コード例 #1
def test_drift_correction_5():
    Test XY offset determination & correction.
    n_locs = 500
    peaks = {
        "x": numpy.random.normal(loc=10.0, scale=0.2, size=n_locs),
        "y": numpy.random.normal(loc=10.0, scale=0.2, size=n_locs)

    h5_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_dc_hdf5.hdf5")

    # Save peaks.
    with saH5Py.SAH5Py(h5_name, is_existing=False, overwrite=True) as h5:
        h5.setMovieInformation(20, 20, 2, "")
        h5.addLocalizations(peaks, 0)
        peaks["x"] += 1.0
        h5.addLocalizations(peaks, 1)

    scale = 2
    with driftUtils.SAH5DriftCorrection(filename=h5_name, scale=scale) as h5d:
        h5d.setFrameRange(0, 1)
        im1 = h5d.grid2D()
        h5d.setFrameRange(1, 2)
        im2 = h5d.grid2D()

        # Check that both images have the same number localizations.
        assert (numpy.sum(im1) == numpy.sum(im2))

        # Measure offset.
        [corr, dx, dy, success] = imagecorrelation.xyOffset(im1, im2, scale)

        # Test that it succeeded.
        assert (success)

        # Test that we got the right answer.
        dx = dx / scale
        dy = dy / scale
        assert (numpy.allclose(numpy.array([dx, dy]),
                               numpy.array([-1.0, 0.0]),

        # Test that we are correcting in the right direction.
        h5d.setDriftCorrectionXY(dx, dy)
        im2 = h5d.grid2D(drift_corrected=True)
        [corr, dx, dy, success] = imagecorrelation.xyOffset(im1, im2, scale)
        dx = dx / scale
        dy = dy / scale

        assert (numpy.allclose(numpy.array([dx, dy]),
                               numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]),
コード例 #2
def test_drift_correction_9():
    Test handling of empty frames.
    filename = "test_dc_hdf5.hdf5"
    h5_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest(filename)

    with saH5Py.SAH5Py(h5_name, is_existing=False, overwrite=True) as h5:
        h5.setMovieInformation(128, 128, 10, "XYZZY")

    with driftUtils.SAH5DriftCorrection(filename=h5_name, scale=2) as h5d:
        h5d.setFrameRange(0, 1)
        im_xy = h5d.grid2D()
        assert (numpy.allclose(im_xy, numpy.zeros_like(im_xy)))
        im_xyz = h5d.grid3D(-1.0, 1.0)
        assert (numpy.allclose(im_xyz, numpy.zeros_like(im_xyz)))
コード例 #3
def test_drift_correction_7():
    Test XY and Z offset determination & correction as well as saving of the
    correct offsets in the HDF5 file.
    n_locs = 500
    peaks = {
        "x": numpy.random.normal(loc=10.0, scale=0.2, size=n_locs),
        "y": numpy.random.normal(loc=10.0, scale=0.2, size=n_locs),
        "z": numpy.random.normal(scale=0.05, size=n_locs)

    h5_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_dc_hdf5.hdf5")

    # Save peaks.
    t_dx = 2.0
    t_dz = 0.3
    with saH5Py.SAH5Py(h5_name, is_existing=False, overwrite=True) as h5:
        h5.setMovieInformation(20, 20, 2, "")
        h5.addLocalizations(peaks, 0)
        peaks["x"] += t_dx
        peaks["z"] += t_dz
        h5.addLocalizations(peaks, 1)

    scale = 2
    z_min = -1.0
    z_max = 1.0
    z_bins = int((z_max - z_min) / 0.05)
    with driftUtils.SAH5DriftCorrection(filename=h5_name,
                                        z_bins=z_bins) as h5d:
        h5d.setFrameRange(0, 1)
        im1_xy = h5d.grid2D()
        im1_xyz = h5d.grid3D(z_min, z_max)
        h5d.setFrameRange(1, 2)
        im2_xy = h5d.grid2D()
        im2_xyz = h5d.grid3D(z_min, z_max)

        # Check that both images have the same number localizations.
        assert (numpy.sum(im1_xy) == numpy.sum(im2_xy))

        # Measure and correct XY offset.

        # Measure offset.
        [corr, dx, dy,
         success] = imagecorrelation.xyOffset(im1_xy, im2_xy, scale)

        # Test that it succeeded.
        assert (success)

        # Test that we got the right answer.
        dx = dx / scale
        dy = dy / scale
        assert (numpy.allclose(numpy.array([dx, dy]),
                               numpy.array([-t_dx, 0.0]),

        # Apply xy drift correction.
        h5d.setDriftCorrectionXY(dx, dy)

        # Verify that z measurement returns the wrong value if we don't
        # correct for XY.

        # Measure z offset.
        [corr, fit, dz, success] = imagecorrelation.zOffset(im1_xyz, im2_xyz)
        dz = dz * (z_max - z_min) / float(z_bins)
        assert (dz < z_min)

        # Get 3D image with XY corrections.
        im2_xyz = h5d.grid3D(z_min, z_max, drift_corrected=True)

        # Verify correct z offset.
        [corr, fit, dz, success] = imagecorrelation.zOffset(im1_xyz, im2_xyz)
        dz = dz * (z_max - z_min) / float(z_bins)

        assert (abs(dz - t_dz) / t_dz < 0.1)

        # Save the drift data in the HDF5 file.
        h5d.saveDriftData([0.0, dx], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -dz])

    # Reload file and verify that the corrections are saved properly.
    with driftUtils.SAH5DriftCorrectionTest(filename=h5_name,
                                            z_bins=z_bins) as h5d:
        h5d.setFrameRange(0, 1)
        im1_xy = h5d.grid2D()
        im1_xyz = h5d.grid3D(z_min, z_max)
        h5d.setFrameRange(1, 2)
        im2_xy = h5d.grid2D()
        im2_xyz = h5d.grid3D(z_min, z_max)

        # Verify 0.0 xy offset.
        [corr, dx, dy,
         success] = imagecorrelation.xyOffset(im1_xy, im2_xy, scale)
        assert (success)
        dx = dx / scale
        dy = dy / scale
        assert (numpy.allclose(numpy.array([dx, dy]),

        # Verify 0.0 z offset.
        [corr, fit, dz, success] = imagecorrelation.zOffset(im1_xyz, im2_xyz)
        dz = dz * (z_max - z_min) / float(z_bins)
        assert (abs(dz) < 0.05)
コード例 #4
def rccDriftCorrection(hdf5_filename, drift_filename, step, scale, z_min,
                       z_max, correct_z):
    hdf5_filename - The localizations file for drift estimation.
    drift_filename - A text file to save the estimated drift in.
    step - Number of frames to group together to create a single image.
    scale - Image upsampling factor, 2.0 = 2x upsampling.
    z_min - Minimum localization z value in microns.
    z_max - Maximum localization z value in microns.
    correct_z - Estimate drift in z as well as in x/y.

    z_bins = int((z_max - z_min) / 0.05)
    h5_dc = driftUtils.SAH5DriftCorrection(filename=hdf5_filename,
    film_l = h5_dc.getMovieLength()

    max_err = 0.2

    # Sub-routines.
    def saveDriftData(fdx, fdy, fdz):
        driftUtils.saveDriftData(drift_filename, fdx, fdy, fdz)
        h5_dc.saveDriftData(fdx, fdy, fdz)

    def interpolateData(xvals, yvals):
        return driftUtils.interpolateData(xvals, yvals, film_l)

    # Don't analyze films that are empty.
    if (h5_dc.getNLocalizations() == 0):
        saveDriftData(numpy.zeros(film_l), numpy.zeros(film_l),
        return ()

    # Don't analyze films that are too short.
    if (4 * step > film_l):
        saveDriftData(numpy.zeros(film_l), numpy.zeros(film_l),

    print("Performing XY correction.")

    # Figure out how to bin the movie.
    frame = 0
    bin_edges = [0]
    while (frame < film_l):
        if ((frame + 2 * step) > film_l):
            frame = film_l
            frame += step

    # Estimate offsets between all pairs of sub images.
    centers = []
    pairs = []
    for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1):
        centers.append((bin_edges[i + 1] + bin_edges[i]) / 2)
        for j in range(i + 1, len(bin_edges) - 1):
            h5_dc.setFrameRange(bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1])
            sub1 = h5_dc.grid2D()

            h5_dc.setFrameRange(bin_edges[j], bin_edges[j + 1])
            sub2 = h5_dc.grid2D()

            [corr, dx, dy,
             success] = imagecorrelation.xyOffset(sub1, sub2, scale)

            dx = dx / float(scale)
            dy = dy / float(scale)

            print("offset between frame ranges", bin_edges[i], "-",
                  bin_edges[i + 1], "and", bin_edges[j], "-", bin_edges[j + 1])

            if success:
                print(" -> {0:0.3f} {1:0.3f} good".format(dx, dy))
                print(" -> {0:0.3f} {1:0.3f} bad".format(dx, dy))

            pairs.append([i, j, dx, dy, success])


    # For testing it is faster to not have to re-run the
    # XY drift correction calculations.
    #with open("test.dat", "w") as fp:
    #    pickle.dump([centers, pairs], fp)
    #with open("test.dat") as fp:
    #    [centers, pairs] = pickle.load(fp)

    # Prepare rij_x, rij_y, A matrix.
    rij_x = numpy.zeros(len(pairs), dtype=numpy.float32)
    rij_y = numpy.zeros(len(pairs), dtype=numpy.float32)
    A = numpy.zeros((len(pairs), len(centers)), dtype=numpy.float32)
    for i, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        rij_x[i] = pair[2]
        rij_y[i] = pair[3]
        A[i, pair[0]:pair[1]] = 1.0

    # Calculate drift (pass1).
    # dx and dy contain the optimal offset between sub image i and sub image i+1 in x/y.
    pinv_A = numpy.linalg.pinv(A)
    dx = numpy.dot(pinv_A, rij_x)
    dy = numpy.dot(pinv_A, rij_y)

    # Calculate errors.
    err_x = numpy.dot(A, dx) - rij_x
    err_y = numpy.dot(A, dy) - rij_y

    err_d = numpy.sqrt(err_x * err_x + err_y * err_y)
    arg_sort_err = numpy.argsort(err_d)

    # Print errors before.
    if False:
        for i in range(err_d.size):
            print(i, rij_x[i], rij_y[i], A[i, :], err_d[i])

    # Remove bad values.
    j = len(arg_sort_err) - 1

    while (j > 0) and (err_d[arg_sort_err[j]] > max_err):
        index = arg_sort_err[j]
        delA = numpy.delete(A, index, 0)
        if (numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(delA, tol=1.0) == (len(centers) - 1)):
            print(j, "removing", index, "with error", err_d[index])
            A = delA
            rij_x = numpy.delete(rij_x, index, 0)
            rij_y = numpy.delete(rij_y, index, 0)
            err_d = numpy.delete(err_d, index, 0)
            arg_sort_err[(arg_sort_err > index)] -= 1
            print("not removing", index, "with error", err_d[index])
        j -= 1

    # Print errors after.
    if False:
        for i in range(err_d.size):
            print(i, rij_x[i], rij_y[i], A[i, :], err_d[i])

    # Calculate drift (pass2).
    pinv_A = numpy.linalg.pinv(A)
    dx = numpy.dot(pinv_A, rij_x)
    dy = numpy.dot(pinv_A, rij_y)

    # Integrate to get final drift.
    driftx = numpy.zeros((dx.size))
    drifty = numpy.zeros((dy.size))
    for i in range(dx.size):
        driftx[i] = numpy.sum(dx[0:i])
        drifty[i] = numpy.sum(dy[0:i])

    # Print out XY results.
    for i in range(driftx.size):
        print("{0:0.1f} {1:0.3f} {2:0.3f}".format(centers[i], driftx[i],

    # Create spline for interpolation.
    final_driftx = interpolateData(centers, driftx)
    final_drifty = interpolateData(centers, drifty)

    # Plot XY drift.
    if False:
        import matplotlib
        import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

        x = numpy.arange(film_l)
        pyplot.plot(x, final_driftx, color='blue')
        pyplot.plot(x, final_drifty, color='red')

    # Z correction.
    if not correct_z:
        saveDriftData(final_driftx, final_drifty, numpy.zeros(film_l))

    print("Performing Z Correction.")

    driftz = numpy.zeros((dx.size))
    xyz_master = None
    for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1):
        h5_dc.setFrameRange(bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1])
        h5_dc.setDriftCorrectionXY(driftx[i], drifty[i])

        if xyz_master is None:
            xyz_master = h5_dc.grid3D(z_min, z_max, drift_corrected=True)

        xyz_curr = h5_dc.grid3D(z_min, z_max, drift_corrected=True)

        # Do z correlation
        [corr, fit, dz,
         z_success] = imagecorrelation.zOffset(xyz_master, xyz_curr)

        # Update Values
        if z_success:
            old_dz = dz
            dz = old_dz

        dz = dz * (z_max - z_min) / float(z_bins)

        if z_success:
            xyz_master += h5_dc.grid3D(z_min, z_max, drift_corrected=True)

        print("{0:d} {1:d} {2:0.3f}".format(bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1],
        driftz[i] = -dz

    final_driftz = interpolateData(centers, driftz)

    saveDriftData(final_driftx, final_drifty, final_driftz)


    # Plot X,Y, Z drift.
    if True:
        import matplotlib
        import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

        pixel_size = 160.0  # pixel size in nm.
        x = numpy.arange(film_l)
        pyplot.plot(x, pixel_size * final_driftx, color='red')
        pyplot.plot(x, pixel_size * final_drifty, color='green')
        pyplot.plot(x, 1000.0 * final_driftz, color='blue')
コード例 #5
def xyzDriftCorrection(hdf5_filename, drift_filename, step, scale, z_min,
                       z_max, correct_z):
    hdf5_filename - The localizations file for drift estimation.
    drift_filename - A text file to save the estimated drift in.
    step - Number of frames to group together to create a single image.
    scale - Image upsampling factor, 2.0 = 2x upsampling.
    z_min - Minimum localization z value in microns.
    z_max - Maximum localization z value in microns.
    correct_z - Estimate drift in z as well as in x/y.
    # FIXME? This assumes that we also analyzed all the frames in the
    #        movie. If the user set the 'max_frame' parameter this
    #        might not actually be true. For now we're just skipping
    #        over all the empty frames, but it might make more sense
    #        not to do anything at all.
    z_bins = int((z_max - z_min) / 0.05)
    h5_dc = driftUtils.SAH5DriftCorrection(filename=hdf5_filename,
    film_l = h5_dc.getMovieLength()

    # Check if we have z data for z drift correction.
    if correct_z:
        assert h5_dc.hasLocalizationsField(
        ), "Cannot do z drift correction without 'z' position information. Set 'z_correction' parameter to 0."

    # Sub-routines.
    def saveDriftData(fdx, fdy, fdz):
        driftUtils.saveDriftData(drift_filename, fdx, fdy, fdz)
        h5_dc.saveDriftData(fdx, fdy, fdz)

    def interpolateData(xvals, yvals):
        return driftUtils.interpolateData(xvals, yvals, film_l)

    # Don't analyze films that are empty.
    if (h5_dc.getNLocalizations() == 0):
        saveDriftData(numpy.zeros(film_l), numpy.zeros(film_l),
        return ()

    # Don't analyze films that are too short.
    if ((4 * step) >= film_l):
        saveDriftData(numpy.zeros(film_l), numpy.zeros(film_l),
        return ()

    # Drift correction (XY and Z are all done at the same time)
    # Note that drift corrected localizations are added back into
    # the reference image in the hopes of improving the correction
    # for subsequent localizations.

    # Figure out how to bin the movie. It seemed easier to do
    # this at the beginning rather than dynamically as we
    # went through the movie.
    frame = 0
    bin_edges = [0]
    while (frame < film_l):
        if ((frame + 2 * step) > film_l):
            frame = film_l
            frame += step

    xy_master = None
    xyz_master = None
    t = []
    x = []
    y = []
    z = []
    old_dx = 0.0
    old_dy = 0.0
    old_dz = 0.0
    for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1):

        # Load correct frame range.
        h5_dc.setFrameRange(bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1])

        midp = (bin_edges[i + 1] + bin_edges[i]) / 2

        xy_curr = h5_dc.grid2D()

        # This is to handle analysis that did not start at frame 0
        # of the movie. Basically we keep skipping ahead until we
        # find a group of frames that have some localizations.
        # FIXME: There could still be problems if the movie does not
        #        start on a multiple of the step size.
        if xy_master is None:
            if (numpy.sum(xy_curr) > 0):
                xy_master = xy_curr
                if correct_z:
                    xyz_master = h5_dc.grid3D(z_min, z_max)
            print(bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1], numpy.sum(xy_curr), 0.0, 0.0,

        # Correlate to master image, skipping empty images.
        if (numpy.sum(xy_curr) > 0):
            [corr, dx, dy, xy_success] = imagecorrelation.xyOffset(
                center=[x[i - 1] * scale, y[i - 1] * scale])
            [corr, dx, dy, xy_success] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False]

        # Update values. If we failed, we just use the last successful
        # offset measurement and hope this is close enough.
        if xy_success:
            old_dx = dx
            old_dy = dy
            dx = old_dx
            dy = old_dy

        dx = dx / float(scale)
        dy = dy / float(scale)


        # Apply the x/y drift correction to the current 'test'
        # localizations and add them into the master, but only
        # if the offset was measured successfully.
        h5_dc.setDriftCorrectionXY(dx, dy)
        if xy_success:
            # Add current to master
            xy_master += h5_dc.grid2D(drift_corrected=True)

        # Do Z correlation if requested.
        dz = old_dz
        if correct_z and xy_success:

            # Create 3D image with XY corrections only. We set the z offset to 0.0 to
            # reset stale values from the previous cycle, if any.
            xyz_curr = h5_dc.grid3D(z_min, z_max, drift_corrected=True)

            # Do z correlation, skipping empty images.
            if (numpy.sum(xyz_curr) > 0):
                [corr, fit, dz,
                 z_success] = imagecorrelation.zOffset(xyz_master, xyz_curr)
                [corr, fit, dz, z_success] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False]

            # Update Values
            if z_success:
                old_dz = dz
                dz = old_dz

            dz = dz * (z_max - z_min) / float(z_bins)

            if z_success:
                xyz_master += h5_dc.grid3D(z_min, z_max, drift_corrected=True)


        print("{0:d} {1:d} {2:d} {3:0.3f} {4:0.3f} {5:0.3f}".format(
            bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1], numpy.sum(xy_curr), dx, dy, dz))

    # Create numpy versions of the drift arrays. We estimated the drift
    # for groups of frames. We use interpolation to create an estimation
    # for each individual frame.
    nt = numpy.array(t)
    final_driftx = interpolateData(nt, numpy.array(x))
    final_drifty = interpolateData(nt, numpy.array(y))
    final_driftz = interpolateData(nt, numpy.array(z))

    saveDriftData(final_driftx, final_drifty, final_driftz)
