def build_slave(src_feed, archive_file, archive_dir_public_url, target_feed): try: COMPILE = [os.environ['0COMPILE']] except KeyError: # (build slave has an old 0release) COMPILE = [ '0launch', '--not-before=1.2', '' ] feed = support.load_feed(src_feed) src_feed = os.path.abspath(src_feed) archive_file = os.path.abspath(archive_file) target_feed = os.path.abspath(target_feed) impl, = feed.implementations.values() tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='0release-') try: os.chdir(tmpdir) depdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dependencies') os.mkdir(depdir) support.unpack_tarball(archive_file) portable_rename(impl.download_sources[0].extract, os.path.join(depdir, config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.add_section('compile') config.set('compile', 'download-base-url', archive_dir_public_url) config.set('compile', 'version-modifier', '') config.set('compile', 'interface', src_feed) config.set('compile', 'selections', '') config.set('compile', 'metadir', '0install') stream = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, ''), 'w') try: config.write(stream) finally: stream.close() support.check_call(COMPILE + ['build'], cwd=tmpdir) support.check_call(COMPILE + ['publish', '--target-feed', target_feed], cwd=tmpdir) # TODO: run unit-tests feed = support.load_feed(target_feed) impl = support.get_singleton_impl(feed) archive_file = support.get_archive_basename(impl) shutil.move(archive_file, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(target_feed), archive_file)) except: print "\nLeaving temporary directory %s for inspection...\n" % tmpdir raise else: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def build_slave(src_feed, archive_file, archive_dir_public_url, target_feed): try: COMPILE = [os.environ['0COMPILE']] except KeyError: # (build slave has an old 0release) COMPILE = ['0launch', '--not-before=0.30', ''] feed = support.load_feed(src_feed) src_feed = os.path.abspath(src_feed) archive_file = os.path.abspath(archive_file) target_feed = os.path.abspath(target_feed) impl, = feed.implementations.values() tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = '0release-') try: os.chdir(tmpdir) depdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dependencies') os.mkdir(depdir) support.unpack_tarball(archive_file) portable_rename(impl.download_sources[0].extract, os.path.join(depdir, config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.add_section('compile') config.set('compile', 'download-base-url', archive_dir_public_url) config.set('compile', 'version-modifier', '') config.set('compile', 'interface', src_feed) config.set('compile', 'selections', '') config.set('compile', 'metadir', '0install') stream = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, ''), 'w') try: config.write(stream) finally: stream.close() support.check_call(COMPILE + ['build'], cwd = tmpdir) support.check_call(COMPILE + ['publish', '--target-feed', target_feed], cwd = tmpdir) # TODO: run unit-tests feed = support.load_feed(target_feed) impl = support.get_singleton_impl(feed) archive_file = support.get_archive_basename(impl) shutil.move(archive_file, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(target_feed), archive_file)) except: print "\nLeaving temporary directory %s for inspection...\n" % tmpdir raise else: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def release_without_0repo(archive_file, new_impls_feed): assert options.master_feed_file if not options.archive_dir_public_url: raise SafeException("Archive directory public URL is not set! Edit configuration and try again.") if status.updated_master_feed: print "Already added to master feed. Not changing." else: publish_opts = {} if os.path.exists(options.master_feed_file): # Check we haven't already released this version master = support.load_feed(os.path.realpath(options.master_feed_file)) existing_releases = [impl for impl in master.implementations.values() if impl.get_version() == status.release_version] if len(existing_releases): raise SafeException("Master feed %s already contains an implementation with version number %s!" % (options.master_feed_file, status.release_version)) previous_release = get_previous_release(status.release_version) previous_testing_releases = [impl for impl in master.implementations.values() if impl.get_version() == previous_release and impl.upstream_stability == model.stability_levels["testing"]] if previous_testing_releases: print "The previous release, version %s, is still marked as 'testing'. Set to stable?" % previous_release if support.get_choice(['Yes', 'No']) == 'Yes': publish_opts['select_version'] = previous_release publish_opts['set_stability'] = "stable" support.publish(options.master_feed_file, local = new_impls_feed, xmlsign = True, key = options.key, **publish_opts) status.updated_master_feed = 'true' # Copy files... uploads = [os.path.basename(archive_file)] for b in compiler.get_binary_feeds(): binary_feed = support.load_feed(b) impl, = binary_feed.implementations.values() uploads.append(os.path.basename(impl.download_sources[0].url)) upload_archives(options, status, uploads) feed_base = os.path.dirname(list(local_feed.feed_for)[0]) feed_files = [options.master_feed_file] print "Upload %s into %s" % (', '.join(feed_files), feed_base) cmd = options.master_feed_upload_command.strip() if cmd: support.show_and_run(cmd, feed_files) else: print "NOTE: No feed upload command set => you'll have to upload them yourself!"
def build_binaries(self): if not self.targets: return print "Source package, so generating binaries..." archive_file = support.get_archive_basename(self.src_impl) for target in self.targets: start = self.get('builder-' + target, 'start', None) command = self.config.get('builder-' + target, 'build') stop = self.get('builder-' + target, 'stop', None) binary_feed = 'binary-' + target + '.xml' if os.path.exists(binary_feed): print "Feed %s already exists; not rebuilding" % binary_feed else: print "\nBuilding binary with builder '%s' ...\n" % target if start: support.show_and_run(start, []) try: args = [ os.path.basename(self.src_feed_name), archive_file, self.archive_dir_public_url, binary_feed + '.new' ] if not command: assert target == 'host', 'Missing build command' support.check_call( [sys.executable, sys.argv[0], '--build-slave'] + args) else: support.show_and_run(command, args) finally: if stop: support.show_and_run(stop, []) bin_feed = support.load_feed(binary_feed + '.new') bin_impl = support.get_singleton_impl(bin_feed) bin_archive_file = support.get_archive_basename(bin_impl) bin_size = bin_impl.download_sources[0].size assert os.path.exists( bin_archive_file ), "Compiled binary '%s' not found!" % os.path.abspath( bin_archive_file) assert os.path.getsize( bin_archive_file ) == bin_size, "Compiled binary '%s' has wrong size!" % os.path.abspath( bin_archive_file) portable_rename(binary_feed + '.new', binary_feed)
def __init__(self, options, src_feed_name, release_version): self.src_feed_name = src_feed_name self.src_feed = support.load_feed(src_feed_name) self.archive_dir_public_url = support.get_archive_url( options, release_version, '') self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() # Start with a default configuration self.config.add_section('global') self.config.set('global', 'builders', 'host') self.config.add_section('builder-host') #self.config.set('builder-host', 'build', '0launch --not-before 0.10 --build-slave "$@"') self.config.set('builder-host', 'build', '') self.src_impl = support.get_singleton_impl(self.src_feed) if self.src_impl.arch and self.src_impl.arch.endswith('-src'): path = basedir.load_first_config('', '0release', 'builders.conf') if path: info("Loading configuration file '%s'", path) else: info( "No builders.conf configuration; will build a binary for this host only" ) if is not None: builders = else: builders = self.config.get('global', 'builders').strip() if builders: self.targets = [x.strip() for x in builders.split(',')] info("%d build targets configured: %s", len(self.targets), self.targets) else: self.targets = [] info("No builders set; no binaries will be built") else: self.targets = []
def build_binaries(self): if not self.targets: return print "Source package, so generating binaries..." archive_file = support.get_archive_basename(self.src_impl) for target in self.targets: start = self.get('builder-' + target, 'start', None) command = self.config.get('builder-' + target, 'build') stop = self.get('builder-' + target, 'stop', None) binary_feed = 'binary-' + target + '.xml' if os.path.exists(binary_feed): print "Feed %s already exists; not rebuilding" % binary_feed else: print "\nBuilding binary with builder '%s' ...\n" % target if start: support.show_and_run(start, []) try: args = [os.path.basename(self.src_feed_name), archive_file, self.archive_dir_public_url, binary_feed + '.new'] if not command: assert target == 'host', 'Missing build command' support.check_call([sys.executable, sys.argv[0], '--build-slave'] + args) else: support.show_and_run(command, args) finally: if stop: support.show_and_run(stop, []) bin_feed = support.load_feed(binary_feed + '.new') bin_impl = support.get_singleton_impl(bin_feed) bin_archive_file = support.get_archive_basename(bin_impl) bin_size = bin_impl.download_sources[0].size assert os.path.exists(bin_archive_file), "Compiled binary '%s' not found!" % os.path.abspath(bin_archive_file) assert os.path.getsize(bin_archive_file) == bin_size, "Compiled binary '%s' has wrong size!" % os.path.abspath(bin_archive_file) portable_rename(binary_feed + '.new', binary_feed)
def __init__(self, options, src_feed_name, release_version): self.src_feed_name = src_feed_name self.src_feed = support.load_feed(src_feed_name) self.archive_dir_public_url = support.get_archive_url(options, release_version, '') self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() # Start with a default configuration self.config.add_section('global') self.config.set('global', 'builders', 'host') self.config.add_section('builder-host') #self.config.set('builder-host', 'build', '0launch --not-before 0.10 --build-slave "$@"') self.config.set('builder-host', 'build', '') self.src_impl = support.get_singleton_impl(self.src_feed) if self.src_impl.arch and self.src_impl.arch.endswith('-src'): path = basedir.load_first_config('', '0release', 'builders.conf') if path: info("Loading configuration file '%s'", path) else: info("No builders.conf configuration; will build a binary for this host only") if is not None: builders = else: builders = self.config.get('global', 'builders').strip() if builders: self.targets = [x.strip() for x in builders.split(',')] info("%d build targets configured: %s", len(self.targets), self.targets) else: self.targets = [] info("No builders set; no binaries will be built") else: self.targets = []
status.created_archive = 'true' if need_set_snapshot: set_to_snapshot(status.release_version + '-post') # Revert back to the original revision, so that any fixes the user makes # will get applied before the tag scm.reset_hard(scm.get_current_branch()) #backup_if_exists(archive_name) support.unpack_tarball(archive_file) extracted_feed_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(export_prefix, local_iface_rel_root_path)) assert os.path.isfile(extracted_feed_path), "Local feed not in archive! Is it under version control?" extracted_feed = support.load_feed(extracted_feed_path) extracted_impl = support.get_singleton_impl(extracted_feed) if extracted_impl.main: # Find main executable, relative to the archive root abs_main = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(extracted_feed_path),, extracted_impl.main) main = os.path.relpath(abs_main, archive_name + os.sep) if main != extracted_impl.main: print "(adjusting main: '%s' for the feed inside the archive, '%s' externally)" % (extracted_impl.main, main) # XXX: this is going to fail if the feed uses the new <command> syntax if not os.path.exists(abs_main): raise SafeException("Main executable '%s' not found after unpacking archive!" % abs_main) if main == extracted_impl.main: main = None # Don't change the main attribute else: main = None