コード例 #1
    def _draw_members(self, map, **kwargs):
        Draw individual extensions in members.
        Useful for debugging.

        map : Basemap axes object

        **kwargs : Any plot arguments to pass to basemap

        wcs_list = self._indv_mem_wcslist()

        for wcs in wcs_list:
            poly = SphericalPolygon.from_wcs(wcs)
            poly.draw(map, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self,
        image : ImageRef
            An :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object that refers
            to an open FITS file

        ext : tuple, int, str
            Extension specification in the `image` the `SkyLineMember`
            object will be associated with.

            An int `ext` specifies extension number. A tuple in the form
            (str, int) specifies extension name and number. A string `ext`
            specifies extension name and the extension version is assumed
            to be 1. See documentation for `astropy.io.fits.getData`
            for examples.

        dq_bits : int, None (Default = 0)
            Integer sum of all the DQ bit values from the
            input `image`'s DQ array that should be considered "good"
            when building masks for sky computations. For example,
            if pixels in the DQ array can be combinations of 1, 2, 4,
            and 8 flags and one wants to consider DQ "defects" having
            flags 2 and 4 as being acceptable for sky computations,
            then `dq_bits` should be set to 2+4=6. Then a DQ pixel
            having values 2,4, or 6 will be considered a good pixel,
            while a DQ pixel with a value, e.g., 1+2=3, 4+8=12, etc.
            will be flagged as a "bad" pixel.

            | Default value (0) will make *all* non-zero
              pixels in the DQ mask to be considered "bad" pixels,
              and the corresponding image pixels will not be used
              for sky computations.

            | Set `dq_bits` to `None` to turn off the use of
              image's DQ array for sky computations.

            .. note::
                DQ masks (if used), *will be* combined with user masks
                specified by the `usermask` parameter.

        dqimage : ImageRef
            An :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object that refers
            to an open FITS file that has DQ data of the input `image`.

            .. note::
               When DQ data are located in the same FITS file as the
               science image data (e.g., HST/ACS, HST/WFC3, etc.),
               `dqimage` may point to the
               same :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object.
               In this case the reference count of the
               \ :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object must be
               increased adequately.

        dqext : tuple, int, str
            Extension specification of the `dqimage` that contains
            `image`'s DQ information. See help for `ext` for more
            details on acceptable formats for this parameter.

        usermask : ImageRef
            An :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object that refers
            to an open FITS file that has user mask data that indicate
            what pixels in the input `image` should be used for sky
            computations (``1``) and which pixels should **not** be used
            for sky computations (``0``).

        usermask_ext : tuple, int, str
            Extension specification of the `usermask` mask file that
            contains user's mask data that should be associated with
            the input `image` and `ext`. See help for `ext` for more
            details on acceptable formats for this parameter.

        assert(hasattr(self.__class__, '_initialized') and \

        # check that input images and extensions are valid --
        # either integers or tuples of strings and integers, e.g., ('sci',1):
        _check_valid_imgext(image, 'image', ext, 'ext', can_img_be_None=False)
        if dq_bits is not None:
            if dqimage is None:
                dq_bits = 0
                _check_valid_imgext(dqimage, 'dqimage', dqext, 'dqext')
        _check_valid_imgext(usermask, 'usermask', usermask_ext, 'usermask_ext')

        # get telescope, instrument, and detector info:
        self.telescope, self.instrument, self.detector = get_instrument_info(
            image, ext)

        # check dq_bits:
        if dq_bits is not None and not isinstance(dq_bits, int):
            if image: dqimage.release()
            if usermask: usermask.release()
            if dqimage: dqimage.release()
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument 'dq_bits' must be either an integer or None.")

        # buld mask:
        self._buildMask(image.original_fname, ext, dq_bits, dqimage, dqext,
                        usermask, usermask_ext)
        if dqimage: dqimage.release()
        if usermask: usermask.release()

        # save file, user mask, and DQ extension info:
        self._fname = image.original_fname
        self._basefname = basename(self._fname)
        self._image = image
        self._ext = ext
        self._can_free_image = image.can_reload_data and self.optimize != 'speed'

        # check extension and create a string representation:
            extstr = ext2str(ext)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Unexpected extension type \'{}\' for file {}.".\

        self._id = "{:s}[{:s}]".format(self._basefname, extstr)

        # extract WCS for bounding-box computation
            if hasattr(image.hdu[ext], 'wcs'):
                self._wcs = image.hdu[ext].wcs
                if self.telescope in supported_telescopes:
                    self._wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(image.hdu, ext)
                    self._wcs = pywcs.WCS(image.hdu[ext].header, image.hdu)
            if self._wcs is None:
                raise Exception("Invalid WCS.")
            msg = "Unable to obtain WCS information for the file {:s}." \

        # determine pixel scale:

        # see if image data are in counts or count-rate
        # and compute count(-rate) to flux (per arcsec^2) conversion factor:
        self._brightness_conv_from_hdu(image.hdu, self._idcscale)

        # process Sky user's keyword and its value:

        # Set polygon to be the bounding box of the chip:
        self._polygon = SphericalPolygon.from_wcs(self.wcs, steps=1)