def main(addon): umountfloppy() print("Floppy disk driver v1.0") eeprom = create_eeprom(addon) fs = mount_eeprom(eeprom, "/floppy") print("Floppy label:", fs.label) print("Files:", os.listdir('/floppy')) print("Free space", free_bytes(fs)) if isdir('/viral'): print("Copying files to floppy") prepare_floppy('/viral', fs) storage.umount('/floppy') print("Floppy ready!") else: if isfile('/floppy/'): supervisor.disable_autoreload() try: __import__('/floppy/main') except Exception as err: print("Floppy error: {}".format(err)) finally: supervisor.enable_autoreload()
defaultDelay = int(line[13:]) * 10 elif (line[0:3] == "LED"): if (led.value == True): led.value = False else: led.value = True else: newScriptLine = convertLine(line) runScriptLine(newScriptLine) kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices) layout = KeyboardLayout(kbd) # turn off automatically reloading when files are written to the pico supervisor.disable_autoreload() # sleep at the start to allow the device to be recognized by the host computer time.sleep(.5) led_pwm_up(led) def getProgrammingStatus(): # check GP0 for setup mode # see setup mode for instructions progStatusPin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(GP0) progStatusPin.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) progStatus = not progStatusPin.value return (progStatus)