def test_conv_hpc_hcc(angle_unit, dsun): coord = [40.0, 32.0] result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=angle_unit, dsun_meters=dsun) known_answer = [28512914, 22810332] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=angle_unit, dsun_meters=0.5*dsun) known_answer = [14323802., 11459042.] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) # Make sure that z coordinate is returned if parameter z is True result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=angle_unit, dsun_meters=dsun, z=True) known_answer = [28748691, 22998953, 695016924] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0)
def test_conv_hpc_hcc(): coord = [40.0, 32.0] result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=img.units['x']) known_answer = [28748691, 22998953] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0)
def test_conv_hpc_hcc(): coord = [40.0, 32.0] result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=img.units['x']) known_answer = [28748691, 22998953] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) # Test the dsun_meters parameter for a distance of 0.5 AU dist = 0.5 * result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], dist, img.units['x']) known_answer = [14370494, 11496395] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) # Make sure that z coordinate is returned if parameter z is True result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=img.units['x'], z=True) known_answer = [28748691, 22998953, 695016924] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0)
def test_conv_hpc_hcc(): coord = [40.0, 32.0] result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(img.rsun_meters, img.dsun, img.units['x'], img.units['y'], coord[0], coord[1]) known_answer = [28748691, 22998953] magnitude = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(known_answer))) assert_array_almost_equal(result*10**(-magnitude), known_answer*10**(-magnitude), decimal=2)
def test_hpc_hcc(Tx, Ty): hpc = Helioprojective(Tx, Ty) hcc = hpc.transform_to(Heliocentric) x, y, z = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(Tx.value, Ty.value, angle_units='arcsec',, z=True) assert_quantity_allclose(x*u.m, hcc.x) assert_quantity_allclose(y*u.m, hcc.y) assert_quantity_allclose(z*u.m, hcc.z)
def test_convert_back(): # Make sure transformation followed by inverse transformation returns # the original coordinates coord = [40.0, 32.0] assert_allclose(wcs.convert_hcc_hpc(*wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(*coord)), coord, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) coord = [13.0, 58.0] assert_allclose(wcs.convert_hg_hcc(*wcs.convert_hcc_hg(*coord)), coord, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) coord = [34.0, 45.0] assert_allclose(wcs.convert_hpc_hg(*wcs.convert_hg_hpc(*coord)), coord, rtol=1e-2, atol=0)
def test_hpc_hcc(Tx, Ty): hpc = Helioprojective(Tx, Ty, observer=HeliographicStonyhurst(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, 1*u.AU)) hcc = hpc.transform_to(Heliocentric) d0 = x, y, z = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(Tx.value, Ty.value, angle_units='arcsec',, z=True) assert_quantity_allclose(x*u.m, hcc.x) assert_quantity_allclose(y*u.m, hcc.y) assert_quantity_allclose(z*u.m, hcc.z)
def test_conv_hpc_hcc(angle_unit, dsun): coord = [40.0, 32.0] result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=angle_unit, dsun_meters=dsun) known_answer = [28512914, 22810332] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=angle_unit, dsun_meters=0.5 * dsun) known_answer = [14323802., 11459042.] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) # Make sure that z coordinate is returned if parameter z is True result = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(coord[0], coord[1], angle_units=angle_unit, dsun_meters=dsun, z=True) known_answer = [28748691, 22998953, 695016924] assert_allclose(result, known_answer, rtol=1e-2, atol=0)
def test_hpc_hcc(Tx, Ty): hpc = Helioprojective(Tx, Ty, observer=HeliographicStonyhurst( 0 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg, 1 * u.AU)) hcc = hpc.transform_to(Heliocentric) d0 = x, y, z = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(Tx.value, Ty.value, angle_units='arcsec',, z=True) assert_quantity_allclose(x * u.m, hcc.x) assert_quantity_allclose(y * u.m, hcc.y) assert_quantity_allclose(z * u.m, hcc.z)
def test_convert_to_coord(dsun, angle_unit, b0, l0): x, y = (34.0, 96.0) b0_deg = b0 l0_deg = l0 def check_conversion(from_coord, to_coord, expected): # Make sure that wcs.convert_to_coord returns the expected value assert_allclose(wcs.convert_to_coord(x, y, from_coord, to_coord, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit), expected, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) check_conversion('hcc', 'hg', wcs.convert_hcc_hg(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg)) check_conversion( 'hpc', 'hg', wcs.convert_hpc_hg(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit)) check_conversion('hg', 'hcc', wcs.convert_hg_hcc(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg)) check_conversion( 'hcc', 'hpc', wcs.convert_hcc_hpc(x, y, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit)) check_conversion( 'hg', 'hpc', wcs.convert_hg_hpc(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit)) check_conversion( 'hpc', 'hcc', wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(x, y, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit))
def test_convert_to_coord(): x, y = (34.0, 96.0) b0_deg = img.heliographic_latitude l0_deg = img.heliographic_longitude units = img.units['x'] dsun=img.dsun def check_conversion(from_coord, to_coord, expected): # Make sure that wcs.convert_to_coord returns the expected value assert_allclose(wcs.convert_to_coord(x, y, from_coord, to_coord, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=units), expected, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) check_conversion('hcc', 'hg', wcs.convert_hcc_hg(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg)) check_conversion('hpc', 'hg', wcs.convert_hpc_hg(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=units)) check_conversion('hg', 'hcc', wcs.convert_hg_hcc(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg)) check_conversion('hcc', 'hpc', wcs.convert_hcc_hpc(x, y, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=units)) check_conversion('hg', 'hpc', wcs.convert_hg_hpc(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=units)) check_conversion('hpc', 'hcc', wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(x, y, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=units))
def test_convert_to_coord(dsun, angle_unit, b0, l0): x, y = (34.0, 96.0) b0_deg = b0 l0_deg = l0 def check_conversion(from_coord, to_coord, expected): # Make sure that wcs.convert_to_coord returns the expected value assert_allclose(wcs.convert_to_coord(x, y, from_coord, to_coord, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit), expected, rtol=1e-2, atol=0) check_conversion('hcc', 'hg', wcs.convert_hcc_hg(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg)) check_conversion('hpc', 'hg', wcs.convert_hpc_hg(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit)) check_conversion('hg', 'hcc', wcs.convert_hg_hcc(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg)) check_conversion('hcc', 'hpc', wcs.convert_hcc_hpc(x, y, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit)) check_conversion('hg', 'hpc', wcs.convert_hg_hpc(x, y, b0_deg=b0_deg, l0_deg=l0_deg, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit)) check_conversion('hpc', 'hcc', wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(x, y, dsun_meters=dsun, angle_units=angle_unit))
def map_hpc_to_hg_rotate(m, epi_lon=0*, epi_lat=90*, lon_bin=1*, lat_bin=1*, lon_num=None, lat_num=None, **kwargs): """ Transform raw data in HPC coordinates to HG' coordinates HG' = HG, except center at wave epicenter """ x, y = wcs.convert_pixel_to_data([[1],[0]], [m.scale.x.value, m.scale.y.value], [m.reference_pixel.x.value, m.reference_pixel.y.value], [m.reference_coordinate.x.value, m.reference_coordinate.y.value]) hccx, hccy, hccz = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(x, y, angle_units=m.spatial_units.x,'meter').value, z=True) rot_hccz, rot_hccx, rot_hccy = euler_zyz((hccz, hccx, hccy), (0.,'degree').value-90.,'degree').value)) lon_map, lat_map = wcs.convert_hcc_hg(rot_hccx, rot_hccy,'degree').value,'degree').value, z=rot_hccz) lon_range = (np.nanmin(lon_map), np.nanmax(lon_map)) lat_range = (np.nanmin(lat_map), np.nanmax(lat_map)) # This method results in a set of lons and lats that in general does not # exactly span the range of the data. # lon = np.arange(lon_range[0], lon_range[1], lon_bin) # lat = np.arange(lat_range[0], lat_range[1], lat_bin) # This method gives a set of lons and lats that exactly spans the range of # the data at the expense of having to define values of cdelt1 and cdelt2 if lon_num is None: cdelt1 ='degree').value lon = np.arange(lon_range[0], lon_range[1], cdelt1) else: nlon ='pixel').value cdelt1 = (lon_range[1] - lon_range[0]) / (1.0*nlon - 1.0) lon = np.linspace(lon_range[0], lon_range[1], num=nlon) if lat_num is None: cdelt2 ='degree').value lat = np.arange(lat_range[0], lat_range[1], cdelt2) else: nlat ='pixel').value cdelt2 = (lat_range[1] - lat_range[0]) / (1.0*nlat - 1.0) lat = np.linspace(lat_range[0], lat_range[1], num=nlat) # Create the grid x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) ng_xyz = wcs.convert_hg_hcc(x_grid, y_grid,'degree').value,'degree').value, z=True) ng_zp, ng_xp, ng_yp = euler_zyz((ng_xyz[2], ng_xyz[0], ng_xyz[1]), ('degree').value,'degree').value, 0.)) # The function ravel flattens the data into a 1D array points = np.vstack((lon_map.ravel(), lat_map.ravel())).T values = np.array( # Get rid of all of the bad (nan) indices (i.e. those off of the sun) index = np.isfinite(points[:, 0]) * np.isfinite(points[:, 1]) # points = np.vstack((points[index,0], points[index,1])).T points = points[index] values = values[index] newdata = griddata(points, values, (x_grid, y_grid), **kwargs) newdata[ng_zp < 0] = np.nan dict_header = { 'CDELT1': cdelt1, 'NAXIS1': len(lon), 'CRVAL1': lon.min(), 'CRPIX1': crpix12_value_for_HG, 'CRPIX2': crpix12_value_for_HG, 'CUNIT1': "deg", 'CTYPE1': "HG", 'CDELT2': cdelt2, 'NAXIS2': len(lat), 'CRVAL2': lat.min(), 'CUNIT2': "deg", 'CTYPE2': "HG", 'DATE_OBS': m.meta['date-obs'], 'DSUN_OBS':'m').value, "CRLN_OBS":'degree').value, "HGLT_OBS":'degree').value, "HGLN_OBS":'degree').value, 'EXPTIME':'s').value } # Find out where the non-finites are mask = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(newdata)) # Return a masked array is appropriate if mask is None: hg = Map(newdata, MapMeta(dict_header)) else: hg = Map(ma.array(newdata, mask=mask), MapMeta(dict_header)) hg.plot_settings = m.plot_settings return hg
def map_hpc_to_hg_rotate(map, epi_lon = 0, epi_lat = 90, lon_bin = 1, lat_bin = 1): """ Transform raw data in HPC coordinates to HG' coordinates HG' = HG, except center at wave epicenter """ x, y = sunpy.wcs.convert_pixel_to_data([map.shape[1], map.shape[0]], [map.scale['x'], map.scale['y']], [map.reference_pixel['x'], map.reference_pixel['y']], [map.reference_coordinate['x'],map.reference_coordinate['y']]) hccx, hccy, hccz = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(x, y, angle_units=map.units['x'], z=True) rot_hccz, rot_hccx, rot_hccy = euler_zyz((hccz, hccx, hccy), (0., epi_lat-90., -epi_lon)) lon_map, lat_map = wcs.convert_hcc_hg(rot_hccx, rot_hccy, b0_deg=map.heliographic_latitude, l0_deg=map.heliographic_longitude,z = rot_hccz) lon_range = (np.nanmin(lon_map), np.nanmax(lon_map)) lat_range = (np.nanmin(lat_map), np.nanmax(lat_map)) lon = np.arange(lon_range[0], lon_range[1], lon_bin) lat = np.arange(lat_range[0], lat_range[1], lat_bin) x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) ng_xyz = wcs.convert_hg_hcc(x_grid, y_grid,b0_deg=map.heliographic_latitude, l0_deg=map.heliographic_longitude,z=True) ng_zp, ng_xp, ng_yp = euler_zyz((ng_xyz[2], ng_xyz[0], ng_xyz[1]), (epi_lon, 90.-epi_lat, 0.)) #ravel flattens the data into a 1D array points = np.vstack((lon_map.ravel(), lat_map.ravel())).T values = np.array(map).ravel() # get rid of all of the bad (nan) indices (i.e. those off of the sun) index = np.isfinite(points[:,0]) * np.isfinite(points[:,1]) #points = np.vstack((points[index,0], points[index,1])).T points = points[index] values = values[index] newdata = griddata(points, values, (x_grid,y_grid), method="linear") newdata[ng_zp < 0] = np.nan dict_header = { 'CDELT1': lon_bin, 'NAXIS1': len(lon), 'CRVAL1': lon.min(), 'CRPIX1': 1, 'CRPIX2': 1, 'CUNIT1': "deg", 'CTYPE1': "HG", 'CDELT2': lat_bin, 'NAXIS2': len(lat), 'CRVAL2': lat.min(), 'CUNIT2': "deg", 'CTYPE2': "HG", 'DATE_OBS': map.meta['date-obs'] } header = dict_header transformed_map =, header) = return transformed_map
def map_hpc_to_hg_rotate(map, epi_lon=0, epi_lat=90, lon_bin=1, lat_bin=1): """ Transform raw data in HPC coordinates to HG' coordinates HG' = HG, except center at wave epicenter """ x, y = sunpy.wcs.convert_pixel_to_data( [map.shape[1], map.shape[0]], [map.scale['x'], map.scale['y']], [map.reference_pixel['x'], map.reference_pixel['y']], [map.reference_coordinate['x'], map.reference_coordinate['y']]) hccx, hccy, hccz = wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(x, y, angle_units=map.units['x'], z=True) rot_hccz, rot_hccx, rot_hccy = euler_zyz((hccz, hccx, hccy), (0., epi_lat - 90., -epi_lon)) lon_map, lat_map = wcs.convert_hcc_hg(rot_hccx, rot_hccy, b0_deg=map.heliographic_latitude, l0_deg=map.heliographic_longitude, z=rot_hccz) lon_range = (np.nanmin(lon_map), np.nanmax(lon_map)) lat_range = (np.nanmin(lat_map), np.nanmax(lat_map)) lon = np.arange(lon_range[0], lon_range[1], lon_bin) lat = np.arange(lat_range[0], lat_range[1], lat_bin) x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) ng_xyz = wcs.convert_hg_hcc(x_grid, y_grid, b0_deg=map.heliographic_latitude, l0_deg=map.heliographic_longitude, z=True) ng_zp, ng_xp, ng_yp = euler_zyz((ng_xyz[2], ng_xyz[0], ng_xyz[1]), (epi_lon, 90. - epi_lat, 0.)) #ravel flattens the data into a 1D array points = np.vstack((lon_map.ravel(), lat_map.ravel())).T values = np.array(map).ravel() # get rid of all of the bad (nan) indices (i.e. those off of the sun) index = np.isfinite(points[:, 0]) * np.isfinite(points[:, 1]) #points = np.vstack((points[index,0], points[index,1])).T points = points[index] values = values[index] newdata = griddata(points, values, (x_grid, y_grid), method="linear") newdata[ng_zp < 0] = np.nan dict_header = { 'CDELT1': lon_bin, 'NAXIS1': len(lon), 'CRVAL1': lon.min(), 'CRPIX1': 1, 'CRPIX2': 1, 'CUNIT1': "deg", 'CTYPE1': "HG", 'CDELT2': lat_bin, 'NAXIS2': len(lat), 'CRVAL2': lat.min(), 'CUNIT2': "deg", 'CTYPE2': "HG", 'DATE_OBS': map.meta['date-obs'] } header = dict_header transformed_map =, header) = return transformed_map
from sunpy import wcs print(wcs.convert_hg_hpc(10, 53)) # Convert that position back to heliographic coordinates print(wcs.convert_hpc_hg(100.49, 767.97)) # Try to convert a position which is not on the Sun to HG print(wcs.convert_hpc_hg(-1500, 0)) # Convert sky coordinate to a position in HCC print(wcs.convert_hpc_hcc(-300, 400, z=True))