コード例 #1
def get_subarea_fields(SUBAREA_FILE_LOCAL):
        line_2 = ""
        line_3 = ""
        with open(SUBAREA_FILE_LOCAL, 'r') as file:
            data = file.readlines()
        line_2 = data[2]
        line_3 = data[3]
        line_2 = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_2)
        line_3 = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_3)
        data_line_2 = line_2.split(" ")
        data_line_3 = line_3.split(" ")

        aspect_value = data_line_2[4]
        slope_value = data_line_3[5]
        print aspect_value
        print slope_value    
        return [aspect_value,slope_value]
    except Exception, err:
        print err
        return [0,0]   
コード例 #2
def find_line_data_fit(data,begin,end,key):
    for i in range(begin,end):
        line = data[i]
        line = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line)
        data_con = line.split(" ")
        if (checking_key(data_con[1], key)):
            return line
    return None
コード例 #3
def get_crop_scenarion_data(OUT_M_FILE):
    line_cropyield_YLDG = ""
    line_Q_Y = ""
    with open(OUT_M_FILE, 'r') as file:
        data = file.readlines()
    if (len(data) > 7644):
       consider_index_line_YLDG = 7644
       consider_index_line_YLDG = 0 
    line_checking = data[consider_index_line_YLDG]
    if (checking_key(line_checking[0:40], "AVE ANNUAL CROP YLD DATA") == 1):
       print "===[Good] : Find line contain data CROP SCENARIO - YLDG fast => Read immediately" 
       line_root_YLDG = data[consider_index_line_YLDG + 1]
       line_cropyield_YLDG = data[consider_index_line_YLDG + 3]
       print "===[Warning] : Line %d does not contain data => Need to loop all line" % (consider_index_line_YLDG)
       [line_checking,index] = find_data_2(data, "AVE ANNUAL CROP YLD DATA")
       if (checking_key(line_checking[0:40], "AVE ANNUAL CROP YLD DATA") == 1):
           print "===Retry to find data===" 
           line_root_YLDG = data[index + 1]
           line_cropyield_YLDG = data[index + 3]
           #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
           value_crop_yield_YLDG = 0.0
    #Q - Y Runoff
    if (len(data) >= 7703):   
       consider_index_line_Q_Y = 7703
       consider_index_line_Q_Y = 0 
    line_checking = data[consider_index_line_Q_Y]
    if (checking_key(line_checking, "AVE ANNUAL DATA") == 1):
       print "===[Good] : Find line contain data CROP SCENARIO - Q and Y fast => Read immediately" 
       line_root_Q_Y = data[consider_index_line_Q_Y + 1]
       line_Q_Y = data[consider_index_line_Q_Y + 3]
       print "===[Warning] : Line %d does not contain data => Need to loop all line" % (consider_index_line_Q_Y)
       [line_checking,index] = find_data(data, "AVE ANNUAL DATA")
       if (checking_key(line_checking, "AVE ANNUAL DATA") == 1):
           print "===Retry to find data===" 
           line_root_Q_Y = data[index + 1]
           line_Q_Y = data[index + 3]
           #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
           value_Q = 0.0
           value_Y = 0.0
    #Get Data YLDG
    if (line_root_YLDG is None):
        value_crop_yield_YLDG = 0.0
        line_root_YLDG = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_root_YLDG)
        data_root_YLDG = line_root_YLDG.split(" ")
    if (line_cropyield_YLDG is None):
        value_crop_yield_YLDG = 0.0
        line_cropyield_YLDG = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_cropyield_YLDG)
        print line_cropyield_YLDG + "\n"
        data_YLDG = line_cropyield_YLDG.split(" ")
        if (data_root_YLDG[1].strip().upper() == "YLDG"):
            value_crop_yield_YLDG = data_YLDG[1].strip()
            value_crop_yield_YLDG = 0.0
            index_yldg = find_index(data_root_YLDG, "YLDG")
            if (index_yldg is None):
                value_crop_yield_YLDG = 0.0
                value_crop_yield_YLDG = data_YLDG[index_yldg].strip()
        value_crop_yield_YLDG = value_crop_yield_YLDG.replace('/','')
        print "=============Crop YLDG value  :" + value_crop_yield_YLDG
    #Get Data Q Y
    if (line_root_Q_Y is None):
        value_Q = 0.0
        value_Y = 0.0
        line_root_Q_Y = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_root_Q_Y)
        data_root_Q_Y = line_root_Q_Y.split(" ")
    if (line_Q_Y is None):
        value_Q = 0.0
        value_Y = 0.0
        line_Q_Y = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_Q_Y)
        print line_Q_Y + "\n"
        data_Q_Y = line_Q_Y.split(" ")
        if (data_root_Q_Y[3].strip().upper() == "Q"):
            value_Q = data_Q_Y[5].strip()
            value_Q = 0.0
            index_Q = find_index(data_root_Q_Y, "Q")
            if (index_Q is None):
                value_Q = 0.0
                value_Q = data_Q_Y[index_Q + 2].strip()              
        print "=============Crop Q value  :" + value_Q 
        if (data_root_Q_Y[8].strip().upper() == "Y"):
            value_Y = data_Q_Y[10].strip()
            value_Y = 0.0
            index_Y = find_index(data_root_Q_Y, "Y")
            if (index_Y is None):
                index_Y = 0.0
                value_Y = data_Q_Y[index_Y + 2].strip()
        print "=============Crop Q value  :" + value_Y
    return [value_crop_yield_YLDG,value_Q,value_Y]
コード例 #4
def get_grass_scenarion_data(OUT_G_FILE):
    line_forageyield_YLDF = ""
    line_Q_Y = ""
    with open(OUT_G_FILE, 'r') as file:
        data = file.readlines()
    if (len(data) > 7160):
       consider_index_line_YLDF = 7160
       consider_index_line_YLDF = 0 
    line_checking = data[consider_index_line_YLDF]
    if (checking_key(line_checking[0:40], "AVE ANNUAL CROP YLD DATA") == 1):
       print "===[Good] : Find line contain data GRASS SCENARIO - YLDF fast => Read immediately" 
       line_root_YLDF = data[consider_index_line_YLDF + 1]
       line_forageyield_YLDF = data[consider_index_line_YLDF + 3]
       print "===[Warning] : Line %d does not contain data => Need to loop all line" % (consider_index_line_YLDF)
       [line_checking,index] = find_data_2(data, "AVE ANNUAL CROP YLD DATA")
       if (checking_key(line_checking[0:40], "AVE ANNUAL CROP YLD DATA") == 1):
           print "===Retry to find data===" 
           line_root_YLDF = data[index + 1]
           line_forageyield_YLDF = data[index + 3]
           #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
           value_forage_yield_YLDF = 0.0
    #Q - Y Runoff
    if (len(data) >= 7218):   
       consider_index_line_Q_Y = 7218
       consider_index_line_Q_Y = 0 
    line_checking = data[consider_index_line_Q_Y]
    if (checking_key(line_checking, "AVE ANNUAL DATA") == 1):
       print "===[Good] : Find line contain data GRASS SCENARIO - Q and Y fast => Read immediately" 
       line_root_Q_Y = data[consider_index_line_Q_Y + 1]
       line_Q_Y = data[consider_index_line_Q_Y + 3]
       print "===[Warning] : Line %d does not contain data => Need to loop all line" % (consider_index_line_Q_Y)
       [line_checking,index] = find_data(data, "AVE ANNUAL DATA")
       if (checking_key(line_checking, "AVE ANNUAL DATA") == 1):
           print "===Retry to find data===" 
           line_root_Q_Y = data[index + 1]
           line_Q_Y = data[index + 3]
           #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
           value_Q = 0.0
           value_Y = 0.0
    #Get Data YLDG
    if (line_root_YLDF is None):
        value_forage_yield_YLDF = 0.0
        line_root_YLDF = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_root_YLDF)
        data_root_YLDF = line_root_YLDF.split(" ")
    if (line_forageyield_YLDF is None):
        value_forage_yield_YLDF = 0.0
        line_forageyield_YLDF = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_forageyield_YLDF)
        print line_forageyield_YLDF + "\n"
        data_YLDF = line_forageyield_YLDF.split(" ")
        if (data_root_YLDF[2].strip().upper() == "YLDF"):
            value_forage_yield_YLDF = data_YLDF[2].strip()
            value_forage_yield_YLDF = 0.0
            index_yldf = find_index(data_root_YLDF, "YLDF")
            if (index_yldf is None):
                value_forage_yield_YLDF = 0.0
                value_forage_yield_YLDF = data_YLDF[index_yldf].strip()
        value_forage_yield_YLDF = value_forage_yield_YLDF.replace('/','')
        print "=============Grass YLDG value  :" + value_forage_yield_YLDF
    #Get Data Q Y
    if (line_root_Q_Y is None):
        value_Q = 0.0
        value_Y = 0.0
        line_root_Q_Y = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_root_Q_Y)
        data_root_Q_Y = line_root_Q_Y.split(" ")
    if (line_Q_Y is None):
        value_Q = 0.0
        value_Y = 0.0
        line_Q_Y = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_Q_Y)
        print line_Q_Y + "\n"
        data_Q_Y = line_Q_Y.split(" ")
        if (data_root_Q_Y[3].strip().upper() == "Q"):
            value_Q = data_Q_Y[5].strip()
            value_Q = 0.0
            index_Q = find_index(data_root_Q_Y, "Q")
            if (index_Q is None):
                value_Q = 0.0
                value_Q = data_Q_Y[index_Q + 2].strip()              
        print "=============Grass Q value  :" + value_Q 
        if (data_root_Q_Y[8].strip().upper() == "Y"):
            value_Y = data_Q_Y[10].strip()
            value_Y = 0.0
            index_Y = find_index(data_root_Q_Y, "Y")
            if (index_Y is None):
                index_Y = 0.0
                value_Y = data_Q_Y[index_Y + 2].strip()
        print "=============Grass Q value  :" + value_Y
    return [value_forage_yield_YLDF,value_Q,value_Y]
コード例 #5
def get_weather_data_fields(APEX_OUT_FILE_LOCAL):
    line_TMX = ""
    line_TMN = ""
    line_PRCP = ""
    line_DAYP = ""
    line_SRAD = ""

    with open(APEX_OUT_FILE_LOCAL, 'r') as file:
        data = file.readlines()
    if (APEX_TYPE == 'G'):    
        consider_index_line = 108
    elif (APEX_TYPE == 'M'):
        consider_index_line = 214
        consider_index_line = 108
    line_checking = data[consider_index_line]
    if (checking_key(line_checking, "WEATHER DATA") == 1 and len(data) >= 240):
       print "===[Good] : Find line contain data Weather Data fast => Read immediately" 
       line_TMX = data[consider_index_line + 11]
       line_TMN = data[consider_index_line + 12]
       line_PRCP = data[consider_index_line + 15]
       line_DAYP = data[consider_index_line + 20]
       line_SRAD = data[consider_index_line + 22]
       print "===[Warning] : Line %d does not contain data => Need to loop all line" % (consider_index_line)
       [line_checking,index] = find_data(data, "WEATHER DATA")
       if (checking_key(line_checking, "WEATHER DATA") == 1):
           print "===Retry to find data" 
           line_TMX = data[index + 11]
           line_TMN = data[index + 12]
           line_PRCP = data[index + 15]
           line_DAYP = data[index + 20]
           line_SRAD = data[index + 22]
           sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
    #Get Data TMX
    if (line_TMX is None):
        sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        line_TMX = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_TMX)
        print line_TMX + "\n"
        data_TMX = line_TMX.split(" ")
        if (check_data(data_TMX,"TMX") == 1):
            value_TMX_year = data_TMX[len(data_TMX)-2]
            sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        print "=============TMX value  :" + value_TMX_year
    #Get Data TMN
    if (line_TMN is None):
        sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        line_TMN = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_TMN)
        print line_TMN + "\n"
        data_TMN = line_TMN.split(" ")
        if (check_data(data_TMN,"TMN") == 1):
            value_TMN_year = data_TMN[len(data_TMN)-2]
            sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        print "=============TMN value  :" + value_TMN_year
    #Get data PRCP
    if (line_PRCP is None):
        sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        line_PRCP = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_PRCP)
        print line_PRCP + "\n"
        data_PRCP = line_PRCP.split(" ")
        if (check_data(data_PRCP,"PRCP") == 1):
            value_PRCP_year = data_PRCP[len(data_PRCP)-2]
            sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        print "=============PRCP value  :" + value_PRCP_year
    #Get data DAYP
    if (line_DAYP is None):
        sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        line_DAYP = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_DAYP)
        print line_DAYP + "\n"
        data_DAYP = line_DAYP.split(" ")
        if (check_data(data_DAYP,"DAYP") == 1):
            value_DAYP_year = data_DAYP[len(data_DAYP)-2]
            sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        print "=============DAYP value  :" + value_DAYP_year
    #Get Data SRAD
    if (line_SRAD is None):
        sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        line_SRAD = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_SRAD)
        print line_SRAD + "\n"
        data_SRAD = line_SRAD.split(" ")
        if (check_data(data_SRAD,"SRAD") == 1):
            value_SRAD_year = data_SRAD[len(data_SRAD)-2]
            sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Weather Data")
        print "=============SRAD value  :" + value_SRAD_year
    return [value_TMX_year,value_TMN_year,value_PRCP_year,value_DAYP_year,value_SRAD_year]  
コード例 #6
def get_soil_data_fields(APEX_OUT_FILE_LOCAL):
    line_10_sand_clay = ""
    line_10_ph_org = ""
    line_50_sand_clay = ""
    line_50_ph_org = ""
    line_100_sand_clay = ""
    line_100_ph_org= ""
    #Additional data
    line_1_data = ""
    line_15_data = ""
    line_20_data = ""
    line_28_data = ""
    line_35_data = ""
    line_43_data = ""
    line_70_data = ""
    line_120_data = ""
    with open(APEX_OUT_FILE_LOCAL, 'r') as file:
        data = file.readlines()
    if (APEX_TYPE == 'G'):    
        consider_index_line = 245
    elif (APEX_TYPE == 'M'):
        consider_index_line = 351
        consider_index_line = 245
    line_checking = data[consider_index_line]
    if (checking_key(line_checking, "SOIL PHYSICAL DATA") == 1 and len(data) >= 400):
       print "===[Good] : Find line contain data Soil Data fast => Read immediately" 
       #line_10_sand_clay = data[consider_index_line + 6]
       line_10_sand_clay = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.10")
       #line_50_sand_clay = data[consider_index_line + 11]
       line_50_sand_clay = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.50")
       #line_100_sand_clay = data[consider_index_line + 13]
       line_100_sand_clay = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "1.00")
       #Additinal data
       line_1_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.01")
       line_15_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.15")
       line_20_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.20")
       line_28_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.28")
       line_35_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.35")
       line_43_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.43")
       line_70_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.70")
       line_120_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "1.20")
       line_root =  data[consider_index_line + 3]
       print "===[Warning] : Line %d does not contain data => Need to loop all line" % (consider_index_line)
       [line_checking,index] = find_data(data, "SOIL PHYSICAL DATA")
       if (checking_key(line_checking, "SOIL PHYSICAL DATA") == 1):
           print "===Retry to find data" 
           #line_10_sand_clay = data[index + 6]
           line_10_sand_clay = find_line_data_fit(data, index + 4, index + 15, "0.10")
           #line_50_sand_clay = data[index + 11]
           line_50_sand_clay = find_line_data_fit(data, index + 4, index + 15, "0.50")
           #line_100_sand_clay = data[index + 13]
           line_100_sand_clay = find_line_data_fit(data, index + 4, index + 15, "1.00")
           #Additinal data
           line_1_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.01")
           line_15_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.15")
           line_20_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.20")
           line_28_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.28")
           line_35_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.35")
           line_43_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.43")
           line_70_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.70")
           line_120_data = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "1.20")
           line_root =  data[index + 3]
           sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Data")
    #Get Data Line 10 Sand Clay
    line_root = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_root)
    data_root = line_root.split(" ")
    # Layer 1: 0.01 m
    if (line_1_data is None):
        #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Data")
        value_awc_1 = 0.0
        line_1_data = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_1_data)
        print "==1 Sand Clay : " + line_1_data + "\n"
        data_1_data = line_1_data.split(" ")
        if (check_data_soil(data_root,"FC",3) == 1) and (check_data_soil(data_root,"WP",4) == 1):
                value_awc_1 = float(data_1_data[3]) - float(data_1_data[4])
            except Exception,err:
                value_awc_1 = 0.0    
コード例 #7
def get_soil_chemical_fields(APEX_OUT_FILE_LOCAL):
    line_10_ph_org = ""
    line_50_ph_org = ""
    line_100_ph_org= ""
    with open(APEX_OUT_FILE_LOCAL, 'r') as file:
        data = file.readlines()
    if (APEX_TYPE == 'G'):    
        consider_index_line = 275
    elif (APEX_TYPE == 'M'):
        consider_index_line = 381
        consider_index_line = 275
    line_checking = data[consider_index_line]
    if (checking_key(line_checking, "SOIL CHEMICAL DATA") == 1 and len(data) >= 400):
       print "===[Good] : Find line contain data Soil Chemical fast => Read immediately" 
       #line_10_ph_org = data[consider_index_line + 6]
       line_10_ph_org = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.10")
       #line_50_ph_org = data[consider_index_line + 11]
       line_50_ph_org = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "0.50")
       #line_100_ph_org = data[consider_index_line + 13]
       line_100_ph_org = find_line_data_fit(data, consider_index_line + 4, consider_index_line + 15, "1.00")
       line_root =  data[consider_index_line + 3]
       print "===[Warning] : Line %d does not contain data => Need to loop all line" % (consider_index_line)
       [line_checking,index] = find_data(data, "SOIL CHEMICAL DATA")
       if (checking_key(line_checking, "SOIL CHEMICAL DATA") == 1):
           print "===Retry to find data" 
           #line_10_ph_org = data[index + 6]
           #line_50_ph_org = data[index + 11]
           #line_100_ph_org = data[index + 13]
           line_10_ph_org = find_line_data_fit(data, index + 4, index + 15, "0.10")
           line_50_ph_org = find_line_data_fit(data, index + 4, index + 15, "0.50")
           line_100_ph_org = find_line_data_fit(data, index + 4, index + 15, "1.00")
           line_root =  data[index + 3]
           sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Data")    
    line_root = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_root)
    data_root = line_root.split(" ")
    if (line_10_ph_org is None):
        #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Chemical")
        value_ph_10 = 0.0
        value_org_10 = 0.0
        value_cec_10 = 0.0
        line_10_ph_org = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_10_ph_org)
        print "==10 Ph ORG : " + line_10_ph_org + "\n"
        data_10_ph_org = line_10_ph_org.split(" ")
        if (check_data_soil(data_root,"PH",2) == 1):
            value_ph_10 = data_10_ph_org[2]
            value_org_10 = data_10_ph_org[14]
            value_cec_10 = data_10_ph_org[4]
            sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Chemical====")
        print "=============Ph , ORG C 10, CEC 10  : %s , %s, %s" %(str(value_ph_10), str(value_org_10), str(value_cec_10))
    if (line_50_ph_org is None):
        #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Chemical")
        value_ph_50 = 0.0
        value_org_50 = 0.0
        value_cec_50 = 0.0
        line_50_ph_org = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_50_ph_org)
        print "==50 Ph ORG : " + line_50_ph_org + "\n"
        data_50_ph_org = line_50_ph_org.split(" ")
        if (check_data_soil(data_root,"PH",2) == 1):
            value_ph_50 = data_50_ph_org[2]
            value_org_50 = data_50_ph_org[14]
            value_cec_50 = data_50_ph_org[4]
            sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Chemical====")
        print "=============Ph , ORG C , CEC 50  : %s , %s , %s" %(str(value_ph_50), str(value_org_50), str(value_cec_50))       
    if (line_100_ph_org is None):
        #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Chemical")
        value_ph_100 = 0.0
        value_org_100 = 0.0
        value_cec_100 = 0.0
        line_100_ph_org = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_100_ph_org)
        print "==100 Ph ORG : " + line_100_ph_org + "\n"
        data_100_ph_org = line_100_ph_org.split(" ")
        if (check_data_soil(data_root,"PH",2) == 1):
            value_ph_100 = data_100_ph_org[2]
            value_org_100 = data_100_ph_org[14]
            value_cec_100 = data_100_ph_org[4]
            sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Chemical====")
        print "=============Ph , ORG C , CEC 100  : %s , %s , %s" %(str(value_ph_100), str(value_org_100), str(value_cec_100))
    return [value_ph_10, value_org_10, value_ph_50, value_org_50, value_ph_100, value_org_100, value_cec_10, value_cec_50, value_cec_100]     
コード例 #8
     print "==1 Sand Clay : " + line_1_data + "\n"
     data_1_data = line_1_data.split(" ")
     if (check_data_soil(data_root,"FC",3) == 1) and (check_data_soil(data_root,"WP",4) == 1):
             value_awc_1 = float(data_1_data[3]) - float(data_1_data[4])
         except Exception,err:
             value_awc_1 = 0.0    
         sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Data====")
     print "=============AWC 1  : %s " %(str(value_awc_1))
 # Layer 3: 0.15 m
 if (line_15_data is None):
     #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Data")
     value_awc_15 = 0.0
     line_15_data = support_Apex_Sensitivity.standard_string(line_15_data)
     print "==15 Sand Clay : " + line_15_data + "\n"
     data_15_data = line_15_data.split(" ")
     if (check_data_soil(data_root,"FC",3) == 1) and (check_data_soil(data_root,"WP",4) == 1):
             value_awc_15 = float(data_15_data[3]) - float(data_15_data[4])
         except Exception,err:
             value_awc_15 = 0.0    
         sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Data====")
     print "=============AWC 15  : %s " %(str(value_awc_15))
 # Layer 3: 0.20 m
 if (line_20_data is None):
     #sys.exit("Error : Please check output data file. System cannot find Soil Data")
     value_awc_20 = 0.0