesperson_id),
        Join(Person, Person.id == SalesPerson.person_id),
        Join(Payment, Payment.id == Commission.payment_id),
        Join(PaymentMethod, Payment.method_id == PaymentMethod.id),

    def method_description(self):
        from stoqlib.domain.payment.operation import get_payment_operation
        return get_payment_operation(self.method_name).description

    # pylint: disable=E1120
    def quantity_sold(self):
        if self.sale_returned:
            # zero means 'this sale does not changed our stock'
            return Decimal(0)

        # FIXME: This is doing one extra query per row when printing the report
        return self.sale.get_items_total_quantity()

    def payment_amount(self):
        # the returning payment should be shown as negative one
        if self.payment.is_outpayment():
            return -self.payment_value
        return self.payment_value

    def total_amount(self):
        # XXX: No, the sale amount does not change. But I return different
        # values based in type of the payment to guess how I might show the
        # total sale amount.
        if self.payment.is_outpayment():
            return -self.sale.total_amount
        return self.sale.total_amount

    # pylint: enable=E1120

    def sale_returned(self):
        return self.sale_status == Sale.STATUS_RETURNED