コード例 #1
    def _runscript(self, script_str):
        self.executed_script = script_str
        self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines()

        for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines):
            line_no = i + 1
            if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR):

        # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code
        if self.crazy_mode:
            # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py
            import super_dis
                self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(
                # failure oblivious
                self.bytecode_map = {}

        # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens
        # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of
        # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to
        # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and
        # user_call for details).
        self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1

        # ok, let's try to sorta 'sandbox' the user script by not
        # allowing certain potentially dangerous operations.
        user_builtins = {}

        # ugh, I can't figure out why in Python 2, __builtins__ seems to
        # be a dict, but in Python 3, __builtins__ seems to be a module,
        # so just handle both cases ... UGLY!
        if type(__builtins__) is dict:
            builtin_items = __builtins__.items()
            assert type(__builtins__) is types.ModuleType
            builtin_items = []
            for k in dir(__builtins__):
                builtin_items.append((k, getattr(__builtins__, k)))

        for (k, v) in builtin_items:
            if k in BANNED_BUILTINS:
            elif k == '__import__':
                user_builtins[k] = __restricted_import__
                if k == 'raw_input':
                    user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
                elif k == 'input' and is_python3:
                    # Python 3 input() is Python 2 raw_input()
                    user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
                    user_builtins[k] = v

        user_builtins['mouse_input'] = mouse_input_wrapper

        # TODO: we can disable these imports here, but a crafty user can
        # always get a hold of them by importing one of the external
        # modules, so there's no point in trying security by obscurity
        user_builtins['setHTML'] = setHTML
        user_builtins['setCSS'] = setCSS
        user_builtins['setJS'] = setJS

        user_stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()

        sys.stdout = user_stdout
        user_globals = {
            "__name__": "__main__",
            "__builtins__": user_builtins,
            "__user_stdout__": user_stdout

            # enforce resource limits RIGHT BEFORE running script_str

            # set ~200MB virtual memory limit AND a 5-second CPU time
            # limit (tuned for Webfaction shared hosting) to protect against
            # memory bombs such as:
            #   x = 2
            #   while True: x = x*x
            if resource_module_loaded and (not self.disable_security_checks):
                resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (200000000, 200000000))
                resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU, (5, 5))

                # protect against unauthorized filesystem accesses ...
                                   (0, 0))  # no opened files allowed

                # VERY WEIRD. If you activate this resource limitation, it
                # ends up generating an EMPTY trace for the following program:
                #   "x = 0\nfor i in range(10):\n  x += 1\n   print x\n  x += 1\n"
                # (at least on my Webfaction hosting with Python 2.7)
                #resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_FSIZE, (0, 0))  # (redundancy for paranoia)

                # sys.modules contains an in-memory cache of already-loaded
                # modules, so if you delete modules from here, they will
                # need to be re-loaded from the filesystem.
                # Thus, as an extra precaution, remove these modules so that
                # they can't be re-imported without opening a new file,
                # which is disallowed by resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE
                # Of course, this isn't a foolproof solution by any means,
                # and it might lead to UNEXPECTED FAILURES later in execution.
                del sys.modules['os']
                del sys.modules['sys']

            self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals)
        # sys.exit ...
        except SystemExit:
            raise bdb.BdbQuit
            if DEBUG:

            trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception')

            (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info()
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'):
                trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'):
                trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset

            trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " + str(

            # SUPER SUBTLE! if this exact same exception has already been
            # recorded by the program, then DON'T record it again as an
            # uncaught_exception
            already_caught = False
            for e in self.trace:
                if e['event'] == 'exception' and e[
                        'exception_msg'] == trace_entry['exception_msg']:
                    already_caught = True

            if not already_caught:
                if not self.done:

            raise bdb.BdbQuit  # need to forceably STOP execution
コード例 #2
    def _runscript(self, script_str, custom_globals=None):
        self.executed_script = script_str
        self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines()

        for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines):
          line_no = i + 1
          if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR):

        # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code
        if self.crazy_mode:
            # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py
            import super_dis
                self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(self.executed_script)
                # failure oblivious
                self.bytecode_map = {}

        # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens
        # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of
        # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to
        # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and
        # user_call for details).
        self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1

        # ok, let's try to sorta 'sandbox' the user script by not
        # allowing certain potentially dangerous operations.
        user_builtins = {}

        # ugh, I can't figure out why in Python 2, __builtins__ seems to
        # be a dict, but in Python 3, __builtins__ seems to be a module,
        # so just handle both cases ... UGLY!
        if type(__builtins__) is dict:
          builtin_items = __builtins__.items()
          assert type(__builtins__) is types.ModuleType
          builtin_items = []
          for k in dir(__builtins__):
            builtin_items.append((k, getattr(__builtins__, k)))

        for (k, v) in builtin_items:
          if k in BANNED_BUILTINS:
          elif k == '__import__':
            user_builtins[k] = __restricted_import__
            if k == 'raw_input':
              user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
            elif k == 'input' and is_python3:
              # Python 3 input() is Python 2 raw_input()
              user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
              user_builtins[k] = v

        user_builtins['mouse_input'] = mouse_input_wrapper
        user_builtins['open'] = open_wrapper
        # TODO: we can disable these imports here, but a crafty user can
        # always get a hold of them by importing one of the external
        # modules, so there's no point in trying security by obscurity
        user_builtins['setHTML'] = setHTML
        user_builtins['setCSS'] = setCSS
        user_builtins['setJS'] = setJS

        user_stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()

        sys.stdout = user_stdout

        self.ORIGINAL_STDERR = sys.stderr

        # don't do this, or else certain kinds of errors, such as syntax
        # errors, will be silently ignored. WEIRD!
        #sys.stderr = NullDevice # silence errors

        user_globals = {"__name__"    : "__main__",
                        "__builtins__" : user_builtins,
                        "__user_stdout__" : user_stdout,
                        # sentinel value for frames deriving from a top-level module
                        "__OPT_toplevel__": True}

        if custom_globals:

          # enforce resource limits RIGHT BEFORE running script_str

          # set ~200MB virtual memory limit AND a 5-second CPU time
          # limit (tuned for Webfaction shared hosting) to protect against
          # memory bombs such as:
          #   x = 2
          #   while True: x = x*x
          if resource_module_loaded and (not self.disable_security_checks):
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (200000000, 200000000))
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU, (10, 10))

            # protect against unauthorized filesystem accesses ...
            # resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (0, 0)) # no opened files allowed

            # VERY WEIRD. If you activate this resource limitation, it
            # ends up generating an EMPTY trace for the following program:
            #   "x = 0\nfor i in range(10):\n  x += 1\n   print x\n  x += 1\n"
            # (at least on my Webfaction hosting with Python 2.7)
            #resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_FSIZE, (0, 0))  # (redundancy for paranoia)

            # The posix module is a built-in and has a ton of OS access
            # facilities ... if you delete those functions from
            # sys.modules['posix'], it seems like they're gone EVEN IF
            # someone else imports posix in a roundabout way. Of course,
            # I don't know how foolproof this scheme is, though.
            # (It's not sufficient to just "del sys.modules['posix']";
            #  it can just be reimported without accessing an external
            #  file and tripping RLIMIT_NOFILE, since the posix module
            #  is baked into the python executable, ergh. Actually DON'T
            #  "del sys.modules['posix']", since re-importing it will
            #  refresh all of the attributes. ergh^2)
            for a in dir(sys.modules['posix']):
              delattr(sys.modules['posix'], a)
            # do the same with os
            for a in dir(sys.modules['os']):
              # 'path' is needed for __restricted_import__ to work
              # and 'stat' is needed for some errors to be reported properly
              if a not in ('path', 'stat'):
                delattr(sys.modules['os'], a)
            # ppl can dig up trashed objects with gc.get_objects()
            import gc
            for a in dir(sys.modules['gc']):
              delattr(sys.modules['gc'], a)
            del sys.modules['gc']

            # sys.modules contains an in-memory cache of already-loaded
            # modules, so if you delete modules from here, they will
            # need to be re-loaded from the filesystem.
            # Thus, as an extra precaution, remove these modules so that
            # they can't be re-imported without opening a new file,
            # which is disallowed by resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE
            # Of course, this isn't a foolproof solution by any means,
            # and it might lead to UNEXPECTED FAILURES later in execution.
            del sys.modules['os']
            del sys.modules['os.path']
            del sys.modules['sys']

          self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals)
        # sys.exit ...
        except SystemExit:
          raise bdb.BdbQuit
          if DEBUG:

          trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception')

          (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info()
          if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'):
            trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno
          if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'):
            trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset

          trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " +  str(exc_val)

          # SUPER SUBTLE! if this exact same exception has already been
          # recorded by the program, then DON'T record it again as an
          # uncaught_exception
          already_caught = False
          for e in self.trace:
            if e['event'] == 'exception' and e['exception_msg'] == trace_entry['exception_msg']:
              already_caught = True

          if not already_caught:
            if not self.done:

          raise bdb.BdbQuit # need to forceably STOP execution
コード例 #3
ファイル: pg_logger.py プロジェクト: NamPNQ/OnlinePythonTutor
    def _runscript(self, script_str):
        self.executed_script = script_str
        self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines()

        for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines):
          line_no = i + 1
          if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR):

        # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code
        if self.crazy_mode:
            # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py
            import super_dis
                self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(self.executed_script)
                # failure oblivious
                self.bytecode_map = {}

        # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens
        # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of
        # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to
        # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and
        # user_call for details).
        self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1

        # ok, let's try to sorta 'sandbox' the user script by not
        # allowing certain potentially dangerous operations.
        user_builtins = {}

        # ugh, I can't figure out why in Python 2, __builtins__ seems to
        # be a dict, but in Python 3, __builtins__ seems to be a module,
        # so just handle both cases ... UGLY!
        if type(__builtins__) is dict:
          builtin_items = __builtins__.items()
          assert type(__builtins__) is types.ModuleType
          builtin_items = []
          for k in dir(__builtins__):
            builtin_items.append((k, getattr(__builtins__, k)))

        for (k, v) in builtin_items:
          if k in BANNED_BUILTINS:
          elif k == '__import__':
            user_builtins[k] = __restricted_import__
            if k == 'raw_input':
              user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
            elif k == 'input' and is_python3:
              # Python 3 input() is Python 2 raw_input()
              user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
              user_builtins[k] = v

        user_builtins['mouse_input'] = mouse_input_wrapper

        # TODO: we can disable these imports here, but a crafty user can
        # always get a hold of them by importing one of the external
        # modules, so there's no point in trying security by obscurity
        user_builtins['setHTML'] = setHTML
        user_builtins['setCSS'] = setCSS
        user_builtins['setJS'] = setJS

        user_stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()

        sys.stdout = user_stdout
        user_globals = {"__name__"    : "__main__",
                        "__builtins__" : user_builtins,
                        "__user_stdout__" : user_stdout}

          # enforce resource limits RIGHT BEFORE running script_str

          # set ~200MB virtual memory limit AND a 5-second CPU time
          # limit (tuned for Webfaction shared hosting) to protect against
          # memory bombs such as:
          #   x = 2
          #   while True: x = x*x
          if resource_module_loaded and (not self.disable_security_checks):
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (200000000, 200000000))
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU, (5, 5))

            # protect against unauthorized filesystem accesses ...
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (0, 0)) # no opened files allowed

            # VERY WEIRD. If you activate this resource limitation, it
            # ends up generating an EMPTY trace for the following program:
            #   "x = 0\nfor i in range(10):\n  x += 1\n   print x\n  x += 1\n"
            # (at least on my Webfaction hosting with Python 2.7)
            #resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_FSIZE, (0, 0))  # (redundancy for paranoia)

            # sys.modules contains an in-memory cache of already-loaded
            # modules, so if you delete modules from here, they will
            # need to be re-loaded from the filesystem.
            # Thus, as an extra precaution, remove these modules so that
            # they can't be re-imported without opening a new file,
            # which is disallowed by resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE
            # Of course, this isn't a foolproof solution by any means,
            # and it might lead to UNEXPECTED FAILURES later in execution.
            del sys.modules['os']
            del sys.modules['sys']

          self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals)
        # sys.exit ...
        except SystemExit:
          raise bdb.BdbQuit
          if DEBUG:

          trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception')

          (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info()
          if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'):
            trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno
          if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'):
            trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset

          trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " +  str(exc_val)

          # SUPER SUBTLE! if this exact same exception has already been
          # recorded by the program, then DON'T record it again as an
          # uncaught_exception
          already_caught = False
          for e in self.trace:
            if e['event'] == 'exception' and e['exception_msg'] == trace_entry['exception_msg']:
              already_caught = True

          if not already_caught:
            if not self.done:

          raise bdb.BdbQuit # need to forceably STOP execution
コード例 #4
    def _runscript(self, script_str, custom_globals=None):
        self.executed_script = script_str
        self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines()

        for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines):
            line_no = i + 1
            if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR):

        # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code
        if self.crazy_mode:
            # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py
            import super_dis
                self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(
                # failure oblivious
                self.bytecode_map = {}

        # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens
        # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of
        # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to
        # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and
        # user_call for details).
        self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1

        # ok, let's try to sorta 'sandbox' the user script by not
        # allowing certain potentially dangerous operations.
        user_builtins = {}

        # ugh, I can't figure out why in Python 2, __builtins__ seems to
        # be a dict, but in Python 3, __builtins__ seems to be a module,
        # so just handle both cases ... UGLY!
        if type(__builtins__) is dict:
            builtin_items = __builtins__.items()
            assert type(__builtins__) is types.ModuleType
            builtin_items = []
            for k in dir(__builtins__):
                builtin_items.append((k, getattr(__builtins__, k)))

        for (k, v) in builtin_items:
            if k == 'raw_input':
                user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
            elif k == 'input' and is_python3:
                # Python 3 input() is Python 2 raw_input()
                user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
                user_builtins[k] = v

        user_builtins['mouse_input'] = mouse_input_wrapper

        # TODO: we can disable these imports here, but a crafty user can
        # always get a hold of them by importing one of the external
        # modules, so there's no point in trying security by obscurity
        user_builtins['setHTML'] = setHTML
        user_builtins['setCSS'] = setCSS
        user_builtins['setJS'] = setJS

        user_stdout = StringIO.StringIO()

        sys.stdout = user_stdout

        self.ORIGINAL_STDERR = sys.stderr

        # don't do this, or else certain kinds of errors, such as syntax
        # errors, will be silently ignored. WEIRD!
        #sys.stderr = NullDevice # silence errors

        user_globals = {
            "__name__": "__main__",
            "__builtins__": user_builtins,
            "__user_stdout__": user_stdout,
            # sentinel value for frames deriving from a top-level module
            "__OPT_toplevel__": True

        if custom_globals:

            self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals)
        # sys.exit ...
        except SystemExit:
            raise bdb.BdbQuit
            if DEBUG:

            trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception')

            (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info()
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'):
                trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'):
                trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset

            trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " + str(

            # SUPER SUBTLE! if ANY exception has already been recorded by
            # the program, then DON'T record it again as an uncaught_exception.
            # This looks kinda weird since the exact exception message doesn't
            # need to match up, but in practice, there should be at most only
            # ONE exception per trace.
            already_caught = False
            for e in self.trace:
                if e['event'] == 'exception':
                    already_caught = True

            if not already_caught:
                if not self.done:

            raise bdb.BdbQuit  # need to forceably STOP execution
コード例 #5
    def _runscript(self, script_str, custom_globals=None):
        self.executed_script = script_str
        self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines()

        for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines):
            line_no = i + 1
            if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR):

        # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code
        if self.crazy_mode:
            # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py
            import super_dis

                self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(
                # failure oblivious
                self.bytecode_map = {}

        # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens
        # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of
        # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to
        # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and
        # user_call for details).
        self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1

        user_stdout = StringIO.StringIO()

        sys.stdout = user_stdout

        self.ORIGINAL_STDERR = sys.stderr

        user_globals = {
            "__name__": "__main__",
            "__user_stdout__": user_stdout,
            # sentinel value for frames deriving from a top-level module
            "__OPT_toplevel__": True

        if custom_globals:


            self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals)
        # sys.exit ...
        except SystemExit:
            raise bdb.BdbQuit
            if DEBUG:

            trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception')

            (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info()
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'):
                trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'):
                trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset

            trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " + str(

            # SUPER SUBTLE! if ANY exception has already been recorded by
            # the program, then DON'T record it again as an uncaught_exception.
            # This looks kinda weird since the exact exception message doesn't
            # need to match up, but in practice, there should be at most only
            # ONE exception per trace.
            already_caught = False
            for e in self.trace:
                if e['event'] == 'exception':
                    already_caught = True

            if not already_caught:
                if not self.done:

            raise bdb.BdbQuit  # need to forceably STOP execution
コード例 #6
ファイル: pglogger.py プロジェクト: dataquestio/codetracers
    def _runscript(self, script_str, custom_globals=None):
        self.executed_script = script_str
        self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines()

        for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines):
            line_no = i + 1
            if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR):

        # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code
        if self.crazy_mode:
            # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py
            import super_dis

                self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(self.executed_script)
                # failure oblivious
                self.bytecode_map = {}

        # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens
        # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of
        # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to
        # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and
        # user_call for details).
        self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1

        user_stdout = StringIO.StringIO()

        sys.stdout = user_stdout

        self.ORIGINAL_STDERR = sys.stderr

        user_globals = {"__name__": "__main__",
                        "__user_stdout__": user_stdout,
                        # sentinel value for frames deriving from a top-level module
                        "__OPT_toplevel__": True}

        if custom_globals:


            self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals)
        # sys.exit ...
        except SystemExit:
            raise bdb.BdbQuit
            if DEBUG:

            trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception')

            (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info()
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'):
                trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'):
                trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset

            trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " + str(exc_val)

            # SUPER SUBTLE! if ANY exception has already been recorded by
            # the program, then DON'T record it again as an uncaught_exception.
            # This looks kinda weird since the exact exception message doesn't
            # need to match up, but in practice, there should be at most only
            # ONE exception per trace.
            already_caught = False
            for e in self.trace:
                if e['event'] == 'exception':
                    already_caught = True

            if not already_caught:
                if not self.done:

            raise bdb.BdbQuit  # need to forceably STOP execution
コード例 #7
    def _runscript(self, script_str, custom_globals=None):
        self.executed_script = script_str
        self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines()

        for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines):
          line_no = i + 1
          if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR):

        # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code
        if self.crazy_mode:
            # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py
            import super_dis
                self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(self.executed_script)
                # failure oblivious
                self.bytecode_map = {}

        # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens
        # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of
        # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to
        # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and
        # user_call for details).
        self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1

        # ok, let's try to sorta 'sandbox' the user script by not
        # allowing certain potentially dangerous operations.
        user_builtins = {}

        # ugh, I can't figure out why in Python 2, __builtins__ seems to
        # be a dict, but in Python 3, __builtins__ seems to be a module,
        # so just handle both cases ... UGLY!
        if type(__builtins__) is dict:
          builtin_items = __builtins__.items()
          assert type(__builtins__) is types.ModuleType
          builtin_items = []
          for k in dir(__builtins__):
            builtin_items.append((k, getattr(__builtins__, k)))

        for (k, v) in builtin_items:
          if k == 'raw_input':
            user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
          elif k == 'input' and is_python3:
            # Python 3 input() is Python 2 raw_input()
            user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
            user_builtins[k] = v

        user_builtins['mouse_input'] = mouse_input_wrapper

        # TODO: we can disable these imports here, but a crafty user can
        # always get a hold of them by importing one of the external
        # modules, so there's no point in trying security by obscurity
        user_builtins['setHTML'] = setHTML
        user_builtins['setCSS'] = setCSS
        user_builtins['setJS'] = setJS

        user_stdout = StringIO.StringIO()

        sys.stdout = user_stdout

        self.ORIGINAL_STDERR = sys.stderr

        # don't do this, or else certain kinds of errors, such as syntax
        # errors, will be silently ignored. WEIRD!
        #sys.stderr = NullDevice # silence errors

        user_globals = {"__name__"    : "__main__",
                        "__builtins__" : user_builtins,
                        "__user_stdout__" : user_stdout,
                        # sentinel value for frames deriving from a top-level module
                        "__OPT_toplevel__": True}

        if custom_globals:

          self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals)
        # sys.exit ...
        except SystemExit:
          raise bdb.BdbQuit
          if DEBUG:

          trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception')

          (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info()
          if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'):
            trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno
          if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'):
            trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset

          trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " +  str(exc_val)

          # SUPER SUBTLE! if ANY exception has already been recorded by
          # the program, then DON'T record it again as an uncaught_exception.
          # This looks kinda weird since the exact exception message doesn't
          # need to match up, but in practice, there should be at most only
          # ONE exception per trace.
          already_caught = False
          for e in self.trace:
            if e['event'] == 'exception':
              already_caught = True

          if not already_caught:
            if not self.done:

          raise bdb.BdbQuit # need to forceably STOP execution
コード例 #8
    def _runscript(self, script_str, custom_globals=None):
        self.executed_script = script_str
        self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines()

        for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines):
            line_no = i + 1
            if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR):

        # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code
        if self.crazy_mode:
            # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py
            import super_dis
                self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(
                # failure oblivious
                self.bytecode_map = {}

        # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens
        # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of
        # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to
        # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and
        # user_call for details).
        self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1

        # ok, let's try to sorta 'sandbox' the user script by not
        # allowing certain potentially dangerous operations.
        user_builtins = {}

        # ugh, I can't figure out why in Python 2, __builtins__ seems to
        # be a dict, but in Python 3, __builtins__ seems to be a module,
        # so just handle both cases ... UGLY!
        if type(__builtins__) is dict:
            builtin_items = __builtins__.items()
            assert type(__builtins__) is types.ModuleType
            builtin_items = []
            for k in dir(__builtins__):
                builtin_items.append((k, getattr(__builtins__, k)))

        for (k, v) in builtin_items:
            if k in BANNED_BUILTINS:
            elif k == '__import__':
                user_builtins[k] = __restricted_import__
                if k == 'raw_input':
                    user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
                elif k == 'input' and is_python3:
                    # Python 3 input() is Python 2 raw_input()
                    user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper
                    user_builtins[k] = v

        user_builtins['mouse_input'] = mouse_input_wrapper
        user_builtins['open'] = open_wrapper
        # TODO: we can disable these imports here, but a crafty user can
        # always get a hold of them by importing one of the external
        # modules, so there's no point in trying security by obscurity
        user_builtins['setHTML'] = setHTML
        user_builtins['setCSS'] = setCSS
        user_builtins['setJS'] = setJS

        user_stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()

        sys.stdout = user_stdout

        self.ORIGINAL_STDERR = sys.stderr

        # don't do this, or else certain kinds of errors, such as syntax
        # errors, will be silently ignored. WEIRD!
        #sys.stderr = NullDevice # silence errors

        user_globals = {
            "__name__": "__main__",
            "__builtins__": user_builtins,
            "__user_stdout__": user_stdout,
            # sentinel value for frames deriving from a top-level module
            "__OPT_toplevel__": True

        if custom_globals:

            # enforce resource limits RIGHT BEFORE running script_str

            # set ~200MB virtual memory limit AND a 5-second CPU time
            # limit (tuned for Webfaction shared hosting) to protect against
            # memory bombs such as:
            #   x = 2
            #   while True: x = x*x
            if resource_module_loaded and (not self.disable_security_checks):
                resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (200000000, 200000000))
                resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU, (10, 10))

                # protect against unauthorized filesystem accesses ...
                # resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (0, 0)) # no opened files allowed

                # VERY WEIRD. If you activate this resource limitation, it
                # ends up generating an EMPTY trace for the following program:
                #   "x = 0\nfor i in range(10):\n  x += 1\n   print x\n  x += 1\n"
                # (at least on my Webfaction hosting with Python 2.7)
                #resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_FSIZE, (0, 0))  # (redundancy for paranoia)

                # The posix module is a built-in and has a ton of OS access
                # facilities ... if you delete those functions from
                # sys.modules['posix'], it seems like they're gone EVEN IF
                # someone else imports posix in a roundabout way. Of course,
                # I don't know how foolproof this scheme is, though.
                # (It's not sufficient to just "del sys.modules['posix']";
                #  it can just be reimported without accessing an external
                #  file and tripping RLIMIT_NOFILE, since the posix module
                #  is baked into the python executable, ergh. Actually DON'T
                #  "del sys.modules['posix']", since re-importing it will
                #  refresh all of the attributes. ergh^2)
                for a in dir(sys.modules['posix']):
                    delattr(sys.modules['posix'], a)
                # do the same with os
                for a in dir(sys.modules['os']):
                    # 'path' is needed for __restricted_import__ to work
                    # and 'stat' is needed for some errors to be reported properly
                    if a not in ('path', 'stat'):
                        delattr(sys.modules['os'], a)
                # ppl can dig up trashed objects with gc.get_objects()
                import gc
                for a in dir(sys.modules['gc']):
                    delattr(sys.modules['gc'], a)
                del sys.modules['gc']

                # sys.modules contains an in-memory cache of already-loaded
                # modules, so if you delete modules from here, they will
                # need to be re-loaded from the filesystem.
                # Thus, as an extra precaution, remove these modules so that
                # they can't be re-imported without opening a new file,
                # which is disallowed by resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE
                # Of course, this isn't a foolproof solution by any means,
                # and it might lead to UNEXPECTED FAILURES later in execution.
                del sys.modules['os']
                del sys.modules['os.path']
                del sys.modules['sys']

            self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals)
        # sys.exit ...
        except SystemExit:
            raise bdb.BdbQuit
            if DEBUG:

            trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception')

            (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info()
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'):
                trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno
            if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'):
                trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset

            trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " + str(

            # SUPER SUBTLE! if this exact same exception has already been
            # recorded by the program, then DON'T record it again as an
            # uncaught_exception
            already_caught = False
            for e in self.trace:
                if e['event'] == 'exception' and e[
                        'exception_msg'] == trace_entry['exception_msg']:
                    already_caught = True

            if not already_caught:
                if not self.done:

            raise bdb.BdbQuit  # need to forceably STOP execution