def mode_change(self, i): self.activityMode = i if self.loaded: # activity used for correlations self.bin = int(self.binedit.text()) nb = int(np.floor(float(self.Fcell.shape[1]) / float(self.bin))) if i == 0: f = self.Fcell elif i == 1: f = self.Fneu elif i == 2: f = self.Fcell - 0.7 * self.Fneu else: f = self.Spks ncells = len(self.stat) self.Fbin = f[:, :nb * self.bin].reshape( (ncells, nb, self.bin)).mean(axis=2) self.Fbin = self.Fbin - self.Fbin.mean(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] self.Fstd = (self.Fbin**2).sum(axis=1) self.trange = np.arange(0, self.Fcell.shape[1]) # if in correlation-view, recompute if self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1]: fig.corr_masks(self) elif self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1] + 1: fig.beh_masks(self) fig.plot_colorbar(self, self.ops_plot[2]) M = fig.draw_masks(self) fig.plot_masks(self, M) fig.plot_trace(self)
def press(self, parent, bid): for b in range(len(parent.colors)+2): if parent.colorbtns.button(b).isEnabled(): parent.colorbtns.button(b).setStyleSheet(parent.styleUnpressed) self.setStyleSheet(parent.stylePressed) parent.ops_plot[2] = bid if not parent.sizebtns.button(1).isChecked(): if bid==0: for b in [1,2]: parent.topbtns.button(b).setEnabled(False) parent.topbtns.button(b).setStyleSheet(parent.styleInactive) else: for b in [1,2]: parent.topbtns.button(b).setEnabled(True) parent.topbtns.button(b).setStyleSheet(parent.styleUnpressed) else: for b in range(3): parent.topbtns.button(b).setEnabled(False) parent.topbtns.button(b).setStyleSheet(parent.styleInactive) if bid==6: fig.corr_masks(parent) #elif bid==7: # fig.beh_masks(parent) M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent,M) fig.plot_colorbar(parent,bid)
def make_masks_and_buttons(self): self.loadBeh.setEnabled(True) self.bloaded = False self.ROI_remove() self.isROI = False self.ops_plot[1] = 0 self.ops_plot[2] = 0 self.ops_plot[3] = [] self.ops_plot[4] = [] self.setWindowTitle(self.fname) # set bin size to be 0.5s by default self.bin = int(self.ops['tau'] * self.ops['fs'] / 2) self.binedit.setText(str(self.bin)) # add boundaries to stat for ROI overlays ncells = len(self.stat) for n in range(0, ncells): ypix = self.stat[n]['ypix'].flatten() xpix = self.stat[n]['xpix'].flatten() iext = fig.boundary(ypix, xpix) self.stat[n]['yext'] = ypix[iext] self.stat[n]['xext'] = xpix[iext] ycirc, xcirc =[n]['med'], self.stat[n]['radius']) goodi = (ycirc >= 0) & (xcirc >= 0) & (ycirc < self.ops['Ly']) & ( xcirc < self.ops['Lx']) self.stat[n]['ycirc'] = ycirc[goodi] self.stat[n]['xcirc'] = xcirc[goodi] # enable buttons self.enable_views_and_classifier() # make color arrays for various views fig.make_colors(self) self.ichosen = int(0) self.imerge = [int(0)] self.iflip = int(0) self.ichosen_stats() self.comboBox.setCurrentIndex(2) # colorbar self.colormat = fig.make_colorbar() fig.plot_colorbar(self, self.ops_plot[2]) tic = time.time() fig.init_masks(self) print(time.time() - tic) M = fig.draw_masks(self) fig.plot_masks(self, M) self.lcell1.setText('%d' % (ncells - self.iscell.sum())) self.lcell0.setText('%d' % (self.iscell.sum())) fig.init_range(self) fig.plot_trace(self) if (type(self.ops['diameter']) is not int) and (len(self.ops['diameter']) > 1): self.xyrat = self.ops['diameter'][0] / self.ops['diameter'][1] else: self.xyrat = 1.0 self.p1.setAspectLocked(lock=True, ratio=self.xyrat) self.p2.setAspectLocked(lock=True, ratio=self.xyrat) self.loaded = True self.mode_change(2) # no classifier loaded classifier.activate(self, False)
def suggest_merge(self, parent): parent.ichosen = self.merge_list[self.n][0] parent.imerge = list(self.merge_list[self.n]) if self.unmerged[self.n]: self.iMerge.setText('suggested ROIs to merge: %s'%parent.imerge) self.doMerge.setEnabled(True) self.p0.clear() cell0 = parent.imerge[0] sstring = '' for i in parent.imerge[1:]: rgb = hsv_to_rgb([parent.ops_plot[3][i,0],1,1])*255 pen = pg.mkPen(rgb, width=3) scatter=pg.ScatterPlotItem(parent.Fbin[cell0], parent.Fbin[i], pen=pen) self.p0.addItem(scatter) sstring += ' %d '%i self.p0.setLabel('left', sstring) self.p0.setLabel('bottom', str(cell0)) else: # set to the merged ROI index parent.ichosen = parent.stat[parent.ichosen]['inmerge'] parent.imerge = [parent.ichosen] self.iMerge.setText('ROIs merged: %s'%list(parent.stat[parent.ichosen]['imerge'])) self.doMerge.setEnabled(False) self.p0.clear() self.n+=1 if self.n > len(self.merge_list)-1: self.n = 0 parent.ichosen_stats() M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent, M) fig.plot_trace(parent) parent.zoom_to_cell()
def do_merge(self, parent): merge_ROIs(parent) for ilist in self.merge_list: for n in range(ilist.size): if parent.stat[ilist[n]]['inmerge'] > 0: ilist[n] = parent.stat[ilist[n]]['inmerge'] ilist = np.unique(ilist) self.unmerged[self.n-1] = False self.cc_row = np.matmul(parent.Fbin[parent.iscell], parent.Fbin[-1].T) / parent.Fbin.shape[-1] self.cc_row /= parent.Fstd[parent.iscell] * parent.Fstd[-1] + 1e-3 self.cc_row[-1] = 0 self.CC = np.concatenate((self.CC, self.cc_row[np.newaxis, :-1]), axis=0) self.CC = np.concatenate((self.CC, self.cc_row[:,np.newaxis]), axis=1) parent.ichosen = parent.stat.size-1 parent.imerge = [parent.ichosen] self.iMerge.setText('ROIs merged: %s'%parent.stat[parent.ichosen]['imerge']) self.doMerge.setEnabled(False) parent.ichosen_stats() M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent, M) fig.plot_trace(parent)
def ROIs_on(self, state): if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.ops_plot[0] = True else: self.ops_plot[0] = False if self.loaded: M = fig.draw_masks(self) fig.plot_masks(self, M)
def press(self, parent, bid): for b in parent.viewbtns.buttons(): b.setStyleSheet(parent.styleUnpressed) self.setStyleSheet(parent.stylePressed) parent.ops_plot[1] = bid if parent.ops_plot[2] == parent.ops_plot[3].shape[1]: fig.draw_corr(parent) M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent, M)
def press(self, parent, bid): for b in range(len(parent.views)): if parent.viewbtns.button(b).isEnabled(): parent.viewbtns.button(b).setStyleSheet(parent.styleUnpressed) self.setStyleSheet(parent.stylePressed) parent.ops_plot[1] = bid if parent.ops_plot[2] == parent.ops_plot[3].shape[1]: fig.draw_corr(parent) M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent,M)
def merge_ROIs(parent): merge_activity_masks(parent) n = parent.iscell.size-1 redraw_masks(parent, n) parent.ichosen = n parent.imerge = [n] M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent, M) fig.plot_trace(parent)
def apply(parent): classval = parent.probedit.value() iscell = parent.probcell > classval fig.flip_for_class(parent, iscell) M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent,M)'/iscell.npy', np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(parent.iscell,axis=1), np.expand_dims(parent.probcell,axis=1)), axis=1)) parent.lcell0.setText(' %d'%parent.iscell.sum()) parent.lcell1.setText(' %d'%(parent.iscell.size-parent.iscell.sum()))
def top_selection(self, bid): self.ROI_remove() draw = False ncells = len(self.stat) icells = np.minimum(ncells, self.ntop) if bid == 1: top = True elif bid == 2: top = False if self.sizebtns.button(0).isChecked(): wplot = 0 draw = True elif self.sizebtns.button(2).isChecked(): wplot = 1 draw = True if draw: if self.ops_plot[2] != 0: # correlation view if self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1]: istat = self.ops_plot[4] elif self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1] + 1: istat = self.ops_plot[5] elif self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1] + 2: istat = self.ops_plot[6] # statistics view else: istat = self.ops_plot[3][:, self.ops_plot[2]] if wplot == 0: icell = np.array(self.iscell.nonzero()).flatten() istat = istat[self.iscell] else: icell = np.array((~self.iscell).nonzero()).flatten() istat = istat[~self.iscell] inds = istat.argsort() if top: inds = inds[:icells] self.ichosen = icell[inds[-1]] else: inds = inds[-icells:] self.ichosen = icell[inds[0]] self.imerge = [] for n in inds: self.imerge.append(icell[n]) # draw choices if self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1]: fig.corr_masks(self) fig.plot_colorbar(self, self.ops_plot[2]) self.ichosen_stats() M = fig.draw_masks(self) fig.plot_masks(self, M) fig.plot_trace(self)
def select_cells(self,parent): parent.imerge = [] if self.selected.size < 5000: for n in self.selected: parent.imerge.append(self.cells[self.isort[n]]) parent.ichosen = parent.imerge[0] parent.ichosen_stats() M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent,M) fig.plot_trace(parent) else: print('too many cells selected')
def number_chosen(self): if self.loaded: self.ichosen = int(self.ROIedit.text()) if self.ichosen >= len(self.stat): self.ichosen = len(self.stat) - 1 self.imerge = [self.ichosen] if self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1]: fig.corr_masks(self) fig.plot_colorbar(self, self.ops_plot[2]) self.ichosen_stats() M = fig.draw_masks(self) fig.plot_masks(self, M) fig.plot_trace(self)
def activate(parent, inactive): if inactive: parent.probcell = parent.model.apply(parent.stat) istat = parent.probcell parent.clabels[-2] = [istat.min(), (istat.max()-istat.min())/2, istat.max()] istat = istat - istat.min() istat = istat / istat.max() istat = istat / 1.3 istat = istat + 0.1 icols = 1 - istat parent.ops_plot[3][:,-1] = icols fig.class_masks(parent) M = fig.draw_masks(parent) fig.plot_masks(parent,M)
def select_cells(self, ypix, xpix): i = self.ROIplot iROI0 = self.iROI[i, 0, ypix, xpix] icells = np.unique(iROI0[iROI0 >= 0]) self.imerge = [] for n in icells: if (self.iROI[i, :, ypix, xpix] == n).sum() > 0.6 * self.stat[n]['npix']: self.imerge.append(n) if len(self.imerge) > 0: self.ichosen = self.imerge[0] if self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1]: fig.corr_masks(self) fig.plot_colorbar(self, self.ops_plot[2]) self.ichosen_stats() M = fig.draw_masks(self) fig.plot_masks(self, M) fig.plot_trace(self)
def plot_clicked(self, event): '''left-click chooses a cell, right-click flips cell to other view''' flip = False choose = False zoom = False replot = False items = posx = 0 posy = 0 iplot = 0 if self.loaded: #print(event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) for x in items: if x == self.img1: pos = self.p1.mapSceneToView(event.scenePos()) posy = pos.x() posx = pos.y() iplot = 1 elif x == self.img2: pos = self.p2.mapSceneToView(event.scenePos()) posy = pos.x() posx = pos.y() iplot = 2 elif x == self.p3: iplot = 3 elif (x == self.p1 or x == self.p2) and x != self.img1 and x != self.img2: iplot = 4 if event.double(): zoom = True if iplot == 1 or iplot == 2: if event.button() == 2: flip = True elif event.button() == 1: if event.double(): zoom = True else: choose = True if iplot == 3 and event.double(): zoom = True posy = int(posy) posx = int(posx) if zoom: self.zoom_plot(iplot) if (choose or flip) and (iplot == 1 or iplot == 2): ichosen = int(self.iROI[iplot - 1, 0, posx, posy]) if ichosen < 0: choose = False flip = False if choose: merged = False if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: if self.iscell[self.imerge[0]] == self.iscell[ichosen]: if ichosen not in self.imerge: self.imerge.append(ichosen) self.ichosen = ichosen merged = True elif ichosen in self.imerge and len( self.imerge) > 1: self.imerge.remove(ichosen) self.ichosen = self.imerge[0] merged = True if not merged: self.imerge = [ichosen] self.ichosen = ichosen if flip: if ichosen not in self.imerge: self.imerge = [ichosen] self.ichosen = ichosen self.flip_plot(iplot) if choose or flip or replot: if self.isROI: self.ROI_remove() if not self.sizebtns.button(1).isChecked(): for btn in self.topbtns.buttons(): if btn.isChecked(): btn.setStyleSheet(self.styleUnpressed) if self.ops_plot[2] == self.ops_plot[3].shape[1]: fig.corr_masks(self) fig.plot_colorbar(self, self.ops_plot[2]) self.ichosen_stats() M = fig.draw_masks(self) fig.plot_masks(self, M) fig.plot_trace(self)