def run(): global driver driver = webdriver.Chrome('./chromedriver') # Optional argument, if not specified will search path. driver.get("") device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r = stt.setup() '''pytts.play_plain_text("Enter Email Id") text = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) print(text)''' tts.play_plain_text("Please wait while we log you in") driver.find_element_by_id("identifierId").send_keys('*****@*****.**') driver.find_element_by_id("identifierNext").click() time.sleep(2) driver.find_element_by_name("password").send_keys('test@12345') driver.find_element_by_id("passwordNext").click() time.sleep(5) driver.find_element_by_class_name('z0').click() time.sleep(5) with sr.Microphone(device_index = device_id, sample_rate = sample_rate, chunk_size = chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) r.pause_threshold=1 tts.play_plain_text("Enter Reciever's Email i d") text = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) text = text.replace(" ","") print(text) actions = ActionChains(driver) actions.send_keys(text.lower()) actions.perform() webElement = driver.find_element_by_name("subjectbox") with sr.Microphone(device_index = device_id, sample_rate = sample_rate, chunk_size = chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) tts.play_plain_text("Enter Subject") subj = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) print(subj) webElement.send_keys(subj) actions = ActionChains(driver) webElement.send_keys(Keys.TAB) time.sleep(2) x=driver.find_element_by_css_selector("div[aria-label='Message Body']") with sr.Microphone(device_index = device_id, sample_rate = sample_rate, chunk_size = chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) tts.play_plain_text("Enter Message") msg = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) print(msg) x.send_keys(msg) time.sleep(2) sendElem = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[text()='Send']") time.sleep(2) tts.play_plain_text("Mail was sent successfully")
def main_loop(): threading.Thread(target=get_t).start() while(True): device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r = stt.setup() with sr.Microphone(device_index = device_id, sample_rate = sample_rate, chunk_size = chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) tts.play_plain_text("Hello, What do you want to Do ? Search on Google ? Search on wikipedia ? Send a mail ? ") text = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, None, source) text = text.lower() text = text.strip() print(text) if "google" in text: elif "stop" in text or "exit" in text : exit(0) break elif "mail" in text or "gmail" in text: elif "wiki" in text or "wikipedia" in text:
import stt import tts correctness = 0 total = 0 tts.say("Hi, I am a timepass bot... Talk to me..") while True: tts.say("Say Something..") audio = stt.listen() text = stt.recognize(audio) tts.say("You Said, " + text) print("You Said, " + text) tts.say("Did I gave you the right Answer ? Say Yes, if I did, else say No") audio = stt.listen() text = stt.recognize(audio) print(text) if text.lower() == "yes": correctness += 1 total += 1 tts.say("Do You wish to test me more ? Say Yes or No") audio = stt.listen() text = stt.recognize(audio) if text.lower() == "no": tts.say("For your Information I was " + str((correctness * 100) / total) + " percent correct. Bye Bye. See You Again") break else: tts.say("I am Happy that you wish to play with me.")
def mainthread(param = ''): if(param == ''): input = stt.listen() else: input = param #bot commands -start if(input == 'exit' or input == 'bye' or input == 'quiet'): input = '' tts2.speak('goodbye, have a nice day sir!') global var var = False #spotify commands check - start elif (input == "open spotify"): input = "" import spotify tts2.speak('spotify opened') elif (input == "play" or input == "pause"): input = "" try: spotify.playPause() except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif (input == "exit spotify" or input == "close spotify"): input = "" try: spotify.close() except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif (input == "mute"): input = "" try: spotify.mute() except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif (input == "next"): input = "" try: except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif (input == "previous"): input = "" try: spotify.prev() except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif (input == "shuffle"): input = "" try: spotify.shuffle() except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif (input == "repeat"): input = "" try: spotify.repeat() except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif (input == "like"): input = "" try: except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif (input == "what is playing" or input == "what's playing"): input = "" try: spotify.nowPlaying() except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) elif ('search' in str(input) and 'spotify' in str(input)): try: stopwords = ['search', 'for', 'spotify', 'on'] querywords = input.split() resultwords = [word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords] result = ' '.join(resultwords) input = "" except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) except: print("error occured!") elif (input == "test method"): input = """attention") elif (input == "home"): input = "" try: spotify.home() except NameError: tts2.speak(NameErrorSpeak) #spotify commands check -end #time and date commands -start elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and ('time' in str(input))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('time'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and ('date' in str(input))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('date'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and ('day' in str(input))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('day'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and ('month' in str(input))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('month'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and ('year' in str(input))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('year'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and ('hour' in str(input))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('hour'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and (('minute' in str(input)) or ('minutes' in str(input)))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('minute')))
tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('month'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and ('year' in str(input))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('year'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and ('hour' in str(input))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('hour'))) elif((detectionwords.detectwhat(input) == 'found') and (('minute' in str(input)) or ('minutes' in str(input)))): input = '' tts2.speak(str(timeFunc.exec('minute'))) #time and date commands -end #wake word detection while 1: wakewordinput = stt.listen() wakewordlistener = wakeword.wakeworddetect(wakewordinput) if(wakewordlistener == 'awake'): timeFunc.welcome() while var: mainthread('') else: #wakeword detection else continue
def run(): global driver tts.play_plain_text("loading please wait") print("bert model loading started") model = build_model(configs.squad.squad, download=False) print("bert model loaded") device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r = stt.setup() tts.play_plain_text("loading please wait") driver = webdriver.Chrome( './chromedriver' ) # Optional argument, if not specified will search path. driver.get('') # time.sleep(5) # Let the user actually see something! search_box = driver.find_element_by_id("searchInput") time.sleep(3) # Let the user actually see something! # text="cricket" # # speak(text) # search_box.send_keys(text) # search_box.submit() time.sleep(5) # Let the user actually see something! # driver.execute_script("window.history.go(-1)") #time.sleep(3) # Let the user actually see something! with sr.Microphone(device_index=device_id, sample_rate=sample_rate, chunk_size=chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) tts.play_plain_text("What do you want to search ?") # #main text = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) # time.sleep(2) stt.speak(text) # #confirmation from the user with sr.Microphone(device_index=device_id, sample_rate=sample_rate, chunk_size=chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) tts.play_plain_text("Are you sure you want to search for " + text) resp = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) while resp != "yes": with sr.Microphone(device_index=device_id, sample_rate=sample_rate, chunk_size=chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) tts.play_plain_text("Repeat your search") text = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) time.sleep(2) stt.speak(text) tts.play_plain_text("Are you sure you want to search for " + text) resp = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) tts.play_plain_text("Searching results") search_box.send_keys(text) search_box.submit() #time.sleep(5) # Let the user actually see something! #sdriver.quit() while (True): with sr.Microphone(device_index=device_id, sample_rate=sample_rate, chunk_size=chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) tts.play_plain_text( """Do you want 1. summary or 2. full content or 3. start a question answering session""") # tts.play_plain_text("start question answering session?") resp1 = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) if "summary" in resp1 or "one" in resp1 or "1" in resp1: article_summary = w.summary(text) tts.play_plain_text("Starting summary") tts.play_plain_text(article_summary) break elif "two" in resp1 or "2" in resp1: full_content = w.WikipediaPage(text).content tts.play_plain_text("Starting full content") tts.play_plain_text(full_content) break elif "three" in resp1 or "3" in resp1 or "tree" in resp1: q = "yes" while q != "no": with sr.Microphone(device_index=device_id, sample_rate=sample_rate, chunk_size=chunk_size) as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) tts.play_plain_text( "Please utter your question after the beep") q = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) pred = model([w.summary(text, sentences=10)], [q]) pred = pred[0][0] tts.play_plain_text("The best match answer found is " + pred) tts.play_plain_text("do you have another question ?") q = stt.listen(device_id, sample_rate, chunk_size, r, driver, source) q = q.strip() q = q.lower() break else: tts.play_plain_text("Invalid option")