def setup(self): """Setup the AthenaClient tests""" self._db_name = 'test_database' config = load_config('tests/unit/conf/') prefix = config['global']['account']['prefix'] self.client = AthenaClient( self._db_name, 's3://{}-streamalert-athena-results'.format(prefix), 'unit-test')
def get_athena_client(config): """Get an athena client using the current config settings Args: config (CLIConfig): Loaded StreamAlert config Returns: AthenaClient: instantiated client for performing athena actions """ prefix = config['global']['account']['prefix'] athena_config = config['lambda']['athena_partitioner_config'] db_name = get_database_name(config) # Get the S3 bucket to store Athena query results results_bucket = athena_config.get( 'results_bucket', 's3://{}-streamalert-athena-results'.format(prefix) ) return AthenaClient( db_name, results_bucket, 'streamalert_cli', region=config['global']['account']['region'] )
def _create_client(cls, db_name, results_bucket): if cls._ATHENA_CLIENT: return # Client already created/cached cls._ATHENA_CLIENT = AthenaClient(db_name, results_bucket, cls.ATHENA_S3_PREFIX) # Check if the database exists when the client is created if not cls._ATHENA_CLIENT.check_database_exists(): raise AthenaPartitionerError( 'The \'{}\' database does not exist'.format(db_name))
def test_init_fix_bucket_path(self, date_mock): """Athena - Fix Bucket Path""" date_now = datetime.utcnow() date_mock.utcnow.return_value = date_now date_format = date_now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/%H') expected_path = 's3://test-streamalert-athena-results/unit-test/{}'.format( date_format) with patch.dict(os.environ, {'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION': 'us-west-1'}): client = AthenaClient(self._db_name, 'test-streamalert-athena-results', 'unit-test') assert_equal(client.results_path, expected_path)
def __init__(self): self._config = load_config() prefix = self._config['global']['account']['prefix'] # Create the rule table class for getting staging information self._rule_table = RuleTable('{}_streamalert_rules'.format(prefix)) athena_config = self._config['lambda']['athena_partitioner_config'] # Get the name of the athena database to access db_name = athena_config.get('database_name', get_database_name(self._config)) # Get the S3 bucket to store Athena query results results_bucket = athena_config.get( 'results_bucket', 's3://{}-streamalert-athena-results'.format(prefix)) self._athena_client = AthenaClient(db_name, results_bucket, self.ATHENA_S3_PREFIX) self._current_time = datetime.utcnow() self._staging_stats = dict()
class RulePromoter: """Run queries to generate statistics on alerts.""" ATHENA_S3_PREFIX = 'rule_promoter' STREAMALERT_DATABASE = '{}_streamalert' def __init__(self): self._config = load_config() prefix = self._config['global']['account']['prefix'] # Create the rule table class for getting staging information self._rule_table = RuleTable('{}_streamalert_rules'.format(prefix)) athena_config = self._config['lambda'][ 'athena_partition_refresh_config'] # Get the name of the athena database to access db_name = athena_config.get('database_name', self.STREAMALERT_DATABASE.format(prefix)) # Get the S3 bucket to store Athena query results results_bucket = athena_config.get( 'results_bucket', 's3://{}-streamalert-athena-results'.format(prefix)) self._athena_client = AthenaClient(db_name, results_bucket, self.ATHENA_S3_PREFIX) self._current_time = datetime.utcnow() self._staging_stats = dict() def _get_staging_info(self): """Query the Rule table for rule staging info needed to count each rule's alerts Example of rule metadata returned by RuleTable.remote_rule_info(): { 'example_rule_name': { 'Staged': True 'StagedAt': datetime.datetime object, 'StagedUntil': '2018-04-21T02:23:13.332223Z' } } """ for rule in sorted(self._rule_table.remote_rule_info): info = self._rule_table.remote_rule_info[rule] # If the rule is not staged, do not get stats on it if not info['Staged']: continue self._staging_stats[rule] = StagingStatistic( info['StagedAt'], info['StagedUntil'], self._current_time, rule) return len(self._staging_stats) != 0 def _update_alert_count(self): """Transform Athena query results into alert counts for rules_engine Args: query (str): Athena query to run and wait for results Returns: dict: Representation of alert counts, where key is the rule name and value is the alert count (int) since this rule was staged """ query = StagingStatistic.construct_compound_count_query( list(self._staging_stats.values())) LOGGER.debug('Running compound query for alert count: \'%s\'', query) for page, results in enumerate( self._athena_client.query_result_paginator(query)): for i, row in enumerate(results['ResultSet']['Rows']): if page == 0 and i == 0: # skip header row included in first page only continue row_values = [list(data.values())[0] for data in row['Data']] rule_name, alert_count = row_values[0], int(row_values[1]) LOGGER.debug('Found %d alerts for rule \'%s\'', alert_count, rule_name) self._staging_stats[rule_name].alert_count = alert_count def run(self, send_digest): """Perform statistic analysis of currently staged rules Args: send_digest (bool): True if the staging statistics digest should be published, False otherwise """ if not self._get_staging_info(): LOGGER.debug('No staged rules to promote') return self._update_alert_count() self._promote_rules() if send_digest: publisher = StatsPublisher(self._config, self._athena_client, self._current_time) publisher.publish(list(self._staging_stats.values())) else: LOGGER.debug('Staging statistics digest will not be sent') def _promote_rules(self): """Promote any rule that has not resulted in any alerts since being staged""" for rule in self._rules_to_be_promoted:'Promoting rule \'%s\' at %s', rule, self._current_time) self._rule_table.toggle_staged_state(rule, False) @property def _rules_to_be_promoted(self): """Returns a list of rules that are eligible for promotion""" return [ rule for rule, stat in self._staging_stats.items() if self._current_time > stat.staged_until and stat.alert_count == 0 ] @property def _rules_failing_promotion(self): """Returns a list of rules that are ineligible for promotion""" return [ rule for rule, stat in self._staging_stats.items() if stat.alert_count != 0 ]
class TestAthenaClient: """Test class for AthenaClient""" @patch.dict(os.environ, {'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION': 'us-west-1'}) @patch('boto3.client', Mock(side_effect=lambda c, config=None: MockAthenaClient())) def setup(self): """Setup the AthenaClient tests""" self._db_name = 'test_database' config = load_config('tests/unit/conf/') prefix = config['global']['account']['prefix'] self.client = AthenaClient( self._db_name, 's3://{}-streamalert-athena-results'.format(prefix), 'unit-test') @patch('streamalert.shared.athena.datetime') def test_init_fix_bucket_path(self, date_mock): """Athena - Fix Bucket Path""" date_now = datetime.utcnow() date_mock.utcnow.return_value = date_now date_format = date_now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/%H') expected_path = 's3://test-streamalert-athena-results/unit-test/{}'.format( date_format) with patch.dict(os.environ, {'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION': 'us-west-1'}): client = AthenaClient(self._db_name, 'test-streamalert-athena-results', 'unit-test') assert_equal(client.results_path, expected_path) def test_unique_values_from_query(self): """Athena - Unique Values from Query""" query = { 'ResultSet': { 'Rows': [ { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'foobar' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'barfoo' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'barfoo' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'foobarbaz' }] }, ] } } expected_result = {'foobar', 'barfoo', 'foobarbaz'} result = self.client._unique_values_from_query(query) assert_count_equal(result, expected_result) def test_check_database_exists(self): """Athena - Check Database Exists""" self.client._client.results = [{ 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': self._db_name }] }] assert_true(self.client.check_database_exists()) def test_check_database_exists_invalid(self): """Athena - Check Database Exists - Does Not Exist""" self.client._client.results = None assert_false(self.client.check_database_exists()) def test_check_table_exists(self): """Athena - Check Table Exists""" self.client._client.results = [{ 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'test_table' }] }] assert_true(self.client.check_table_exists('test_table')) def test_check_table_exists_invalid(self): """Athena - Check Table Exists - Does Not Exist""" self.client._client.results = None assert_false(self.client.check_table_exists('test_table')) def test_get_table_partitions(self): """Athena - Get Table Partitions""" self.client._client.results = [ { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'dt=2018-12-10-10' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'dt=2018-12-09-10' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'dt=2018-12-09-10' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'dt=2018-12-11-10' }] }, ] expected_result = { 'dt=2018-12-10-10', 'dt=2018-12-09-10', 'dt=2018-12-11-10' } result = self.client.get_table_partitions('test_table') assert_count_equal(result, expected_result) def test_get_table_partitions_error(self): """Athena - Get Table Partitions, Exception""" self.client._client.raise_exception = True assert_raises(AthenaQueryExecutionError, self.client.get_table_partitions, 'test_table') def test_drop_table(self): """Athena - Drop Table, Success""" assert_true(self.client.drop_table('test_table')) def test_drop_table_failure(self): """Athena - Drop Table, Failure""" self.client._client.raise_exception = True assert_raises(AthenaQueryExecutionError, self.client.drop_table, 'test_table') @patch('streamalert.shared.athena.AthenaClient.drop_table') def test_drop_all_tables(self, drop_table_mock): """Athena - Drop All Tables, Success""" self.client._client.results = [ { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'table_01' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'table_02' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'table_02' }] }, ] assert_true(self.client.drop_all_tables()) assert_equal(drop_table_mock.call_count, 2) @patch('streamalert.shared.athena.AthenaClient.drop_table') def test_drop_all_tables_failure(self, drop_table_mock): """Athena - Drop All Tables, Failure""" self.client._client.results = [ { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'table_01' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'table_02' }] }, { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'table_03' }] }, ] drop_table_mock.side_effect = [True, True, False] assert_false(self.client.drop_all_tables()) def test_drop_all_tables_exception(self): """Athena - Drop All Tables, Exception""" self.client._client.raise_exception = True assert_raises(AthenaQueryExecutionError, self.client.drop_all_tables) def test_execute_query(self): """Athena - Execute Query""" self.client._client.raise_exception = True assert_raises(AthenaQueryExecutionError, self.client._execute_query, 'BAD SQL') def test_execute_and_wait(self): """Athena - Execute and Wait""" self.client._client.results = [ { 'Data': [{ 'VarCharValue': 'result' }] }, ] result = self.client._execute_and_wait('SQL query') assert_true(result in self.client._client.query_executions) def test_execute_and_wait_failed(self): """Athena - Execute and Wait, Failed""" query = 'SQL query' self.client._client.result_state = 'FAILED' assert_raises(AthenaQueryExecutionError, self.client._execute_and_wait, query) def test_query_result_paginator(self): """Athena - Query Result Paginator""" data = {'Data': [{'VarCharValue': 'result'}]} self.client._client.results = [ data, ] items = list(self.client.query_result_paginator('test query')) assert_count_equal(items, [{'ResultSet': {'Rows': [data]}}] * 4) @raises(AthenaQueryExecutionError) def test_query_result_paginator_error(self): """Athena - Query Result Paginator, Exception""" self.client._client.raise_exception = True list(self.client.query_result_paginator('test query')) def test_run_async_query(self): """Athena - Run Async Query, Success""" assert_true(self.client.run_async_query('test query')) def test_run_async_query_failure(self): """Athena - Run Async Query, Failure""" self.client._client.raise_exception = True assert_raises(AthenaQueryExecutionError, self.client.run_async_query, 'test query')