def list_items(self): return [ sublime.ListInputItem( 'Additive', False, '<strong>Logic:</strong> <em>adds matches to current selection</em>'), sublime.ListInputItem( 'Subtractive', True, '<strong>Logic:</strong> <em>removes matches from current selection</em>') ]
def list_items(self): self.window = sublime.active_window() self.prefs = sublime.load_settings(PREFS_FILE) self.original = self.prefs.get('color_scheme', DEFAULT_CS) self.pre_selection = self.prefs.get(self.setting_name, self.default_value) show_legacy = self.prefs.get("show_legacy_color_schemes", False) items = [] if not self.variant: kind_info = sublime.KIND_AMBIGUOUS if self.pre_selection == "auto": kind_info = CURRENT_KIND items.append( sublime.ListInputItem( 'Auto', 'auto', details= 'Switches between light and dark color schemes to match OS appearance', kind=kind_info)) selected = -1 package_set = set() files = sublime.find_resources('*.tmTheme') trimmed_names = set() for f in files: name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f)) trimmed_names.add(name) # Add all the sublime-color-scheme files, but not the overrides for f in sublime.find_resources('*.sublime-color-scheme'): name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f)) if name not in trimmed_names: trimmed_names.add(name) files.append(f) for cs in files: kind_info = sublime.KIND_AMBIGUOUS if self.pre_selection and cs == self.pre_selection: selected = len(items) kind_info = CURRENT_KIND if len(cs.split('/', 2)) != 3: # Not in a package continue pkg = os.path.dirname(cs) if pkg == "Packages/Color Scheme - Legacy" and not show_legacy: continue if pkg.startswith("Packages/"): pkg = pkg[len("Packages/"):] name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cs)) items.append( sublime.ListInputItem(name, cs, details=pkg, kind=kind_info)) package_set.add(pkg) return (items, selected)
def list_items(self): self.window = sublime.active_window() self.prefs = sublime.load_settings(PREFS_FILE) self.original = os.path.basename(self.prefs.get( 'theme', DEFAULT_THEME)) self.pre_selection = os.path.basename( self.prefs.get(self.setting_name, self.default_value)) items = [] selected = -1 if not self.variant: kind_info = sublime.KIND_AMBIGUOUS if self.pre_selection == "auto": kind_info = CURRENT_KIND selected = 0 items.append( sublime.ListInputItem( 'Auto', 'auto', details= 'Switches between light and dark themes to match OS appearance', kind=kind_info)) nameset = set() for theme in sublime.find_resources('*.sublime-theme'): pkg, basename = os.path.split(theme) name, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) # Themes with the same name, but in different packages, are # considered a single logical theme, as the data from the # different files is merged. Ensure there's only one entry per # basename if name in nameset: continue nameset.add(name) kind_info = sublime.KIND_AMBIGUOUS if self.pre_selection and basename == self.pre_selection: selected = len(items) kind_info = CURRENT_KIND if pkg.startswith("Packages/"): pkg = pkg[len("Packages/"):] items.append( sublime.ListInputItem(name, basename, details=pkg, kind=kind_info)) return (items, selected)
def list_items(self): return [ sublime.ListInputItem( "Var", "var", details="Run the test defined by the var under the caret.", annotation="<code>deftest</code>"), sublime.ListInputItem( "Namespace", "ns", details="Run all tests in the current namespace."), ]
def list_items(self): s = sublime.load_settings('Preferences.sublime-settings') return [ sublime.ListInputItem( OPTIONAL_SETTINGS[index]['title'], index, '%s' % (OPTIONAL_SETTINGS[index]['description'])) for index in OPTIONAL_SETTINGS ]
def list_items(self): return [ sublime.ListInputItem( "Clojure", "clj", details= "A dynamic and functional Lisp that runs on the Java Virtual Machine." ), sublime.ListInputItem( "ClojureScript", "cljs", annotation="shadow-cljs only", details="A compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript."), sublime.ListInputItem( "Babashka", "bb", details="A fast, native Clojure scripting runtime.") ]
def list_items(self): items: list[sublime.ListInputItem] = [] for index, value in enumerate(self.values): items.append( sublime.ListInputItem(value.text, index, details=value.details, kind=value.kind)) return (items, self.index)
def list_items(self): return [ sublime.ListInputItem( "Adjacent Form", "form", details= "The form (not necessarily S-expression) adjacent to the caret." ), sublime.ListInputItem( "Innermost S-expression", "innermost", details= "The innermost S-expression with respect to the caret position." ), sublime.ListInputItem( "Outermost S-expression", "outermost", details= "The outermost S-expression with respect to the caret position.", annotation="ignores (comment)"), sublime.ListInputItem( "Active View", "view", details="The entire contents of the currently active view."), sublime.ListInputItem( "Input", "input", details="Tutkain prompts you for input to evaluate."), sublime.ListInputItem( "Namespace Declarations", "ns", details= "Every namespace declaration (<code>ns</code> form) in the active view." ), ]
def list_items(self): items: list[sublime.ListInputItem] = [] for index, value in enumerate(self.values): items.append( sublime.ListInputItem(value.text, index, details=value.details, kind=value.kind, annotation=value.annotation)) if (not items): return ['Nothing Here\terror?'] return (items, self.index)
def list_items(self): return [ sublime.ListInputItem(str(item), item) for item in [True, False] ]
def list_items(self): stashed_regions = self.view.settings().get('meu_pop_stashed_regions', {}) options = [ sublime.ListInputItem(f'Item: {key}', key, f'<em>{stashed_regions[key].split("|")[0]}</em>', stashed_regions[key].split('|')[1]) for key in stashed_regions.keys() ] return options
import sublime import sublime_plugin import re from datetime import datetime import uuid import html from collections import namedtuple from .selection_fields import get_settings from .utils import get_new_regions COMMENT_SELECTOR = "comment - punctuation.definition.comment" MULTI_FIND_MENU = [ sublime.ListInputItem("Case + Word +", 0, '<strong>Matches:</strong> <em>case, word</em>'), sublime.ListInputItem("Case + Word -", 1, '<strong>Matches:</strong> <em>case</em> <strong>Ignores:</strong> <em>word</em>'), sublime.ListInputItem("Case - Word +", 2, '<strong>Matches:</strong> <em>word</em> <strong>Ignores:</strong> <em>case</em>'), sublime.ListInputItem("Case - Word -", 3, '<strong>Ignores:</strong> <em>case, word</em>'), sublime.ListInputItem( "Case + Word + Comments -", 4, '<strong>Matches:</strong> <em>case, word</em>\t<strong>Ignores:</strong> <em>matches inside comments</em>') ] class MultiFindMenuCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit, operation): if operation == 0:
def list_items(self): self.window = sublime.active_window() self.prefs = sublime.load_settings(PREFS_FILE) self.original = self.prefs.get('color_scheme', DEFAULT_CS) self.pre_selection = self.prefs.get(self.setting_name, self.default_value) # sublime-color-scheme's are unique on the name, but tmTheme's are # unique on the path if self.original.endswith(".sublime-color-scheme"): self.original = os.path.basename(self.original) if self.pre_selection.endswith(".sublime-color-scheme"): self.pre_selection = os.path.basename(self.pre_selection) show_legacy = self.prefs.get("show_legacy_color_schemes", False) items = [] selected = -1 if not self.variant: kind_info = sublime.KIND_AMBIGUOUS if self.pre_selection == "auto": kind_info = CURRENT_KIND selected = 0 items.append( sublime.ListInputItem( 'Auto', 'auto', details= 'Switches between light and dark color schemes to match OS appearance', kind=kind_info)) files = [] nameset = set() for f in sublime.find_resources('*.tmTheme'): files.append((f, f)) nameset.add(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]) # Color schemes with the same name are merged, but that's not the case # for tmTheme. for f in sublime.find_resources('*.sublime-color-scheme'): basename = os.path.basename(f) name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] if name not in nameset: nameset.add(name) files.append((f, basename)) for cs, unique_path in files: pkg, basename = os.path.split(cs) name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] if pkg == "Packages/Color Scheme - Legacy" and not show_legacy: continue kind_info = sublime.KIND_AMBIGUOUS if self.pre_selection and self.pre_selection == unique_path: kind_info = CURRENT_KIND selected = len(items) if pkg.startswith("Packages/"): pkg = pkg[len("Packages/"):] items.append( sublime.ListInputItem(name, unique_path, details=pkg, kind=kind_info)) return (items, selected)