コード例 #1
    def chianti_kev_lines(self, temperature, emission_measure=1e44/u.cm**3, relative_abundances=None, **kwargs):
        Returns a thermal spectrum (line + continuum) given temperature and emission measure.

        Uses a database of line and continua spectra obtained from the CHIANTI distribution

        temperature: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The electron temperature of the plasma.

        emission_measure: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The emission measure of the emitting plasma.
            Default= 1e44 cm**-3

        relative_abundances: `list` of length 2 `tuple`s
            The relative abundances of different elements as a fraction of their
            nominal abundances which are read in by xr_rd_abundance().
            Each tuple represents an element.
            The first item in the tuple gives the atomic number of the element.
            The second item gives the factor by which to scale the element's abundance.

        Flux: `astropy.units.Quantity`

        Explanation of Chianti units & emission measure (Ken Phillips, June 17, 2004):

        Output of Chianti ch_ss units are in photons (or ergs) cm-2 s-1 A-1 sr-1, i.e.
        the output is a specific intensity (not a flux as it is per solid angle).
        Suppose specific intensity at some wavelength is F_lam for a
        *surface* emission measure = 10^27 cm^-5 (this is the ch_ss default).

        Let a flare on the sun have area A (cm^2). Its solid angle at earth is A/(au)^2.

        Therefore flux_lam = F_lam * A / (au)^2

        The flare *volume* emission measure corresponding to the 10^27 surface EM is A * 10^27 cm^-3.

        So flux per unit volume EM (Ne^2 V = 1) is

        F_lam * A/(au)^2 * 1/(10^27 A) = F_lam / (10^27 [au]^2) = 4.44e-54 * F_lam
        (log(4.44e-54) = -53.35)

        Note the A's cancel out.

        So if you want to generate a *volume* EM = 10^49 cm^-3 from ch_ss,
        put in a value of log(*surface* EM) = 27.0 + 49.0 -  53.35 = 22.648

        The units of the spectrum will then be standard flux units, i.e. photons cm^2 s^-1 A^-1,
        without any steradian units.

        You can then convert fluxes to ph. Cm^2 s^-1 keV-1 by just multiplying
        by (lambda in A)^2 / 12.399 [or 12.399/(energy in keV)^2] and
        wavelength to energy by wavelength = 12.399/energy in keV.

        # Format relative abundances.
        if relative_abundances is not None:
            relative_abundances = Table(rows=relative_abundances,
                                        names=("atomic number", "relative abundance"),
                                        meta={"description": "relative abundances"},
                                        dtype=(int, float)) # There should be a way to not initiate a Table here or should be a version of this method that doesn't

        # For ease of calculation, convert inputs to known units and
        # scale to manageable numbers.
        temperature_K = temperature.to(u.K).value
        em_unit = (1/u.cm**3).unit
        emission_measure_cm = emission_measure.to(em_unit).value

            n_temperatures = len(temperature_K)
        except TypeError:
            n_temperatures = 1
        n_energy_bins = len(self.energy_edges_keV)-1

        # Define array to hold emission at each energy and temperature.
        spectrum = np.zeros((n_temperatures, n_energy_bins))

        # Find indices of line energy bins within user input energy range.
        energy_roi_indices = np.logical_and(self.line_peaks_keV >= self.energy_edges_keV.min(),
                                            self.line_peaks_keV <= self.energy_edges_keV.max())
        n_energy_roi_indices = energy_roi_indices.sum()
        energy_roi_indices = np.arange(len(self.line_peaks_keV))[energy_roi_indices]

        # If there are line within energy range of interest, compile spectrum.
        if n_energy_roi_indices > 0:
            # Restrict energy bins of lines to energy range of interest.
            line_peaks_keV = self.line_peaks_keV[energy_roi_indices]

            # Calculate abundance of each desired element.
            # First, define ratios by which to scale relative abundances
            # which account for relative_abundances.
            abundance_ratios = np.ones(self.n_default_abundances)
            if relative_abundances is not None:
                abundance_ratios[relative_abundances["atomic number"]-1] = relative_abundances["relative abundance"]
            # Third, multiply default abundances by abundance ratios and mask to get true abundances.
            abundances = self.default_abundances * abundance_ratios * self.abundances_mask
            # Finally, extract only lines within energy range of interest.
            abundances = abundances[self.line_element_indices[energy_roi_indices]-1]

            # Calculate abundance-normalized intensity of each line in energy range of interest
            # as a function of energy and temperature.
            line_intensities = _chianti_kev_getp(
            # Scale line_intensities by abundances to get true line_intensities.
            line_intensities = line_intensities * abundances

            # Reweight the emission in bins around the line centroids
            # so they appear at the correct energy, despite the binning.
            line_intensities, iline = _weight_emission_bins_to_line_centroid(line_peaks_keV, self.energy_edges_keV, line_intensities)

            # Determine which spectrum energy bins contain components of line emission.
            # Sum over those line components to get total emission in each spectrum energy bin.
            spectrum_bins_line_energy_indices = get_reverse_indices(iline, nbins=n_energy_bins, min_range=0, max_range=n_energy_bins-1)[1]
            emitting_energy_bin_indices = np.where(np.histogram(iline, bins=n_energy_bins, range=(0, n_energy_bins-1))[0] > 0)[0]

            if len(emitting_energy_bin_indices) > 0:
                for i in emitting_energy_bin_indices:
                    spectrum[:, i] = np.sum(line_intensities[:, spectrum_bins_line_energy_indices[i]], axis=1)

        # Eliminate redundant axes, scale units to observer distance and put into correct units.
        energy_bin_widths = self.energy_edges_keV[1:] - self.energy_edges_keV[:-1]
        spectrum = (spectrum.squeeze() * self.line_intensities_per_volEM_unit) / \
            (energy_bin_widths * u.keV) * (emission_measure_cm * em_unit)

        return spectrum
コード例 #2
def _weight_emission_bins_to_line_centroid(line_peaks_keV, energy_edges_keV, line_intensities):
    Split emission between neighboring energy bins such that averaged energy is the line peak.

    Given line peak energies and a set of the energy bin edges:
    1. Find the bins into which each of the lines belong.
    2. Calculate distance between the line peak energy and the
    center of the bin to which it corresponds as a fraction of the distance between
    the bin center the center of the next closest bin to the line peak energy.
    3. Assign the above fraction of the line intensity to the neighboring bin and
    the rest of the energy to the original bin.
    4. Add the neighboring bins to the array of bins containing positive emission.

    line_peaks_keV: 1D `numpy.ndarray`
        The energy of the line peaks in keV.

    energy_peak_keV: 1D `numpy.ndarray`
        The edges of adjacent energy bins.
        Length must be n+1 where n is the number of energy bins.
        These energy bins may be referred to as 'spectrum energy bins' in comments.

    line_intensities: 2D `numpy.ndarray`
        The amplitude of the line peaks.
        The last dimension represents intensities of each line in line_peaks_keV while
        the first dimension represents the intensities as a function of another parameter,
        e.g. temperature.
        These intensities are the ones divided between neighboring bins as described above.

    new_line_intensities: 2D `numpy.ndarray`
        The weighted line intensities including neigboring component for each line weighted
        such that total emission is the same, but the energy of each line averaged over the
        energy_edge_keV bins is the same as the actual line energy.

    new_iline: `numpy.ndarray`
        Indices of the spectrum energy bins to which emission from each line corresponds.
        This includes indices of the neighboring bin emission components.

    # Get widths and centers of the spectrum energy bins.
    energy_bin_widths = energy_edges_keV[1:] - energy_edges_keV[:-1]
    energy_centers = energy_edges_keV[:-1] + energy_bin_widths/2
    energy_center_diffs = energy_centers[1:] - energy_centers[:-1]

    # For each line, find the index of the spectrum energy bin to which it corresponds.
    iline = np.digitize(line_peaks_keV, energy_edges_keV) - 1

    # Get the difference between each line energy and
    # the center of the spectrum energy bin to which is corresponds.
    line_deviations_keV = line_peaks_keV - energy_centers[iline]
    # Get the indices of the lines which are above and below their bin center.
    line_deviation_bin_indices = get_reverse_indices(line_deviations_keV, nbins=10,
                                                     min_range=-10., max_range=10.)[1]
    neg_deviation_indices, pos_deviation_indices = tuple(np.array(line_deviation_bin_indices)[
        np.where(np.array([len(ri) for ri in line_deviation_bin_indices]) > 0)[0]])
    neg_deviation_indices = neg_deviation_indices[np.where(iline[neg_deviation_indices] > 0)[0]]
    pos_deviation_indices = pos_deviation_indices[
        np.where(iline[pos_deviation_indices] <= (len(energy_edges_keV)-2))[0]]

    # Split line emission between the spectrum energy bin containing the line peak and
    # the nearest neighboring bin based on the proximity of the line energy to
    # the center of the spectrum bin.
    # Treat lines which are above and below the bin center separately as slightly
    # different indexing is required.
    new_line_intensities = copy.deepcopy(line_intensities)
    new_iline = copy.deepcopy(iline)
    if len(neg_deviation_indices) > 0:
        neg_line_intensities, neg_neighbor_intensities, neg_neighbor_iline = _weight_emission_bins(
            line_deviations_keV, neg_deviation_indices,
            energy_center_diffs, line_intensities, iline, negative_deviations=True)
        # Combine new line and neighboring bin intensities and indices into common arrays.
        new_line_intensities[:, neg_deviation_indices] = neg_line_intensities
        new_line_intensities = np.concatenate((new_line_intensities, neg_neighbor_intensities), axis=-1)
        new_iline = np.concatenate((new_iline, neg_neighbor_iline))

    if len(pos_deviation_indices) > 0:
        pos_line_intensities, pos_neighbor_intensities, pos_neighbor_iline = _weight_emission_bins(
            line_deviations_keV, pos_deviation_indices,
            energy_center_diffs, line_intensities, iline, negative_deviations=False)
        # Combine new line and neighboring bin intensities and indices into common arrays.
        new_line_intensities[:, pos_deviation_indices] = pos_line_intensities
        new_line_intensities = np.concatenate(
            (new_line_intensities, pos_neighbor_intensities), axis=-1)
        new_iline = np.concatenate((new_iline, pos_neighbor_iline))

    # Order new_line_intensities so neighboring intensities are next
    # to those containing the line peaks.
    ordd = np.argsort(new_iline)
    new_iline = new_iline[ordd]
    for i in range(new_line_intensities.shape[0]):
        new_line_intensities[i, :] = new_line_intensities[i, ordd]

    return new_line_intensities, new_iline
コード例 #3
    def chianti_kev_lines(self,
                          emission_measure=1e44 / u.cm**3,
        Returns a thermal spectrum (line + continuum) given temperature and emission measure.

        Uses a database of line and continua spectra obtained from the CHIANTI distribution

        energy_edges: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The edges of the energy bins in a 1D N+1 quantity.

        temperature: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The electron temperature of the plasma.

        emission_measure: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The emission measure of the emitting plasma.
            Default= 1e44 cm**-3

        relative_abundances: `list` of length 2 `tuple`s
            The relative abundances of different elements as a fraction of their
            nominal abundances which are read in by xr_rd_abundance().
            Each tuple represents an element.
            The first item in the tuple gives the atomic number of the element.
            The second item gives the factor by which to scale the element's abundance.

        observer_distance: `astropy.units.Quantity` (Optional)
            The distance between the source and the observer. Scales output to observer distance
            and unit by 1/length. If not set, output represents value at source and
            unit will have an extra length component.

        earth: `bool` (Optional)
            Sets distance to Sun-Earth distance if not already set by user.
            If distance is set, earth is ignored.
            If date kwarg is set (see below), Sun-Earth distance at that time is calculated.
            If date kwarg is not set, Sun_earth distance is set to 1 AU.

        date: `astropy.time.Time` for parseable by `sunpy.time.parse_time` (Optional)
            The date for which the Sun-Earth distance is to be calculated.
            Ignored if earth kwarg not set.

        Flux: `astropy.units.Quantity`

        Explanation of Chianti units & emission measure (Ken Phillips, June 17, 2004):

        Output of Chianti ch_ss units are in photons (or ergs) cm-2 s-1 A-1 sr-1, i.e.
        the output is a specific intensity (not a flux as it is per solid angle).
        Suppose specific intensity at some wavelength is F_lam for a
        *surface* emission measure = 10^27 cm^-5 (this is the ch_ss default).

        Let a flare on the sun have area A (cm^2). Its solid angle at earth is A/(au)^2.

        Therefore flux_lam = F_lam * A / (au)^2

        The flare *volume* emission measure corresponding to the 10^27 surface EM is A * 10^27 cm^-3.

        So flux per unit volume EM (Ne^2 V = 1) is

        F_lam * A/(au)^2 * 1/(10^27 A) = F_lam / (10^27 [au]^2) = 4.44e-54 * F_lam
        (log(4.44e-54) = -53.35)

        Note the A's cancel out.

        So if you want to generate a *volume* EM = 10^49 cm^-3 from ch_ss,
        put in a value of log(*surface* EM) = 27.0 + 49.0 -  53.35 = 22.648

        The units of the spectrum will then be standard flux units, i.e. photons cm^2 s^-1 A^-1,
        without any steradian units.

        You can then convert fluxes to ph. Cm^2 s^-1 keV-1 by just multiplying
        by (lambda in A)^2 / 12.399 [or 12.399/(energy in keV)^2] and
        wavelength to energy by wavelength = 12.399/energy in keV.

        # If observer_distance or earth is set, derive the observer_distance.
        if observer_distance is not None:
            if earth:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Conflicting inputs. Both distance and earth kwargs set. Can only set one."
            observer_distance = observer_distance.to(u.cm)
            if not earth:
                observer_distance = 1
                if date is None:
                    observer_distance = (1 * u.AU).to(u.cm)
                    observer_distance = sunpy.coordinates.get_sunearth_distance(

        # Calculate line intensities accounting for observer_distance.
        # The line intensities read from file are in units of ph / cm**2 / s / sr.
        # Therefore they are specific intensities, i.e. per steradian, or solid angle.
        # Here, let us call these intensities, intensity_per_solid_angle.
        # The solid angle is given by flare_area / observer_distance**2.
        # Total integrated intensity can be rewritten in terms of volume EM and solid angle:
        # intensity == intensity_per_solid_angle_per_volEM * volEM * solid_angle ==
        # == intensity_per_solid_angle / (colEM * flare_area) * (flare_area / observer_dist**2) * volEM ==
        # == intensity_per_solid_angle / colEM / observer_dist**2 * volEM
        # i.e. flare area cancels. Therefore:
        # intensity = intensity_per_solid_angle / colEM / observer_dist**2 * volEM,
        # or, dividing both sides by volEM,
        # intensity_per_volEM = intensity_per_solid_angle / colEM / observer_dist**2
        # Here, let us calculate intensity_per_volEM and
        # scale by the flare volume EM supplied by the user later.
        # Note that the column emission measure used by CHIANTI in calculating the intensities
        # is available from the file as self.line_colEMs.
        # Also noote that as part of this calculation, the steradian unit must be canceled manually.
        if isinstance(observer_distance, u.Quantity):
            line_intensities_per_volEM_grid = \
                self.line_intensities_per_solid_angle_grid / self.line_colEMs / \
                observer_distance**2 * u.sr
            line_intensities_per_volEM_grid = \
                self.line_intensities_per_solid_angle_grid / self.line_colEMs

        # Format relative abundances.
        if relative_abundances is not None:
            relative_abundances = Table(
                names=("atomic number", "relative abundance"),
                meta={"description": "relative abundances"},
                dtype=(int, float))

        # For ease of calculation, convert inputs to known units and
        # scale to manageable numbers.
        energy_edges_keV = energy_edges.to(u.keV).value
        temperature_K = temperature.to(u.K).value
        log_T = np.log10(temperature_K)
        em_unit = (1 / u.cm**3).unit
        emission_measure_cm = emission_measure.to(em_unit).value
        line_intensities_per_volEM_unit = line_intensities_per_volEM_grid.unit
        line_intensities_per_volEM_grid = line_intensities_per_volEM_grid.value
            n_temperatures = len(temperature_K)
        except TypeError:
            n_temperatures = 1
        n_energy_bins = len(energy_edges_keV) - 1

        # Define array to hold emission at each energy and temperature.
        spectrum = np.zeros((n_temperatures, n_energy_bins))

        # Find indices of line energy bins within user input energy range.
        energy_roi_indices = np.logical_and(
            self.line_peaks_keV >= energy_edges_keV.min(),
            self.line_peaks_keV <= energy_edges_keV.max())
        n_energy_roi_indices = energy_roi_indices.sum()
        energy_roi_indices = np.arange(len(

        # If there are line within energy range of interest, compile spectrum.
        if n_energy_roi_indices > 0:
            # Restrict energy bins of lines to energy range of interest.
            line_peaks_keV = self.line_peaks_keV[energy_roi_indices]

            # Calculate abundance of each desired element.
            # First, define ratios by which to scale relative abundances
            # which account for relative_abundances.
            len_abundances = len(self.default_abundances)
            abundance_ratios = np.ones(len_abundances)
            if relative_abundances is not None:
                abundance_ratios[relative_abundances["atomic number"] -
                                 1] = relative_abundances["relative abundance"]
            # Second, create mask to select only desired elements
            # that produce line emission as defined by zindex.
            abundances_mask = np.zeros(len_abundances)[self.zindex] = 1.0
            # Third, multiply default abundances by abundance ratios and mask to get true abundances.
            abundances = self.default_abundances * abundance_ratios * abundances_mask
            # Finally, extract only lines within energy range of interest.
            abundances = abundances[
                self.line_element_indices[energy_roi_indices] - 1]

            # Calculate abundance-normalized intensity of each line in energy range of interest
            # as a function of energy and temperature.
            line_intensities = _chianti_kev_getp(
            # Scale line_intensities by abundances to get true line_intensities.
            line_intensities = line_intensities * abundances

            # Reweight the emission in bins around the line centroids
            # so they appear at the correct energy, despite the binning.
            line_intensities, iline = _weight_emission_bins_to_line_centroid(
                line_peaks_keV, energy_edges_keV, line_intensities)

            # Determine which spectrum energy bins contain components of line emission.
            # Sum over those line components to get total emission in each spectrum energy bin.
            spectrum_bins_line_energy_indices = get_reverse_indices(
                max_range=n_energy_bins - 1)[1]
            emitting_energy_bin_indices = np.where(
                    iline, bins=n_energy_bins, range=(0, n_energy_bins -
                                                      1))[0] > 0)[0]
            if len(emitting_energy_bin_indices) > 0:
                for j in range(n_temperatures):
                    for i in emitting_energy_bin_indices:
                        spectrum[j, i] = sum(line_intensities[
                            j, spectrum_bins_line_energy_indices[i]])

        # Eliminate redundant axes, scale units to observer distance and put into correct units.
        energy_bin_widths = energy_edges_keV[1:] - energy_edges_keV[:-1]
        spectrum = (spectrum.squeeze() * line_intensities_per_volEM_unit) / \
            (energy_bin_widths * u.keV) * (emission_measure_cm * em_unit)

        return spectrum