def test_getPositionInArray(): test_loc = Location(2, 2) assert test_loc.getPositionInArray() == 0 test_loc = Location(2, 6) assert test_loc.getPositionInArray() == 1 test_loc = Location(10, 10) assert test_loc.getPositionInArray() == 8
def test_Location(): loc1 = Location(1, 2) loc2 = Location(3, 4) assert loc1 + loc2 == Location(4, 6) assert loc1 * 2 == Location(2, 4) loc2 -= Location(1, 1) assert loc2 == Location(2, 3) loc1 *= 3 assert loc1 == Location(3, 6)
def main(): #### N-Lateration #### NLat_result = NLateration(dataset, step=1) printf("\r\nN-Lateration :\nComputed location : " + NLat_result[0].toString()) printf("With distance = " + str(round(NLat_result[1], 2)) + " m") #### K neighbours #### printf("\nK-neighbors of test sample : ") neighborsCells = KNeighbors(Tf, testSample) for k in neighborsCells: printf("(", k.location.x, ";", k.location.y, ")") #### Distances #### print("\nDistances : " + str(testSample.distances)) #### Barycenter #### printf("\r\nWeighted barycenter :") a = resolve_barycenter(neighborsCells, testSample.distances) printf(a.toString()) #### Markov #### MM = MarkovModel(Tf) # small set fixed definition MM.path([ 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 5, 8, 2, 9, 8, 1, 9, 8, 9, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 9, 5, 9, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4 ]) # larger set random generation for k in range(0, 100): MM.moveToCellID(floor(random() * 9 + 1)) printf("\r\n") MM.printValues() printf("\r\nPERCENTAGES : \r\n") MM.printPercentages() printf("\r\ncurrent cell is {output.GREEN}" + str(MM.previousCell) + "{output.NORMAL} , most likely next cell is {output.GREEN}" + str(MM.getMostLikely()) + "{output.NORMAL} which is located at {output.GREEN}" + str(Location.fromID(MM.getMostLikely()).toString()) + "{output.NORMAL}") while (1): printf("Input next location ID (between 1 and 9)\r\n>>", end='') in_char = int(input()) printf(output.CLEAR) if in_char > 0 and in_char < 10: MM.moveToCellID(in_char) MM.printValues() printf("\r\nPERCENTAGES : \r\n") MM.printPercentages() printf( "\r\ncurrent cell is {output.GREEN}#" + str(MM.previousCell) + "{output.NORMAL} , most likely next cell is {output.GREEN}" + str(MM.getMostLikely()) + "{output.NORMAL} which is located at {output.GREEN}" + str(Location.fromID(MM.getMostLikely()).toString()) + "{output.NORMAL}") else: printf("invalid ID") break
from structure import output, printf, RSSVector, Location, newCell, KNeighbors, resolve_barycenter, MarkovModel, NLateration from random import random from math import floor Tf = [] #cells table #dataset : list of tuples representing emitters (Location, distance) dataset = [(Location(.5, .5, .5), 3.0), (Location(4.0, .0, .0), 2.0), (Location(4.0, 5.0, 5.0), 4.2), (Location(3.0, 3.0, 3.0), 2.5)] testSample = RSSVector(-26, -42, -13, -46) #known fingerprints Tf = [[newCell(-38,-27,-54,-13,2,2),newCell(-74,-62,-48,-33,2,6),newCell(-13,-28,-12,-40,2,10) ],\ [newCell(-34,-27,-38,-41,6,2), newCell(-64,-48,-72,-35,6,6), newCell(-45,-37,-20,-15,6,10)], \ [newCell(-17,-50,-44,-33,10,2), newCell(-27,-28,-32,-45,10,6), newCell(-30,-20,-60,-40,10,10)]] def main(): #### N-Lateration #### NLat_result = NLateration(dataset, step=1) printf("\r\nN-Lateration :\nComputed location : " + NLat_result[0].toString()) printf("With distance = " + str(round(NLat_result[1], 2)) + " m") #### K neighbours #### printf("\nK-neighbors of test sample : ") neighborsCells = KNeighbors(Tf, testSample) for k in neighborsCells: printf("(", k.location.x, ";", k.location.y, ")")
def test_fromID(): test_loc = Location.fromID(3) assert test_loc == Location(2, 10) test_loc = Location.fromID(9) assert test_loc == Location(10, 10)
def test_newCell(): testCell = newCell(-38, -27, -54, -13, 2, 2) assert testCell.location == Location(2, 2) assert testCell.v == RSSVector(-38, -27, -54, -13)
def test_NLateration(): test_result = NLateration(testEmitters) assert test_result[0] == Location(3.3, 1.5, 1.1) assert round(test_result[1], 2) == 1.19
from structure import KNeighbors, resolve_barycenter, Location, newCell, MarkovModel, RSSVector, NLateration from io import StringIO import sys testEmitters = [(Location(.5, .5, .5), 3.0), (Location(4.0, .0, .0), 2.0), (Location(4.0, 5.0, 5.0), 4.2), (Location(3.0, 3.0, 3.0), 2.5)] Tf = [[newCell(-38,-27,-54,-13,2,2),newCell(-74,-62,-48,-33,2,6),newCell(-13,-28,-12,-40,2,10) ],\ [newCell(-34,-27,-38,-41,6,2), newCell(-64,-48,-72,-35,6,6), newCell(-45,-37,-20,-15,6,10)], \ [newCell(-17,-50,-44,-33,10,2), newCell(-27,-28,-32,-45,10,6), newCell(-30,-20,-60,-40,10,10)]] testSample = RSSVector(-26, -42, -13, -46) testCells = [Tf[0][2], Tf[2][1], Tf[1][0], Tf[2][0]] testDistances = [34, 35, 53, 61] def test_KNeighbors(): assert KNeighbors(Tf, testSample)[0].location.toString() == "(2 ; 10 ; 0)" assert KNeighbors(Tf, testSample)[1].location.toString() == "(10 ; 6 ; 0)" assert KNeighbors(Tf, testSample)[2].location.toString() == "(6 ; 2 ; 0)" assert KNeighbors(Tf, testSample)[3].location.toString() == "(10 ; 2 ; 0)" def test_resolve_barycenter(): result = resolve_barycenter(testCells, testDistances) print(testSample.distances) assert round(result.x, 2) == 6.67 assert round(result.y, 2) == 5.75
print("Importing Libs") from structure import NLateration, Location from math import floor from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import sys import time global_step = .05 upscale_factor = 1 upscale_method = Image.NEAREST dataset = [(Location(.5, .5, 0), 3.0), (Location(5.0, 7.0, .0), 4.0), (Location(3.0, .0, 5.0), 4)] colorRange = 1.0 # [0.0, 1.0] #NLat_result = NLateration(dataset, step=global_step) frames = [] max = NLateration(dataset, step=global_step) def createFrame(x, y, arr, nbr): img ="HSV", (y, x)) img.putdata(arr[nbr]) return img def exportGif(includeReverse=False): print( str(round(1000 * (time.time() - start), 2)) + "ms", " - Calculating Array") NLat_result = NLateration(dataset, step=global_step,