コード例 #1
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: chandradeoarya/TweeStat
	def POST(self):
		form = web.input(search_term="Donald Trump")
		searchTerm = form.search_term
		numberTweets = form.num
		filename = searchTerm.replace(" ","")+".csv"
		#save tweets to csv file
		saveData(searchTerm, filename, numberTweets)
		#read the saved file
		arr = readCSV(filename)
		#Use Alchemy API to get sentiment and save as csv
		writeResult(arr, "out"+filename, searchTerm)
		arr, info = readData("out"+filename)
		#Save Graph
		keyword = ["Positive","Negative","Neutral"]
		ax = plt.subplot(111)
		y = np.arange(len(keyword))
		ax.bar(y[0], info[0], color='g', align='center')
		ax.bar(y[1], info[1], color='r', align='center')
		ax.bar(y[2], info[2], color='b', align='center')
		#plt.bar(y, info, align='center')
		fig = plt.gcf()
		plt.xticks(y, keyword)
		imagePath = "static/"+filename.replace(".csv",".png")
		return render.index(arr = arr, imagePath=imagePath)
コード例 #2
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: daulatdaga/TweeStat
 def POST(self):
     form = web.input(search_term="Donald Trump")
     searchTerm = form.search_term
     numberTweets = form.num
     filename = searchTerm.replace(" ", "") + ".csv"
     #save tweets to csv file
     saveData(searchTerm, filename, numberTweets)
     #read the saved file
     arr = readCSV(filename)
     #Use Alchemy API to get sentiment and save as csv
     writeResult(arr, "out" + filename, searchTerm)
     arr, info = readData("out" + filename)
     #Save Graph
     keyword = ["Positive", "Negative", "Neutral"]
     ax = plt.subplot(111)
     y = np.arange(len(keyword))
     ax.bar(y[0], info[0], color='g', align='center')
     ax.bar(y[1], info[1], color='r', align='center')
     ax.bar(y[2], info[2], color='b', align='center')
     #plt.bar(y, info, align='center')
     fig = plt.gcf()
     plt.xticks(y, keyword)
     imagePath = "static/" + filename.replace(".csv", ".png")
     return render.index(arr=arr, imagePath=imagePath)
コード例 #3
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: ahhda/TweeStat
def index():
	if request.method == 'POST':
		#form = web.input(search_term="Donald Trump")
		searchTerm = request.form['search_term']
		numberTweets = request.form['num']
		filename = searchTerm.replace(" ","")+".csv"
		#save tweets to csv file
		arr = saveData(searchTerm, filename, numberTweets)
		#Use Alchemy API to get sentiment and save as csv
		print "Entering writeresult"
		alchemyResult = threadCaller(arr, "out"+filename, searchTerm)
		#alchemyResult = writeResult(arr, "out"+filename, searchTerm)
		arr, info = getReadings(alchemyResult)
		print "after write result"
		# arr, info = readData("out"+filename)
		#Save Graph
		keyword = ["Positive","Negative","Neutral"]
		ax = plt.subplot(111)
		y = np.arange(len(keyword))
		ax.bar(y[0], info[0], color='g', align='center')
		ax.bar(y[1], info[1], color='r', align='center')
		ax.bar(y[2], info[2], color='b', align='center')
		#plt.bar(y, info, align='center')
		fig = plt.gcf()
		plt.xticks(y, keyword)
		imagePath = "static/"+filename.replace(".csv",".png")
		return render_template("index.html",arr = arr, imagePath=imagePath, info=info)
		return render_template("form.html")
コード例 #4
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: ahhda/TweeStat
def get_tasks():
	print "hahah"
	if 'name' in request.args:
		searchTerm = request.args['name']
		numberTweets = 100
		filename = searchTerm.replace(" ","")+".csv"
		arr = saveData(searchTerm, filename, numberTweets)
		print "Entering writeresult"
		alchemyResult = threadCaller(arr, "out"+filename, searchTerm)
		arr, info = getReadings(alchemyResult)
		print searchTerm
		return jsonify({'Analysis':{'Positive':info[0],'Negative':info[1],'Neutral':info[2]},'Tweets':arr})
		return jsonify({"test":tasks})