コード例 #1
ファイル: test_poppy.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/succinct
def test_rank(bb: bytes) -> None:
    assume(len(bb) % 8 == 0)

    bits = bitarray()
    poppy = Poppy(bits)

    for i in range(len(bits)):
        assert poppy.rank(i) == sum(bits[0:(i + 1)])
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_poppy.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/succinct
def test_select_structure(byte_value: int, num_bytes: int) -> None:
    bits = bitarray()
    bits.frombytes(bytes([byte_value]) * num_bytes)
    poppy = Poppy(bits)

    for level_0_idx, sampling_answers in enumerate(poppy._select_structure):
        for i, sampling_answer in enumerate(sampling_answers):
            sum_left = poppy._level_0[level_0_idx]
            assert (poppy.rank(sampling_answer + ((1 << 32) * level_0_idx)) -
                    sum_left) == (i * 8192 + 1)
コード例 #3
ファイル: louds.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/succinct
class LoudsBinaryTree:
    def __init__(
        root: A,
        get_left_child: Callable[[A], Optional[A]],
        get_right_child: Callable[[A], Optional[A]]
    ) -> None:
        queue = deque([root])

        self._bits = bitarray()
        while queue:
            tree_node = queue.popleft()
            for child in [get_left_child(tree_node), get_right_child(tree_node)]:
                if child is not None:
        self._poppy = Poppy(self._bits)

    def get_root(self) -> int:
        return 0

    def get_parent(self, i: int) -> Optional[int]:
        if i == 0:
            return None
        return math.floor(self._poppy.select(i - 1) / 2)

    def get_left_child(self, i: int) -> Optional[int]:
        if not self._bits[2 * i]:
            return None
        return self._poppy.rank(2 * i)

    def get_right_child(self, i: int) -> Optional[int]:
        if not self._bits[2 * i + 1]:
            return None
        return self._poppy.rank(2 * i + 1)

    def is_leaf(self, i: int) -> bool:
        return not (self._bits[2 * i] or self._bits[2 * i + 1])
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_poppy.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/succinct
def test_rank_big(byte_value: int, num_bytes: int, step_size: int) -> None:
    bits = bitarray()
    bits.frombytes(bytes([byte_value]) * num_bytes)
    poppy = Poppy(bits)

    i = 0
    sum_bits = sum(bits[0:1])
    while i < len(bits):
        assert poppy.rank(i) == sum_bits
        next_i = i + step_size
        partial_sum = sum(bits[(i + 1):min(next_i + 1, len(bits))])
        i = next_i
        sum_bits += partial_sum
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_poppy.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/succinct
def test_rank_boundary() -> None:
    bits = bitarray()
    bits.frombytes(bytes([255]) * ((1 << 29) + 32))
    poppy = Poppy(bits)
    i = 1 << 32
    assert poppy.rank(i) == i + 1
コード例 #6
ファイル: permutation.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/succinct
class Permutation:
    def __init__(self, values: IndexedIntSequence) -> None:
        runs = self._extract_runs(values)
        self._build_huffman_tree(values, runs)

    def _extract_runs(self, values: IndexedIntSequence) -> List[HuffmanTreeNode]:
        run_starts: List[int] = [0]

        for i in range(1, len(values)):
            if values[i] < values[i - 1]:

        run_starts_bitarray = bitarray(len(values))
        for start in run_starts:
            run_starts_bitarray[start] = True
        self._run_starts = Poppy(run_starts_bitarray)

        runs: List[HuffmanTreeNode] = []
        for i in range(len(run_starts)):
            from_index = run_starts[i]
            until_index = run_starts[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(run_starts) else len(values)
            runs.append(Run(from_=from_index, until=until_index))

        return runs

    def _build_huffman_tree(self, values: IndexedIntSequence, tree_nodes: List[HuffmanTreeNode]) -> None:
        # Determine the tree topology.
        merge_sort_bitarray = bitarray()
        merge_sort_offset = 0
        while len(tree_nodes) > 1:
            x = heapq.heappop(tree_nodes)
            y = heapq.heappop(tree_nodes)
            merged = HuffmanInnerNode(
                size=len(x) + len(y),

            # Populate the merge sort bitarray's values
            it_left = ((value, False) for value in x.iterator(values, merge_sort_bitarray))
            it_right = ((value, True) for value in y.iterator(values, merge_sort_bitarray))

            for _, b in heapq.merge(it_left, it_right):
                merge_sort_offset += 1

            heapq.heappush(tree_nodes, merged)

        # Build a LOUDS representation of the tree topology
        louds = LoudsBinaryTree(
            get_left_child=lambda n: n.left_child if isinstance(n, HuffmanInnerNode) else None,
            get_right_child=lambda n: n.right_child if isinstance(n, HuffmanInnerNode) else None

        # The data stored at each node of the tree is:
        # - The offset into a bitarray (if a node is an inner node)
        # - The offset into the original permutation (if a node is a leaf node)
        node_data: List[int] = []
        sizes: List[int] = []
        queue = deque(tree_nodes)
        while queue:
            tree_node = queue.popleft()
            if isinstance(tree_node, HuffmanInnerNode):
            elif isinstance(tree_node, Run):
                raise TypeError

        self._louds = louds
        self._node_data = node_data
        self._merge_sort_poppy = Poppy(merge_sort_bitarray)

        number_of_runs = self._run_starts.rank(len(self._run_starts) - 1)
        self._run_rank_to_louds_id = [0] * number_of_runs
        for louds_id in range(len(self._node_data)):
            if self._louds.is_leaf(louds_id):
                run_offset = self._node_data[louds_id]
                run_rank = self._run_starts.rank(run_offset)
                self._run_rank_to_louds_id[run_rank - 1] = louds_id

    def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> int:
        Retrieve the i'th element of this permutation.

        Start at the leaves. Find the index of the current key `k` in the current
        node. Now, consider the parent node:
            - If the current node is the left child, get the index of the `k`'th
              zero in the parent node via "select_zero".

            - If the current node is the right child, get the index of the `k`th
            one in the parent node via "select".

        Repeat until the current node is the root, and return `k`.
        run_start = self._run_starts.rank(key) - 1
        current_node = self._run_rank_to_louds_id[run_start]
        key = key - self._node_data[current_node]

        while True:
            parent = self._louds.get_parent(current_node)
            if parent is None:
                return key
                parent_offset = self._node_data[parent]
                if self._louds.get_left_child(parent) == current_node:
                    # # get the index of the `k`'th zero in the parent node
                    parent_rank_zero = (
                        0 if parent_offset == 0 else
                        self._merge_sort_poppy.rank_zero(parent_offset - 1)
                    key = self._merge_sort_poppy.select_zero(key + parent_rank_zero) - parent_offset
                    current_node = parent
                    # get the index of the `k`th one in the parent node
                    parent_rank = (
                        0 if parent_offset == 0 else
                        self._merge_sort_poppy.rank(parent_offset - 1)
                    key = self._merge_sort_poppy.select(key + parent_rank) - parent_offset
                    current_node = parent

    def index_of(self, value: int) -> int:
        Retrieve the index of the given value within this permutation. (This is
        the inverse of the permutation.)

        Start at the root.  Look up the bit at position `value`. Calculate either
        the rank_1 or rank_0 of that position, depending on whether it's 1 or 0.
        Recurse to either the left or right child, depending on that value.
        current_node = self._louds.get_root()
        while True:
            if self._louds.is_leaf(current_node):
                return self._node_data[current_node] + value
                offset = self._node_data[current_node]
                bit_value = self._merge_sort_poppy[offset + value]

                if not bit_value:
                    value = (
                        self._merge_sort_poppy.rank_zero(offset + value) -
                            0 if offset == 0 else
                            self._merge_sort_poppy.rank_zero(offset - 1)
                    ) - 1
                    child = self._louds.get_left_child(current_node)
                    value = (
                        self._merge_sort_poppy.rank(offset + value) -
                            0 if offset == 0 else
                            self._merge_sort_poppy.rank(offset - 1)
                    ) - 1
                    child = self._louds.get_right_child(current_node)
                assert child is not None
                current_node = child