def test_comma_separated_list_field(self): field = CommaSeparatedListField().bind(Form(), 'foo') field.process_formdata([u'']) self.assertEqual(, [u'']) field.process_formdata(['a,comma,separated,list']) self.assertEqual(, [u'a', u'comma', u'separated', u'list'])
def test_comma_separated_list_field(self): field = CommaSeparatedListField().bind(Form(), "foo") field.process_formdata([""]) self.assertEqual(, [""]) field.process_formdata(["a,comma,separated,list"]) self.assertEqual(, ["a", "comma", "separated", "list"])
class CsvToDatabaseForm(DynamicForm): # pylint: disable=E0211 def csv_allowed_dbs(): # type: ignore csv_allowed_dbs = [] csv_enabled_dbs = (db.session.query( models.Database).filter_by(allow_csv_upload=True).all()) for csv_enabled_db in csv_enabled_dbs: if CsvToDatabaseForm.at_least_one_schema_is_allowed( csv_enabled_db): csv_allowed_dbs.append(csv_enabled_db) return csv_allowed_dbs @staticmethod def at_least_one_schema_is_allowed(database): """ If the user has access to the database or all datasource 1. if schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is empty a) if database does not support schema user is able to upload csv without specifying schema name b) if database supports schema user is able to upload csv to any schema 2. if schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is not empty a) if database does not support schema This situation is impossible and upload will fail b) if database supports schema user is able to upload to schema in schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload elif the user does not access to the database or all datasource 1. if schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is empty a) if database does not support schema user is unable to upload csv b) if database supports schema user is unable to upload csv 2. if schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is not empty a) if database does not support schema This situation is impossible and user is unable to upload csv b) if database supports schema user is able to upload to schema in schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload """ if (security_manager.database_access(database) or security_manager.all_datasource_access()): return True schemas = database.get_schema_access_for_csv_upload() if schemas and security_manager.schemas_accessible_by_user( database, schemas, False): return True return False name = StringField( _("Table Name"), description=_("Name of table to be created from csv data."), validators=[DataRequired()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) csv_file = FileField( _("CSV File"), description=_("Select a CSV file to be uploaded to a database."), validators=[ FileRequired(), FileAllowed( config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"], _( "Only the following file extensions are allowed: " "%(allowed_extensions)s", allowed_extensions=", ".join(config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"]), ), ), ], ) con = QuerySelectField( _("Database"), query_factory=csv_allowed_dbs, get_pk=lambda a:, get_label=lambda a: a.database_name, ) schema = StringField( _("Schema"), description=_("Specify a schema (if database flavor supports this)."), validators=[Optional()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) sep = StringField( _("Delimiter"), description=_("Delimiter used by CSV file (for whitespace use \\s+)."), validators=[DataRequired()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) if_exists = SelectField( _("Table Exists"), description=_("If table exists do one of the following: " "Fail (do nothing), Replace (drop and recreate table) " "or Append (insert data)."), choices=[ ("fail", _("Fail")), ("replace", _("Replace")), ("append", _("Append")), ], validators=[DataRequired()], ) header = IntegerField( _("Header Row"), description=_("Row containing the headers to use as " "column names (0 is first line of data). " "Leave empty if there is no header row."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) index_col = IntegerField( _("Index Column"), description=_("Column to use as the row labels of the " "dataframe. Leave empty if no index column."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) mangle_dupe_cols = BooleanField( _("Mangle Duplicate Columns"), description=_('Specify duplicate columns as "X.0, X.1".'), ) skipinitialspace = BooleanField( _("Skip Initial Space"), description=_("Skip spaces after delimiter.")) skiprows = IntegerField( _("Skip Rows"), description=_("Number of rows to skip at start of file."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) nrows = IntegerField( _("Rows to Read"), description=_("Number of rows of file to read."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) skip_blank_lines = BooleanField( _("Skip Blank Lines"), description=_("Skip blank lines rather than interpreting them " "as NaN values."), ) parse_dates = CommaSeparatedListField( _("Parse Dates"), description=_("A comma separated list of columns that should be " "parsed as dates."), filters=[filter_not_empty_values], ) infer_datetime_format = BooleanField( _("Infer Datetime Format"), description=_("Use Pandas to interpret the datetime format " "automatically."), ) decimal = StringField( _("Decimal Character"), default=".", description=_("Character to interpret as decimal point."), validators=[Optional(), Length(min=1, max=1)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) index = BooleanField(_("Dataframe Index"), description=_("Write dataframe index as a column.")) index_label = StringField( _("Column Label(s)"), description=_("Column label for index column(s). If None is given " "and Dataframe Index is True, Index Names are used."), validators=[Optional()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), )
class ExcelToDatabaseForm(DynamicForm): # pylint: disable=E0211 def excel_allowed_dbs() -> List[Database]: # type: ignore # TODO: change allow_csv_upload to allow_file_upload excel_enabled_dbs = (db.session.query(Database).filter_by( allow_csv_upload=True).all()) return [ excel_enabled_db for excel_enabled_db in excel_enabled_dbs if ExcelToDatabaseForm.at_least_one_schema_is_allowed( excel_enabled_db) ] @staticmethod def at_least_one_schema_is_allowed(database: Database) -> bool: """ If the user has access to the database or all datasource 1. if schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is empty a) if database does not support schema user is able to upload excel without specifying schema name b) if database supports schema user is able to upload excel to any schema 2. if schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is not empty a) if database does not support schema This situation is impossible and upload will fail b) if database supports schema user is able to upload to schema in schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload elif the user does not access to the database or all datasource 1. if schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is empty a) if database does not support schema user is unable to upload excel b) if database supports schema user is unable to upload excel 2. if schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is not empty a) if database does not support schema This situation is impossible and user is unable to upload excel b) if database supports schema user is able to upload to schema in schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload """ if security_manager.can_access_database(database): return True schemas = database.get_schema_access_for_csv_upload() if schemas and security_manager.schemas_accessible_by_user( database, schemas, False): return True return False name = StringField( _("Table Name"), description=_("Name of table to be created from excel data."), validators=[DataRequired()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) excel_file = FileField( _("Excel File"), description=_("Select a Excel file to be uploaded to a database."), validators=[ FileRequired(), FileAllowed( config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"].intersection( config["EXCEL_EXTENSIONS"]), _( "Only the following file extensions are allowed: " "%(allowed_extensions)s", allowed_extensions=", ".join( config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"].intersection( config["EXCEL_EXTENSIONS"])), ), ), ], ) sheet_name = StringField( _("Sheet Name"), description=_( "Strings used for sheet names (default is the first sheet)."), validators=[Optional()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) con = QuerySelectField( _("Database"), query_factory=excel_allowed_dbs, get_pk=lambda a:, get_label=lambda a: a.database_name, ) schema = StringField( _("Schema"), description=_("Specify a schema (if database flavor supports this)."), validators=[Optional()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) if_exists = SelectField( _("Table Exists"), description=_("If table exists do one of the following: " "Fail (do nothing), Replace (drop and recreate table) " "or Append (insert data)."), choices=[ ("fail", _("Fail")), ("replace", _("Replace")), ("append", _("Append")), ], validators=[DataRequired()], ) header = IntegerField( _("Header Row"), description=_("Row containing the headers to use as " "column names (0 is first line of data). " "Leave empty if there is no header row."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) index_col = IntegerField( _("Index Column"), description=_("Column to use as the row labels of the " "dataframe. Leave empty if no index column."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) mangle_dupe_cols = BooleanField( _("Mangle Duplicate Columns"), description=_('Specify duplicate columns as "X.0, X.1".'), ) skiprows = IntegerField( _("Skip Rows"), description=_("Number of rows to skip at start of file."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) nrows = IntegerField( _("Rows to Read"), description=_("Number of rows of file to read."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) parse_dates = CommaSeparatedListField( _("Parse Dates"), description=_( "A comma separated list of columns that should be parsed as dates." ), filters=[filter_not_empty_values], ) decimal = StringField( _("Decimal Character"), default=".", description=_("Character to interpret as decimal point."), validators=[Optional(), Length(min=1, max=1)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) index = BooleanField(_("Dataframe Index"), description=_("Write dataframe index as a column.")) index_label = StringField( _("Column Label(s)"), description=_("Column label for index column(s). If None is given " "and Dataframe Index is True, Index Names are used."), validators=[Optional()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) null_values = JsonListField( _("Null values"), default=config["CSV_DEFAULT_NA_NAMES"], description=_( "Json list of the values that should be treated as null. " 'Examples: [""], ["None", "N/A"], ["nan", "null"]. ' "Warning: Hive database supports only single value. " 'Use [""] for empty string.'), )
class CsvToDatabaseForm(UploadToDatabaseForm): name = StringField( _("Table Name"), description=_("Name of table to be created from csv data."), validators=[DataRequired()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) csv_file = FileField( _("CSV File"), description=_("Select a CSV file to be uploaded to a database."), validators=[ FileRequired(), FileAllowed( config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"].intersection( config["CSV_EXTENSIONS"]), _( "Only the following file extensions are allowed: " "%(allowed_extensions)s", allowed_extensions=", ".join( config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"].intersection( config["CSV_EXTENSIONS"])), ), ), ], ) con = QuerySelectField( _("Database"), query_factory=UploadToDatabaseForm.file_allowed_dbs, get_pk=lambda a:, get_label=lambda a: a.database_name, ) schema = StringField( _("Schema"), description=_("Specify a schema (if database flavor supports this)."), validators=[Optional()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) sep = StringField( _("Delimiter"), description=_("Delimiter used by CSV file (for whitespace use \\s+)."), validators=[DataRequired()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) if_exists = SelectField( _("Table Exists"), description=_("If table exists do one of the following: " "Fail (do nothing), Replace (drop and recreate table) " "or Append (insert data)."), choices=[ ("fail", _("Fail")), ("replace", _("Replace")), ("append", _("Append")), ], validators=[DataRequired()], ) header = IntegerField( _("Header Row"), description=_("Row containing the headers to use as " "column names (0 is first line of data). " "Leave empty if there is no header row."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) index_col = IntegerField( _("Index Column"), description=_("Column to use as the row labels of the " "dataframe. Leave empty if no index column."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) mangle_dupe_cols = BooleanField( _("Mangle Duplicate Columns"), description=_('Specify duplicate columns as "X.0, X.1".'), ) usecols = JsonListField( _("Use Columns"), default=None, description=_( "Json list of the column names that should be read. " "If not None, only these columns will be read from the file."), validators=[Optional()], ) skipinitialspace = BooleanField( _("Skip Initial Space"), description=_("Skip spaces after delimiter.")) skiprows = IntegerField( _("Skip Rows"), description=_("Number of rows to skip at start of file."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) nrows = IntegerField( _("Rows to Read"), description=_("Number of rows of file to read."), validators=[Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) skip_blank_lines = BooleanField( _("Skip Blank Lines"), description=_( "Skip blank lines rather than interpreting them as NaN values."), ) parse_dates = CommaSeparatedListField( _("Parse Dates"), description=_( "A comma separated list of columns that should be parsed as dates." ), filters=[filter_not_empty_values], ) infer_datetime_format = BooleanField( _("Infer Datetime Format"), description=_( "Use Pandas to interpret the datetime format automatically."), ) decimal = StringField( _("Decimal Character"), default=".", description=_("Character to interpret as decimal point."), validators=[Optional(), Length(min=1, max=1)], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) index = BooleanField(_("Dataframe Index"), description=_("Write dataframe index as a column.")) index_label = StringField( _("Column Label(s)"), description=_("Column label for index column(s). If None is given " "and Dataframe Index is True, Index Names are used."), validators=[Optional()], widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), ) null_values = JsonListField( _("Null values"), default=config["CSV_DEFAULT_NA_NAMES"], description=_( "Json list of the values that should be treated as null. " 'Examples: [""], ["None", "N/A"], ["nan", "null"]. ' "Warning: Hive database supports only single value. " 'Use [""] for empty string.'), )