コード例 #1
def calc_aggregate_reviewer_score(rdb, all_scores, operator='max'):
    """Calculate the aggregate reviewer score for one paper

    :param rdb: Reviewer DB. NP matrix of DB papers by reviewers
    :param scores: NP matrix of similarity scores between the current papers (rows) and the DB papers (columns)
    :param operator: Which operator to apply (max, weighted_topK)
    :return: Numpy matrix of length reviewers indicating the score for that reviewer
    agg = np.zeros((all_scores.shape[0], rdb.shape[1]))
        f'Calculating aggregate scores for {all_scores.shape[0]} examples (.=10 examples)',
    for i in range(all_scores.shape[0]):
        scores = all_scores[i]
        INVALID_SCORE = 0
        # slow -- 2-3 secs
        scored_rdb = rdb * scores.reshape(
            (len(scores), 1)) + (1 - rdb) * INVALID_SCORE
        if operator == 'max':
            agg[i] = np.amax(scored_rdb, axis=0)
        elif operator.startswith('weighted_top'):
            k = int(operator[12:])
            weighting = np.reshape(1 / np.array(range(1, k + 1)), (k, 1))
            # slow -- 2-3 secs
            topk = scored_rdb[-k:, :]
            agg[i] = (topk * weighting).sum(axis=0)
            raise ValueError(f'Unknown operator {operator}')
        print_progress(i, mod_size=10)
    print('', file=sys.stderr)
    return agg
コード例 #2
def create_embeddings(model, examps):
    """Embed textual examples

    :param examps: A list of text to embed
    :return: A len(examps) by embedding size numpy matrix of embeddings
    # Preprocess examples
    print(f'Preprocessing {len(examps)} examples (.={BATCH_SIZE} examples)', file=sys.stderr)
    data = []
    for i, line in enumerate(examps):
        p1 = " ".join(entok.tokenize(line, escape=False)).lower()
        if model.sp is not None:
            p1 = model.sp.EncodeAsPieces(p1)
            p1 = " ".join(p1)
        wp1 = Example(p1)
        wp1.populate_embeddings(model.vocab, model.zero_unk, model.args.ngrams)
        if len(wp1.embeddings) == 0:
        print_progress(i, BATCH_SIZE)
    print("", file=sys.stderr)
    # Create embeddings
    print(f'Embedding {len(examps)} examples (.={BATCH_SIZE} examples)', file=sys.stderr)
    embeddings = np.zeros( (len(examps), model.args.dim) )
    for i in range(0, len(data), BATCH_SIZE):
        max_idx = min(i+BATCH_SIZE,len(data))
        curr_batch = data[i:max_idx]
        wx1, wl1 = model.torchify_batch(curr_batch)
        vecs = model.encode(wx1, wl1)
        vecs = vecs.detach().cpu().numpy()
        vecs = vecs / np.sqrt((vecs * vecs).sum(axis=1))[:, None] #normalize for NN search
        embeddings[i:max_idx] = vecs
        print_progress(i, BATCH_SIZE)
    print("", file=sys.stderr)
    return embeddings
コード例 #3
import json
import argparse
from sacremoses import MosesTokenizer
import suggest_utils

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument("--infile", help="input json file")
parser.add_argument("--outfile", help="output file of text, 1 per line")

args = parser.parse_args()

with open(args.infile, "r") as f:
    data = [json.loads(x) for x in f]

entok = MosesTokenizer(lang='en')

abstracts = []
for i in data:

outfile = open(args.outfile, 'w')
print('Tokenizing abstracts (.=100 abstracts)')
for i, abs in enumerate(abstracts):
    abs = abs.strip()
    text = entok.tokenize(abs, escape=False)
    text = " ".join(text).lower()
    outfile.write(text + "\n")
    suggest_utils.print_progress(i, 100)