コード例 #1
ファイル: copysrc.py プロジェクト: talex5/0compile
def do_copy_src(args):
    if args:
        raise __main__.UsageError()

    buildenv = BuildEnv()

    src_impl = buildenv.chosen_impl(buildenv.interface)
    assert src_impl
    path = lookup(src_impl)
    assert path

    new_src = os.path.realpath('src')  # Just for better messages
    if os.path.exists(new_src):
        raise SafeException("Directory '%s' already exists!" % new_src)
    shutil.copytree(path, 'src', symlinks=True)
    # Make all files writable by the owner
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('src'):
        os.chmod(root, os.stat(root).st_mode | 0200)
        for f in files:
            path = os.path.join(root, f)
            if not os.path.islink(path):
                os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | 0200)

    print "Copied as '%s'" % new_src
コード例 #2
ファイル: copysrc.py プロジェクト: talex5/0compile
def do_diff(args):
    if args:
        raise __main__.UsageError()
    buildenv = BuildEnv()

    if not os.path.isdir('src'):
        raise SafeException('No local src directory to diff against!')
    new_src = os.path.realpath('src')

    src_impl = buildenv.chosen_impl(buildenv.interface)
    assert src_impl

    prog = find_in_path('diff')
    args = ['-ur', lookup(src_impl), new_src]

    status = os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, prog, [prog] + args)
    if status == 0:
        return False
    elif status == 1:
        return True
    elif status > 1:
        raise SafeException("Program '%s' failed with exit code %d" %
                            (prog, status))
    elif status < 0:
        raise SafeException("Program '%s' failed with signal %d" %
                            (prog, -status))
コード例 #3
def do_include_deps(args):
	buildenv = BuildEnv()

	depdir = os.path.realpath('dependencies')

	dirs_to_copy = []

	sels = buildenv.get_selections()
	for needed_iface in sels.selections:
		impl = buildenv.chosen_impl(needed_iface)
		assert impl
		if impl.local_path is not None:
			raise SafeException("Can't export '%s' as it's a local implementation (not supported yet; sorry)" % impl)
		if not impl.id.startswith('package:'):
	copied = 0
	for cached in dirs_to_copy:
		required_digest = os.path.basename(cached)
		target_impl_dir = os.path.join(depdir, required_digest)
		if not os.path.isdir(target_impl_dir):
			if required_digest.startswith('sha1='):
				shutil.copytree(cached, target_impl_dir)
				with open(os.path.join(cached, '.manifest'), 'rb') as stream:
					manifest_data = stream.read()
				manifest.copy_tree_with_verify(cached, depdir, manifest_data, required_digest)
			copied += 1

	print("Copied %d dependencies to %s (%d already there)" % (copied, depdir, len(dirs_to_copy) - copied))
コード例 #4
ファイル: copysrc.py プロジェクト: dabrahams/0compile
def do_diff(args):
	if args:
		raise __main__.UsageError()
	buildenv = BuildEnv()

	if not os.path.isdir('src'):
		raise SafeException('No local src directory to diff against!')
	new_src = os.path.realpath('src')

	src_impl = buildenv.chosen_impl(buildenv.interface)
	assert src_impl

	prog = find_in_path('diff')
	args = ['-ur', lookup(src_impl), new_src]

	status = os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, prog, [prog] + args)
	if status == 0:
		return False
	elif status == 1:
		return True
	elif status > 1:
		raise SafeException("Program '%s' failed with exit code %d" % (prog, status))
	elif status < 0:
		raise SafeException("Program '%s' failed with signal %d" % (prog, -status))
コード例 #5
ファイル: copysrc.py プロジェクト: dabrahams/0compile
def do_copy_src(args):
	if args:
		raise __main__.UsageError()

	buildenv = BuildEnv()

	src_impl = buildenv.chosen_impl(buildenv.interface)
	assert src_impl
	path = lookup(src_impl)
	assert path

	new_src = os.path.realpath('src')	# Just for better messages
	if os.path.exists(new_src):
		raise SafeException("Directory '%s' already exists!" % new_src)
	shutil.copytree(path, 'src', symlinks = True)
	# Make all files writable by the owner
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk('src'):
		os.chmod(root, os.stat(root).st_mode | 0200)
		for f in files:
			path = os.path.join(root, f)
			if not os.path.islink(path):
				os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | 0200)

	print "Copied as '%s'" % new_src
コード例 #6
ファイル: include_deps.py プロジェクト: dabrahams/0compile
def do_include_deps(args):
	buildenv = BuildEnv()

	depdir = os.path.realpath('dependencies')

	dirs_to_copy = []

	sels = buildenv.get_selections()
	for needed_iface in sels.selections:
		impl = buildenv.chosen_impl(needed_iface)
		assert impl
		if impl.local_path is not None:
			raise SafeException("Can't export '%s' as it's a local implementation (not supported yet; sorry)" % impl)
		if not impl.id.startswith('package:'):
	copied = 0
	for cached in dirs_to_copy:
		required_digest = os.path.basename(cached)
		target_impl_dir = os.path.join(depdir, required_digest)
		if not os.path.isdir(target_impl_dir):
			if required_digest.startswith('sha1='):
				shutil.copytree(cached, target_impl_dir)
				manifest_data = file(os.path.join(cached, '.manifest')).read()
				manifest.copy_tree_with_verify(cached, depdir, manifest_data, required_digest)
			copied += 1

	print "Copied %d dependencies to %s (%d already there)" % (copied, depdir, len(dirs_to_copy) - copied)
コード例 #7
def do_build_internal(options, args):
    # If a sandbox is being used, we're in it now.
    import getpass, socket

    buildenv = BuildEnv()
    sels = buildenv.get_selections()

    builddir = os.path.realpath('build')

    build_env_xml = join(buildenv.metadir, 'build-environment.xml')

    buildenv_doc = sels.toDOM()

    # Create build-environment.xml file
    root = buildenv_doc.documentElement
    info = buildenv_doc.createElementNS(XMLNS_0COMPILE, 'build-info')
    info.setAttributeNS(None, 'time', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').strip())
    info.setAttributeNS(None, 'host', socket.getfqdn())
    info.setAttributeNS(None, 'user', getpass.getuser())
    info.setAttributeNS(None, 'arch', '%s-%s' % (uname[0], uname[4]))
    stream = file(build_env_xml, 'w')
    buildenv_doc.writexml(stream, addindent="  ", newl="\n")

    # Create local binary interface file.
    # We use the main feed for the interface as the template for the name,
    # summary, etc (note: this is not necessarily the feed that contained
    # the source code).
    master_feed = iface_cache.get_feed(buildenv.interface)
    src_impl = buildenv.chosen_impl(buildenv.interface)
    write_sample_feed(buildenv, master_feed, src_impl)

    # Check 0compile is new enough
    min_version = model.parse_version(
        src_impl.attrs.get(XMLNS_0COMPILE + ' min-version', None))
    if min_version and min_version > model.parse_version(__main__.version):
        raise SafeException(
            "%s-%s requires 0compile >= %s, but we are only version %s" %
            (master_feed.get_name(), src_impl.version,
             model.format_version(min_version), __main__.version))

    # Create the patch
    patch_file = join(buildenv.metadir, 'from-%s.patch' % src_impl.version)
    if buildenv.user_srcdir:
        with open(patch_file, 'w') as stream:
            # (ignore errors; will already be shown on stderr)
                subprocess.call(["diff", "-urN", buildenv.orig_srcdir, 'src'],
            except OSError as ex:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: Failed to run 'diff': ", ex
        if os.path.getsize(patch_file) == 0:
    elif os.path.exists(patch_file):

    env('BUILDDIR', builddir)
    env('DISTDIR', buildenv.distdir)
    env('SRCDIR', buildenv.user_srcdir or buildenv.orig_srcdir)
    env('BINARYFEED', buildenv.local_iface_file)
    print "cd", builddir

    setup = CompileSetup(iface_cache.stores, sels)

    # These mappings are needed when mixing Zero Install -dev packages with
    # native package binaries.
    mappings = {}
    for impl in sels.selections.values():
        # Add mappings that have been set explicitly...
        new_mappings = impl.attrs.get(XMLNS_0COMPILE + ' lib-mappings', '')
        if new_mappings:
            new_mappings = new_mappings.split(' ')
            for mapping in new_mappings:
                assert ':' in mapping, "lib-mappings missing ':' in '%s' from '%s'" % (
                    mapping, impl.feed)
                name, major_version = mapping.split(':', 1)
                assert '/' not in mapping, "lib-mappings '%s' contains a / in the version number (from '%s')!" % (
                    mapping, impl.feed)
                if sys.platform == 'darwin':
                    mappings[name] = 'lib%s.%s.dylib' % (name, major_version)
                    mappings[name] = 'lib%s.so.%s' % (name, major_version)
        # Auto-detect required mappings where possible...
        # (if the -dev package is native, the symlinks will be OK)
        if not is_package_impl(impl):
            impl_path = lookup(impl)
            for libdirname in ['lib', 'usr/lib', 'lib64', 'usr/lib64']:
                libdir = os.path.join(impl_path, libdirname)
                if os.path.isdir(libdir):
                    find_broken_version_symlinks(libdir, mappings)

    if mappings:

    overrides_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['TMPDIR'], PKG_CONFIG_OVERRIDES)
    if os.path.isdir(overrides_dir):
        add_overrides = model.EnvironmentBinding('PKG_CONFIG_PATH',
        do_env_binding(add_overrides, os.environ['TMPDIR'])

    # Some programs want to put temporary build files in the source directory.
    # Make a copy of the source if needed.
    dup_src_type = src_impl.attrs.get(XMLNS_0COMPILE + ' dup-src', None)
    if dup_src_type == 'true':
        env('SRCDIR', builddir)
    elif dup_src_type:
        raise Exception("Unknown dup-src value '%s'" % dup_src_type)

    if options.shell:
        spawn_and_check(find_in_path('cmd' if os.name == 'nt' else 'sh'), [])
        command = sels.commands[0].qdom.attrs.get('shell-command', None)
        if command is None:
            # New style <command>
            prog_args = setup.build_command(sels.interface,
                                            sels.command) + args
            # Old style shell-command='...'
            if os.name == 'nt':
                prog_args = [
                    os.environ['0COMPILE_BASH'], '-eux', '-c', command
                ] + args
                prog_args = ['/bin/sh', '-c', command + ' "$@"', '-'] + args
            assert len(sels.commands) == 1

        # Remove any existing log files
        for log in ['build.log', 'build-success.log', 'build-failure.log']:
            if os.path.exists(log):

        # Run the command, copying output to a new log
        with open('build.log', 'w') as log:
            print >> log, "Build log for %s-%s" % (master_feed.get_name(),
            print >> log, "\nBuilt using 0compile-%s" % __main__.version
            print >> log, "\nBuild system: " + ', '.join(uname)
            print >> log, "\n%s:\n" % ENV_FILE
            with open(os.path.join(os.pardir, ENV_FILE)) as properties_file:
                shutil.copyfileobj(properties_file, log)


            if os.path.exists(patch_file):
                print >> log, "\nPatched with:\n"
                shutil.copyfileobj(file(patch_file), log)

            if command:
                print "Executing: " + command, args
                print >> log, "Executing: " + command, args
                print "Executing: " + str(prog_args)
                print >> log, "Executing: " + str(prog_args)

            # Tee the output to the console and to the log
            child = subprocess.Popen(prog_args,
            while True:
                data = os.read(child.stdout.fileno(), 100)
                if not data: break
            status = child.wait()
            failure = None
            if status == 0:
                print >> log, "Build successful"
            elif status > 0:
                failure = "Build failed with exit code %d" % status
                failure = "Build failure: exited due to signal %d" % (-status)
            if failure:
                print >> log, failure

        if failure:
            os.rename('build.log', 'build-failure.log')
            raise SafeException("Command '%s': %s" % (prog_args, failure))
            os.rename('build.log', 'build-success.log')
コード例 #8
ファイル: build.py プロジェクト: dabrahams/0compile
def do_build_internal(options, args):
	# If a sandbox is being used, we're in it now.
	import getpass, socket

	buildenv = BuildEnv()
	sels = buildenv.get_selections()

	builddir = os.path.realpath('build')

	build_env_xml = join(buildenv.metadir, 'build-environment.xml')

	buildenv_doc = sels.toDOM()

	# Create build-environment.xml file
	root = buildenv_doc.documentElement
	info = buildenv_doc.createElementNS(XMLNS_0COMPILE, 'build-info')
	info.setAttributeNS(None, 'time', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').strip())
	info.setAttributeNS(None, 'host', socket.getfqdn())
	info.setAttributeNS(None, 'user', getpass.getuser())
	info.setAttributeNS(None, 'arch', '%s-%s' % (uname[0], uname[4]))
	stream = file(build_env_xml, 'w')
	buildenv_doc.writexml(stream, addindent="  ", newl="\n")

	# Create local binary interface file.
	# We use the main feed for the interface as the template for the name,
	# summary, etc (note: this is not necessarily the feed that contained
	# the source code).
	master_feed = iface_cache.get_feed(buildenv.interface)
	src_impl = buildenv.chosen_impl(buildenv.interface)
	write_sample_feed(buildenv, master_feed, src_impl)

	# Check 0compile is new enough
	min_version = model.parse_version(src_impl.attrs.get(XMLNS_0COMPILE + ' min-version', None))
	if min_version and min_version > model.parse_version(__main__.version):
		raise SafeException("%s-%s requires 0compile >= %s, but we are only version %s" %
				(master_feed.get_name(), src_impl.version, model.format_version(min_version), __main__.version))

	# Create the patch
	patch_file = join(buildenv.metadir, 'from-%s.patch' % src_impl.version)
	if buildenv.user_srcdir:
		with open(patch_file, 'w') as stream:
			# (ignore errors; will already be shown on stderr)
				subprocess.call(["diff", "-urN", buildenv.orig_srcdir, 'src'], stdout = stream)
			except OSError as ex:
				print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: Failed to run 'diff': ", ex
		if os.path.getsize(patch_file) == 0:
	elif os.path.exists(patch_file):

	env('BUILDDIR', builddir)
	env('DISTDIR', buildenv.distdir)
	env('SRCDIR', buildenv.user_srcdir or buildenv.orig_srcdir)
	env('BINARYFEED', buildenv.local_iface_file)
	print "cd", builddir

	setup = CompileSetup(iface_cache.stores, sels)

	# These mappings are needed when mixing Zero Install -dev packages with
	# native package binaries.
	mappings = {}
	for impl in sels.selections.values():
		# Add mappings that have been set explicitly...
		new_mappings = impl.attrs.get(XMLNS_0COMPILE + ' lib-mappings', '')
		if new_mappings:
			new_mappings = new_mappings.split(' ')
			for mapping in new_mappings:
				assert ':' in mapping, "lib-mappings missing ':' in '%s' from '%s'" % (mapping, impl.feed)
				name, major_version = mapping.split(':', 1)
				assert '/' not in mapping, "lib-mappings '%s' contains a / in the version number (from '%s')!" % (mapping, impl.feed)
				if sys.platform == 'darwin':
					mappings[name] = 'lib%s.%s.dylib' % (name, major_version)
					mappings[name] = 'lib%s.so.%s' % (name, major_version)
		# Auto-detect required mappings where possible...
		# (if the -dev package is native, the symlinks will be OK)
		if not is_package_impl(impl):
			impl_path = lookup(impl)
			for libdirname in ['lib', 'usr/lib', 'lib64', 'usr/lib64']:
				libdir = os.path.join(impl_path, libdirname)
				if os.path.isdir(libdir):
					find_broken_version_symlinks(libdir, mappings)

	if mappings:

	overrides_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['TMPDIR'], PKG_CONFIG_OVERRIDES)
	if os.path.isdir(overrides_dir):
		add_overrides = model.EnvironmentBinding('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', PKG_CONFIG_OVERRIDES)
		do_env_binding(add_overrides, os.environ['TMPDIR'])

	# Some programs want to put temporary build files in the source directory.
	# Make a copy of the source if needed.
	dup_src_type = src_impl.attrs.get(XMLNS_0COMPILE + ' dup-src', None)
	if dup_src_type == 'true':
		env('SRCDIR', builddir)
	elif dup_src_type:
		raise Exception("Unknown dup-src value '%s'" % dup_src_type)

	if options.shell:
		spawn_and_check(find_in_path('cmd' if os.name == 'nt' else 'sh'), [])
		command = sels.commands[0].qdom.attrs.get('shell-command', None)
		if command is None:
			# New style <command>
			prog_args = setup.build_command(sels.interface, sels.command) + args
			# Old style shell-command='...'
			if os.name == 'nt':
				prog_args = ['cmd', '/c', command] + args
				prog_args = ['/bin/sh', '-c', command + ' "$@"', '-'] + args
			assert len(sels.commands) == 1

		# Remove any existing log files
		for log in ['build.log', 'build-success.log', 'build-failure.log']:
			if os.path.exists(log):

		# Run the command, copying output to a new log
		with open('build.log', 'w') as log:
			print >>log, "Build log for %s-%s" % (master_feed.get_name(),
			print >>log, "\nBuilt using 0compile-%s" % __main__.version
			print >>log, "\nBuild system: " + ', '.join(uname)
			print >>log, "\n%s:\n" % ENV_FILE
			with open(os.path.join(os.pardir, ENV_FILE)) as properties_file:
				shutil.copyfileobj(properties_file, log)


			if os.path.exists(patch_file):
				print >>log, "\nPatched with:\n"
				shutil.copyfileobj(file(patch_file), log)

			if command:
				print "Executing: " + command, args
				print >>log, "Executing: " + command, args
				print "Executing: " + str(prog_args)
				print >>log, "Executing: " + str(prog_args)

			# Tee the output to the console and to the log
			child = subprocess.Popen(prog_args, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
			while True:
				data = os.read(child.stdout.fileno(), 100)
				if not data: break
			status = child.wait()
			failure = None
			if status == 0:
				print >>log, "Build successful"
			elif status > 0:
				failure = "Build failed with exit code %d" % status
				failure = "Build failure: exited due to signal %d" % (-status)
			if failure:
				print >>log, failure

		if failure:
			os.rename('build.log', 'build-failure.log')
			raise SafeException("Command '%s': %s" % (prog_args, failure))
			os.rename('build.log', 'build-success.log')