コード例 #1
    def test_mergeStuff(self):
        Test the method tradestyle.TradeFormat.mergeStuff. Specificaly test that a merged cell
        group exists where it is should be after saving and opening an xlsx file.
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active

        begin = (1, 1)
        end = (5, 5)
        anchor = (3, 3)
        t = TradeFormat(wb)

        b, e = t.mergeStuff(ws, begin=begin, end=end, anchor=anchor)

        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):

        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        x = ws2.merged_cells.ranges

        # print(b, (x[0].min_col, x[0].min_row))
        # print(e, (x[0].max_col, x[0].max_row))
        self.assertEqual(b, (x[0].min_col, x[0].min_row))
        self.assertEqual(e, (x[0].max_col, x[0].max_row))
コード例 #2
    def test_TradeFormatAddNamedStyle(self):
        Test the object formation and the creation of the styles in __init__ and addNamedStyle for
        the Workbook. Specifically test that the named style is created and stored in the workbook
        (still there when you close it and open it.)

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active
        tf = TradeFormat(wb)

        # Use a list to verify the order
        styleList = list(tf.styles.keys())
        if not os.path.exists("out/"):

        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):

        # Write one cell for each named style in TradeFormat
        for i, key in enumerate(styleList):
            #     print(key, c((1, i+1)))
            ws[c((1, i + 1))] = key
            ws[c((1, i + 1))].style = tf.styles[key]

        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        # Open it back up and check the the named styles are where we think they are
        for i, key in enumerate(styleList):
            #     print(key,ws2[c((1, i+1))].style )
            self.assertEqual(key, ws2[c((1, i + 1))].style)
コード例 #3
    def test_placeImagesAndSumStyles(self):
        At a loss for how to test image placement---the image is in a zip, the links are not in
        the worksheet. Openpyxl does not get the image info from load_workbook. While these asserts
        are not satisfactory, they will probably fail if something has gone wrong with the insert
        locations for images and the SumStyle forms.
        tf = TradeFormat(self.wb)
        ws = self.wb.active
        self.mistake.mstkSumStyle(ws, tf, self.a)
        self.mistake.dailySumStyle(ws, tf, self.a)

        self.t.placeImagesAndSumStyles(self.imageLocation, ws, tf)
        # self.t.saveXL(self.wb, self.jf)

        for loc in self.imageLocation:
            sumcell = tcell((1, loc[0][0][1]))
            aboveSumCell = tcell((1, loc[0][0][1] - 1))
            self.assertEqual(ws[sumcell].style, 'titleStyle', sumcell)
            self.assertEqual(ws[aboveSumCell].style, 'Normal', aboveSumCell)
            for iloc, fn in zip(loc[0], loc[1]):
                imgcell = tcell(iloc)
                sumcell = tcell((1, iloc[1]))

コード例 #4
    def test_styleTopwithnothin(self):
        Test the method layoutsheet.LayoutSheet.styleTop. Test that it still works without
        table data. We still know too much about the method,. Note that we are using a protected
        member of Worksheet ws._tables
        quoteRange = [(1, 1), (13, 5)]
        noteRange = [(1, 6), (13, 24)]
        quoteStyle = 'normStyle'
        noteStyle = 'explain'
        margin = 25
        inputlen = 50  # len(df)

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active

        # Make sure the out dir exists
        if not os.path.exists("out/"):

        # Make sure the file we are about to create does not exist
        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):

        ls = LayoutSheet(margin, inputlen)
        ls.styleTop(ws, 13, TradeFormat(wb))


        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        listOfMerged = list()
            tcell((quoteRange[0])) + ':' + tcell((quoteRange[1])))
            tcell((noteRange[0])) + ':' + tcell((noteRange[1])))
        for xx in ws2.merged_cells.ranges:
            # print (str(xx) in listOfMerged)
            self.assertIn(str(xx), listOfMerged)
        self.assertEqual(ws[tcell(quoteRange[0])].style, quoteStyle)
        self.assertEqual(ws[tcell(noteRange[0])].style, noteStyle)

        self.assertEqual(len(ws._tables), 1)

        begin = tcell((1, ls.topMargin))

        end = tcell((13, ls.topMargin + ls.inputlen))
        tabRange = f'{begin}:{end}'
        key = list(ws._tables.keys())
        if key:
            self.assertEqual(tabRange, ws._tables[key[0]].ref)

コード例 #5
    def test_formatTrade(self):
        Test the method TradeFormat.formatTrade. Specifically test that each of the elements in
        srf.tfcolumns has a corresponding elementcorrectly styled in the re-opened workbook and
        that each merged element in srf.tfcolumns is found in the the worsheet.
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active

        t = TradeFormat(wb)
        srf = SumReqFields()
        ws = wb.active

        t.formatTrade(ws, srf)

        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):

        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        # test that each listed item in srf.tfcolumns has a corresponding style set in the
        # appropriate cell of the re-opened workbook
        for x in srf.tfcolumns:
            address = srf.tfcolumns[x][0]
            st = srf.tfcolumns[x][1]
            if isinstance(address, list):
                self.assertEqual(ws2[c(address[0])].style, st)
                self.assertEqual(ws2[c(address)].style, st)

        # test that each list element has a corresponding merged cell group in the worbook
        listofmerge = [
            c(srf.tfcolumns[x][0][0], srf.tfcolumns[x][0][1])
            for x in srf.tfcolumns if isinstance(srf.tfcolumns[x][0], list)
        wsmerged = ws.merged_cells.ranges
        self.assertEqual(len(listofmerge), len(wsmerged))
        for msmerge in wsmerged:
            self.assertTrue(str(msmerge) in listofmerge)
コード例 #6
    def exportExcel(self):
        Export to excel the trade tables, trade summaries, and daily forms

        # Create the space in dframe to add the summary information for each trade.
        # Then create the Workbook.
        settings = QSettings('zero_substance', 'structjour')
        val = settings.value('inputType')

        # Get a list of Trades from self.df
        tu = DefineTrades(val)
        ldf = tu.getTradeList(self.df)

        # Lay out a dataframe with space for charts
        imageNames = self.getImageNamesFromTS()
        imageLocation, dframe = self.layoutExcelData(self.df, ldf, imageNames)
        assert len(ldf) == len(imageLocation)

        # Create an openpyxl wb from the dataframe
        ls = LayoutSheet(self.topMargin, len(self.df))
        wb, ws, nt = ls.createWorkbook(dframe)

        tf = TradeFormat(wb)
        ls.styleTop(ws, len(nt.columns), tf)

        mstkAnchor = (len(dframe.columns) + 2, 1)
        mistake = MistakeSummary(numTrades=len(ldf), anchor=mstkAnchor)
        mistake.mstkSumStyle(ws, tf, mstkAnchor)
        mistake.dailySumStyle(ws, tf, mstkAnchor)

        # tradeSummaries = ls.runSummaries(imageLocation, ldf, self.jf, ws, tf)
        self.placeImagesAndSumStyles(imageLocation, ws, tf)
        self.populateXLDailyFormulas(imageLocation, ws)

        self.populateXLMistakeForm(mistake, ws, imageLocation)
        self.populateXLDailySummaryForm(mistake, ws, mstkAnchor)

        self.saveXL(wb, self.jf)
        logging.info("Processing complete. Saved {}".format(
コード例 #7
    def test_dailySumStyle(self):
        Test the method MistakeSummary.mstkSumStyle.
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active
        tf = TradeFormat(wb)

        numTrades = 5

        ms = MistakeSummary(numTrades)

        ms.dailySumStyle(ws, tf)

        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):


        anchor = (1, ms.anchor[1] + ms.numTrades + 5)

        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        # test that each listed item in ms.mistakeFields has a corresponding style set in the
        # appropriate cell in the re-opened workbook.
        for x in ms.dailySummaryFields:
            cell = ''
            entry = ms.dailySummaryFields[x]
            if isinstance(entry[0], list):
                cell = tcell(entry[0][0], anchor=anchor)
                cell = tcell(entry[0], anchor=anchor)
            self.assertEqual(entry[1], ws2[cell].style)

            # Get the entries with the static values-- the headers
            if len(entry) == 3:
                self.assertEqual(ws2[cell].value, ms.dailySummaryFields[x][2])
コード例 #8
    def test_mstkSumStyles(self):
        Test the method MistakeSummary.mstkSumStyle.
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active
        tf = TradeFormat(wb)

        ms = MistakeSummary(5)

        ms.mstkSumStyle(ws, tf)

        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):


        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        # test that each listed item in ms.mistakeFields has a corresponding style set in the
        # appropriate cell in the re-opened workbook.
        for x in ms.mistakeFields:
            cell = ''
            entry = ms.mistakeFields[x]
            if isinstance(entry[0], list):
                cell = tcell(entry[0][0])
                cell = tcell(entry[0])

            # print(cell, entry[1], ws[cell].style)
            self.assertEqual(entry[1], ws[cell].style)

            if len(entry) == 3:
                self.assertEqual(ws2[cell].value, ms.mistakeFields[x][2])
コード例 #9
    def test_styleTop(self):
        Test the method layoutsheet.LayoutSheet.styleTop. This  will probably produce warnings from
        openpyxl as there is empty data when it makes the headers. No worries.
        Note that we are using a protected member of Worksheet ws._tables, so if it this fails, look
        at that. openpyxl does not provide a public attribute for tables.
        Note that knowing the quoteRange and noteRange is bad design. Eventually these two bits of
        design data should be abstracted to somewhere accessible by the user. (and testing too)
        quoteRange = [(1, 1), (13, 5)]
        noteRange = [(1, 6), (13, 24)]
        quoteStyle = 'normStyle'
        noteStyle = 'explain'
        margin = 25
        inputlen = 50  # len(df)

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active

        # Make sure the out dir exists
        if not os.path.exists("out/"):

        # Make sure the file we are about to create does not exist
        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):

        # Create table header and data in the ws
        headers = [
            'Its', 'the', 'end', 'of', 'the', 'world', 'as', 'we', 'know',
            'it.', 'Bout', 'Fn', 'Time!'
        for i in range(1, 14):
            ws[tcell((i, 25))] = headers[i - 1]

        ls = LayoutSheet(margin, inputlen)
        for x in range(ls.topMargin + 1, ls.inputlen + ls.topMargin + 1):
            for xx in range(1, 14):
                ws[tcell((xx, x))] = randint(-1000, 10000)

        ls.styleTop(ws, 13, TradeFormat(wb))


        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        listOfMerged = list()
            tcell((quoteRange[0])) + ':' + tcell((quoteRange[1])))
            tcell((noteRange[0])) + ':' + tcell((noteRange[1])))
        for xx in ws2.merged_cells.ranges:
            # print (str(xx) in listOfMerged)
            self.assertTrue(str(xx) in listOfMerged)
        self.assertEqual(ws[tcell(quoteRange[0])].style, quoteStyle)
        self.assertEqual(ws[tcell(noteRange[0])].style, noteStyle)

        self.assertEqual(len(ws._tables), 1)

        begin = tcell((1, ls.topMargin))

        end = tcell((13, ls.topMargin + ls.inputlen))
        tabRange = f'{begin}:{end}'
        self.assertEqual(tabRange, ws._tables[0].ref)
