def _validation(self):"Before validation", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) self.model.eval() metrics_values = defaultdict(int) samples_cnt = 0 for val_it, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(self.data_loaders['val']): inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda() outputs = self.model(inputs) full_batch_size = inputs.size(0) for name, metric in self.val_metrics.items(): metric_value = metric(outputs, targets) metric_value = metric_value.item() metrics_values[name] += metric_value * full_batch_size samples_cnt += full_batch_size"Validation in progress", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt, 'val_iter': val_it, 'val_iters': self.val_iters}) for name in metrics_values: metrics_values[name] /= float(samples_cnt) sly.report_metrics_validation(self.epoch_flt, metrics_values) self.model.train()"Validation has been finished", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) return metrics_values
def _validation(self):"Before validation", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) if self.config['validate_with_model_eval']: self.model.eval() metrics_values = defaultdict(int) samples_cnt = 0 for val_it, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(self.data_loaders['val']): inputs, targets = cuda_variable(inputs, volatile=True), cuda_variable(targets) outputs = self.model(inputs) full_batch_size = inputs.size(0) for name, metric in self.val_metrics.items(): metric_value = metric(outputs, targets) if isinstance(metric_value, torch.autograd.Variable): # for val loss metric_value =[0] metrics_values[name] += metric_value * full_batch_size samples_cnt += full_batch_size"Validation in progress", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt, 'val_iter': val_it, 'val_iters': self.val_iters}) for name in metrics_values: metrics_values[name] /= float(samples_cnt) sly.report_metrics_validation(self.epoch_flt, metrics_values) self.model.train()"Validation has been finished", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) return metrics_values
def _validation(self): # Compute validation metrics. # Switch the model to evaluation model to stop batchnorm runnning average updates. self._model.eval() # Initialize the totals counters. validated_samples = 0 total_loss = 0.0 # Iterate over validation dataset batches. for val_it, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(self._data_loaders[VAL]): # Move the data to the GPU and run inference. with torch.no_grad(): inputs_cuda, targets_cuda = Variable(inputs).cuda(), Variable( targets).cuda() outputs_cuda = self._model(inputs_cuda) # The last betch may be smaller than the rest if the dataset does not have a whole number of full batches, # so read the batch size from the input. batch_size = inputs_cuda.size(0) # Compute the loss and grab the value from GPU. loss_value = self._loss_fn(outputs_cuda, targets_cuda).item() # Add up the totals. total_loss += loss_value * batch_size validated_samples += batch_size # Report progress."Validation in progress", extra={ 'epoch': self.epoch_flt, 'val_iter': val_it, 'val_iters': self._val_iters }) # Compute the average loss from the accumulated totals. metrics_values = {LOSS: total_loss / validated_samples} # Report progress and metric values to be plotted in the training chart and return. sly.report_metrics_validation(self.epoch_flt, metrics_values)"Validation has been finished", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) return metrics_values
def _validation(self, session): overall_val_loss = 0 val_iters = len(self.data_loaders['val']) for val_it, (batch_inputs, batch_targets) in enumerate(self.data_loaders['val']): feed = {self.inputs: batch_inputs, self.labels: batch_targets} val_loss =, feed) overall_val_loss += val_loss"Validation in progress", extra={ 'epoch': self.epoch_flt, 'val_iter': val_it, 'val_iters': val_iters }) metrics_values_val = { 'loss': overall_val_loss / val_iters, } sly.report_metrics_validation(self.epoch_flt, metrics_values_val)"Validation has been finished", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) return metrics_values_val
def train(datasets_dicts, epochs, val_every, iters_cnt, validate_with_eval_model, pipeline_config, num_clones=1, save_cback=None, is_transfer_learning=False):'Start train') configs = configs_from_pipeline(pipeline_config) model_config = configs['model'] train_config = configs['train_config'] create_model_fn = functools.partial(, model_config=model_config, is_training=True) detection_model = create_model_fn() def get_next(dataset): return dataset_util.make_initializable_iterator( build_dataset(dataset)).get_next() create_tensor_dict_fn = functools.partial(get_next, datasets_dicts['train']) create_tensor_dict_fn_val = functools.partial(get_next, datasets_dicts['val']) data_augmentation_options = [ for step in train_config.data_augmentation_options ] with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Build a configuration specifying multi-GPU and multi-replicas. deploy_config = model_deploy.DeploymentConfig( num_clones=4, clone_on_cpu=False, replica_id=0, num_replicas=1, num_ps_tasks=0, worker_job_name='lonely_worker') # Place the global step on the device storing the variables. with tf.device(deploy_config.variables_device()): global_step = slim.create_global_step() with tf.device(deploy_config.inputs_device()): coord = coordinator.Coordinator() input_queue = create_input_queue( train_config.batch_size, create_tensor_dict_fn, train_config.batch_queue_capacity, train_config.num_batch_queue_threads, train_config.prefetch_queue_capacity, data_augmentation_options) input_queue_val = create_input_queue( train_config.batch_size, create_tensor_dict_fn_val, train_config.batch_queue_capacity, train_config.num_batch_queue_threads, train_config.prefetch_queue_capacity, data_augmentation_options) # create validation graph create_model_fn_val = functools.partial(, model_config=model_config, is_training=not validate_with_eval_model) with tf.device(deploy_config.optimizer_device()): training_optimizer, optimizer_summary_vars = train_config.optimizer) for var in optimizer_summary_vars: tf.summary.scalar(, var, family='LearningRate') train_losses = [] grads_and_vars = [] with slim.arg_scope([slim.model_variable, slim.variable], device='/device:CPU:0'): for curr_dev_id in range(num_clones): with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(curr_dev_id)): with tf.name_scope( 'clone_{}'.format(curr_dev_id)) as scope: with tf.variable_scope( tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True if curr_dev_id > 0 else None): losses = _create_losses_val( input_queue, create_model_fn, train_config) clones_loss = tf.add_n(losses) clones_loss = tf.divide(clones_loss, 1.0 * num_clones) grads = training_optimizer.compute_gradients( clones_loss) train_losses.append(clones_loss) grads_and_vars.append(grads) if curr_dev_id == 0: update_ops = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) val_total_loss = get_val_loss(num_clones, input_queue_val, create_model_fn_val, train_config) with tf.device(deploy_config.optimizer_device()): total_loss = tf.add_n(train_losses) grads_and_vars = model_deploy._sum_clones_gradients(grads_and_vars) total_loss = tf.check_numerics(total_loss, 'LossTensor is inf or nan.') # Optionally multiply bias gradients by train_config.bias_grad_multiplier. if train_config.bias_grad_multiplier: biases_regex_list = ['.*/biases'] grads_and_vars = variables_helper.multiply_gradients_matching_regex( grads_and_vars, biases_regex_list, multiplier=train_config.bias_grad_multiplier) # Optionally freeze some layers by setting their gradients to be zero. if train_config.freeze_variables: grads_and_vars = variables_helper.freeze_gradients_matching_regex( grads_and_vars, train_config.freeze_variables) # Optionally clip gradients if train_config.gradient_clipping_by_norm > 0: with tf.name_scope('clip_grads'): grads_and_vars = slim.learning.clip_gradient_norms( grads_and_vars, train_config.gradient_clipping_by_norm) # Create gradient updates. grad_updates = training_optimizer.apply_gradients( grads_and_vars, global_step=global_step) update_ops.append(grad_updates) update_op =*update_ops, name='update_barrier') with tf.control_dependencies([update_op]): train_tensor = tf.identity(total_loss, name='train_op') config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) coord.clear_stop() sess = tf.Session(config=config) saver = tf.train.Saver() graph = ops.get_default_graph() with graph.as_default(): with ops.name_scope('init_ops'): init_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() ready_op = variables.report_uninitialized_variables() local_init_op = variables.local_variables_initializer(), lookup_ops.tables_initializer()) # graph.finalize()[init_op, ready_op, local_init_op]) queue_runners = graph.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS) threads = [] for qr in queue_runners: threads.extend( qr.create_threads(sess, coord=coord, daemon=True, start=True))'Start restore') if train_config.fine_tune_checkpoint: var_map = detection_model.restore_map( fine_tune_checkpoint_type=train_config. fine_tune_checkpoint_type, load_all_detection_checkpoint_vars=( train_config.load_all_detection_checkpoint_vars and (not is_transfer_learning))) available_var_map = ( variables_helper.get_variables_available_in_checkpoint( var_map, train_config.fine_tune_checkpoint)) if 'global_step' in available_var_map: del available_var_map['global_step'] init_saver = tf.train.Saver(available_var_map)'Restoring model weights from previous checkpoint.') init_saver.restore(sess, train_config.fine_tune_checkpoint)'Model restored.') eval_planner = EvalPlanner(epochs, val_every) progress = sly.Progress('Model training: ', epochs * iters_cnt['train']) best_val_loss = float('inf') epoch_flt = 0 for epoch in range(epochs):"Before new epoch", extra={'epoch': epoch_flt}) for train_it in range(iters_cnt['train']): total_loss, np_global_step = [train_tensor, global_step]) metrics_values_train = { 'loss': total_loss, } progress.iter_done_report() epoch_flt = epoch_float(epoch, train_it + 1, iters_cnt['train']) sly.report_metrics_training(epoch_flt, metrics_values_train) if eval_planner.need_validation(epoch_flt):"Before validation", extra={'epoch': epoch_flt}) overall_val_loss = 0 for val_it in range(iters_cnt['val']): overall_val_loss +="Validation in progress", extra={ 'epoch': epoch_flt, 'val_iter': val_it, 'val_iters': iters_cnt['val'] }) metrics_values_val = { 'loss': overall_val_loss / iters_cnt['val'], } sly.report_metrics_validation(epoch_flt, metrics_values_val)"Validation has been finished", extra={'epoch': epoch_flt}) eval_planner.validation_performed() val_loss = metrics_values_val['loss'] model_is_best = val_loss < best_val_loss if model_is_best: best_val_loss = val_loss 'It\'s been determined that current model is the best one for a while.' ) save_cback(saver, sess, model_is_best, opt_data={ 'epoch': epoch_flt, 'val_metrics': metrics_values_val, })"Epoch was finished", extra={'epoch': epoch_flt}) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def train(self): # Start queue threads. threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=self.coord, sess=self.sess) progress = sly.progress_counter_train(self.epochs, self.iters_cnt['train']) best_val_loss = float('inf') internal_step = 0 for epoch in range(self.epochs):"Before new epoch", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) for train_it in range(self.iters_cnt['train']): feed_dict = {self.step_ph: internal_step} internal_step += 1 loss_value, _ =[self.total_loss, self.train_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) # Update the running variables on new batch of samples plh_label = plh_prediction = feed_dict = {self.tf_label: plh_label, self.tf_prediction: plh_prediction} train_accuracy =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # from last GPU metrics_values_train = { 'loss': loss_value, 'accuracy': train_accuracy } progress.iter_done_report() self.epoch_flt = epoch_float(epoch, train_it + 1, self.iters_cnt['train']) sly.report_metrics_training(self.epoch_flt, metrics_values_train) if self.eval_planner.need_validation(self.epoch_flt):"Before validation", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) overall_val_loss = 0 overall_val_accuracy = 0 for val_it in range(self.iters_cnt['val']): overall_val_loss += # Update the running variables on new batch of samples plh_label = plh_prediction = feed_dict = {self.tf_label: plh_label, self.tf_prediction: plh_prediction} overall_val_accuracy +=, feed_dict=feed_dict)"Validation in progress", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt, 'val_iter': val_it, 'val_iters': self.iters_cnt['val']}) metrics_values_val = { 'loss': overall_val_loss / self.iters_cnt['val'], 'accuracy': overall_val_accuracy / self.iters_cnt['val'] } sly.report_metrics_validation(self.epoch_flt, metrics_values_val)"Validation has been finished", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) self.eval_planner.validation_performed() val_loss = metrics_values_val['loss'] model_is_best = val_loss < best_val_loss if model_is_best: best_val_loss = val_loss'It\'s been determined that current model is the best one for a while.') self._dump_model(model_is_best, opt_data={ 'epoch': self.epoch_flt, 'val_metrics': metrics_values_val, })"Epoch was finished", extra={'epoch': self.epoch_flt}) self.coord.request_stop() self.coord.join(threads)
def train(data_dicts, class_num, input_size, lr, n_epochs, num_clones, iters_cnt, val_every, model_init_fn, save_cback, atrous_rates=[6, 12, 18], fine_tune_batch_norm=True, output_stride=16): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) # Set up deployment (i.e., multi-GPUs and/or multi-replicas). config = model_deploy.DeploymentConfig(num_clones=num_clones, clone_on_cpu=clone_on_cpu, replica_id=task, num_replicas=num_replicas, num_ps_tasks=num_ps_tasks) with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.device(config.inputs_device()): samples = get(data_dicts['train'], input_size, is_training=True, model_variant=model_variant) samples_val = get(data_dicts['val'], input_size, is_training=True, model_variant=model_variant) inputs_queue = prefetch_queue.prefetch_queue(samples, capacity=128 * config.num_clones, dynamic_pad=True) inputs_queue_val = prefetch_queue.prefetch_queue(samples_val, capacity=128 * config.num_clones, dynamic_pad=True) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() # Create the global step on the device storing the variables. with tf.device(config.variables_device()): global_step = tf.train.create_global_step() # Define the model and create clones. model_fn = _build_deeplab model_args = (inputs_queue, { 'semantic': class_num }, input_size, atrous_rates, output_stride, fine_tune_batch_norm) clones = model_deploy.create_clones(config, model_fn, args=model_args) # Gather update_ops from the first clone. These contain, for example, # the updates for the batch_norm variables created by model_fn. first_clone_scope = config.clone_scope(0) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, first_clone_scope) # Build the optimizer based on the device specification. with tf.device(config.optimizer_device()): learning_rate = lr optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) with tf.device(config.variables_device()): total_loss, grads_and_vars = model_deploy.optimize_clones( clones, optimizer) total_loss = tf.check_numerics(total_loss, 'Loss is inf or nan.') model_fn_val = _build_deeplab_val model_args_val = (inputs_queue_val, { 'semantic': class_num }, input_size, atrous_rates, output_stride) val_clones, val_losses = create_val_clones(num_clones, config, model_fn_val, args=model_args_val) val_total_loss = get_clones_val_losses(val_clones, None, val_losses) # Modify the gradients for biases and last layer variables. last_layers = model.get_extra_layer_scopes() grad_mult = train_utils.get_model_gradient_multipliers( last_layers, last_layer_gradient_multiplier) if grad_mult: grads_and_vars = slim.learning.multiply_gradients( grads_and_vars, grad_mult) # Create gradient update op. grad_updates = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step=global_step) update_ops.append(grad_updates) update_op =*update_ops) with tf.control_dependencies([update_op]): train_tensor = tf.identity(total_loss, name='train_op') config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) coord.clear_stop() sess = tf.Session(config=config) graph = ops.get_default_graph() with graph.as_default(): with ops.name_scope('init_ops'): init_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() ready_op = variables.report_uninitialized_variables() local_init_op = variables.local_variables_initializer(), lookup_ops.tables_initializer()) # graph.finalize()[init_op, ready_op, local_init_op]) queue_runners = graph.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS) threads = [] for qr in queue_runners: threads.extend( qr.create_threads(sess, coord=coord, daemon=True, start=True)) # # for i in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES): # # print(i) # vary_23 = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if == 'xception_65/middle_flow/block1/unit_8/xception_module/separable_conv3_depthwise/BatchNorm/moving_mean:0'][0] # # beta_23 = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if == 'xception_65/middle_flow/block1/unit_8/xception_module/separable_conv3_depthwise/BatchNorm/gamma:0'][0] # for i in range(1000): # train_loss = # print(train_loss) # vary, beta =[vary_23, beta_23]) # print('mean', vary[0:3]) # print('beta', beta[0:3]) # if (i + 1) % 10 == 0: # for i in range(10): # val_loss = # vary, beta =[vary_23, beta_23]) # print('mean val', vary[0:3]) # print('beta', beta[0:3]) # print('VAl_loss', val_loss) model_init_fn(sess) saver = tf.train.Saver() eval_planner = EvalPlanner(n_epochs, val_every) progress = sly.progress_counter_train(n_epochs, iters_cnt['train']) best_val_loss = float('inf') epoch_flt = 0 for epoch in range(n_epochs):"Before new epoch", extra={'epoch': epoch_flt}) for train_it in range(iters_cnt['train']): total_loss = metrics_values_train = { 'loss': total_loss, } progress.iter_done_report() epoch_flt = epoch_float(epoch, train_it + 1, iters_cnt['train']) sly.report_metrics_training(epoch_flt, metrics_values_train) if eval_planner.need_validation(epoch_flt):"Before validation", extra={'epoch': epoch_flt}) overall_val_loss = 0 for val_it in range(iters_cnt['val']): overall_val_loss +="Validation in progress", extra={ 'epoch': epoch_flt, 'val_iter': val_it, 'val_iters': iters_cnt['val'] }) metrics_values_val = { 'loss': overall_val_loss / iters_cnt['val'], } sly.report_metrics_validation(epoch_flt, metrics_values_val)"Validation has been finished", extra={'epoch': epoch_flt}) eval_planner.validation_performed() val_loss = metrics_values_val['loss'] model_is_best = val_loss < best_val_loss if model_is_best: best_val_loss = val_loss 'It\'s been determined that current model is the best one for a while.' ) save_cback(saver, sess, model_is_best, opt_data={ 'epoch': epoch_flt, 'val_metrics': metrics_values_val, })"Epoch was finished", extra={'epoch': epoch_flt})
def main(): # Please note that auxiliary methods from sly (supervisely_lib) use supervisely_lib.logger to format output. # So don't replace formatters or handlers of the logger. # One may use other loggers or simple prints for other output, but it's recommended to use supervisely_lib.logger.'Hello ML world') print('Glad to see u') # TaskHelperTrain contains almost all needed to run training as Supervisely task, # including task settings and paths to data and models. task_helper = sly.TaskHelperTrain() # All settings and parameters are passed to task in json file. # Content of the file is entirely dependent on model implementation. training_settings = task_helper.task_settings'Task settings are read', extra={'task_settings': training_settings}) cnt_epochs = training_settings[ "epochs"] # in the fake model we want cnt of epochs cnt_iters_per_epoch = training_settings["iters_per_epoch"] # Let's imitate model weights loading. # Task acquires directory with input model weights (e.g. to continue training or to initialize some parameters). # Content of the directory is entirely dependent on model implementation. model_dir = task_helper.paths.model_dir if task_helper.model_dir_is_empty(): model = create_fake_model()'Model created from scratch') else: model = load_fake_model(model_dir)'Init model weights are loaded', extra={'model_dir': model_dir}) # We will save weights of trained model (checkpoints) into directories provided by the checkpoints_saver. checkpoints_saver = task_helper.checkpoints_saver'Ready to save checkpoints', extra={'results_dir': task_helper.paths.results_dir}) # Let's imitate reading input project with training data. # Of course in real implementations it is usually wrapped in some data loaders which are executed in parallel. project_meta = task_helper.in_project_meta # Project meta contains list of project classes. project_dir = task_helper.paths.project_dir project_fs = sly.ProjectFS.from_disk_dir_project(project_dir) # ProjectFS enlists all samples (image/annotation pairs) in input project. for item_descr in project_fs:'Processing input sample', extra={ 'dataset': item_descr.ds_name, 'image_name': item_descr.image_name }) # Open some image... img = cv2.imread(item_descr.img_path)'Read image from input project', extra={ 'width': img.shape[1], 'height': img.shape[0] }) # And read corresponding annotation... ann_packed = sly.json_load(item_descr.ann_path) ann = sly.Annotation.from_packed(ann_packed, project_meta)'Read annotation from input project', extra={ 'object_cnt': len(ann['objects']), 'tags': ann['tags'] }) # We are to report progress of task over sly.ProgressCounter if we want to observe the progress in web panel. # In fact one task may report progress for some sequential (not nested) subtasks, # but here we will report training progress only. progress = sly.progress_counter_train(cnt_epochs, cnt_iters_per_epoch) epoch_flt = 0 for epoch in range(cnt_epochs):"Epoch started", extra={'epoch': epoch}) for train_iter in range(cnt_iters_per_epoch):'Some forward-backward pass...') time.sleep(1) progress.iter_done_report( ) # call it after every iteration to report progress epoch_flt = sly.epoch_float(epoch, train_iter + 1, cnt_iters_per_epoch) # And we are to report some metrics if we want to observe those amazing charts in web panel. # Regrettably, only the fixed metric types may be displayed now: 'loss', 'accuracy' and 'dice'. metric_values_train = { 'loss': random.random(), 'my_metric': random.uniform(0, 100) } sly.report_metrics_training(epoch_flt, metric_values_train)"Epoch finished", extra={'epoch': epoch}) # Validation is not necessary but may be performed. So let's imitate validation..."Validation...") time.sleep(2) # Metrics for validation may also be reported. metric_values_val = { 'loss': random.random(), 'my_metric': random.uniform(0, 20) } sly.report_metrics_validation(epoch_flt, metric_values_val) # Save trained model weights when you want. # Model weights (checkpoint) should be written into directory provided by sly checkpoints_saver. # Content of the directory is entirely dependent on model implementation. cur_checkpoint_dir = checkpoints_saver.get_dir_to_write() dump_fake_model(cur_checkpoint_dir, model) checkpoints_saver.saved(is_best=True, optional_data={ 'epoch': epoch_flt, 'val_metrics': metric_values_val }) # It is necessary to call checkpoints_saver.saved after saving. # By default new model will be created from the best checkpoint over the whole training # (which is determined by "is_best" flag). # Some optional info may be provided. It will be linked with the checkpoint # and may help to distinguish checkpoints from same training. # Thank you for your patience.'Training finished')