コード例 #1
ファイル: test_attributes.py プロジェクト: alasspri/stravalib
 def test_marshal_no_key(self):
     c = ChoicesAttribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, ),
                              1: "one",
                              2: "two"
     self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, c.marshal, "zero")
コード例 #2
 def test_marshal_too_many_keys(self):
     c = ChoicesAttribute(str, (SUMMARY, ), choices={1: "one", 2: "one"})
     self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, c.marshal, "one")
コード例 #3
 def test_marshal_data(self):
     c = ChoicesAttribute(str, (SUMMARY, ), choices={1: "one", 2: "two"})
     self.assertEqual(c.marshal("two"), 2)
     self.assertEqual(c.marshal("one"), 1)
コード例 #4
 def test_unmarshal_val_not_in_choices_gives_sam_val(self):
     # TODO: Test that logging is done as well
     c = ChoicesAttribute(str, (SUMMARY, ), choices={1: "one", 2: "two"})
     self.assertEqual(c.unmarshal(0), 0)
     self.assertEqual(c.unmarshal(None), None)
コード例 #5
 def test_unmarshal_data(self):
     c = ChoicesAttribute(str, (SUMMARY, ), choices={1: "one", 2: "two"})
     self.assertEqual(c.unmarshal(2), "two")
     self.assertEqual(c.unmarshal(1), "one")
コード例 #6
 def test_choices_kwarg_init_works(self):
     c = ChoicesAttribute(str, (SUMMARY, ), choices={1: "one", 2: "two"})
     self.assertEqual(c.choices, {1: "one", 2: "two"})
コード例 #7
 def test_no_choices_kwarg_means_choices_empty_dict(self):
     c = ChoicesAttribute(str, (SUMMARY, ))
     self.assertEqual(c.choices, {})
コード例 #8
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: wmorrill/elevation
class Athlete(LoadableEntity):
    Represents a Strava athlete.
    firstname = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: Athlete's first name.
    lastname = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: Athlete's last name.
    profile_medium = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: URL to a 62x62 pixel profile picture
    profile = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: URL to a 124x124 pixel profile picture
    city = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: Athlete's home city
    state = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: Athlete's home state
    country = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: Athlete's home country
    sex = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: Athlete's sex ('M', 'F' or null)
    friend = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: 'pending', 'accepted', 'blocked' or 'null' the authenticated athlete's following status of this athlete
    follower = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: 'pending', 'accepted', 'blocked' or 'null' this athlete's following status of the authenticated athlete
    premium = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: Whether athlete is a premium member (true/false)

    created_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when athlete record was created.
    updated_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when athlete record was last updated.

    approve_followers = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: Whether athlete has elected to approve followers

    badge_type_id = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: (undocumented)

    follower_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only) How many people are following this athlete
    friend_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only) How many people is this athlete following
    mutual_friend_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only) How many people are both following and being followed by this athlete
    athlete_type = ChoicesAttribute(str, (DETAILED,), choices={0: "cyclist", 1: "runner"})  #: athlete's default sport: 0 is cyclist, 1 is runner
    date_preference = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only) Athlete's preferred date representation (e.g. "%m/%d/%Y")
    measurement_preference = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only) How athlete prefers to see measurements (i.e. "feet" (or what "meters"?))
    email = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only)  Athlete's email address

    clubs = EntityCollection(Club, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only) Which clubs athlete belongs to. (:class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.Club`)
    bikes = EntityCollection(Bike, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only) Which bikes this athlete owns. (:class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.Bike`)
    shoes = EntityCollection(Shoe, (DETAILED,))  #: (detailed-only) Which shoes this athlete owns. (:class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.Shoe`)

    super_user = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: (undocumented) Whether athlete is a super user (not

    email_language = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED))  #: The user's preferred lang/locale (e.g. en-US)

    # A bunch of undocumented detailed-resolution attribs
    weight = Attribute(float, (DETAILED,), units=uh.kg)  #: (undocumented, detailed-only)  Athlete's configured weight.
    max_heartrate = Attribute(float, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's configured max HR

    username = Attribute(str, (DETAILED))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's username.
    description = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's personal description
    instagram_username = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Associated instagram username

    offer_in_app_payment = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only)
    global_privacy = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has global privacy enabled.
    receive_newsletter = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive newsletter
    email_kom_lost = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive emails when KOMs are lost.
    dateofbirth = DateAttribute((DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's date of birth
    facebook_sharing_enabled = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether Athlete has enabled sharing on Facebook
    ftp = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))   #: (undocumented, detailed-only)
    profile_original = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only)
    premium_expiration_date = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) When does premium membership expire (:class:`int` unix epoch)
    email_send_follower_notices = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only)
    plan = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only)
    agreed_to_terms = Attribute(str, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has agreed to terms
    follower_request_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) How many people have requested to follow this athlete
    email_facebook_twitter_friend_joins = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receve emails when a twitter or facebook friend joins Strava
    receive_kudos_emails = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive emails on kudos
    receive_follower_feed_emails = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive emails on new followers
    receive_comment_emails = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,))  #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive emails on activity comments

    sample_race_distance = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,))  # (undocumented, detailed-only)
    sample_race_time = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,))  # (undocumented, detailed-only)

    _friends = None
    _followers = None
    _stats = None
    _is_authenticated = None

    def __repr__(self):
        fname = self.firstname and self.firstname.encode('utf-8')
        lname = self.lastname and self.lastname.encode('utf-8')
        return '<Athlete id={id} firstname={fname} lastname={lname}>'.format(id=self.id,

    def is_authenticated_athlete(self):
        :return: Boolean as to whether the athlete is the authenticated athlete.
        if self._is_authenticated is None:
            if self.resource_state == DETAILED:
                # If the athlete is in detailed state it must be the authenticated athlete
                self._is_authenticated = True
                # We need to check this athlete's id matches the authenticated athlete's id
                authenticated_athlete = self.bind_client.get_athlete()
                self._is_authenticated = authenticated_athlete.id == self.id
        return self._is_authenticated

    def friends(self):
        :return: Iterator of :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` friend objects for this athlete.
        if self._friends is None:
            if self.friend_count > 0:
                self._friends = self.bind_client.get_athlete_friends(self.id)
                # Shortcut if we know there aren't any
                self._friends = []
        return self._friends

    def followers(self):
        :return: Iterator of :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` followers objects for this athlete.
        if self._followers is None:
            if self.follower_count > 0:
                self._followers = self.bind_client.get_athlete_followers(self.id)
                # Shortcut if we know there aren't any
                self._followers = []
        return self._followers

    def stats(self):
        :return: Associated :class:`stravalib.model.AthleteStats`
        if not self.is_authenticated_athlete():
            raise exc.NotAuthenticatedAthlete("Statistics are only available for the authenticated athlete")
        if self._stats is None:
            self._stats = self.bind_client.get_athlete_stats(self.id)
        return self._stats
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_attributes.py プロジェクト: davew/stravalib
 def test_marshal_data(self):
     c = ChoicesAttribute(unicode, (SUMMARY, ), choices={1: "one", 2: "two"})
     self.assertEqual(c.marshal("two"), 2)
     self.assertEqual(c.marshal("one"), 1)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_attributes.py プロジェクト: davew/stravalib
 def test_unmarshal_val_not_in_choices_gives_sam_val(self):
     # TODO: Test that logging is done as well
     c = ChoicesAttribute(unicode, (SUMMARY, ), choices={1: "one", 2: "two"})
     self.assertEqual(c.unmarshal(0), 0)
     self.assertEqual(c.unmarshal(None), None)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_attributes.py プロジェクト: davew/stravalib
 def test_unmarshal_data(self):
     c = ChoicesAttribute(unicode, (SUMMARY, ), choices={1: "one", 2: "two"})
     self.assertEqual(c.unmarshal(2), "two")
     self.assertEqual(c.unmarshal(1), "one")