def applyDirs(self): ops = [Shell.makeDirectory(self.envPath, 0o750)] for dir in self.struct['dirs']: sourceDir = os.path.join(self.specPath, dir) destDir = os.path.join(self.envPath, dir) mode = os.stat(sourceDir).st_mode & 0o777 logger.debug("Creating directory '%s' mode: %s" % (dir, mode)) ops.append( Shell.makeDirectory(destDir).bind(defer(Shell.chmod, mode=mode))) return Try.sequence(ops)
def main(self): name = self.getInputName() forced = self.options.force if forced and not Shell.printConfirm("You are about to force halt engine \"%s\"." % name): self.exitOK("User cancelled.") self.core.loadEngine(name) \ .bind(Engine.loadConfigFile) \ .bind(defer(Engine.stop, force=forced)) \ .catch(self.exitError)
def makeEnv(self): name = self.randString() ppath = os.path.join(self.projectsBasePath, name) specpath = os.path.join(ppath, SPECDIR) op = Shell.makeDirectory(ppath) \ .then(defer(Shell.makeDirectory, specpath)) self.assertIsInstance(op, OK) dirs = [ 'conf', os.path.join('conf', 'web'), os.path.join('conf', 'cron'), os.path.join('conf', 'logrotate') ] ops = [ Try.attempt(Shell.makeDirectory, os.path.join(specpath, x)) for x in dirs ] self.assertIsInstance(Try.sequence(ops), OK) tpl1 = "{{SUBENV_ENVPATH}}\n{{SUBENV_BASEPATH}}" tpl2 = 'This is a template with no vars.' customVar = self.randString() envTpl = 'name="%(name)s"\ncustom="%(custom)s"' filedata = {} filedata[ENVFILE] = envTpl % {'name': name, 'custom': customVar} filedata["tpl1.jinja"] = tpl1 filedata[os.path.join("conf", "tpl2.jinja")] = tpl2 ops = [] for file, data in filedata.items(): ops.append( Try.attempt(writeToFile, os.path.join(specpath, file), data.encode())) self.assertIsInstance(Try.sequence(ops), OK) return { 'name': name, 'custom': customVar, 'path': ppath, 'files': filedata, 'dirs': dirs }
def run(self, args, envName=None): if not envName: envSpec = self._getCurrentEnv() if not envSpec: return Fail(InvalidEnvError("No env is currently active.")) envName = cmd = subprocess.list2cmdline(args) return OK(envName) \ .bind(self._loadEnvSpec) \ .map(lambda x: x.envPath) \ .bind(lambda p:, cwd=p, shell=True))
def tearDown(self): pass if self.basePath: Shell.nukeDirectory(self.basePath).catch(tests.TestBase.raiser) if self.subenvBasePath: Shell.nukeDirectory(self.subenvBasePath).catch( tests.TestBase.raiser) if self.projectsBasePath: Shell.nukeDirectory(self.projectsBasePath).catch( tests.TestBase.raiser)
def applyFiles(self): ops = [] for file in self.struct['files']: fname, ext = os.path.splitext(file) source = os.path.join(self.specPath, file) dest = os.path.join(self.envPath, file) if fname == ENVFILE: continue elif ext == '.jinja': logger.debug("Rendering '%s' to %s" % (file, dest)) dest = os.path.splitext(dest)[0] ops.append(self.renderFile(file, dest, self.vars)) else: logger.debug("Copying '%s' to %s" % (file, dest)) ops.append( Shell.copyFile(os.path.join(self.specPath, file), os.path.join(self.envPath, file))) return Try.sequence(ops)
def applyCommand(self, cmd):"Running environment command: %s" % cmd) return, cwd=self.envPath, shell=True)
def clearEnv(self): if os.path.isfile(self.config.configFile): return Shell.rmFile(self.config.configFile) return OK(None)
def delete(self, name): envPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.envsPath, name)) if not os.path.isdir(envPath): return Fail(InvalidOptionError("Environment '%s' does not exist.")) return Shell.nukeDirectory(envPath)
def editEngineConfig(self, engine): cmd = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vi') + ' ' + \ engine.config.getConfigFile() return x: engine)
def ask(self, msg): return Shell.printConfirm(msg, assumeYes=self.core.getAssumeYes())