def calc_RMSD(self, list1, list2, keys): ''' Calculates RMSD between two atoms lists. The two lists have to have the same length. ''' superpose = sp.RotamerSuperpose(list1, list2) list2 = array1, array2 = np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0]) for a1, a2, k in zip(list1, list2, keys): array1 = np.vstack((array1, list(a1.get_coord()))) array2 = np.vstack((array2, list(a2.get_coord()))) rmsd = np.sqrt( sum(sum((array1[1:] - array2[1:])**2)) / array1[1:].shape[0]) return rmsd
def non_conserved_switcher(self, cgn, AA, ref_atoms, template): try: rot = Rotamer.objects.get( structure=template, residue__display_generic_number__label=cgn) if rot.residue.amino_acid != AA or rot.missing_atoms: return False parse = GPCRDBParsingPDB() parsed_atoms = parse.parse_rotamer_pdb(rot) superpose = sp.RotamerSuperpose(ref_atoms, parsed_atoms) new_atoms = if self.debug: print(template, cgn, superpose.backbone_rmsd) if superpose.backbone_rmsd > 0.45: return False return new_atoms except Exception as msg: return False
def non_conserved_switcher(self, cgn, AA, ref_atoms, template): try: print(cgn, template, AA, ref_atoms[0].get_parent().get_resname()) rot = Rotamer.objects.get(structure=template, residue__display_generic_number__label=cgn) print(rot.residue.amino_acid) if rot.residue.amino_acid!=AA or rot.missing_atoms: return False parse = GPCRDBParsingPDB() parsed_atoms = parse.parse_rotamer_pdb(rot) superpose = sp.RotamerSuperpose(ref_atoms, parsed_atoms) new_atoms = if self.debug: print(template, cgn, superpose.backbone_rmsd) if superpose.backbone_rmsd>0.45: return False return new_atoms except Exception as msg: if self.debug: print("WARNING: Rotamer swap-in {} at {} failed with {}".format(template, cgn, msg)) return False
def superpose(self, list1, list2, TM_keys=None): """Superposition, supply TM_keys (list of sequence residue numbers) when superimposing on only those atoms.""" superpose = sp.RotamerSuperpose(list1, list2, TM_keys) return, superpose.num_atoms_used_for_superposition