def make_plotsRatio(plot, region, backgrounds) : print "make_plotsRatio Plotting %s" # get the canvases rcan = plot.ratioCanvas if plot.isLog() : rcan.upper_pad.SetLogy(True) rcan.upper_pad.Update() # set up the frame hax = r.TH1F("axes", "", int(plot.nbins), plot.x_range_min, plot.x_range_max) hax.SetMinimum(plot.y_range_min) hax.SetMaximum(plot.y_range_max) xax = hax.GetXaxis() xax.SetTitle(plot.x_label) xax.SetTitleFont(42) xax.SetLabelFont(42) xax.SetLabelSize(0.035) xax.SetTitleSize(0.048 * 0.85) xax.SetTitleOffset(-999) xax.SetLabelOffset(-999) yax = hax.GetYaxis() yax.SetTitle(plot.y_label) yax.SetTitleFont(42) yax.SetLabelFont(42) yax.SetTitleOffset(1.4) yax.SetLabelOffset(0.013) yax.SetLabelSize(1.2 * 0.035) yax.SetTitleSize(0.055 * 0.85) hax.Draw() rcan.upper_pad.Update() # legend leg = pu.default_legend(xl=0.65, yl=0.72, xh=0.93, yh=0.90) histos = [] n_drawn = 0 for b in backgrounds : hist_name = "" if "abs" in plot.variable : replace_var = plot.variable.replace("abs(", "") replace_var = replace_var.replace(")", "") hist_name = replace_var else : hist_name = plot.variable h = None h = pu.th1f("h_"+b.treename+"_""_"+hist_name, "", int(plot.nbins), plot.x_range_min, plot.x_range_max, plot.x_label, plot.y_label) h.SetMinimum(0.1) h.SetLineColor(b.color) h.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(-999) h.SetLineWidth(2) h.SetFillStyle(0) h.Sumw2() idx = "" if "WW" in or "ww" in : idx = "WW" elif "WZ" in or "wz" in : idx = "WZ" sumw = get_sumw(idx) xsec = get_xsec(idx) lumi = 3300.0 # 3.3/fb weight_str = "eventweight * %s * %s / %s"%(str(xsec), str(lumi), str(sumw)) print "weight = %s"%weight_str cut = "(" + reg.tcut + ") * %s "%weight_str #cut = "(" + reg.tcut + ") * eventweight * " + str(b.scale_factor) cut = r.TCut(cut) sel = r.TCut("1") cmd = "%s>>%s"%(plot.variable, h.GetName()) b.tree.Draw(cmd, cut * sel, "goff") # yield stat_err = r.Double(0.0) integral = h.IntegralAndError(0,-1,stat_err) print "%s: %.2f +/- %.2f"%(, integral, stat_err) # add overflow pu.add_overflow_to_lastbin(h) leg.AddEntry(h, b.displayname, "l") histos.append(h) #rcan.upper_pad.Update() #rcan.canvas.Update() h_WW = None h_WZ = None for h in histos : if "WW" in h.GetName() or "ww" in h.GetName() : h_WW = h rcan.upper_pad.Update() elif "WZ" in h.GetName() or "wz" in h.GetName() : h_WZ = h rcan.upper_pad.Update() else : print "Expecting a histogram with name that has 'WZ/wz' or 'WW/ww' in it" sys.exit() h_WW.Draw() h_WZ.Draw("same")
def make_znRatioPlots(backgrounds, signals, region, plot) : print "make_znRatioPlots Plottings %s" # get canvases ratiocan = plot.getCanvas() # go to the upper-pad ratiocan.upper_pad.Draw() ratiocan.middle_pad.Draw() ratiocan.lower_pad.Draw() if plot.isLog() : ratiocan.upper_pad.SetLogy(True) ratiocan.upper_pad.Update() # stack for MC backgrounds hax = r.TH1F("axes", "", int(plot.nbins), plot.x_range_min, plot.x_range_max) hax.SetMinimum(plot.y_range_min) hax.SetMaximum(plot.y_range_max) hax.GetXaxis().SetTitle(plot.x_label) hax.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) hax.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) hax.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.035) hax.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.048 * 0.85) hax.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(-999) hax.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(-999) hax.GetYaxis().SetTitle(plot.y_label) hax.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) hax.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) hax.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) hax.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.013) hax.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(1.2 * 0.035) hax.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055 * 0.85) hax.Draw() ratiocan.upper_pad.Update() stack = r.THStack("stack_", "") # legend leg = pu.default_legend(xl=0.5, yl=0.6, xh=0.93, yh=0.90) #leg = pu.default_legend(xl=0.65, yl=0.72, xh=0.93, yh=0.90) leg.SetNColumns(2) ### loop through the background MC and add to stack histos = [] hist_dict = {} # associate the background with its histogram name hist_name = "" if "abs" in plot.variable : replace_var = plot.variable.replace("abs(","") replace_var = replace_var.replace(")","") hist_name = replace_var elif "MDR_v1_t1_0 - MDR_i1_t1_0" in plot.variable : hist_name = "RATIO" elif "RPT_0/RPZ_0" in plot.variable : hist_name = "RPTZratio" elif "H_11_SS/H_21_SS" in plot.variable : hist_name = "RH11SSH21SS" elif "H_11_SS/H_11_S1" in plot.variable : hist_name = "RH11SSH11S1" elif "xH_11_S1/xH_42_SS" in plot.variable : hist_name = "xH_11_S1_over_xH_42_SS" elif "xH_42_SS_T/xH_42_SS" in plot.variable : hist_name = "xH_42_SS_T_over_xH_42_SS" elif "xH_11_SS/xH_42_SS_T" in plot.variable : hist_name = "xH_11_SS_over_xH_42_SS_T" elif "(xNV[0]-xNV[1])/(xNV[0]+xNV[1])" in plot.variable : hist_name = "n_obs_asy" elif "xH_11_SS/xH_42_SS_T" in plot.variable : hist_name = "xH_11_SSoverxH_42_SS_T" elif "xH_42_SS_T/xH_11_SS" in plot.variable : hist_name = "xH_42_SS_ToverxH_11_SS" else : hist_name = plot.variable for b in backgrounds : h = pu.th1f("h_"+b.treename+"_"+hist_name, "", int(plot.nbins), plot.x_range_min, plot.x_range_max, plot.x_label, plot.y_label) h.SetLineColor(r.kBlack) h.SetFillColor(b.color) h.SetFillStyle(1001) h.Sumw2 # cut and make the sample weighted, applying the scale_factor cut = "(" + reg.tcut + ") * eventweight * " + str(b.scale_factor) cut = r.TCut(cut) sel = r.TCut("1") cmd = "%s>>%s"%(plot.variable, h.GetName()) b.tree.Draw(cmd, cut * sel, "goff") # print the yield +/- stat error stat_error = r.Double(0.0) integral = h.IntegralAndError(0, -1, stat_error) print "%s: %.2f +/- %.2f"%(, integral, stat_error) # add overflow pu.add_overflow_to_lastbin(h) # add to group histos.append(h) hist_dict[h.GetName()] = b.displayname # ratiocan.upper_pad.Update() # order the histograms and add to legend histos = sorted(histos, key = lambda h: h.Integral(), reverse = False) for his in histos : stack.Add(his) histos_leg = sorted(histos, key = lambda h: h.Integral(), reverse = True) for hl in histos_leg : leg.AddEntry(hl, hist_dict[hl.GetName()], "f") #leg.AddEntry(hl, hist_dict[hl.GetName()], "fl") ### total SM histo totalSM = stack.GetStack().Last().Clone("totalSM") ### container for zn pads sig_values = {} ### now plot the signal points sig_histos = [] for s in signals : sig_values[] = {} # { up : [], down : [] } hs = pu.th1f("h_"+s.treename+"_"+hist_name, "", int(plot.nbins), plot.x_range_min, plot.x_range_max, plot.x_label, plot.y_label) hs.SetLineColor(s.color) hs.SetLineStyle(2) hs.SetLineWidth(2) hs.SetFillStyle(0) hs.Sumw2 # cut and make sample weighted, applying the scale_factor cut = "(" + reg.tcut + ") * eventweight *" + str(s.scale_factor) cut = r.TCut(cut) sel = r.TCut("1") cmd = "%s>>%s"%(plot.variable, hs.GetName()) s.tree.Draw(cmd, cut * sel, "goff") # print the yield +/- stat error stat_error = r.Double(0.0) integral = hs.IntegralAndError(0, -1, stat_error) print "%s: %.2f +/- %.2f"%(, integral, stat_error) # add overflow pu.add_overflow_to_lastbin(hs) # add to legend leg.AddEntry(hs, s.displayname, "l") hs.SetMaximum(plot.y_range_max) hs.SetMinimum(plot.y_range_min) sig_histos.append(hs) # ratiocan.upper_pad.Update() # get the zn-per-bin values # "up" : Zn values for lower-cuts (i.e. SR includes everything to the right of the cut) # "down" : Zn values for upper-cuts (i.e. SR includes everything to the left of the cut) if 'zn' in method : sig_values[]['up'], sig_values[]['down'] = get_zn_per_bin(hs, totalSM) # get the total zn for this selection # and attach the the signal point significance, nbkg, nsig, rel_bkgerr = 0, 0, 0, 0 if 'zn' in method : significance, nbkg, nsig, rel_bkgerr = get_zn_for_selection(hs, totalSM) s.sig_val = significance s.n_bkg = nbkg s.n_sig = nsig s.n_bkgerr = rel_bkgerr signame = '' if 'zn' in method : signame = "Zn" print " ++ --------------------------------------- ++ " print " Significance (%s) for selection %s"%(signame, reg.displayname) print "" print " # bkg : %.2f +/- %.2f "%(nbkg, nbkg * rel_bkgerr) for sigpoint in signals : print " # %s: %.2f "%(sigpoint.displayname, sigpoint.n_sig) print " Z --> %.2f"%sigpoint.sig_val print " ++ --------------------------------------- ++ " # if method == "zn" : sys.exit() if method == "zn" or method == "fasimov" : return ### draw MC backgrounds ratiocan.upper_pad.Update() # now draw the stack without the axis stack.Draw("HIST same") ### draw signals for h_sig in sig_histos : h_sig.Draw("same") ratiocan.canvas.Update() leg.Draw() ratiocan.canvas.Update() r.gPad.RedrawAxis() #pu.draw_text_on_top(text=reg.tcut, size = 0.02) pu.draw_text(text="#it{ATLAS} Internal",x=0.18,y=0.83, size = 0.06) pu.draw_text(text="13 TeV, 10/fb", x=0.18,y=0.73, size = 0.06) #pu.draw_text(text="13 TeV, 10 fb^{-1}", x=0.18,y=0.8) ######################### ## now draw zn ### up sig_up_histos = [] sig_down_histos = [] for sig in signals : updown = ['up', 'down'] for dir in updown : zns = sig_values[][dir] hz = pu.th1f("h_sig_"+dir+"_" +, "", int(plot.nbins), plot.x_range_min, plot.x_range_max, "","") hz.SetMarkerStyle(20) hz.SetMarkerColor(sig.color) hz.SetMarkerSize(0.3 * hz.GetMarkerSize()) max_y = 2.5 for ibin, zn in enumerate(zns) : if zn > 2.5 : max_y = 4 elif zn > 4 : max_y = 5 hz.SetMaximum(max_y) hz.SetMinimum(0.0) for ibin, zn in enumerate(zns) : hz.SetBinContent(ibin, r.Double(zn)) if 'up' in dir : sig_up_histos.append(hz) elif 'down' in dir : sig_down_histos.append(hz) is_first = True for hzn in sig_up_histos : if is_first : hzn.Draw("p") set_ratio_style(hzn, "mid", "") is_first = False else : hzn.Draw("same p") ratiocan.middle_pad.Update() is_first = True for hzn in sig_down_histos : if is_first : hzn.Draw("p") is_first = False set_ratio_style(hzn, "low", plot.x_label) else : hzn.Draw("same p") ratiocan.lower_pad.Update() #### save outname = + ".eps" ratiocan.canvas.SaveAs(outname) out = indir + "/plots/" + outdir utils.mv_file_to_dir(outname, out, True) fullname = out + "/" + outname print "%s saved to : %s"%(outname, os.path.abspath(fullname))