コード例 #1
def MakeFigure(width):
    with style.latex(width, scipy.constants.golden * 2 / 3):
コード例 #2
ファイル: load_data.py プロジェクト: Niriel/standingwaves
        lines = f.readlines()
    line_x, line_y = lines
    xss = line_x.split()
    yss = line_y.split()
    xs = map(float, xss)
    ys = map(float, yss)
    x = np.array(xs)
    y = np.array(ys)
    order = x.argsort()
    x = x[order]
    y = y[order]
    return lo, x, y

with my_style.latex(my_style.WIDTH_ARTICLE_KOSMA / 2):
    ax_profile = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    los = []
#     maxes = []
#     noises = []
    color_id = 0
    # Zoom on the top of the plot.
    ax_peak = zoomed_inset_axes(ax_profile, 4, loc=2)
    ax_base = zoomed_inset_axes(ax_profile, 4, loc=4)
    for filename in filenames:
        lo, x, y = load(filename)
        to_keep = x < 1042
        x = x[to_keep]
        y = y[to_keep]
        if len(x) <= 1:
コード例 #3
ファイル: simple_cavity.py プロジェクト: Niriel/standingwaves
def MakeFigure(width):
    with style.latex(width):
コード例 #4
def plot(width, frequencies, b_lo, b_sky):
    # Plot unfolded.
    lsb = frequencies < lo_freq
    usb = frequencies > lo_freq
    xs = frequencies / 1e9

    def power(field):
        return np.abs(field) ** 2 / Z0 / 2

    lo_h_f = b_lo[:, 10 * 3 + 0]
    lo_v_f = b_lo[:, 10 * 3 + 2]
    sky_h_f = b_sky[:, 10 * 3 + 0]
    sky_v_f = b_sky[:, 10 * 3 + 2]

    lo_h = power(lo_h_f)
    lo_v = power(lo_v_f)
    sky_h = power(sky_h_f)
    sky_v = power(sky_v_f)

    with style.latex(width, scipy.constants.golden):
        plt.plot(xs[lsb], lo_h[lsb], '-', label=style.latexT("LO H"), color=style.COLORS_STD[1])
        plt.plot(xs[lsb], lo_v[lsb], '--', label=style.latexT("LO V"), color=style.COLORS_STD[1])
        plt.plot(xs[lsb], sky_h[lsb], '-', label=style.latexT("Sky H"), color=style.COLORS_STD[2])
        plt.plot(xs[lsb], sky_v[lsb], '--', label=style.latexT("Sky V"), color=style.COLORS_STD[2])
        plt.plot(xs[usb], lo_h[usb], '-', color=style.COLORS_STD[1])
        plt.plot(xs[usb], lo_v[usb], '--', color=style.COLORS_STD[1])
        plt.plot(xs[usb], sky_h[usb], '-', color=style.COLORS_STD[2])
        plt.plot(xs[usb], sky_v[usb], '--', color=style.COLORS_STD[2])
                     xy=(np.mean(xs[lsb]), 2),
                     horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')
                     xy=(np.mean(xs[usb]), 2),
                     horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')
        plt.legend(loc='center', prop={"size":6})
        plt.xlabel(style.latexT("Frequency [\\si{\giga\hertz}]"))
        plt.ylabel(style.latexT("Flux density  [\\si{\watt\per\meter\squared}]"))
        if USE_PDF:
            plt.savefig("thin_film_beam_splitter_detailed.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')

    # Compute folded.
    x_folded = xs[usb] - lo_freq / 1.e9
    y_folded_h = lo_h[lsb] + sky_h[lsb] + lo_h[usb] + sky_h[usb]
    y_folded_v = lo_v[lsb] + sky_v[lsb] + lo_v[usb] + sky_v[usb]

    # Plot folded.

    # With my previous model, I used to see a beat.  The folded signal was not
    # at the same period as the original signal.  I was saying that this was
    # because there were actually two lo-mixer cavities: one using the near
    # side, and one using the far side of the beam splitter.  Each cavity had
    # its own period, and once I was folding it would somehow show drastically.
    # This was, I believe, an error on my part.  Indeed, I was adding the LSB
    # and USB fields, then raising it to a power.  I believe now that this is
    # wrong: there is no reason for the LSB and USB fields to be phase-locked,
    # therefore they do not add coherently. I must raise them to power before
    # adding them.  When doing that, there is no obvious beat.  HOWEVER, when
    # using pathological dimensions for the 'thin film' (like, 20 cm thick) and
    # a broad enough frequency range, you can see this beat.  So my model DOES
    # take into account both sides of the thin film, it's just that it does not
    # show much.  It's almost too bad, it was a neat trick.
    with style.latex(width, 1):
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        plt.plot(x_folded, y_folded_h, color=style.COLORS_STD[0], label=style.latexT("H"))
        plt.ylim((8.7, 8.9))
        plt.title(style.latexT("LO + sky, folded."), fontsize=10)
        plt.ylabel(style.latexT("Flux density  [\\si{\watt\per\meter\squared}]"))

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        plt.plot(x_folded, y_folded_v, color=style.COLORS_STD[0], label=style.latexT("V"))
        plt.ylim((2.6, 2.8))
        plt.xlabel(style.latexT("Intermediate frequency [\\si{\giga\hertz}]"))
        plt.ylabel(style.latexT("Flux density  [\\si{\watt\per\meter\squared}]"))

        if USE_PDF:
            plt.savefig("thin_film_beam_splitter_folded.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')

    # Compute FFT.
    n = len(x_folded)  # Number of samples.
    h = np.hanning(n)
    y_fft_h = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(y_folded_h * h))
    y_fft_v = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(y_folded_v * h))
    w = (np.max(x_folded) - np.min(x_folded)) * 1e9  # Width.
#     n = len(xs[usb])
#     h = np.hanning(n)
#     y_fft_h = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(lo_h[usb]))  # * h))
#     y_fft_v = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(lo_v[usb]))  # * h))
#     w = (np.max(xs[usb]) - np.min(xs[usb])) * 1e9  # Width.
    s = w / n  # Sample spacing.
    x_fft = np.fft.fftfreq(n, s)[:len(y_fft_h)]  # Only positive frequencies.
    x_fft = 1 / x_fft / 1e6  # x scale in SW period.

    # Plot FFT.

    # What would it take to see the 10 micrometer beam splitter?
    # d_0 = 1.9999995  m
    # d_1 = 1.0000005  m
    # T_0 = c / 2d_0  Hz
    # T_1 = c / 2d_1  Hz
    # F_0 = 2d_0 / c  Hz-1  # This is the frequency of the FFT, in Hz-1.
    # F_1 = 2d_1 / c  Hz-1
    # \Delta F = F_1 - F_0 = 2(0.000001)/c  Hz-1
    # \Delta F = 1 / B  # With B the bandwith.
    # 1 / B = 0.000002 / c
    # B = c / 0.000002  =  1.5e14  Hz
    # Well, I will not be having such a bandwidth any time soon so the two peaks
    # due to the two distances will not show.
    # Our B equals 4 GHz.
    # c / B = 0.075 m.
    # 2d = 0.075 ; d = 0.0375
    # With 4 GHz of bandwidth I should expect to resolve differences of 3.7 mm.
    # So if I make the beam splitter 1 cm thick, I should be able to see it on the FFT
    # as a second peak.
    # Well, it does not work.  Even if I use 10 cm.  Even if I remove the Hanning window.
    # The peak does move to the higher periods, but I do not see a second peak.
    # Maybe it is much weaker?  Use semilogy.  Still not.
    # Maybe I should try on the non-folded ?  Still not.
    # Maybe I am wrong to think that I should see two peaks?

    # The thicker the film, the greater the period of the single peak.  This
    # means that the cavity seems shorter.  Is that at least consistent with the
    # fact that the speed of light is smaller in the film?
    # The spacing between the resonant frequencies is proportional to c:
    #     f = N c / 2d, with N an integer.
    # The period is c / 2d: distance between two resonant frequencies.

    # So a slower light should reduce the period, not increase it.  Indeed,
    # reducing the speed is kinda like increasing the distance. Then why does my
    # peak move to higher periods as the thickness of the film increase? Higher
    # periods suggests that the distance is reduced.

    # Well, there is one distance that is reduced when the thickness increases,
    # that is the distance to the near side.  Does it match?  Standard is a 1 m
    # cavity, creating a period of 150 MHz.  If I make it a 90 cm cavity I
    # should get 166.6667 MHz.

    # The film must have a thickness h which, when seen at 45 degrees, appear to
    # be l=10 cm long.  h and l are linked by a cosine and h is smaller than l,
    # so I say h = l cos 45, h = 1/sqrt(2) / 10.

    # Once the model ran, I get a peak at 166.6.  The resolution is not high, but
    # it is high enough to tell me I hit at the right first decimal.

    # So what we mostly see is a reflection on the near side.  What about the
    # far side? How come it has so little effect?  Especially because the film
    # is mostly transparent, so there should be quite a bit of power hitting the
    # far side.  Then a bit of that power comes to the near side and is transmitted.
    # Because the transmissions are close to 1, I'd expect that the power in the near
    # and the far contributions to be very close.

    # SOLVED IT !  My problem was that my film had an absorption coefficient.
    # That small imaginary component to n2 does not matter much for a 10 micrometer
    # film, but it totally killed all transmission in a 10 cm film.  As a result, all
    # I was seeing was the near side, and 10^-14 of the far side.  If I want to see all
    # the cavities, I must make n2 a real number.  Then I see many peaks, not just 2,
    # because each double reflection brings its own cavity length.

    with style.latex(width, 1):
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        plt.semilogy(x_fft[10:], y_fft_h[10:], color=style.COLORS_STD[0], label=style.latexT("H"))
        plt.title(style.latexT("LO + sky, folded."), fontsize=10)
        plt.ylabel(style.latexT("FFT of flux density  [arbitrary]"))
#         plt.xlim((50, 250))

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        plt.semilogy(x_fft[10:], y_fft_v[10:], color=style.COLORS_STD[0], label=style.latexT("V"))
        plt.xlabel(style.latexT("Period [\\si{\mega\hertz}]"))
        plt.ylabel(style.latexT("FFT of flux density  [arbitrary]"))
#         plt.xlim((50, 250))
        if USE_PDF:
            plt.savefig("thin_film_beam_splitter_folded_fft.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')

    # Sideband ratio.
    sbr_lo_h = lo_h[usb] / (lo_h[usb] + lo_h[lsb])
    sbr_lo_v = lo_v[usb] / (lo_v[usb] + lo_v[lsb])
    sbr_sky_h = sky_h[usb] / (sky_h[usb] + sky_h[lsb])
    sbr_sky_v = sky_v[usb] / (sky_v[usb] + sky_v[lsb])
    print "Sky H sbr stddev: %f." % np.std(sbr_sky_h)
    print "Sky V sbr stddev: %f." % np.std(sbr_sky_v)
    with style.latex(width):
        plt.plot(x_folded, sbr_lo_h, '-', label=style.latexT("LO H"), color=style.COLORS_STD[1])
        plt.plot(x_folded, sbr_lo_v, '--', label=style.latexT("LO V"), color=style.COLORS_STD[1])
        plt.plot(x_folded, sbr_sky_h, '-', label=style.latexT("Sky H"), color=style.COLORS_STD[2])
        plt.plot(x_folded, sbr_sky_v, '--', label=style.latexT("Sky V"), color=style.COLORS_STD[2])
        plt.xlabel(style.latexT("Intermediate frequency [\\si{\giga\hertz}]"))
        plt.ylabel(style.latexT("USB / (LSB + USB) [1]"))
        plt.legend(loc="center right", prop={"size":6})
        if USE_PDF:
            plt.savefig("thin_film_beam_splitter_sbr.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')