コード例 #1
ファイル: PDB_util.py プロジェクト: jfried23/pdbedit
def Atom2pdb( atmobj ):
			if atmobj.valid != True: return ''
			return None
		atm_type   = ljust(str(atmobj.atm_type),6).upper()
		atm_number = rjust(str(atmobj.atm_number),5)
		if atmobj.atm_name[0].isdigit() and atmobj.atm_name[-1].isdigit(): atm_name   = ' '+center(str(atmobj.atm_name),4).upper()	
		elif atmobj.atm_name[-1].isdigit(): atm_name   = ' '+ljust(str(atmobj.atm_name),4).upper()
		elif (atmobj.atm_name[-1] =='\''): atm_name   = ' '+rjust(str(atmobj.atm_name),4).upper()
		else: atm_name   = ' '+center(str(atmobj.atm_name),4).upper()
		alt_loc    = center(str(atmobj.alt_loc),1)
		resi_name  = center(str(atmobj.resi_name),3).upper()+' '
		chain      = center(str(atmobj.chain),1).upper()
		resSeq     = rjust( str(atmobj.resSeq),4) 
		icode      = center(str(atmobj.icode),1)+3*' '
		pos        = rjust( "%.3f" % atmobj.pos[0],8)+rjust("%.3f" % atmobj.pos[1],8)+rjust("%.3f" % atmobj.pos[2], 8)
		occ        = rjust( str(atmobj.occ), 6) 
		bfac       = rjust( str(atmobj.bfac),5) + 11*' '
		elem       = center( str(atmobj.elem),2)
		charge     = center(str(atmobj.charge),2) 
		return atm_type + atm_number + atm_name + alt_loc+ resi_name + chain + resSeq + icode + pos + occ + bfac + elem + charge+'\n'		
コード例 #2
ファイル: ticker.py プロジェクト: cgetzen/stock
    def print_data(self, *args):
	for x in args:
	    if x is 'raw_data':
		matrix = self.data
		matrix.insert(0, self.data_headers)
		max_lens = [max([len(str(r[i])) for r in matrix]) for i in range(len(matrix[0]))]
		print "\n".join(["".join([string.ljust(str(e), l + 2) for e, l in zip(r, max_lens)]) for r in matrix])

	    if x is 'sma':
		for key in self.sma.keys():
		    print ''.join([str(key), '-day Simple Moving Average'])
		    matrix = []
		    for day in range(0,len(self.date)):
			matrix.append([self.date[day], self.sma[key][day]])
		    max_lens = [max([len(str(r[i])) for r in matrix]) for i in range(len(matrix[0]))]
		    print "\n".join(["".join([string.ljust(str(e), l + 2) for e, l in zip(r, max_lens)]) for r in matrix])
		    print ''

	    if x is 'ema':
		for key in self.ema.keys():
		    print ''.join([str(key), '-day Exponential Moving Average'])
		    matrix = []
		    for day in range(0,len(self.date)):
			matrix.append([self.date[day], self.ema[key][day]])
		    max_lens = [max([len(str(r[i])) for r in matrix]) for i in range(len(matrix[0]))]
		    print "\n".join(["".join([string.ljust(str(e), l + 2) for e, l in zip(r, max_lens)]) for r in matrix])
		    print ''
コード例 #3
ファイル: batchScript.py プロジェクト: remotain/NEMO3Ana
def checkJobList( jobPars, optPars , cfgPars ) :

    for job in jobPars :
        if not jobPars[job][0].isdigit() :
            print 'Error: number of jobs must be a number'
        for i in range(1, int(jobPars[job][0])+1) :
            if optPars.submit_flag and os.path.isdir(cfgPars['OutPath']+job+'_'+str(i)) :
                print 'Error: Output directories exist'
                print cfgPars['OutPath']+job+'_'+str(i)
            elif optPars.collate_flag and not os.path.isdir(cfgPars['OutPath']+job+'_'+str(i)) :
                print 'Error: Directories to be collated do not exist'
                print cfgPars['OutPath']+job+'_'+str(i)
            elif optPars.delete_flag and not os.path.isdir(cfgPars['OutPath']+job+'_'+str(i)) :
                print 'Error: Directories to be deleted do not exist'
                print cfgPars['OutPath']+job+'_'+str(i)
        if not os.path.isfile(jobPars[job][1]) :
            print 'Error: Datalist does not exist'
            print jobPars[job][1]
    # Print job list to screen
    for job in jobPars :
        print string.ljust(job,15), string.rjust(jobPars[job][0],3), string.ljust(jobPars[job][1],100)
コード例 #4
ファイル: AutoRuns.py プロジェクト: Leoyuseu/CodeHub
def GetValues(fullname):
    # 把完整的项拆分成根项和子项两部分
    name = string.split(fullname,'\\',1)
    # 打开相应的项,为了让该函数更通用
    # 使用了多个判断语句
    if name[0] == 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE':
        key = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,name[1], 0, KEY_READ)
    elif name[0] == 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER':
        key = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,name[1], 0, KEY_READ)
    elif name[0] == 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT':
        key = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,name[1], 0, KEY_READ)
    elif name[0] == 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG':
        key = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG,name[1], 0, KEY_READ)
    elif name[0] == 'HKEY_USERS':
        key = RegOpenKey(HKEY_USERS,name[1], 0, KEY_READ)
        print 'err,no key named %s' (name[0])  
    # 查询项的项值数目     
    info = RegQueryInfoKey(key)
    # 遍历项值获得项值数据
    for i in range(0,info[1]):
       ValueName = RegEnumValue(key, i)
       # 调整项值名称长度,使输出更好看
       print string.ljust(ValueName[0],20),ValueName[1]
    # 关闭打开的项
コード例 #5
ファイル: rrTester.py プロジェクト: TotteKarlsson/roadrunner
def checkNumberOfRules(testId):
  print string.ljust ("Check " + testId, rpadding),
  errorFlag = False
  value = int (readLine())
  if rrPython.getNumberOfRules() != value:
    errorFlag = True
  print passMsg (errorFlag)
コード例 #6
    def run_all(self):
        """For each file in the test suite, run client program
        assuming each file represents an individual test."""
            server = Server(self.ini["core"], self.ini["module"])
        except Exception as e:
            print e
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown server: core = {0}, module = {1}".format(
                               self.ini["core"], self.ini["module"]))

        if len(self.tests) == 0:
            # noting to test, exit
            return 0

                      server.find_exe(self.args.builddir, silent=False),
                      self.args.vardir, self.args.mem, self.args.start_and_exit,
                      self.args.gdb, self.args.valgrind,
                      init_lua=self.ini["init_lua"], silent=False)
        if self.args.start_and_exit:
            print "  Start and exit requested, exiting..."

        longsep = "=============================================================================="
        shortsep = "------------------------------------------------------------"
        print longsep
        print string.ljust("TEST", 48), "RESULT"
        print shortsep
        failed_tests = []
        self.ini["server"] = server

        for test in self.tests:
            sys.stdout.write(string.ljust(test.name, 48))
            # for better diagnostics in case of a long-running test

            test_name = os.path.basename(test.name)
            if test_name in self.ini["disabled"]:
                print "[ skip ]"
            elif not server.debug and test_name in self.ini["release_disabled"]:
                print "[ skip ]"
            elif self.args.valgrind and test_name in self.ini["valgrind_disabled"]:
                print "[ skip ]"
                if not test.passed():

        print shortsep
        if len(failed_tests):
            print "Failed {0} tests: {1}.".format(len(failed_tests),
                                                ", ".join(failed_tests))

        if self.args.valgrind and check_valgrind_log(server.valgrind_log):
            print "  Error! There were warnings/errors in valgrind log file:"
            print_tail_n(server.valgrind_log, 20)
            return 1
        return len(failed_tests)
コード例 #7
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: huxihao/BNMF
def show(info="\n", END=False):
    ''' Output information to be in a table-like form.
        Both print on screen and save into the file of DEFINE_LOG_FILE.
    out = str(info)
    outfile = open(DEFINE_LOG_FILE,"a")
    if isinstance(info, int):
        print string.ljust(out,5),
    elif isinstance(info, float):
        print "%.3f"%info,
    elif isinstance(info, list) or isinstance(info, set) or isinstance(info, tuple):
        for e in info:
    elif out.endswith("\n"):
        print out[:min(len(out)-1,78)]
        print string.ljust(out[:min(len(out),25)],25),
    if END:
        print ''
    return ''
コード例 #8
 def setAIPS(self, fd, value):
     Write parameter value to AIPS TD file opened as fd
     fd    = open TD file positioned for write
     value = data value dictionary
     # Is this a "GO" parameter
     code = self.AIPScode
     if (code==' ') | (code=='*') | (code=='&') | (code=='$'):
         myvalue = value[self.name]    # extract value array from dictionary
         # list and scalar separate
         if myvalue.__class__==list: # List
             # AIPS only supports float and strings
             if self.type==float:     # Float
                 for x in myvalue:
             elif self.type==str:     # String
                 for x in myvalue:
                     # Blank pad to proper length
                     xx = string.ljust(string.strip(x),self.dim[0])  
                     fmt = str(self.dim[0])+'s'
         else:  # Scalar
             if self.type==float:     # Float
             elif self.type==str:     # String
                 # Blank pad to proper length
                 xx = string.ljust(string.strip(myvalue),self.dim[0])  
                 fmt = str(self.dim[0])+'s'
コード例 #9
ファイル: snapshot.py プロジェクト: mgijax/ei
def miscellaneous():

    # alias

    fp.write('#\n# Alias\n#\n')

    results = db.sql('''
	    select alias,
		   cdate = convert(char(10), creation_date, 101)
	    from MRK_Alias_View where _Marker_key =  %s
	    order by alias
	    ''' % (markerKey), 'auto')

    for r in results:
        fp.write(string.ljust(r['alias'],30) + TAB)
        fp.write(string.ljust(r['cdate'],15) + CRT)

    # synonym

    fp.write('#\n# Synonym\n#\n')

    results = db.sql('''
	    select synonym,
		   cdate = convert(char(10), creation_date, 101)
	    from MGI_Synonym where _MGIType_key = 2 and _Object_key =  %s
	    ''' % (markerKey), 'auto')

    for r in results:
        fp.write(string.ljust(r['synonym'],30) + TAB)
        fp.write(string.ljust(r['cdate'],15) + CRT)
コード例 #10
    def __str__(self):
        output = "Seq:        %s\n" % self.seq
        output += "Parent Seq: %s\n" % self.parent_seq

        output += "mutations_coding_region: %s\n" % self.mutations_coding_region
        output += "mutations_noncoding_region: %s\n" % self.mutations_noncoding_region
        output += "mutations_degenerate_region: %s\n" % self.mutations_degenerate_region
        output += "net_fitness_effect: %s\n" % self.net_fitness_effect
        output += "function_effect_backbone: %s\n" % self.function_effect_backbone
        output += "function_effect_fluctuating: %s\n" % self.function_effect_fluctuating

        output += "site_function_vector:\n"
        ## prep the header
        vector_output = "    "
        for funct in range(7):
            vector_output += "%s" % string.ljust(SiteFunction.tostring(funct), 4)
        vector_output += "\n"

        ## output the thing
        for (funct, array) in zip(range(7), self.site_function_vector):

            arr = ""
            for val in array:
                arr += string.ljust( str(val), 4 )

            vector_output += "%s%s\n" % ( string.ljust(SiteFunction.tostring(funct), 4), arr)

        output += vector_output

        output += "Comment: %s" % self.comment

        return output
コード例 #11
    def report(self, prefix="", emit=None):
        if not emit:
            emit = logging.info

        if getattr(self, "source", None):
            emit(prefix + "source : %s" % (self.source))
        if getattr(self, "sink", None):
            emit(prefix + "sink   : %s" % (self.sink))

        cur_time = time.time()
        delta = cur_time - self.prev_time
        c, p = self.cur, self.prev
        x = sorted([k for k in c.iterkeys() if "_sink_" in k])

        width_k = max([5] + [len(k.replace("tot_sink_", "")) for k in x])
        width_v = max([20] + [len(str(c[k])) for k in x])
        width_d = max([10] + [len(str(c[k] - p[k])) for k in x])
        width_s = max([10] + [len("%0.1f" % ((c[k] - p[k]) / delta)) for k in x])
        emit(prefix + " %s : %s | %s | %s"
             % (string.ljust("", width_k),
                string.rjust("total", width_v),
                string.rjust("last", width_d),
                string.rjust("per sec", width_s)))
        verbose_set = ["tot_sink_batch", "tot_sink_msg"]
        for k in x:
            if k not in verbose_set or self.opts.verbose > 0:
                emit(prefix + " %s : %s | %s | %s"
                 % (string.ljust(k.replace("tot_sink_", ""), width_k),
                    string.rjust(str(c[k]), width_v),
                    string.rjust(str(c[k] - p[k]), width_d),
                    string.rjust("%0.1f" % ((c[k] - p[k]) / delta), width_s)))
        self.prev_time = cur_time
        self.prev = copy.copy(c)
コード例 #12
ファイル: structures.py プロジェクト: jlec/apbs-pdb2pqr
    def getPDBString(self):
            Returns a string of the new atom type.  Uses the ATOM string
            output but changes the first field to either by ATOM or
            HETATM as necessary.
            This is for the pdb representation of the atom. The propka30 module 
            depends on this being correct. No touchy!

                str: String with ATOM/HETATM field set appropriately
        outstr = self.getCommonStringRep(chainflag=True)
        tstr = "%6.2f" % self.occupancy
        outstr += string.ljust(tstr, 6)[:6]
        tstr = "%6.2f" % self.tempFactor
        outstr += string.rjust(tstr, 6)[:6]
        tstr = self.segID
        outstr += string.ljust(tstr, 4)[:4]
        tstr = self.element
        outstr += string.ljust(tstr, 2)[:2]
        tstr = str(self.charge)
        outstr += string.ljust(tstr, 2)[:2]

        return outstr
コード例 #13
ファイル: format.py プロジェクト: rocksclusters-attic/ganglia
	def display(self, cols):

		# Create the maxCols list which represents the max
		# length of each row element.

		maxCols = []
		for i in range(0, len(cols[0])):
		for row in cols:
			for i in range(0, len(row)):
				if len(row[i]) > maxCols[i]:
					maxCols[i] = len(row[i])

		# Print the table using maxCols list to force all
		# columns in the rows to line up.  The first column
		# (hostname) is left justified, and the subsequent
		# columns are right justified.

		for row in cols:
			for i in range(0, len(row)):
				if i == 0:
					print string.ljust(row[i], maxCols[i]),
					print string.rjust(row[i], maxCols[i]),
				if i < len(row)-1:
					print '\t',
コード例 #14
ファイル: mol2.py プロジェクト: ryancoleman/mol2db2
 def writeMol2File(self, outFile, whichXyz=None):
   '''writes the data to an already open file. don't close it.'''
   if whichXyz is None:
     whichXyz = range(self.xyzCount)
   for oneXyz in whichXyz:
     if self.protName == "fake": #don't write fake
       outFile.write(self.name + "\n")
       outFile.write(self.name + " " + self.protName + "\n")
     outFile.write("%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n" % (len(self.atomNum), \
                   len(self.bondNum), 0, 0, 0))
     outFile.write("mmff94s_NoEstat = %5.2f\n" % self.inputEnergy[oneXyz])
     for oneAtom in xrange(len(self.atomNum)):
       outFile.write( \
         "%7d %6s    % 8.4f  % 8.4f  % 8.4f %5s     1 <0>       % 8.4f\n" % \
         (self.atomNum[oneAtom], string.ljust(self.atomName[oneAtom], 6), \
          self.atomXyz[oneXyz][oneAtom][0], \
          self.atomXyz[oneXyz][oneAtom][1], \
          self.atomXyz[oneXyz][oneAtom][2], \
          string.ljust(self.atomType[oneAtom], 5), \
     for oneBond in xrange(len(self.bondNum)):
       outFile.write( \
         "%6d%5d%5d %2s\n" % \
         (self.bondNum[oneBond], self.bondStart[oneBond], \
          self.bondEnd[oneBond], string.ljust(self.bondType[oneBond], 2)))
コード例 #15
ファイル: proc.py プロジェクト: hexdump42/eddie-tool
    def __str__(self):
	# display process details (OLD, doesn't show many details)
	c = string.ljust(self.comm, 20)
	u = string.ljust(self.user, 10)
	t = string.ljust(self.time, 10)

	return( '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (self.pid, u, c, t, self.pcpu, self.s) )
コード例 #16
ファイル: list_jobs.py プロジェクト: hdd/DrQueueIPython
def main():
    # initialize DrQueue client
    client = DrQueueClient()
    # fetch a list of all jobs
    jobs = client.query_job_list()
    # walk through tasks of every job
    for job in jobs:
        tasks = client.query_task_list(job['_id'])
        print("\nJob \"%s\" (ID: %s):" % (job['name'], job['_id']))
        print("Overall status: " + client.job_status(job['_id']))
        print("Task id                                 status    owner       completed at")
        for task in tasks:
            tmsg_id = task['msg_id']
            theader = task['header']
            username = theader['username']
            if task['completed'] == None:
                status = "pending"
                print("%s   %s  %s" % (tmsg_id, string.ljust(status, 8), string.ljust(username, 10)))
                result_header = task['result_header']
                result_content = task['result_content']
                status = result_header['status']
                cpl = task['completed']
                print("%s   %s  %s  %i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (tmsg_id, string.ljust(status, 8), string.ljust(username, 10), cpl.year, cpl.month, cpl.day, cpl.hour, cpl.minute, cpl.second))

                if result_header['status'] == 'error':
                    print "  Error was: " + result_content['evalue']
コード例 #17
ファイル: dis.py プロジェクト: asottile/ancient-pythons
def disassemble(co, lasti):
       code = co.co_code
       labels = findlabels(code)
       n = len(code)
       i = 0
       while i < n:
               c = code[i]
               op = ord(c)
               if op = SET_LINENO and i > 0: print # Extra blank line
               if i = lasti: print '-->',
               else: print '   ',
               if i in labels: print '>>',
               else: print '  ',
               print string.rjust(`i`, 4),
               print string.ljust(opname[op], 15),
               i = i+1
               if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                       oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256
                       i = i+2
                       print string.rjust(`oparg`, 5),
                       if op in hasconst:
                               print '(' + `co.co_consts[oparg]` + ')',
                       elif op in hasname:
                               print '(' + co.co_names[oparg] + ')',
                       elif op in hasjrel:
                               print '(to ' + `i + oparg` + ')',
コード例 #18
 def print_self(self):
     print "Printing components of perceptron vectors"
     print string.ljust("feature",20),"\tw1\tw2\tw3"
     for feat in self.keys:
         print string.ljust(feat,20), "\t",self.ws[1][feat],"\t",self.ws[2][feat],"\t",self.ws[3][feat]
コード例 #19
ファイル: texi2html.py プロジェクト: asottile/ancient-pythons
    def report(self):
	if self.unknown:
	    print '--- Unrecognized commands ---'
	    cmds = self.unknown.keys()
	    for cmd in cmds:
		print string.ljust(cmd, 20), self.unknown[cmd]
コード例 #20
ファイル: items.py プロジェクト: ok100/findtorrent
    def print_items(self, max_items):
        import os
        import string
        from findtorrent.core.colors import colors
        from hurry.filesize import size, si

        cols = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])
        print colors.HEADER + \
              'No.  Name' + (cols - 33) * ' ' + 'Size  Files  Seed  Leech'
        print cols * '-'
        for index, item in enumerate(Items.sorted):
            if (max_items != -1 and index + 1 > max_items):
            print colors.INDEX + string.ljust(str(index + 1) + '.', 5) + \
                  colors.NAME + string.ljust(item['name'][:cols - 31],
                                             cols - 31) + \
                  colors.SIZE + string.rjust(size(item['size'],
                                                  system=si), 6) + \
                  colors.FILES + string.rjust(str(item['files']) \
                                 .replace('-1', 'N/A'), 7) + \
                  colors.SEED + string.rjust(str(item['seed']) \
                                .replace('-1', 'N/A'), 6) + \
                  colors.LEECH + string.rjust(str(item['leech']) \
                                 .replace('-1', 'N/A'), 7) + \
コード例 #21
ファイル: red_option.py プロジェクト: joeshaw/red-carpet
def usage():
    print _("Usage: %s <options> ...") % sys.argv[0]
    print _("The following options are understood:")

    opt_list = []

    for r in opt_table:
        opt = "--" + r[1]
        if r[0]:
            opt = "-" + r[0] + ", " + opt
        if r[2]:
            opt = opt + "=<" + r[2] + ">"

        opt_list.append([opt + "  ", r[3]])

    # By appending [0,0], we insure that this will work even if
    # opt_list is empty (which it never should be)
    max_len = apply(max, map(lambda x:len(x[0]), opt_list) + [0,0])

    for opt, desc_str in opt_list:

        if 79 - max_len > 10:
            desc = rcd_util.linebreak(desc_str, 79 - max_len)
            desc = [desc_str]

        desc_first = desc.pop(0)
        print string.ljust(opt, max_len) + desc_first
        for d in desc:
            print " " * max_len + d
コード例 #22
ファイル: tester.py プロジェクト: kirichoi/roadrunner
def checkNumberOfRateRules(rrInstance, testId):
    print string.ljust ("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    errorFlag = False
    value = int (readLine())
    if rrInstance.model.getNumRateRules() != value:
        errorFlag = True
    print passMsg (errorFlag)
コード例 #23
ファイル: ktBasic.py プロジェクト: knottech/iknot-tribon
def Point3DCoord():
    "show the coordinate of selected point"
    pt = Point2D()
    res = kcs_ui.point2D_req("请选择要查询的点", pt)

    if res[0] == kcs_util.ok():
        res = kcs_util.tra_coord_ship(pt.X, pt.Y, "")
        if res[0] == 0:
            pt3d = Point3D(res[1], res[2], res[3])
            res, fr, fr_offset = kcs_util.coord_to_pos(1, pt3d.X)
            res, lp_y, lp_y_offset = kcs_util.coord_to_pos(2, pt3d.Y)
            res, lp_z, lp_z_offset = kcs_util.coord_to_pos(3, pt3d.Z)

            Msg("二维点:" + str(pt))
            Msg("X: %s,FR%s %s" % (string.ljust(str(x), width), str(fr), _fmt(fr_offset)))
            Msg("Y: %s,LP%s %s" % (string.ljust(str(y), width), str(lp_y), _fmt(lp_y_offset)))
            Msg("Z: %s,LP%s %s" % (string.ljust(str(z), width), str(lp_z), _fmt(lp_z_offset)))
コード例 #24
ファイル: excel.py プロジェクト: kreativitea/monktoolbox
def write_data(toolbox, data):
    ''' Opens the workbook, then the worksheet, then writes the data.'''
        workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(toolbox)
    except Exception as e:
        print "Unable to instantiate workbook!"
        print repr(e)
    if not workbook:
        print "Unable to instantiate workbook!"
        raise IOError("Workbook not found.")

        sheet = get_sheet('Inputs')
    except Exception as e:
        print "Unable to instantiate worksheet!"
        print repr(e)
    if not sheet:
        print "Unable to instantiate worksheet!"
        raise IOError("Worksheet not found")

    for k, d in data.items():
        if d.cell:
            print ('{}: writing value {} to cell {}'
                   ''.format(ljust(k, 30), d.value, d.cell))
            sheet.Range(d.cell).Value = d.value
            print ('{}: skipping value {}, no cell'
                   ''.format(ljust(k, 30), d.value))
    excel.Visible = True
コード例 #25
ファイル: ModeAndOptionParser.py プロジェクト: deccs/PLearn
    def short_help(self):
        help_str = "\nSupported modes are:\n"

        mode_list = Mode.mode_list( )
        for mode in mode_list:
            aliases = mode.aliases()
            s = ''
            if aliases:
                s += ' (%s)' % ', '.join( aliases )
            lhs = '%s%s:' % (mode.__name__, s)
            name_box      = 15
            name          = string.ljust(lhs, name_box)

            help          = toolkit.boxed_string( mode.help(), 60 )

            indent        = string.ljust('', name_box+4)                
            indented_help = string.replace( help, '\n', '\n'+indent )

            help_str = ( "%s    %s%s\n" 
                         % ( help_str, name, indented_help )

        print ( "%s\nType '%s mode --help' for further help on a mode"
                % ( help_str, self.get_prog_name() )
コード例 #26
def checkGlobalParameterValues(rrInstance, testId):
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    ss = rrInstance.model.getGlobalParameterValues()
    compareUpcomingValuesWith(ss, 1E-6)
# metadata
metadata_dir = utils.get_dir_path('models', pathfinder.METADATA_PATH)
metadata_path = metadata_dir + '/%s.pkl' % expid

# logs
logs_dir = utils.get_dir_path('logs', pathfinder.METADATA_PATH)
sys.stdout = logger.Logger(logs_dir + '/%s.log' % expid)
sys.stderr = sys.stdout

print 'Build model'
model = config().build_model()
all_layers = nn.layers.get_all_layers(model.l_out)
all_params = nn.layers.get_all_params(model.l_out)
num_params = nn.layers.count_params(model.l_out)
print '  number of parameters: %d' % num_params
print string.ljust('  layer output shapes:', 36),
print string.ljust('#params:', 10),
print 'output shape:'
for layer in all_layers:
    name = string.ljust(layer.__class__.__name__, 32)
    num_param = sum([np.prod(p.get_value().shape) for p in layer.get_params()])
    num_param = string.ljust(num_param.__str__(), 10)
    print '    %s %s %s' % (name, num_param, layer.output_shape)

train_loss = config().build_objective(model, deterministic=False)
valid_loss = config().build_objective(model, deterministic=True)

learning_rate_schedule = config().learning_rate_schedule
learning_rate = theano.shared(np.float32(learning_rate_schedule[0]))
updates = config().build_updates(train_loss, model, learning_rate)
コード例 #28
ファイル: copy_collection.py プロジェクト: sriram-mv/hydra
def copy_collection_parent(sources, dest, state_db, args):
    drive the collection copying process by delegating work to a pool of worker processes

    # ensure state db has rows for each source/dest pair
    for source in sources:
        state_db.add_source_and_dest(source, dest)

    # space-pad all process names so that tabular output formats line up
    process_names = {
        repr(source): "%s:%d" % (source['host'], source['port'])
        for source in sources
    process_names['parent'] = PARENT_PROCESS_NAME
    max_process_name_len = max(
        len(name) for name in process_names.itervalues())
    for key in process_names:
        process_names[key] = string.ljust(process_names[key],

    multiprocessing.current_process().name = process_names['parent']

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # perform initial copy, if it hasn't been done yet
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    in_initial_copy = len(
    if in_initial_copy and in_initial_copy < len(sources):
        die("prior attempt at initial copy failed; rerun with --restart")
    if in_initial_copy > 0:

        # each worker process copies one shard
        processes = []
        for source in sources:
            name = process_names[repr(source)]
            process = multiprocessing.Process(target=copier.copy_collection,

        # wait for all workers to finish

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # build indices on main process, since that only needs to be done once
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    waiting_for_indices = len(
    if waiting_for_indices and waiting_for_indices < len(sources):
        die("not all initial copies have been completed; rerun with --restart")
    if waiting_for_indices > 0:
        log.info("building indices")
        copier.copy_indexes(sources[0], dest)
        for source in sources:
            state_db.update_state(source, dest,
コード例 #29
ファイル: cashrange.py プロジェクト: truonghn/infoshopkeeper
        "SELECT * from transactionLog where action LIKE '%%CASH_REMOVED%%' and date>=%s and date<=ADDDATE(%s,INTERVAL 1 DAY)  order by date",
        (date1, date2))
    if len(sys.argv) == 4:
        date1 = sys.argv[2]
        date2 = sys.argv[3]
            "SELECT * from transactionLog where action LIKE '%%CASH_REMOVED%%' and info LIKE %s and date>=%s and date<=ADDDATE(%s,INTERVAL 1 DAY)  order by date",
            ("%" + sys.argv[1] + "%", date1, date2))
        print "usage: reportrange.py (string) date1 date2"

rows = cursor.fetchall()

total = 0

for r in rows:
    price = r[1]
    total = total + r[1]
    price_string = rjust("%.2f" % r[1], 10)
    info_string = r[4]
    if 'tostring' in dir(info_string):
        info_string = info_string.tostring()

    print "%s | %s | %s" % (r[2], ljust("%s" %
                                        (info_string[:50]), 50), price_string)

print "Total Sales:  %.2f" % total
コード例 #30
def process_results(in_filename, out_file):

    # open the input file
    f = open(in_filename)

    # read in the file's lines
    lines = f.readlines()

    #close the file

    #Set up search patterns
    pat_set = re.compile("set ")
    pat_keep = re.compile(
    pat_root = re.compile('^min|^typ|^num')
    pat_under = re.compile('_')
    pat_equal = re.compile(' *= *')
    pat_notavail = re.compile('N/A')

    attribs_main = {}
    layer_list = []
    longest_name = 0

    # go through each line and create the necessary structures
    for line in lines:
        # Search for the pattern(s) set above, and modify
        # line accordingly
        s_res = pat_set.search(line)
        line = line[
            s_res.end():]  # keeps everything after the set - set discarded
        s_res = pat_keep.search(line)
        if (s_res):  # this is taken if it is a layer attribute
            s_res = pat_root.search(line)  # contains min or typ?
            if not (s_res):  # This taken if prepended with a layer name
                s_res = pat_under.search(line)
                layer_end = s_res.start()
                layer_name = line[0:layer_end]
                layer_end = layer_end + 1
                if not (layer_list.count(layer_name)):
            else:  # this is taken if it is a summation (total) from layers (No layer name at beginning)
                layer_name = "Overall"
                layer_end = 0

            s_res = pat_equal.search(line)
            attr_end = s_res.start()
            value_start = s_res.end()
            attr_name = line[layer_end:attr_end]
            if (len(attr_name) > longest_name):
                longest_name = len(attr_name)
            attr_val = line[value_start:].rstrip()

            s_res = pat_notavail.search(attr_val)
            if not (s_res):
                if not attribs_main.has_key(attr_name):
                    temp = dict()
                    temp[layer_name] = attr_val
                    attribs_main[attr_name] = temp.copy()
                    temp = attribs_main[attr_name].copy()
                    temp[layer_name] = attr_val
                    attribs_main[attr_name] = temp.copy()
        #end of if, matching min and typ
    # end of for

    #Data structure is now populated, and we traverse through it, writing
    #the information in the way that we like.

    padding = '    '
    out_file.write(padding + string.ljust("Attribute", longest_name))
    for layer in layer_list:
        out_file.write(string.rjust(layer, 8))
    out_file.write(string.rjust("Overall", 8) + '\n')
    underlines = "------------------" * 20
    out_file.write(padding + underlines[0:longest_name + 8 * len(layer_list)] +
    main_keys = attribs_main.keys()
    for name in main_keys:
        out_file.write(padding + string.ljust(name, longest_name))
        temp_dict = attribs_main[name]
        for layer in layer_list:
            if (temp_dict.get(layer)):
                out_file.write(string.rjust(temp_dict[layer], 8))
                out_file.write(string.rjust("N/A", 8))
    longest_name = 0
コード例 #31
def main(n=1, num_filters=8, num_epochs=500, cudnn='no'):
    assert n>=0
    assert num_filters>0
    assert num_epochs>0
    assert cudnn in ['yes', 'no']
    print("Amount of bottlenecks: %d" % n)
    # Load the dataset
    print("Loading data...")
    X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test = load_dataset()

    # Prepare Theano variables for inputs and targets
    input_var = T.tensor4('inputs')
    target_var = T.ivector('targets')

    # Create neural network model (depending on first command line parameter)
    print("Building model and compiling functions...")
    network = build_cnn(input_var, n, num_filters, cudnn)
    all_layers = lasagne.layers.get_all_layers(network)
    num_params = lasagne.layers.count_params(network)
    num_conv = 0
    num_nonlin = 0
    num_input = 0
    num_batchnorm = 0
    num_elemsum = 0
    num_dense = 0
    num_unknown = 0
    print("  layer output shapes:")
    for layer in all_layers:
	name = string.ljust(layer.__class__.__name__, 32)
	print("    %s %s" %(name, lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(layer)))
	if "Conv2D" in name:
	    num_conv += 1
	elif "NonlinearityLayer" in name:
	    num_nonlin += 1
	elif "InputLayer" in name:
	    num_input += 1
	elif "BatchNormLayer" in name:
	    num_batchnorm += 1
	elif "ElemwiseSumLayer" in name:
	    num_elemsum += 1
	elif "DenseLayer" in name:
	    num_dense += 1
	    num_unknown += 1
    print("  no. of InputLayers: %d" % num_input)
    print("  no. of Conv2DLayers: %d" % num_conv)
    print("  no. of BatchNormLayers: %d" % num_batchnorm)
    print("  no. of NonlinearityLayers: %d" % num_nonlin)
    print("  no. of DenseLayers: %d" % num_dense)
    print("  no. of ElemwiseSumLayers: %d" % num_elemsum)
    print("  no. of Unknown Layers: %d" % num_unknown)
    print("  total no. of layers: %d" % len(all_layers))
    print("  no. of parameters: %d" % num_params)
    # Create a loss expression for training, i.e., a scalar objective we want
    # to minimize (for our multi-class problem, it is the cross-entropy loss):
    prediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(network)
    loss = lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy(prediction, target_var)
    loss = loss.mean()
    # We could add some weight decay as well here, see lasagne.regularization.

    # Create update expressions for training, i.e., how to modify the
    # parameters at each training step. Here, we'll use Stochastic Gradient
    # Descent (SGD) with Nesterov momentum, but Lasagne offers plenty more.
    params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)

    # several learning rates for low initial learning rates and
    # learning rate anealing (id is epoch)
    learning_rate_schedule = {
    0: 0.0001, # low initial learning rate as described in paper
    2: 0.01,
    100: 0.001,
    150: 0.0001

    learning_rate = theano.shared(np.float32(learning_rate_schedule[0]))

    updates = lasagne.updates.nesterov_momentum(
            loss, params, learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=0.9)

    # Create a loss expression for validation/testing. The crucial difference
    # here is that we do a deterministic forward pass through the network,
    # disabling dropout layers.
    test_prediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
    test_loss = lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy(test_prediction,
    test_loss = test_loss.mean()
    # As a bonus, also create an expression for the classification accuracy:
    test_acc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(test_prediction, axis=1), target_var),

    # Compile a function performing a training step on a mini-batch (by giving
    # the updates dictionary) and returning the corresponding training loss:
    train_fn = theano.function([input_var, target_var], loss, updates=updates)

    # Compile a second function computing the validation loss and accuracy:
    val_fn = theano.function([input_var, target_var], [test_loss, test_acc])

    # Finally, launch the training loop.
    print("Starting training...")
    # We iterate over epochs:
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        if epoch in learning_rate_schedule:
            lr = np.float32(learning_rate_schedule[epoch])
            print(" setting learning rate to %.7f" % lr)
        # In each epoch, we do a full pass over the training data:
        train_err = 0
        train_batches = 0
        start_time = time.time()
        for batch in iterate_minibatches(X_train, y_train, 500, shuffle=True):
    	    inputs, targets = batch
            train_err += train_fn(inputs, targets)
            train_batches += 1

        # And a full pass over the validation data:
        val_err = 0
        val_acc = 0
        val_batches = 0
        for batch in iterate_minibatches(X_val, y_val, 500, shuffle=False):
            inputs, targets = batch
            err, acc = val_fn(inputs, targets)
            val_err += err
            val_acc += acc
            val_batches += 1

        # Then we print the results for this epoch:
        print("Epoch {} of {} took {:.3f}s".format(
            epoch + 1, num_epochs, time.time() - start_time))
        print("  training loss:\t\t{:.6f}".format(train_err / train_batches))
        print("  validation loss:\t\t{:.6f}".format(val_err / val_batches))
        print("  validation accuracy:\t\t{:.2f} %".format(
            val_acc / val_batches * 100))

    # After training, we compute and print the test error:
    test_err = 0
    test_acc = 0
    test_batches = 0
    for batch in iterate_minibatches(X_test, y_test, 500, shuffle=False):
        inputs, targets = batch
        err, acc = val_fn(inputs, targets)
        test_err += err
        test_acc += acc
        test_batches += 1
    print("Final results:")
    print("  test loss:\t\t\t{:.6f}".format(test_err / test_batches))
    print("  test accuracy:\t\t{:.2f} %".format(
        test_acc / test_batches * 100))
コード例 #32
def format_string(sstrs):
    return string.ljust(sstrs, STRLEN)
コード例 #33
# <directory path>/standardize_crd.py <input filename>

import string, sys, math
from string import ljust

if len(sys.argv) < 1:
    print 'Need to give the input filename as the argument'

inp = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
out = open('newoutput.cor', 'w')

for each in inp:
    els = each.split()
    if each.startswith('*'):
    elif len(els) == 1:
        print >> out, "%5d" % (int(els[0]))
        print >> out, "%5d%5d%5s%5s%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%5s%5s%10.5f" % (
            int(els[0]), int(els[1]), ljust(' ' + els[2], 5),
            ljust(' ' + els[3], 5), float(els[4]), float(els[5]), float(
                els[6]), ljust(' ' + els[7], 5), ljust(' ' + els[1], 5), 0.0)

# From the charmm documentation:
#         ATOMNO RESNO   RES  TYPE  X     Y     Z   SEGID RESID Weighting
#          I5    I5  1X A4 1X A4 F10.5 F10.5 F10.5 1X A4 1X A4 F10.5

コード例 #34
def __str__(self):
    class_str = ''
    for name, value in self.__class__.__dict__.items() + self.__dict__.items():
        class_str += string.ljust(name, 15) + '\t' + str(value) + '\n'
    return class_str
コード例 #35
    #print updates
    #assert len(updates)==0
    return outputs, updates

controller = build_controller()
top_layer = lasagne.layers.MergeLayer(
    incomings=[controller[key] for key in controller if key != "input"]
controller_parameters = lasagne.layers.helper.get_all_params(top_layer)

import string
print string.ljust("  layer output shapes:",26),
print string.ljust("#params:",10),
print string.ljust("#data:",10),
print "output shape:"
def comma_seperator(v):
    return '{:,.0f}'.format(v)

all_layers = lasagne.layers.get_all_layers(top_layer)
all_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(top_layer, trainable=True)
num_params = sum([np.prod(p.get_value().shape) for p in all_params])

for layer in all_layers[:-1]:
    name = string.ljust(layer.__class__.__name__, 22)
    num_param = sum([np.prod(p.get_value().shape) for p in layer.get_params()])
    num_param = string.ljust(comma_seperator(num_param), 10)
    num_size = string.ljust(comma_seperator(np.prod(layer.output_shape[1:])), 10)
コード例 #36
ファイル: alwatch.py プロジェクト: 8Banana/py1.0

source_name = ['line', 'microphone', 'digital']

params = al.queryparams(dev)
for i in range(1, len(params), 2):
	params[i] = -1
while 1:
	old = params[:]
	al.getparams(dev, params)
	if params <> old:
		for i in range(0, len(params), 2):
			if params[i+1] <> old[i+1]:
				name = al.getname(dev, params[i])
				if params[i] == AL.INPUT_SOURCE:
					if 0 <= old[i+1] < len(source_name):
						oldval = source_name[old[i+1]]
						oldval = ''
					newval = source_name[params[i+1]]
					oldval = `old[i+1]`
					newval = `params[i+1]`
				print string.ljust(name, 25),
				print '(' + string.rjust(oldval, 10) + ')',
				print '-->',
				print string.rjust(newval, 10)
コード例 #37
def Message(mystr):
    """Returns a header of standard length HDRLEN."""

    return string.ljust(string.upper(mystr), HDRLEN)
コード例 #38
def checkComputeSteadyStateValues(rrInstance, testId):
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    ss = rrInstance.getSteadyStateValues()
    compareUpcomingValuesWith(ss, 1E-6)
コード例 #39
def checkReactionRates(rrInstance, testId):
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    ss = rrInstance.model.getReactionRates()
    compareUpcomingValuesWith(ss, 1E-4)
コード例 #40
def checkScaledElasticityAmountMatrix(rrInstance, testId):
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    ee = rrInstance.getScaledElasticityMatrix()
コード例 #41
def checkBoundarySpeciesConcentrations(rrInstance, testId):
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    ss = rrInstance.model.getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations()
    compareUpcomingValuesWith(ss, 1E-6)
コード例 #42
def checkScaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix(rrInstance, testId):
    # Unscaled Flux Control matrix
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    st = rrInstance.getScaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix()
コード例 #43
def checkGetTimeCourseSelectionList(rrInstance, testId):
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    words = divide(readLine())
    result = str(rrInstance.selections)

    print passMsg(result == words)
コード例 #44
def checkReducedStoichiometryMatrix(rrInstance, testId):
    # Stoichiometry matrix
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    st = rrInstance.getReducedStoichiometryMatrix()
コード例 #45
def checkUnscaledElasticityMatrix(rrInstance, testId):
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    uee = rrInstance.getUnscaledElasticityMatrix()
コード例 #46
 def set_nbname(self, name):
     self.__nbname = string.ljust(name, 17)
コード例 #47
def checkLinkMatrix(rrInstance, testId):
    # Link matrix
    print string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding),
    st = rrInstance.getLinkMatrix()
コード例 #48
def checkSimulateTimepointsVsIntervals(rrInstance, testId):
    Third positional argument is number of points.
    Steps keyword argument is number of intervals.
    print(string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding), end="")
    errorFlag = False
        n1 = rrInstance.simulate(0, 10, steps=1)
        if n1.shape[0] != 2:
            errorFlag = True
        n2 = rrInstance.simulate(0, 10, 2)
        if n2.shape[0] != 2:
            errorFlag = True
        errorFlag = True
        m = rrInstance.simulate(0, 100, 51)
        n = rrInstance.simulate(0, 100, points=51)
        if n.shape[0] != m.shape[0]:
            errorFlag = True
        n = rrInstance.simulate(start=0, end=100, points=51)
        if n.shape[0] != m.shape[0]:
            errorFlag = True
        n = rrInstance.simulate(0, 100, steps=50)
        if n.shape[0] != m.shape[0]:
            errorFlag = True
        n = rrInstance.simulate(start=0, end=100, steps=50)
        if n.shape[0] != m.shape[0]:
            errorFlag = True

        if len(rrInstance.model.getFloatingSpeciesIds()) < 1:
            errorFlag = True
            spec_id = rrInstance.model.getFloatingSpeciesIds()[0]
            m = rrInstance.simulate(0, 100, 51, ['time', spec_id])
            n = rrInstance.simulate(0,
                                    selections=['time', spec_id])
            if n.shape[0] != m.shape[0]:
                errorFlag = True
            n = rrInstance.simulate(start=0,
                                    selections=['time', spec_id])
            if n.shape[0] != m.shape[0]:
                errorFlag = True
            n = rrInstance.simulate(0,
                                    selections=['time', spec_id])
            if n.shape[0] != m.shape[0]:
                errorFlag = True
            n = rrInstance.simulate(start=0,
                                    selections=['time', spec_id])
            if n.shape[0] != m.shape[0]:
                errorFlag = True
        errorFlag = True
コード例 #49
def runTester(testDir=None):
    Run a series of tests from a testing dir.

    This enumerates all the files in a directory, and all the files ending with '.rrtest'
    are assumed to be testing files.
    global fHandle

    import os.path as p
    from glob import glob

    if testDir is None:
        testDir = getDefaultTestDir()

    if not p.isdir(testDir):
        raise Exception("{} is NOT a directory".format(testDir))

    files = glob(p.join(testDir, "*.rrtest"))

    unknownTests = 0
    for file in files:
        print "\n\nStarting Test on ", file

        # set the globals, these should be class instance vars...
        fHandle = open(file, 'r')
        testId = jumpToNextTest()

        if testId == '[SBML]':
            sbmlStr, testId = getSBMLStr()
                Logger.LOG_WARNING, "rrtest file, \"" + file +
                "\" missing SBML section, ignoring test file")

        # Load any initialization actions
        if testId == '[INITIALIZATION]':
            testId = jumpToNextTest()
            while testId != '[END_INITIALIZATION]':
                if functions.has_key(testId):
                    func = functions[testId]
                    func(rrInstance, testId)
                    print 'No initialization function found for ' + testId
                testId = jumpToNextTest()
            testId = jumpToNextTest()

        # create a RoadRunner obj with the sbml from the test file
        rrInstance = roadrunner.RoadRunner(sbmlStr)
        print 'Successfully loaded model.\n'

        # Now start the tests proper
        while testId != '':
            if functions.has_key(testId):
                func = functions[testId]
                func(rrInstance, testId)
                unknownTests = unknownTests + 1
                print string.ljust(testId, rpadding), 'UNKNOWN TEST'
            testId = jumpToNextTest()

    print "\n\nTotal failed tests:\t", gFailedTests, \
    "\nTotal unknown tests:\t", unknownTests, \
    "\nTotal passed tests:\t", gPassedTests
コード例 #50
def checkGetSteadyStateSelectionList(rrInstance, testId):
    print(string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding), end="")
    words = divide(readLine())
    result = str(rrInstance.steadyStateSelections)

    print(passMsg(result == words))
コード例 #51
ファイル: train.py プロジェクト: CVML/EEG_DauwelsLab
nb_train = np.size(xb_train, axis=0)
ns_train = np.size(xs_train, axis=0)

print "DEBUG: max train values"

print("Building network ...")
l_in, l_out = config.build_model()

Xt = np.zeros((2048, 64, 1), dtype='float32')
all_layers = nn.layers.get_all_layers(l_out)
num_params = nn.layers.count_params(l_out)
print("  number of parameters: %d" % num_params)
print("  layer output shapes:")
for layer in all_layers:
    name = string.ljust(layer.__class__.__name__, 32)
    print("    %s %s" %
          (name, nn.layers.get_output(layer, sym_x).eval({
              sym_x: Xt

print("Building cost function ...")
out_train = nn.layers.get_output(l_out, sym_x, deterministic=False)
out_eval = nn.layers.get_output(l_out, sym_x, deterministic=True)

TOL = 1e-5
lambda_reg = config.lambda_reg
params = nn.layers.get_all_params(l_out, regularizable=True)
reg_term = sum(T.sum(p**2) for p in params)
out_train_cutted = T.clip(out_train, TOL, 1 - TOL)
cost = T.mean(utils.Cross_Ent(out_train_cutted, sym_t))
コード例 #52
    def usage(self):
        """Represent self in a manner suitable for printing during a 
        command line usage() function"""

        # See if there ARE any command line option
        opts = filter(lambda x: x.isCmdLine(), self._dict.values())

        # Be really fancy here - use LineWrap module, etc.
        maxwidth = 80

        ret = 'Usage: %s' % self._exec_name

        if not len(opts):
            # Just add description
            ret = ret + '\n\n%s' % self._desc
            return ret

        # XXX We should change this if we ever get to mutually exclusive /
        # cluster options
        opstr = string.join(map(lambda x: '[%s]' % x.paramCmdLine(), opts),
                            ' ')

        pad = len(ret) + 1
        opstr = string.split(LineWrap.wraplines(opstr, maxwidth - pad), '\n')

        ret = ret + ' ' + opstr[0] + '\n'
        for l in opstr[1:]:
            ret = ret + ' ' * pad + l + '\n'

        # Add description
        ret = ret + '\n' + self._desc + '\n'

        ret = ret + '\nCommand line options:\n\n'

        # First pass - find the maxlen of params
        maxpar = max(map(lambda x: len(x.paramDesc()), self._dict.values()))

        # Give an extra line for too long optional parameters
        if maxpar > 24:
            maxpar = 24

        # Reserve some more chars
        res = 6

        for el in opts:

            # LineWrap API changed, emulate old API
            desc = LineWrap.wraplines(el._desc, maxwidth - maxpar - res)
            desc = string.split(desc, '\n')

            parDesc = el.paramDesc()

            if len(parDesc) > maxpar:
                ret = ret + ' %s\n' % parDesc
                ret = ret + ' ' * (maxpar + res - 2) + '- '
                ret = ret + ' %s   - ' % string.ljust(parDesc, maxpar)

            ret = ret + desc[0] + '\n'

            for s in desc[1:]:
                ret = ret + ' ' * (maxpar + res) + s + '\n'

        return ret
コード例 #53
def checkFloatingSpeciesConcentrations(rrInstance, testId):
    print(string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding), end="")
    ss = rrInstance.model.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrations()
    compareUpcomingValuesWith(ss, 1E-6)
コード例 #54
 def print_info(self):
     keys = self.info.keys()
     for key in keys:
         print "  " + string.ljust(key, 18) + " " + str(self.info[key])
コード例 #55
def checkStoichiometryMatrix(rrInstance, testId):
    # Stoichiometry matrix
    print(string.ljust("Check " + testId, rpadding), end="")
    st = rrInstance.getFullStoichiometryMatrix()