def __init__(self): super(UploaderBot, self).__init__() = telegramHigh(BOT_TOKEN) self.h_subscribers = SubscribersHandler( path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, ""), INITIAL_SUBSCRIBER_PARAMS) self.dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(DB_TOKEN) self.thread_keep_alive_flag = True # a flag. When false, the sender thread terminates self.uploader_queue = Queue() # contains all parameters to be queued to thread that haven't been processed yet. self.queue_saver = ListThreadedSaver( filename=path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, QUEUE_PARAMS_STORAGE_FILENAME)) # reload queue for param in self.queue_saver.list_generator(): self.uploader_queue.put(param) # starts the main loop, periodicFunction=self.periodicFunction, termination_function=self.termination_function)
def __init__(self): super(UploaderBot, self).__init__() = telegramHigh(BOT_TOKEN) self.h_subscribers = SubscribersHandler( path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, ""), INITIAL_SUBSCRIBER_PARAMS) self.dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(DB_TOKEN) self.thread_keep_alive_flag = True # a flag. When false, the sender thread terminates self.uploader_queue = Queue() # contains all parameters to be queued to thread that haven't been processed yet. self.queue_saver = ListThreadedSaver(filename=path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, QUEUE_PARAMS_STORAGE_FILENAME)) # reload queue for param in self.queue_saver.list_generator(): self.uploader_queue.put(param) # starts the main loop, periodicFunction=self.periodicFunction, termination_function=self.termination_function )
class UploaderBot(object): """docstring for UploaderBot""" photoDownloadUpload_Daemon_process = None def __init__(self): super(UploaderBot, self).__init__() = telegramHigh(BOT_TOKEN) self.h_subscribers = SubscribersHandler( path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, ""), INITIAL_SUBSCRIBER_PARAMS) self.dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(DB_TOKEN) self.thread_keep_alive_flag = True # a flag. When false, the sender thread terminates self.uploader_queue = Queue() # contains all parameters to be queued to thread that haven't been processed yet. self.queue_saver = ListThreadedSaver( filename=path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, QUEUE_PARAMS_STORAGE_FILENAME)) # reload queue for param in self.queue_saver.list_generator(): self.uploader_queue.put(param) # starts the main loop, periodicFunction=self.periodicFunction, termination_function=self.termination_function) def get_free_dbx_space(self, units="GB"): """ Returns the amount of free space left in dropbox :param units: Specifies the units in which to display. Can be "TB", "GB", "MB", "KB" or "bytes" :type units: str :return: amount of free space left in dropbox :rtype: int """ UNITS = {'TB': 4, 'GB': 3, 'MB': 2, 'KB': 1, 'bytes': 0} # Info object space_usage = self.dbx.users_get_space_usage() # Total space (for an individual user) total_allocated_space = space_usage.allocation.get_individual( ).allocated # Occupied space used_space = space_usage.used # Free space free_space = total_allocated_space - used_space return free_space / 1024**UNITS[units] def periodicFunction(self): self.launch_photoDownloadUpload_Daemon() def termination_function(self): self.thread_keep_alive_flag = False def launch_photoDownloadUpload_Daemon(self): def launch_thread(): self.photoDownloadUpload_Daemon_process = t = Thread( target=self.photoDownloadUpload_Daemon, args=(self.uploader_queue, )) t.start() try: if not self.photoDownloadUpload_Daemon_process.isAlive: # if the thread is suddenly dead - restart it launch_thread() except AttributeError: # in the beginning there is no variable with process. Create it. launch_thread() def photoDownloadUpload_Daemon(self, queue): def photoDownloadUpload(bot, update, chat_id, message_id): print("Queue size", queue.qsize()) # debug subs = self.h_subscribers # get a hex-created folder name DB_folder_name = subs.get_param(chat_id, "folder_token") if telegramHigh.isDocument(update): # for documents, preserve original filename. It already has an extension. full_filename = bot.getDocumentFileName(update) else: # if not a document, name a file with a datestamp. (Photo objects have weird filenames) file_name ="%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") # get an extension file_ext = bot.getFileExt(update) # sum them to get a full file name full_filename = file_name + file_ext # create a full path to the file in a temporary folder without extension full_filepath = path.join("/tmp", DB_folder_name, full_filename) # full path without file name full_dir_path = path.dirname(full_filepath) # download photo to temporary folder. while True: try: bot.downloadFile(bot.getFileID(update), custom_filepath=full_filepath) break except Exception: logging.error( "Could not download photo, retrying. Traceback:\n" + full_traceback()) sleep(5) pass # change to file's dir os.chdir(full_dir_path) # sometimes a file is downloaded with a different name. verify that it exists and renme if the name is wrong if not path.isfile(full_filepath): # list of files in a directory onlyfiles = [ fle for fle in listdir(full_dir_path) if path.isfile(fle) ] # Get the latest file in the directory wrong_file = max(onlyfiles, key=path.getctime) # Rename it os.rename(wrong_file, full_filename) # upload to dropbox while True: try: # WARNING: files_upload is not usable for files over 140 MB self.dbx.files_upload( open(full_filepath, 'rb'), # open file "/" + DB_folder_name + "/" + full_filename, # set path in dropbox autorename=True) break except Exception: logging.error( "Could not upload to Dropbox, retrying. Traceback:\n" + full_traceback()) sleep(5) # confirmation message bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message="Photo uploaded!", reply_to=message_id) # remove all files from temp folder for i in listdir(full_dir_path): os.remove(i) # remove the data about this photo and update queue file self.queue_saver.pop_first(save=True) # keep the thread running until the main thread signals to quit while self.thread_keep_alive_flag: # launch processing routine only if there is something to process if not queue.empty(): kwargs = queue.get() photoDownloadUpload(**kwargs) sleep(0.1) def assignBotLanguage(self, chat_id, language): """ Assigns bot language to a subscribers list and saves to disk :param language: :param chat_id: :return: None """ self.h_subscribers.set_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="lang", value=language) def processUpdate(self, u): def sendParamsToThread(**kwargs): # process photo thread_params = dict(bot=bot, update=u, chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id) # save params to file self.queue_saver.append_to_list(thread_params, save=True) # send params to Queue for thread to process self.uploader_queue.put(thread_params) bot = Message = u.message message = Message.text message_id = Message.message_id chat_id = Message.chat_id subs = self.h_subscribers # try initializing user. If it exists, ignore (no forcing). user_folder_token = hex(getrandbits(128))[2:] while user_folder_token in [ subs.subscribers[chatid]['folder_token'] for chatid in subs.subscribers.keys() ]: # it is highly improbable, but if suddenly the folder token is generated - try again! user_folder_token = hex(getrandbits(128))[2:] subs.init_user(chat_id, params={"folder_token": user_folder_token}) # language support class for convenience LS = LanguageSupport(subs.get_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="lang")) lS = LS.languageSupport MMKM = lS(MAIN_MENU_KEY_MARKUP) if message == "/start": bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(START_MESSAGE), key_markup=MMKM) elif message == "/help" or message == lS(HELP_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(HELP_MESSAGE).format( lS(DB_STORAGE_LINK_BUTTON), lS(FREE_DB_SPACE_BUTTON)), key_markup=MMKM, markdown=True) elif message == "/about" or message == lS(ABOUT_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(ABOUT_MESSAGE), key_markup=MMKM, markdown=True) elif message == "/otherbots" or message == lS(OTHER_BOTS_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(OTHER_BOTS_MESSAGE), key_markup=MMKM) elif message == "/dblink" or message == lS(DB_STORAGE_LINK_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage( chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(DB_STORAGE_LINK_MESSAGE) % (DB_STORAGE_PUBLIC_LINK, subs.get_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="folder_token")), key_markup=MMKM, preview=False) elif message == "/free" or message == lS(FREE_DB_SPACE_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(FREE_DB_SPACE_MESSAGE) % self.get_free_dbx_space(), key_markup=MMKM) elif message == "/set_name" or message == lS(SET_USERNAME_BUTTON): subs.set_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="input_mode", value=1) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(SET_USERNAME_MESSAGE), key_markup=MMKM) elif message == "/set_comment" or message == lS(SET_COMMENT_BUTTON): subs.set_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="input_mode", value=2) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(SET_COMMENT_MESSAGE), key_markup=MMKM) elif message == "/toggle_infofile" or message == lS( TOGGLE_INFOFILE_BUTTON): InfofileThread(bot, self.dbx, chat_id, subs.get_param(chat_id, "folder_token"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "username"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "comment"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "lang")) elif message == RU_LANG_BUTTON: self.assignBotLanguage(chat_id, 'RU') LS = LanguageSupport(subs.get_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="lang")) key_markup = LS.languageSupport(message=MAIN_MENU_KEY_MARKUP) bot.sendMessage( chat_id=chat_id, message="Сообщения бота будут отображаться на русском языке.", key_markup=key_markup) elif message == EN_LANG_BUTTON: self.assignBotLanguage(chat_id, 'EN') LS = LanguageSupport(subs.get_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="lang")) key_markup = LS.languageSupport(message=MAIN_MENU_KEY_MARKUP) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message="Bot messages will be shown in English.", key_markup=key_markup) elif bot.isPhoto(u): print("Sending params to thread on message. photo") # debug sendParamsToThread(bot=bot, update=u, chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id) elif bot.isDocument(u): if ALLOW_FILES: try: # check supported file formats if not (bot.getFileExt(u, no_dot=True).lower() in SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMATS): bot.sendMessage( chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(WRONG_FILE_FORMAT_MESSAGE).format( ", ".join(SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMATS)), reply_to=message_id) # limit filesize elif bot.getFileSize(u) > MAX_FILE_SIZE: bot.sendMessage( chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(FILE_TOO_BIG_MESSAGE).format( MAX_FILE_SIZE / 1024**2), reply_to=message_id) else: print("Sending params to thread on message. Document" ) # debug sendParamsToThread(bot=bot, update=u, chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id) except TelegramError: logging.error("Could not process file.\n" + full_traceback()) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message="Failed to process file", reply_to=message_id) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message=lS(FILES_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE), reply_to=message_id) else: if subs.get_param(chat_id, "input_mode") == 1: # Username input mode subs.set_param(chat_id, param="username", value=message) subs.set_param(chat_id, param="input_mode", value=0) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message="Username set!", key_markup=MMKM) InfofileThread(bot, self.dbx, chat_id, subs.get_param(chat_id, "folder_token"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "username"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "comment"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "lang"), recreate=True) elif subs.get_param(chat_id, "input_mode") == 2: # Comment input mode subs.set_param(chat_id, param="comment", value=message) subs.set_param(chat_id, param="input_mode", value=0) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message="Comment set!", key_markup=MMKM) InfofileThread(bot, self.dbx, chat_id, subs.get_param(chat_id, "folder_token"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "username"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "comment"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "lang"), recreate=True) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message="Unknown command!", key_markup=MMKM)
class UploaderBot(object): """docstring for UploaderBot""" photoDownloadUpload_Daemon_process = None def __init__(self): super(UploaderBot, self).__init__() = telegramHigh(BOT_TOKEN) self.h_subscribers = SubscribersHandler( path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, ""), INITIAL_SUBSCRIBER_PARAMS) self.dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(DB_TOKEN) self.thread_keep_alive_flag = True # a flag. When false, the sender thread terminates self.uploader_queue = Queue() # contains all parameters to be queued to thread that haven't been processed yet. self.queue_saver = ListThreadedSaver(filename=path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, QUEUE_PARAMS_STORAGE_FILENAME)) # reload queue for param in self.queue_saver.list_generator(): self.uploader_queue.put(param) # starts the main loop, periodicFunction=self.periodicFunction, termination_function=self.termination_function ) def get_free_dbx_space(self, units="GB"): """ Returns the amount of free space left in dropbox :param units: Specifies the units in which to display. Can be "TB", "GB", "MB", "KB" or "bytes" :type units: str :return: amount of free space left in dropbox :rtype: int """ UNITS = {'TB': 4, 'GB': 3, 'MB': 2, 'KB': 1, 'bytes': 0} # Info object space_usage = self.dbx.users_get_space_usage() # Total space (for an individual user) total_allocated_space = space_usage.allocation.get_individual().allocated # Occupied space used_space = space_usage.used # Free space free_space = total_allocated_space - used_space return free_space / 1024 ** UNITS[units] def periodicFunction(self): self.launch_photoDownloadUpload_Daemon() def termination_function(self): self.thread_keep_alive_flag = False def launch_photoDownloadUpload_Daemon(self): def launch_thread(): self.photoDownloadUpload_Daemon_process = t = Thread(target=self.photoDownloadUpload_Daemon, args=(self.uploader_queue,) ) t.start() try: if not self.photoDownloadUpload_Daemon_process.isAlive: # if the thread is suddenly dead - restart it launch_thread() except AttributeError: # in the beginning there is no variable with process. Create it. launch_thread() def photoDownloadUpload_Daemon(self, queue): def photoDownloadUpload(bot, update, chat_id, message_id): print("Queue size", queue.qsize()) # debug subs = self.h_subscribers # get a hex-created folder name DB_folder_name = subs.get_param(chat_id, "folder_token") if telegramHigh.isDocument(update): # for documents, preserve original filename. It already has an extension. full_filename = bot.getDocumentFileName(update) else: # if not a document, name a file with a datestamp. (Photo objects have weird filenames) file_name ="%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") # get an extension file_ext = bot.getFileExt(update) # sum them to get a full file name full_filename = file_name + file_ext # create a full path to the file in a temporary folder without extension full_filepath = path.join("/tmp", DB_folder_name, full_filename) # full path without file name full_dir_path = path.dirname(full_filepath) # download photo to temporary folder. while True: try: bot.downloadFile(bot.getFileID(update), custom_filepath=full_filepath) break except Exception: logging.error("Could not download photo, retrying. Traceback:\n" + full_traceback()) sleep(5) pass # change to file's dir os.chdir(full_dir_path) # sometimes a file is downloaded with a different name. verify that it exists and renme if the name is wrong if not path.isfile(full_filepath): # list of files in a directory onlyfiles = [fle for fle in listdir(full_dir_path) if path.isfile(fle)] # Get the latest file in the directory wrong_file = max(onlyfiles, key=path.getctime) # Rename it os.rename(wrong_file, full_filename) # upload to dropbox while True: try: # WARNING: files_upload is not usable for files over 140 MB self.dbx.files_upload( open(full_filepath, 'rb'), # open file "/" + DB_folder_name + "/" + full_filename, # set path in dropbox autorename=True ) break except Exception: logging.error("Could not upload to Dropbox, retrying. Traceback:\n" + full_traceback()) sleep(5) # confirmation message bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message="Photo uploaded!", reply_to=message_id) # remove all files from temp folder for i in listdir(full_dir_path): os.remove(i) # remove the data about this photo and update queue file self.queue_saver.pop_first(save=True) # keep the thread running until the main thread signals to quit while self.thread_keep_alive_flag: # launch processing routine only if there is something to process if not queue.empty(): kwargs = queue.get() photoDownloadUpload(**kwargs) sleep(0.1) def assignBotLanguage(self, chat_id, language): """ Assigns bot language to a subscribers list and saves to disk :param language: :param chat_id: :return: None """ self.h_subscribers.set_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="lang", value=language) def processUpdate(self, u): def sendParamsToThread(**kwargs): # process photo thread_params = dict(bot=bot, update=u, chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id) # save params to file self.queue_saver.append_to_list(thread_params, save=True) # send params to Queue for thread to process self.uploader_queue.put(thread_params) bot = Message = u.message message = Message.text message_id = Message.message_id chat_id = Message.chat_id subs = self.h_subscribers # try initializing user. If it exists, ignore (no forcing). user_folder_token = hex(getrandbits(128))[2:] while user_folder_token in [subs.subscribers[chatid]['folder_token'] for chatid in subs.subscribers.keys()]: # it is highly improbable, but if suddenly the folder token is generated - try again! user_folder_token = hex(getrandbits(128))[2:] subs.init_user(chat_id, params={"folder_token": user_folder_token}) # language support class for convenience LS = LanguageSupport(subs.get_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="lang")) lS = LS.languageSupport MMKM = lS(MAIN_MENU_KEY_MARKUP) if message == "/start": bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(START_MESSAGE) , key_markup=MMKM ) elif message == "/help" or message == lS(HELP_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(HELP_MESSAGE).format(MAX_FILE_SIZE/1024**2, ", ".join(SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMATS), lS(DB_STORAGE_LINK_BUTTON), lS(FREE_DB_SPACE_BUTTON)) , key_markup=MMKM , markdown=True ) elif message == "/about" or message == lS(ABOUT_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(ABOUT_MESSAGE) , key_markup=MMKM , markdown=True ) elif message == "/otherbots" or message == lS(OTHER_BOTS_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(OTHER_BOTS_MESSAGE) , key_markup=MMKM ) elif message == "/dblink" or message == lS(DB_STORAGE_LINK_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(DB_STORAGE_LINK_MESSAGE) % (DB_STORAGE_PUBLIC_LINK, subs.get_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="folder_token")) , key_markup=MMKM , preview=False ) elif message == "/free" or message == lS(FREE_DB_SPACE_BUTTON): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(FREE_DB_SPACE_MESSAGE) % self.get_free_dbx_space() , key_markup=MMKM ) elif message == "/set_name" or message == lS(SET_USERNAME_BUTTON): subs.set_param(chat_id=chat_id,param="input_mode", value=1) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(SET_USERNAME_MESSAGE) , key_markup=MMKM ) elif message == "/set_comment" or message == lS(SET_COMMENT_BUTTON): subs.set_param(chat_id=chat_id,param="input_mode", value=2) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(SET_COMMENT_MESSAGE) , key_markup=MMKM ) elif message == "/toggle_infofile" or message == lS(TOGGLE_INFOFILE_BUTTON): InfofileThread(bot, self.dbx, chat_id, subs.get_param(chat_id, "folder_token"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "username"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "comment"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "lang")) elif message == RU_LANG_BUTTON: self.assignBotLanguage(chat_id, 'RU') LS = LanguageSupport(subs.get_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="lang")) key_markup = LS.languageSupport(message=MAIN_MENU_KEY_MARKUP) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message="Сообщения бота будут отображаться на русском языке." , key_markup=key_markup ) elif message == EN_LANG_BUTTON: self.assignBotLanguage(chat_id, 'EN') LS = LanguageSupport(subs.get_param(chat_id=chat_id, param="lang")) key_markup = LS.languageSupport(message=MAIN_MENU_KEY_MARKUP) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message="Bot messages will be shown in English." , key_markup=key_markup ) elif bot.isPhoto(u): print("Sending params to thread on message. photo") # debug sendParamsToThread(bot=bot, update=u, chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id) elif bot.isDocument(u): try: # check supported file formats if not (bot.getFileExt(u, no_dot=True).lower() in SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMATS): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(WRONG_FILE_FORMAT_MESSAGE).format(", ".join( SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMATS)) , reply_to=message_id ) # limit filesize elif bot.getFileSize(u) > MAX_FILE_SIZE: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message=lS(FILE_TOO_BIG_MESSAGE).format(MAX_FILE_SIZE / 1024 ** 2) , reply_to=message_id ) else: print("Sending params to thread on message. Document") # debug sendParamsToThread(bot=bot, update=u, chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id) except TelegramError: logging.error("Could not process file.\n" + full_traceback()) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message="Failed to process file" , reply_to=message_id ) else: if subs.get_param(chat_id,"input_mode") == 1: # Username input mode subs.set_param(chat_id, param="username", value=message) subs.set_param(chat_id, param="input_mode", value=0) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message="Username set to " + message , key_markup=MMKM ) InfofileThread(bot, self.dbx, chat_id, subs.get_param(chat_id, "folder_token"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "username"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "comment"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "lang"), recreate=True) elif subs.get_param(chat_id,"input_mode") == 2: # Comment input mode subs.set_param(chat_id, param="comment", value=message) subs.set_param(chat_id, param="input_mode", value=0) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message="Comment set!" , key_markup=MMKM ) InfofileThread(bot, self.dbx, chat_id, subs.get_param(chat_id, "folder_token"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "username"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "comment"), subs.get_param(chat_id, "lang"), recreate=True) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id , message="Unknown command!" , key_markup=MMKM )