コード例 #1
ファイル: test_syntax.py プロジェクト: kaste/UnitTesting
    def syntax_testing(self, stream, package):
            syntaxes = sublime.find_resources("*.sublime-syntax")
            if package != "__all__":
                syntaxes = [
                    s for s in syntaxes
                    if s.startswith("Packages/%s/" % package)

            # remove UnitTesting syntax_tests
            syntaxes = [
                s for s in syntaxes
                if not s.startswith("Packages/UnitTesting/")

            if not syntaxes:
                raise RuntimeError("No sublime-syntax files found in %s!" %

            total_errors = 0
            total_failed_syntaxes = 0

            for syntax in syntaxes:
                results = sublime_api.incompatible_syntax_patterns(syntax)
                for location, _, message in results:
                    stream.write("%s:%d:%d: %s\n" %
                                 (syntax, location[0] + 1,
                                  location[0] + location[1], message))
                if results:
                    total_errors += len(results)
                    total_failed_syntaxes += 1

            if total_errors:
                    "FAILED: %d errors in %d of %d syntaxes\n" %
                    (total_errors, total_failed_syntaxes, len(syntaxes)))
                stream.write("Success: %d syntaxes passed\n" %
                             (len(syntaxes), ))
        except Exception as e:
            if not stream.closed:
                stream.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)

コード例 #2
ファイル: test_syntax.py プロジェクト: randy3k/UnitTesting
    def syntax_testing(self, stream, package):
            syntaxes = sublime.find_resources("*.sublime-syntax")
            if package != "__all__":
                syntaxes = [s for s in syntaxes if s.startswith("Packages/%s/" % package)]

            # remove UnitTesting syntax_tests
            syntaxes = [s for s in syntaxes if not s.startswith("Packages/UnitTesting/")]

            if not syntaxes:
                raise RuntimeError("No sublime-syntax files found in %s!" % package)

            total_errors = 0
            total_failed_syntaxes = 0

            for syntax in syntaxes:
                results = sublime_api.incompatible_syntax_patterns(syntax)
                for location, _, message in results:
                    stream.write("%s:%d:%d: %s\n" % (syntax, location[0] + 1,
                                                     location[0] + location[1],
                if results:
                    total_errors += len(results)
                    total_failed_syntaxes += 1

            if total_errors:
                stream.write("FAILED: %d errors in %d of %d syntaxes\n" % (
                    total_errors, total_failed_syntaxes, len(syntaxes)))
                stream.write("Success: %d syntaxes passed\n" % (len(syntaxes),))
        except Exception as e:
            if not stream.closed:
                stream.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)

コード例 #3
ファイル: run_syntax_tests.py プロジェクト: missuor/st3-conf
    def run(self, **kwargs):

        view = self.window.active_view()
        if not view or not view.file_name().endswith('.sublime-syntax'):
                'Syntax compatibility tests can only be run when a '
                '.sublime-syntax file is open')

        if not hasattr(self, 'output_view'):
            # Try not to call get_output_panel until the regexes are assigned
            self.output_view = self.window.create_output_panel('exec')

        settings = self.output_view.settings()
        settings.set('result_file_regex', PACKAGES_FILE_REGEX)
        settings.set('result_base_dir', sublime.packages_path())
        settings.set('word_wrap', True)
        settings.set('line_numbers', False)
        settings.set('gutter', False)
        settings.set('scroll_past_end', False)

        # Call create_output_panel a second time after assigning the above
        # settings, so that it'll be picked up as a result buffer

        relative_path = package_relative_path(view)
        if not relative_path:


        patterns = sublime_api.incompatible_syntax_patterns(relative_path)

        num = len(patterns)

        if num > 0:
            line_pattern = '{}:{}:{}: {}\n'
            for pattern in sorted(patterns, key=lambda p: p[0]):
                value_line, value_col = pattern[0]
                regex_line, regex_col = pattern[1]

                value_begin = view.text_point(value_line, value_col)
                next_char = view.substr(value_begin)
                while next_char == ' ':
                    value_col += 1
                    value_begin = view.text_point(value_line, value_col)
                    next_char = view.substr(value_begin)

                line = value_line + regex_line
                col = value_col + regex_col

                # Reconstruct the file cursor position by consuming YAML
                # string encoding

                # Quoted strings
                if next_char in {'\'', '"'}:
                    col += 1

                    chunk_begin = value_begin + 1
                    chunk_end = chunk_begin + regex_col
                    escaped_quotes = self.count_escapes(next_char, view, chunk_begin, chunk_end)

                    while escaped_quotes:
                        col += escaped_quotes
                        chunk_begin = chunk_end
                        chunk_end += escaped_quotes
                        escaped_quotes = self.count_escapes(next_char, view, chunk_begin, chunk_end)

                # Block strings
                elif next_char == '|':
                    line += 1
                    # Figure out the negative indent of the first line
                    value_point = view.text_point(value_line + 1, 0)
                    value_line = view.substr(view.line(value_point))
                    indent_size = len(value_line) - len(value_line.lstrip())
                    col = indent_size + regex_col

                # Folded strings
                elif next_char == '>':
                    def get_line(view, line_num):
                        point = view.text_point(line_num, 0)
                        return view.substr(view.line(point))

                    line += 1
                    raw_line = get_line(view, line)
                    stripped_line = raw_line.lstrip()
                    stripped_len = len(stripped_line)
                    indent_size = len(raw_line) - stripped_len
                    consumed = 0

                    while consumed + stripped_len + 1 <= regex_col:
                        consumed += stripped_len + 1
                        line += 1
                        raw_line = get_line(view, line)
                        stripped_line = raw_line.lstrip()
                        stripped_len = len(stripped_line)
                        indent_size = len(raw_line) - stripped_len

                    col = indent_size + (regex_col - consumed)

                append(self.output_view, line_pattern.format(relative_path, line + 1, col + 1, pattern[2]))

            message = 'FAILED: {} pattern{} in "{}" are incompatible with the new regex engine\n'
            s = 's' if num > 1 else ''
            params = (num, s, relative_path)

            message = 'Success: all patterns in "{}" are compatible with the new regex engine\n'
            params = (relative_path,)

        append(self.output_view, message.format(*params))
        append(self.output_view, '[Finished]')