class BatchingBoltTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # mock seconds between batches to speed the tests up self._orig_secs = BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches = 0.05 self.bolt = BatchingBolt(output_stream=BytesIO()) self.bolt.initialize({}, {}) # Mock read_tuple and manually since it all needs to be mocked self.tups = [ Tuple(14, 'some_spout', 'default', 'some_bolt', [1, 2, 3]), Tuple(15, 'some_spout', 'default', 'some_bolt', [4, 5, 6]), Tuple(16, 'some_spout', 'default', 'some_bolt', [7, 8, 9]) ] self._orig_read_tuple = self.bolt.read_tuple tups_cycle = itertools.cycle(self.tups) self.bolt.read_tuple = lambda: next(tups_cycle) def tearDown(self): # undo the mocking BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches = self._orig_secs self.bolt.read_tuple = self._orig_read_tuple @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_batching(self, process_batch_mock): # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() # Wait a bit, and see if process_batch was called time.sleep(0.5) process_batch_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, None, self.tups[:3]) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_group_key(self, process_batch_mock): # Change the group key to even/odd grouping self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) % 2 # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() # Wait a bit, and see if process_batch was called correctly time.sleep(0.5) process_batch_mock.assert_has_calls([, 0, [self.tups[0], self.tups[2]]),, 1, [self.tups[1]]) ], any_order=True) def test_exception_handling(self): # Make sure the exception gets from the worker thread to the main with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'ack', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', new=lambda *args: None) def test_auto_ack(self, ack_mock): # Test auto-ack on (the default) for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) ack_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.tups[0]),, self.tups[1]),, self.tups[2]) ], any_order=True) ack_mock.reset_mock() # Test auto-ack off self.bolt.auto_ack = False for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Assert that this wasn't called, and print out what it was called with # otherwise. self.assertListEqual(ack_mock.call_args_list, []) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, '_handle_worker_exception', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail(self, fail_mock, worker_exception_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Test auto-fail on (the default) for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # All waiting tuples should have failed at this point fail_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.tups[0]),, self.tups[1]),, self.tups[2]) ], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_count, 1) fail_mock.reset_mock() worker_exception_mock.reset_mock() # Test auto-fail off self.bolt.auto_fail = False for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Assert that this wasn't called, and print out what it was called with # otherwise. self.assertListEqual(fail_mock.call_args_list, []) self.assertListEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_args_list, []) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, '_handle_worker_exception', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_partial(self, fail_mock, process_batch_mock, worker_exception_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Change the group key just be the sum of values, which makes 3 separate # batches self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) # Make sure we fail on the second batch work = {'status': True} # to avoid scoping problems def work_once(*args): if work['status']: work['status'] = False else: raise Exception('borkt') process_batch_mock.side_effect = work_once # Run the batches for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Only some tuples should have failed at this point. The key is that # all un-acked tuples should be failed, even for batches we haven't # started processing yet. self.assertEqual(fail_mock.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_count, 1)
class BatchingBoltTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.ticks_between_batches = 1 self.tup_dicts = [{'id': 14, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [1, 2, 3]}, {'id': 15, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [4, 5, 6]}, {'id': None, 'comp': '__system', 'stream': '__tick', 'task': -1, 'tuple': [1]}, {'id': 16, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [7, 8, 9]}, {'id': None, 'comp': '__system', 'stream': '__tick', 'task': -1, 'tuple': [1]}] tups_json = '\nend\n'.join([json.dumps(tup_dict) for tup_dict in self.tup_dicts] + ['']) self.tups = [Tuple(tup_dict['id'], tup_dict['comp'], tup_dict['stream'], tup_dict['task'], tup_dict['tuple']) for tup_dict in self.tup_dicts] self.nontick_tups = [tup for tup in self.tups if != '__tick'] self.bolt = BatchingBolt(input_stream=StringIO(tups_json), output_stream=BytesIO()) self.bolt.initialize({}, {}) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_batching(self, process_batch_mock): # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in self.tups: self.bolt._run() process_batch_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, None, self.nontick_tups) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_group_key(self, process_batch_mock): # Change the group key to even/odd grouping self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) % 2 # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in self.tups: self.bolt._run() process_batch_mock.assert_has_calls([, 0, [self.nontick_tups[0], self.nontick_tups[2]]),, 1, [self.nontick_tups[1]])], any_order=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'ack', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', new=lambda *args: None) def test_auto_ack_on(self, ack_mock): # Test auto-ack on (the default) for __ in self.tups: self.bolt._run() ack_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.nontick_tups[0]),, self.nontick_tups[1]),, self.nontick_tups[2])], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(ack_mock.call_count, 3) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'ack', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', new=lambda *args: None) def test_auto_ack_off(self, ack_mock): # Test auto-ack off self.bolt.auto_ack = False for __ in self.tups: self.bolt._run() # Assert that this wasn't called, and print out what it was called with # otherwise. self.assertListEqual(ack_mock.call_args_list, []) self.assertEqual(ack_mock.call_count, 0) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_handshake', new=lambda x: ({}, {})) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'raise_exception', new=lambda *a: None) @patch('sys.exit', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_on(self, fail_mock, exit_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Test auto-fail on (the default) # All waiting tuples should have failed at this point fail_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.nontick_tups[0]),, self.nontick_tups[1]),, self.nontick_tups[2])], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(fail_mock.call_count, 3) self.assertEqual(exit_mock.call_count, 1) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_handshake', new=lambda x: ({}, {})) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'raise_exception', new=lambda *a: None) @patch('sys.exit', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_off(self, fail_mock, exit_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Test auto-fail off self.bolt.auto_fail = False # All waiting tuples should have failed at this point self.assertEqual(exit_mock.call_count, 1) self.assertListEqual(fail_mock.call_args_list, []) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_handshake', new=lambda x: ({}, {})) @patch('sys.exit', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_partial(self, fail_mock, process_batch_mock, exit_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Change the group key just be the sum of values, which makes 3 separate # batches self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) # Make sure we fail on the second batch work = {'status': True} # to avoid scoping problems def work_once(*args): if work['status']: work['status'] = False else: raise Exception('borkt') process_batch_mock.side_effect = work_once # Run the batches # Only some tuples should have failed at this point. The key is that # all un-acked tuples should be failed, even for batches we haven't # started processing yet. self.assertEqual(fail_mock.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual(exit_mock.call_count, 1) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_tuple', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'send_message', autospec=True) def test_heartbeat_response(self, send_message_mock, read_tuple_mock): # Make sure we send sync for heartbeats read_tuple_mock.return_value = Tuple(id='foo', task=-1, stream='__heartbeat', values=[], component='__system') self.bolt._run() send_message_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, {'command': 'sync'}) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_tuple', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_tick', autospec=True) def test_process_tick(self, process_tick_mock, read_tuple_mock): # Make sure we send sync for heartbeats read_tuple_mock.return_value = Tuple(id=None, task=-1, component='__system', stream='__tick', values=[50]) self.bolt._run() process_tick_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, read_tuple_mock.return_value)
class BatchingBoltTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # mock seconds between batches to speed the tests up self._orig_secs = BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches = 0.05 self.tup_dicts = [{'id': 14, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [1, 2, 3]}, {'id': 15, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [4, 5, 6]}, {'id': 16, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [7, 8, 9]}] tups_json = '\nend\n'.join([json.dumps(tup_dict) for tup_dict in self.tup_dicts] + ['']) self.tups = [Tuple(tup_dict['id'], tup_dict['comp'], tup_dict['stream'], tup_dict['task'], tup_dict['tuple']) for tup_dict in self.tup_dicts] self.bolt = BatchingBolt( input_stream=itertools.cycle(tups_json.splitlines(True)), output_stream=BytesIO()) self.bolt.initialize({}, {}) def tearDown(self): # undo the mocking BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches = self._orig_secs @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_batching(self, process_batch_mock): # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() # Wait a bit, and see if process_batch was called time.sleep(0.5) process_batch_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, None, self.tups[:3]) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_group_key(self, process_batch_mock): # Change the group key to even/odd grouping self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) % 2 # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() # Wait a bit, and see if process_batch was called correctly time.sleep(0.5) process_batch_mock.assert_has_calls([, 0, [self.tups[0], self.tups[2]]),, 1, [self.tups[1]])], any_order=True) def test_exception_handling(self): # Make sure the exception gets from the worker thread to the main with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'ack', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', new=lambda *args: None) def test_auto_ack(self, ack_mock): # Test auto-ack on (the default) for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) ack_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.tups[0]),, self.tups[1]),, self.tups[2])], any_order=True) ack_mock.reset_mock() # Test auto-ack off self.bolt.auto_ack = False for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Assert that this wasn't called, and print out what it was called with # otherwise. self.assertListEqual(ack_mock.call_args_list, []) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, '_handle_worker_exception', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail(self, fail_mock, worker_exception_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Test auto-fail on (the default) for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # All waiting tuples should have failed at this point fail_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.tups[0]),, self.tups[1]),, self.tups[2])], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_count, 1) fail_mock.reset_mock() worker_exception_mock.reset_mock() # Test auto-fail off self.bolt.auto_fail = False for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Assert that this wasn't called, and print out what it was called with # otherwise. self.assertListEqual(fail_mock.call_args_list, []) self.assertListEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_args_list, []) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, '_handle_worker_exception', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_partial(self, fail_mock, process_batch_mock, worker_exception_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Change the group key just be the sum of values, which makes 3 separate # batches self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) # Make sure we fail on the second batch work = {'status': True} # to avoid scoping problems def work_once(*args): if work['status']: work['status'] = False else: raise Exception('borkt') process_batch_mock.side_effect = work_once # Run the batches for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Only some tuples should have failed at this point. The key is that # all un-acked tuples should be failed, even for batches we haven't # started processing yet. self.assertEqual(fail_mock.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_count, 1) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_tuple', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'send_message', autospec=True) def test_heartbeat_response(self, send_message_mock, read_tuple_mock): # Make sure we send sync for heartbeats read_tuple_mock.return_value = Tuple(id='foo', task=-1, stream='__heartbeat', values=[], component='__system') self.bolt._run() send_message_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, {'command': 'sync'}) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_tuple', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_tick', autospec=True) def test_process_tick(self, process_tick_mock, read_tuple_mock): # Make sure we send sync for heartbeats read_tuple_mock.return_value = Tuple(id='foo', task=-1, component='__system', stream='__tick', values=[50]) self.bolt._run() process_tick_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, 50)
class BatchingBoltTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.ticks_between_batches = 1 self.tup_dicts = [{ 'id': 14, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [1, 2, 3] }, { 'id': 15, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [4, 5, 6] }, { 'id': None, 'comp': '__system', 'stream': '__tick', 'task': -1, 'tuple': [1] }, { 'id': 16, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [7, 8, 9] }, { 'id': None, 'comp': '__system', 'stream': '__tick', 'task': -1, 'tuple': [2] }] tups_json = '\nend\n'.join( [json.dumps(tup_dict) for tup_dict in self.tup_dicts] + ['']) self.tups = [ Tuple(tup_dict['id'], tup_dict['comp'], tup_dict['stream'], tup_dict['task'], tup_dict['tuple']) for tup_dict in self.tup_dicts ] self.nontick_tups = [ tup for tup in self.tups if != '__tick' ] self.bolt = BatchingBolt(input_stream=BytesIO( tups_json.encode('utf-8')), output_stream=BytesIO()) self.bolt.initialize({}, {}) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_batching(self, process_batch_mock): # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in self.tups: self.bolt._run() process_batch_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, None, self.nontick_tups) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_group_key(self, process_batch_mock): # Change the group key to even/odd grouping self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) % 2 # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in self.tups: self.bolt._run() process_batch_mock.assert_has_calls([, 0, [self.nontick_tups[0], self.nontick_tups[2]]),, 1, [self.nontick_tups[1]]) ], any_order=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'ack', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', new=lambda *args: None) def test_auto_ack_on(self, ack_mock): # Test auto-ack on (the default) for __ in self.tups: self.bolt._run() ack_mock.assert_has_calls( [, tup) for tup in self.tups], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(ack_mock.call_count, 5) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'ack', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', new=lambda *args: None) def test_auto_ack_off(self, ack_mock): # Test auto-ack off self.bolt.auto_ack = False for __ in self.tups: self.bolt._run() # Assert that this wasn't called, and print out what it was called with # otherwise. ack_mock.assert_has_calls([, tup) for tup in self.tups if self.bolt.is_tick(tup) ], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(ack_mock.call_count, 2) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_handshake', new=lambda x: ({}, {})) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'raise_exception', new=lambda *a: None) @patch('sys.exit', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_on(self, fail_mock, exit_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Test auto-fail on (the default) # All waiting tuples should have failed at this point fail_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.nontick_tups[0]),, self.nontick_tups[1]),, self.nontick_tups[2]) ], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(fail_mock.call_count, 3) self.assertEqual(exit_mock.call_count, 1) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_handshake', new=lambda x: ({}, {})) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'raise_exception', new=lambda *a: None) @patch('sys.exit', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_off(self, fail_mock, exit_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Test auto-fail off self.bolt.auto_fail = False # All waiting tuples should have failed at this point self.assertEqual(exit_mock.call_count, 1) self.assertListEqual(fail_mock.call_args_list, []) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_handshake', new=lambda x: ({}, {})) @patch('sys.exit', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_partial(self, fail_mock, process_batch_mock, exit_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Change the group key just be the sum of values, which makes 3 separate # batches self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) # Make sure we fail on the second batch work = {'status': True} # to avoid scoping problems def work_once(*args): if work['status']: work['status'] = False else: raise Exception('borkt') process_batch_mock.side_effect = work_once # Run the batches # Only some tuples should have failed at this point. The key is that # all un-acked tuples should be failed, even for batches we haven't # started processing yet. self.assertEqual(fail_mock.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual(exit_mock.call_count, 1) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_tuple', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'send_message', autospec=True) def test_heartbeat_response(self, send_message_mock, read_tuple_mock): # Make sure we send sync for heartbeats read_tuple_mock.return_value = Tuple(id='foo', task=-1, stream='__heartbeat', values=[], component='__system') self.bolt._run() send_message_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, {'command': 'sync'}) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_tuple', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_tick', autospec=True) def test_process_tick(self, process_tick_mock, read_tuple_mock): # Make sure we send sync for heartbeats read_tuple_mock.return_value = Tuple(id=None, task=-1, component='__system', stream='__tick', values=[50]) self.bolt._run() process_tick_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, read_tuple_mock.return_value)
class BatchingBoltTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # mock seconds between batches to speed the tests up self._orig_secs = BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches = 0.05 self.tup_dicts = [{ 'id': 14, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [1, 2, 3] }, { 'id': 15, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [4, 5, 6] }, { 'id': 16, 'comp': 'some_spout', 'stream': 'default', 'task': 'some_bolt', 'tuple': [7, 8, 9] }] tups_json = '\nend\n'.join( [json.dumps(tup_dict) for tup_dict in self.tup_dicts] + ['']) self.tups = [ Tuple(tup_dict['id'], tup_dict['comp'], tup_dict['stream'], tup_dict['task'], tup_dict['tuple']) for tup_dict in self.tup_dicts ] self.bolt = BatchingBolt(input_stream=StringIO(tups_json), output_stream=BytesIO()) self.bolt.initialize({}, {}) def tearDown(self): # undo the mocking BatchingBolt.secs_between_batches = self._orig_secs @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_batching(self, process_batch_mock): # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() # Wait a bit, and see if process_batch was called time.sleep(0.5) process_batch_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, None, self.tups[:3]) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) def test_group_key(self, process_batch_mock): # Change the group key to even/odd grouping self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) % 2 # Add a bunch of tuples for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() # Wait a bit, and see if process_batch was called correctly time.sleep(0.5) process_batch_mock.assert_has_calls([, 0, [self.tups[0], self.tups[2]]),, 1, [self.tups[1]]) ], any_order=True) def test_exception_handling(self): # Make sure the exception gets from the worker thread to the main with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'ack', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', new=lambda *args: None) def test_auto_ack_on(self, ack_mock): # Test auto-ack on (the default) for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) ack_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.tups[0]),, self.tups[1]),, self.tups[2]) ], any_order=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'ack', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', new=lambda *args: None) def test_auto_ack_off(self, ack_mock): # Test auto-ack off self.bolt.auto_ack = False for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Assert that this wasn't called, and print out what it was called with # otherwise. self.assertListEqual(ack_mock.call_args_list, []) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, '_handle_worker_exception', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_on(self, fail_mock, worker_exception_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Test auto-fail on (the default) for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # All waiting tuples should have failed at this point fail_mock.assert_has_calls([, self.tups[0]),, self.tups[1]),, self.tups[2]) ], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_count, 1) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, '_handle_worker_exception', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_off(self, fail_mock, worker_exception_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() self.bolt.auto_fail = False for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Assert that this wasn't called, and print out what it was called with # otherwise. self.assertListEqual(fail_mock.call_args_list, []) self.assertEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_count, 1) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, '_handle_worker_exception', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_batch', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'fail', autospec=True) def test_auto_fail_partial(self, fail_mock, process_batch_mock, worker_exception_mock): # Need to re-register signal handler with mocked version, because # mock gets created after handler was originally registered. self.setUp() # Change the group key just be the sum of values, which makes 3 separate # batches self.bolt.group_key = lambda t: sum(t.values) # Make sure we fail on the second batch work = {'status': True} # to avoid scoping problems def work_once(*args): if work['status']: work['status'] = False else: raise Exception('borkt') process_batch_mock.side_effect = work_once # Run the batches for __ in range(3): self.bolt._run() time.sleep(0.5) # Only some tuples should have failed at this point. The key is that # all un-acked tuples should be failed, even for batches we haven't # started processing yet. self.assertEqual(fail_mock.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual(worker_exception_mock.call_count, 1) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_tuple', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'send_message', autospec=True) def test_heartbeat_response(self, send_message_mock, read_tuple_mock): # Make sure we send sync for heartbeats read_tuple_mock.return_value = Tuple(id='foo', task=-1, stream='__heartbeat', values=[], component='__system') self.bolt._run() send_message_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, {'command': 'sync'}) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'read_tuple', autospec=True) @patch.object(BatchingBolt, 'process_tick', autospec=True) def test_process_tick(self, process_tick_mock, read_tuple_mock): # Make sure we send sync for heartbeats read_tuple_mock.return_value = Tuple(id='foo', task=-1, component='__system', stream='__tick', values=[50]) self.bolt._run() process_tick_mock.assert_called_with(self.bolt, 50)