コード例 #1
def getblockkey(s_keyname, s_block):
    if s_keyname == 'SURFACE':
        c_surface = surface.surface()
        return c_surface
    if s_keyname == 'UNIVERSE':
        c_universe = universe.universe()
        return c_universe
    if s_keyname == 'MATERIAL':
        c_material = material.material()
        return c_material

#    if s_keyname == 'CRITICALITY':
#        c_criticality = criticality.criticality()
#        c_criticality.readRMC(s_block)
#        return c_criticality
#    if s_keyname == 'PLOT':
#        c_plot = plot.plot()
#        c_plot.readRMC(s_block)
#        return c_plot
        return -1
コード例 #2
def ParabolicReflector(foc_z: float, n_in=10):
    surface_list = []
    """Make work both ways; start light at focus or start light incoming"""
    # Create a circular paraboloidal reflector along the z-axis with focus coordinate as given and vertex at origin
    # Focus is located at (0, 0, foc_z), foc_z = 1/(4a^2)
    # Equation of circular paraboloid: z = a(x^2 + y^2)
    a = .5 * math.sqrt(1 / foc_z)
    print("a: " + str(a))

    # First, create ray starting points and isotropic rays
    # Coordinates of startingpoint -- same for all rays
    x = 0
    y = 0

    n = n_in  # number of rays

    ray_startpoints = np.empty((n, 3))
    ray_startpoints[..., 0] = x
    ray_startpoints[..., 1] = y
    ray_startpoints[..., 2] = foc_z

    # rays = initial [forward direction (3), s1 polarization axis (3), s0, s1, s2, s3]
    # Let s0 be 1 and rays be unpolarized (other Stokes parameters = 0 + no polarization axis)
    test_rays = np.zeros((n, 10))
    test_rays[..., 3] = 1
    test_rays[..., 6] = 1

    # Assign initial forward directions in spherical coords for easier isotropism
    """These isotropic directions may be biased towards the origin, as they are not shifted for a non-origin starting point"""
    for i in range(n):
        azimuth = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
        ran_a = np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
        polar = np.arccos(ran_a)  # -1 < theta < 1 so random numbers are not biased towards the pole

        test_rays[i, 0] = np.sin(polar) * np.cos(azimuth)  # x
        test_rays[i, 1] = np.sin(polar) * np.sin(azimuth)  # y
        test_rays[i, 2] = np.cos(polar)  # z
    test_rays[0, 0] = 1
    test_rays[0, 1] = 0
    test_rays[0, 2] = -1
    test_rays[1, 0] = -1
    test_rays[1, 1] = 0
    test_rays[1, 2] = -1

    # Paraboloidal reflector consists of a single quadric surface
    reflector = surface.surface()
    reflector.description = "paraboloidal reflector with focus at (0, 0, " + str(foc_z) + ")"
    reflector.shape = 'quadsurface'
    reflector.param_list = [np.vstack(([a, 0, 0], [0, a, 0], [0, 0, 0])), np.array([0, 0, -1]), 0]
    reflector.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape((p[:, 2, :] >= 0) * (p[:, 2, :] < 10), (p.shape[0], -1)) # cut off paraboloid at z = 10cm
    reflector.n_outside = np.inf
    reflector.n_inside = 1
    reflector.surface_type = 'normal'
    reflector.absorption = 0

    return ray_startpoints, test_rays, surface_list
コード例 #3
    def add_surface(self, number, type_='standard', radius=1e10, thickness=0,\
                 conic=0, material='air', coating=None, semi_aperture=5, comment='',\
                 stop=False, *args, **kwargs):

        if stop:
            if self.stop is None:
                self.stop = number
                raise ValueError(
                    'Redefinition of stop position at surface %d' % number)

        self.num_surfaces += 1
        self.surface_list.append(surface(number, self.wavelengths_list, type_=type_,\
                                         radius=radius, thickness=thickness, conic=conic, material=material,\
                                         coating=coating, semi_aperture=semi_aperture, comment=comment,\
                                         stop=stop, *args, **kwargs))
コード例 #4
def createGeometry(gs):
    # Initialize some containers
    rays = []
    ray_startingpoints = []
    pixels = [
    ]  # This will return empty because none of the code in this example defines the pixels

    # some useful equations
    # n0 = index of refraction at known density
    # r = rho/rho0 (rho = density now, rho0 = density corresponding to n0)
    # returns index of refraction at density rho
    # clausius_mossotti = @(n0, r)(sqrt(((1 + 2*r).*n0.*n0 + 2 - 2*r)./((1 - r).*n0.*n0 + 2 + r)));

    # Calculate some dimensions based on the values provided by geospecs (gs). These may be useful for defining some geometry
    vp_s = (gs.vp_focuslen - gs.vp_nip_top) * np.sin(
        gs.vp_theta)  # % radial position of air-side center of viewport
    vp_elev = (gs.vp_focuslen - gs.vp_nip_top) * np.cos(
    ) + gs.vp_focuselev  # % vertical position of air-side center of viewport

    t_o = np.array([0, gs.ojar_thick])
    t_i = np.array([0, gs.ijar_thick])

    r1 = np.array([gs.ojar_cylrad - t_o, gs.ijar_cylrad - t_i])
    r2 = np.array([gs.ojar_knucklerad - t_o, gs.ijar_knucklerad - t_i])
    r3 = np.array([gs.ojar_axrad - t_o, gs.ijar_axrad - t_i])

    s = r3 * (r1 - r2) / (r3 - r2)  # % axis to knuckle-dome transition

    z = r2 * np.sqrt(1 - (s / r3)**2)  # %  equator to knuckle-dome transition

    d = r3 * z * ((1 / r3) - (1 / r2))  # % equator to dome sphere center

    vp_axis = np.array([0, -np.sin(gs.vp_theta), np.cos(gs.vp_theta)])
    vp_center = np.array([0, -vp_s, vp_elev])

    head_out_Q = np.array([[gs.pv_rad**(-2), 0, 0], [0, gs.pv_rad**(-2), 0],
                           [0, 0, gs.pv_axrad**(-2)]])
    head_in_Q = np.array([[(gs.pv_rad - gs.pv_thick)**(-2), 0, 0],
                          [0, (gs.pv_rad - gs.pv_thick)**(-2), 0],
                          [0, 0, (gs.pv_axrad - gs.pv_thick)**(-2)]])
    head_out_P = np.array([0, 0, -2 * gs.pv_top * (gs.pv_axrad**(-2))])
    head_in_P = np.array(
        [0, 0, -2 * gs.pv_top * ((gs.pv_axrad - gs.pv_thick)**(-2))])
    head_out_R = (gs.pv_top / gs.pv_axrad)**2 - 1
    head_in_R = (gs.pv_top / (gs.pv_axrad - gs.pv_thick))**2 - 1

    rd_cone_b = (gs.rdcone_toprad - gs.rd_rad) / (gs.rdcone_top - gs.rd_top)
    rd_cone_z0 = gs.rd_top - (gs.rd_rad / rd_cone_b)
    rd_cone_Q = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -rd_cone_b**2]])
    rd_cone_P = np.array([0, 0, 2 * (rd_cone_b**2) * rd_cone_z0])
    rd_cone_R = -(rd_cone_b * rd_cone_z0)**2

    rd_stcone_b = (gs.rdcone_toprad - gs.rdtopcone_rad) / (gs.rdtopcone_bot -
    rd_stcone_z0 = gs.rdtopcone_bot + (gs.rdtopcone_rad / rd_stcone_b)
    rd_stcone_Q = np.array([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -rd_stcone_b**2])
    rd_stcone_P = np.array([0, 0, 2 * (rd_stcone_b**2) * rd_stcone_z0])
    rd_stcone_R = -(rd_stcone_b * rd_stcone_z0)**2

    rd_topcone_b = gs.rdtopcone_rad / (gs.rdtopcone_apex - gs.rdtopcone_bot)
    rd_topcone_Q = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -rd_topcone_b**2]])
    rd_topcone_P = np.array([0, 0, 2 * (rd_topcone_b**2) * gs.rdtopcone_apex])
    rd_topcone_R = -(rd_topcone_b * gs.rdtopcone_apex)**2

    rd_botcone_b = gs.rdbotcone_rad / (gs.rdbotcone_apex - gs.rdbotcone_bot)
    rd_botcone_Q = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -rd_botcone_b**2]])
    rd_botcone_P = np.array([0, 0, 2 * (rd_botcone_b**2) * gs.rdbotcone_apex])
    rd_botcone_R = -(rd_botcone_b * gs.rdbotcone_apex)**2

    # Define a surface list (where the geometry is actually constructed)
    # surface_list ={'description': None, 'intersect_function': None, 'inbounds_function': None, 'n_outside':None, 'n_inside':None, 'surface_type':None, 'absorption':None}
    surface_list = []

    # Define some geometry (Do as many of these as necessary to define all geometry. Right now, we'll just do 2, + 1 bubble)

    # Define Surface #1
    # instantiate the surface
    insideInnerCyl = surface.surface()
    # describe it
    insideInnerCyl.description = 'inside surface of inner quartz cylinder'
    # name its geometry type (options are cylinder, sphere, plane, torus, quadsurface)
    insideInnerCyl.shape = "cylinder"
    # define the shape's parameters
    insideInnerCyl.param_list = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], r1[3]]
    # define the inbounds function of the geometry
    insideInnerCyl.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 2, :] < gs.ijar_elevation) and
        (p[:, 2, :] >=
         (gs.ijar_elevation - gs.ijar_cyllength)), (np.size(p, 0), -1))
    # provide indexes of refraction
    insideInnerCyl.n_outside = gs.n_jar
    insideInnerCyl.n_inside = gs.n_hydraulic
    # provide surface_type and absorption parameters
    insideInnerCyl.surface_type = 'normal'
    insideInnerCyl.absorption = 0
    # add the geometry to the list

    # Define surface #2
    outsideInnerCyl = surface.surface()
    outsideInnerCyl.description = 'outside surface of inner quartz cylinder'
    outsideInnerCyl.shape = "cylinder"
    outsideInnerCyl.param_list = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], r1[2]]
    outsideInnerCyl.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 2, :] < gs.ijar_elevation) and
        (p[:, 2, :] >=
         (gs.ijar_elevation - gs.ijar_cyllength)), (np.size(p, 0), -1))
    outsideInnerCyl.n_outside = gs.n_target
    outsideInnerCyl.n_inside = gs.n_jar
    outsideInnerCyl.surface_type = 'normal'
    outsideInnerCyl.absorption = 0

    # handle the bubble
    if gs.bubble_present:
        bubble = surface.surface()
        bubble.description = 'bubble'
        bubble.shape = 'sphere'
        bubble.param_list = [gs.bubble_position, gs.bubble_radius]
        bubble.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
            p[:, 2, :] > -500, (np.size(p, 0), -1))
        bubble.n_outside = gs.n_target
        bubble.n_inside = gs.n_air
        bubble.surface_type = 'normal'
        bubble.absorption = 0

    # generate some light rays 0 this function won't work, it's just a placeholer
    # CreateSomeLightRays DNE
    [raydirections, pixelmap] = CreateSomeLightRays(
        .5 * (1 + gs.cam_resolution
              ),  #What is 'cam_pixelpitch' for? All of these inputs?
        gs.cam_pitch + gs.vp_theta - (np.pi / 2),
    # add them to rays container in proper format that will help with calculation
    # do some math and get the ray starting points, and store them in the variable
            vp_center + [gs.cam_x, 0, 0] + gs.cam_z * vp_axis +
            gs.cam_y * np.cross(vp_axis, [1, 0, 0]),
            (np.size(raydirections, 0), 1)))

    # Return the values
    return [surface_list, rays, ray_startingpoints, pixels]
コード例 #5
 def render(self):
     bf = self.current.render()
     return surface.surface(bf)
コード例 #6
def main():
    surface_list = []

    # hemisphere
    hemi = surface.surface()
    hemi.description = '10cm radius hemisphere, in positive z'
    hemi.shape = 'sphere'
    hemi.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), 10]
    hemi.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 2, :] >= 0) * (p[:, 2, :] <= 10), (p.shape[0], -1))
    hemi.n_outside = np.inf
    hemi.n_inside = 1.5
    hemi.surface_type = 'normal'
    hemi.absorption = 1

    # panel
    panel = surface.surface()
    panel.description = 'retroreflecting panel cut to 10cm radius disk on xy-plane'
    panel.shape = 'plane'
    panel.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1])]
    panel.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 0]**2 + p[:, 1]**2) < 100, (p.shape[0], -1))
    panel.n_outside = 1.5
    panel.n_inside = np.inf
    panel.surface_type = 'unified'
    panel.unifiedparams = [0, 0, .25, .5, .1]
    panel.absorption = 0

    # construct light rays
    # start them along z-axis, pointing down for normal incidence
    # start at (-5, 0, 5), pointing towards origin for 45 degree incidence
    x = -5
    y = 0
    z = 5

    n = 100  # number of rays

    ray_startpoints = np.empty((n, 3))
    ray_startpoints[..., 0] = x
    ray_startpoints[..., 1] = y
    ray_startpoints[..., 2] = z

    # rays = initial [forward direction (3), s1 polarization axis (3), s0, s1, s2, s3]
    # Let s0 be 1 and rays be unpolarized (other Stokes parameters = 0 + no polarization axis)
    test_rays = np.zeros((n, 10))
    test_rays[..., 3] = 1
    test_rays[..., 6] = 1

    test_rays[:, 0] = 1
    test_rays[:, 1] = 0
    test_rays[:, 2] = -1

    [ray_interfaces, absorption_table,
     raytable] = RayTracer2.RayTracer2(ray_startpoints, test_rays,

    # PLOT
    # calculate spherical coordinates
    x_int = ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point[:, 0]
    y_int = ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point[:, 1]
    z_int = ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point[:, 2]

    theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(x_int**2 + y_int**2), z_int)  # 0 < theta < pi/2
    phi = np.arctan2(y_int, x_int)  # -pi < phi < pi
    phi[np.isnan(phi)] = 0
    phi = (phi + 2 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi)  # convert to 0 < phi < 2pi

    # spherical coords of initial rays
    theta_0 = np.matlib.repmat(np.cos(np.arctan2(np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2), z)),
                               len(theta), 1)
    phi_0 = np.matlib.repmat(np.arctan2(y, x), len(theta), 1)
    phi_0[np.isnan(phi_0)] = 0
    #phi_0 = (phi_0 + 2 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi)

    # Perfect Reflection Check
    points = np.concatenate((phi[:, np.newaxis], np.cos(theta)[:, np.newaxis]),
    counts = np.equal(points, np.concatenate(
        (phi_0, np.cos(theta_0)), axis=1))  # cos(theta), phi the same

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(phi, np.cos(theta))

    plt.xlim(0, 2 * math.pi)
    plt.ylim(0, 1)

    ax.set_ylabel("cos\u03B8")  # theta
    ax.set_xlabel("\u03C6  (azimuth)")  # phi

    #print("intersection: " + str(ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point))
    #print("points: " + str(points))
    #print("counts: " + str(counts))
    #print("check: " + str(np.concatenate((phi_0, np.cos(theta_0)), axis=1)))

             "# rays perfectly reflected = {}".format(int(np.sum(counts))),
                 'facecolor': 'w',
                 'pad': 5
             transform=plt.gca().transAxes)  #check the counts/2

コード例 #7
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: jordsti/stigame
 def render(self):
     sdl_sur = self.lib.Item_render(self.obj)
     sur = surface.surface(sdl_sur)
     return sur
コード例 #8
ファイル: lab8.py プロジェクト: ezhang315/cs-110
def main():
    surf = surface.surface('surface_1', 0, 0, 10, 10)
    rect = surf.getRect()
コード例 #9
ファイル: evolution.py プロジェクト: rleonvas/phd_thesis
scene.title = "Solid Collision Simulation"
scene.background = (1., 1., 1.)
scene.fullscreen = True    
scene.forward = (0.,1.,0.)
scene.up = (0.,0.,1.)
scene.center = (0.,-8.,8.)
#scene.fov = pi/2.
scene.range = 20

#curve(pos = [[0.,0.,0.],[1.,0.,0.]],color = color.red, radius = 0.05)
#curve(pos = [[0.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.]],color = color.green, radius = 0.05)
#curve(pos = [[0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]],color = color.blue, radius = 0.05)


#Getting size of solids.
list_of_size = get_size(n_sol, path)

#Getting initial position of solids.
list_of_pos, list_of_axis = get_initial_position(n_sol, path)

#Creating the solids.
list_of_solids = create_solids(n_sol,list_of_size,list_of_pos,list_of_axis)

#Drawing each solid.
for solid in list_of_solids:

if (path == ''):
コード例 #10
def TestGeometry(z_in):
    # First, create ray starting points and isotropic rays
    # Coordinates of startingpoint -- same for all rays
    x = 0
    y = 0
    z = z_in

    n = 10  # number of rays

    ray_startpoints = np.empty((n, 3))
    ray_startpoints[..., 0] = x
    ray_startpoints[..., 1] = y
    ray_startpoints[..., 2] = z

    # rays = initial [forward direction (3), s1 polarization axis (3), s0, s1, s2, s3]
    # Let s0 be 1 and rays be unpolarized (other Stokes parameters = 0 + no polarization axis)
    test_rays = np.zeros((n, 10))
    test_rays[..., 3] = 1
    test_rays[..., 6] = 1

    # Assign initial forward directions in spherical coords for easier isotropism
    for i in range(n):
        azimuth = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
        a = np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
        polar = np.arccos(
        )  # -1 < theta < 1 so random numbers are not biased towards the pole

        test_rays[i, 0] = np.sin(polar) * np.cos(azimuth)  # x
        test_rays[i, 1] = np.sin(polar) * np.sin(azimuth)  # y
        test_rays[i, 2] = np.cos(polar)  # z

    # Test geometry consists of 5 surfaces
    surface_list = []
    # Bottom cylinder
    bot_cyl = surface.surface()
    bot_cyl.description = 'bottom cylinder along z-axis, 10cm radius from z=0 to z=5'
    bot_cyl.shape = 'cylinder'
    bot_cyl.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), 10]
    bot_cyl.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 2, :] > 0) * (p[:, 2, :] < 5), (p.shape[0], -1))
    bot_cyl.n_outside = 1.5
    bot_cyl.n_inside = 1.5
    bot_cyl.surface_type = 'unified'
    bot_cyl.unifiedparams = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    bot_cyl.absorption = 0

    # Top cylinder
    top_cyl = surface.surface()
    top_cyl.description = 'top cylinder along z-axis, 10cm radius from z=5 to z=10'
    top_cyl.shape = 'cylinder'
    top_cyl.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), 10]
    top_cyl.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 2, :] >= 5) * (p[:, 2, :] < 10), (p.shape[0], -1))
    top_cyl.n_outside = 1.5
    top_cyl.n_inside = 2
    top_cyl.surface_type = 'unified'
    top_cyl.unifiedparams = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    top_cyl.absorption = 0

    # Top cap
    top = surface.surface()
    top.description = 'top cap, disk centered on z-axis with radius 10 and z=10'
    top.shape = 'plane'
    top.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 10]), np.array([0, 0, 1])]
    top.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 0]**2 + p[:, 1]**2) < 100, (p.shape[0], -1))
    # Direction of normal vector considered 'outside'
    top.n_outside = 1.5
    top.n_inside = 2
    top.surface_type = 'normal'
    top.absorption = 1

    # Middle
    mid = surface.surface()
    mid.description = 'middle disk centered on z-axis with radius 10 and z=5'
    mid.shape = 'plane'
    mid.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 5]), np.array([0, 0, 1])]
    mid.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 0]**2 + p[:, 1]**2 < 100), (p.shape[0], -1))
    mid.n_outside = 2
    mid.n_inside = 1.5
    mid.surface_type = 'normal'
    mid.absorption = 0

    # Bottom cap
    bottom = surface.surface()
    bottom.description = 'bottom cap, disk centered on z-axis with radius 10 and z=0'
    bottom.shape = 'plane'
    bottom.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1])]
    bottom.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 0]**2 + p[:, 1]**2 < 100), (p.shape[0], -1))
    bottom.n_outside = 1.5
    bottom.n_inside = 1.5
    bottom.surface_type = 'normal'
    bottom.absorption = 1

    return ray_startpoints, test_rays, surface_list
コード例 #11
ファイル: UnifiedTest.py プロジェクト: shishirb12/RayTracer
def main():
    surface_list = []

    # hemisphere
    hemi = surface.surface()
    hemi.description = '10cm radius hemisphere, in positive z'
    hemi.shape = 'sphere'
    hemi.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), 10]
    hemi.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 2, :] >= 0) * (p[:, 2, :] <= 10), (p.shape[0], -1))
    hemi.n_outside = np.inf
    hemi.n_inside = 1.5
    hemi.surface_type = 'normal'
    hemi.absorption = 1

    # panel
    panel = surface.surface()
    panel.description = 'retroreflecting panel cut to 10cm radius disk on xy-plane'
    panel.shape = 'plane'
    panel.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1])]
    panel.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
        (p[:, 0]**2 + p[:, 1]**2) < 100, (p.shape[0], -1))
    panel.n_outside = 1.5
    panel.n_inside = np.inf
    panel.surface_type = 'unified'
    panel.unifiedparams = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    panel.absorption = 0

    # construct light rays
    # start them along z-axis, pointing down
    x = 0
    y = 0
    z = 5

    n = 10000  # number of rays

    ray_startpoints = np.empty((n, 3))
    ray_startpoints[..., 0] = x
    ray_startpoints[..., 1] = y
    ray_startpoints[..., 2] = z

    # rays = initial [forward direction (3), s1 polarization axis (3), s0, s1, s2, s3]
    # Let s0 be 1 and rays be unpolarized (other Stokes parameters = 0 + no polarization axis)
    test_rays = np.zeros((n, 10))
    test_rays[..., 3] = 1
    test_rays[..., 6] = 1

    test_rays[:, 0] = 0
    test_rays[:, 1] = 0
    test_rays[:, 2] = -1


    [ray_interfaces, absorption_table,
     raytable] = RayTracer2.RayTracer2(ray_startpoints, test_rays,

    # print("Points of intersection:")
    # print(ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point)
    # print(ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point.shape)

    # calculate spherical coordinates
    x_int = ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point[:, 0]
    y_int = ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point[:, 1]
    z_int = ray_interfaces[1].intersection_point[:, 2]

    theta = np.arctan(
        (np.sqrt(x_int**2 + y_int**2) / z_int))  # 0 < theta < pi/2
    phi = np.arctan(
        y_int /
        x_int)  # 0 < phi < 2pi PROBLEM HERE: ARCTAN ONLY FROM -pi/2 --> pi/2
    phi[np.isnan(phi)] = 0

    points = np.concatenate((phi[:, np.newaxis], np.cos(theta)[:, np.newaxis]),
    counts = np.equal(points,
                      np.matlib.repmat(np.array([0, 1]), points.shape[0], 1))
    print("# of Rays Perfectly Reflected: " + str(int(np.sum(counts) / 2)))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(phi, np.cos(theta))

    plt.xlim(0, 2 * math.pi)
    plt.ylim(0, 1)

    ax.set_ylabel("cos\u03B8")  # theta
    ax.set_xlabel("\u03C6")  # phi

コード例 #12
def donut(n_in):
    surface_list = []

    center = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    ax = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    r1 = 8  # large radius (from center of hole to center of tube)
    r2 = 2  # small radius (height)

    # First, create ray starting points and isotropic rays
    # Coordinates of startingpoint -- same for all rays
    x = 8.5
    y = 0
    z = .5

    n = n_in  # number of rays

    ray_startpoints = np.empty((n, 3))
    ray_startpoints[..., 0] = x
    ray_startpoints[..., 1] = y
    ray_startpoints[..., 2] = z

    # rays = initial [forward direction (3), s1 polarization axis (3), s0, s1, s2, s3]
    # Let s0 be 1 and rays be unpolarized (other Stokes parameters = 0 + no polarization axis)
    test_rays = np.zeros((n, 10))
    test_rays[..., 3] = 1
    test_rays[..., 6] = 1

    # Assign initial forward directions in spherical coords for easier isotropism
    """These isotropic directions may be biased towards the origin, as they are not shifted for a non-origin starting point"""
    for i in range(n):
        azimuth = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
        a = np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
        polar = np.arccos(a)  # -1 < theta < 1 so random numbers are not biased towards the pole

        test_rays[i, 0] = np.sin(polar) * np.cos(azimuth)  # x
        test_rays[i, 1] = np.sin(polar) * np.sin(azimuth)  # y
        test_rays[i, 2] = np.cos(polar)  # z

    # Donut consists of a single torus and outer sphere for collecting escaped rays
    reflector = surface.surface()
    reflector.description = "fully enclosed donut aligned on z-axis with center at origin"
    reflector.shape = 'torus'
    reflector.param_list = [center, ax, r1, r2]
    reflector.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(np.abs(p[:,2,:]) <= r2,(p.shape[0], -1))
    reflector.n_outside = sys.float_info.max
    reflector.n_inside = 1
    reflector.surface_type = 'normal'
    reflector.absorption = 0

    collector = surface.surface()
    collector.description = "spherical surface for checking for escaped rays"
    collector.shape = 'sphere'
    collector.param_list = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), 20]
    collector.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape((p[:,0,:]**2 + p[:,1,:]**2 + p[:,2,:]**2) == 20**2, (p.shape[0], -1))
    collector.n_outside = sys.float_info.max
    collector.n_inside = sys.float_info.max
    collector.surface_type = 'normal'
    collector.absorption = 1

    return ray_startpoints, test_rays, surface_list
コード例 #13
ファイル: style.py プロジェクト: OsouzaTI/stigame
 def get_radio_checked(self):
     return surface.surface(self.lib.Style_getRadioChecked(self.obj))
コード例 #14
 def surface(self):
コード例 #15
ファイル: style.py プロジェクト: OsouzaTI/stigame
 def get_radio(self):
     return surface.surface(self.lib.Style_getRadio(self.obj))
コード例 #16
ファイル: style.py プロジェクト: OsouzaTI/stigame
 def get_checkbox_checked(self):
     return surface.surface(self.lib.Style_getCheckboxChecked(self.obj))
コード例 #17
ファイル: style.py プロジェクト: OsouzaTI/stigame
 def get_down_arrow(self):
     return surface.surface(self.lib.Style_getDownArrow(self.obj))
コード例 #18
ファイル: style.py プロジェクト: OsouzaTI/stigame
 def get_up_arrow(self):
     return surface.surface(self.lib.Style_getUpArrow(self.obj))
コード例 #19
ファイル: style.py プロジェクト: OsouzaTI/stigame
 def get_droplist_arrow(self):
     return surface.surface(self.lib.Style_getDropListArrow(self.obj))
コード例 #20
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: OsouzaTI/stigame
 def render(self):
     sdl_sur = self.lib.Item_render(self.obj)
     sur = surface.surface(sdl_sur)
     return sur
コード例 #21
ファイル: display.py プロジェクト: sakshamsharma/Renderer
import numpy as np
from math import *
import cv2

from point import *
from light import light
from player import player
from surface import surface

me = player()
li = light()
res = me.ppdist*2

img = np.zeros((res,res,3), np.uint8)
mytri = surface('tri', point(0,10,0), point(10,20,0), point(0,30,10))

k = cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF

norm = cross( sub(mytri.p2, mytri.p1), sub(mytri.p3, mytri.p1) )
mnorm = norm.mod()

while(k != 27):
    img = np.zeros((res,res,3), np.uint8)

    n1 = add(mytri.p1,me.position)
    n2 = add(mytri.p2,me.position)
    n3 = add(mytri.p3,me.position)
    n1 = me.findfinal(n1)
コード例 #22
import numpy as np
from math import *
import cv2

from point import *
from light import light
from player import player
from surface import surface

me = player()
li = light()
res = me.ppdist * 2

img = np.zeros((res, res, 3), np.uint8)
mytri = surface('tri', point(0, 10, 0), point(10, 20, 0), point(0, 30, 10))

k = cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF

norm = cross(sub(mytri.p2, mytri.p1), sub(mytri.p3, mytri.p1))
mnorm = norm.mod()

while (k != 27):
    img = np.zeros((res, res, 3), np.uint8)

    n1 = add(mytri.p1, me.position)
    n2 = add(mytri.p2, me.position)
    n3 = add(mytri.p3, me.position)
    n1 = me.findfinal(n1)
コード例 #23
rd_topcone_b = rdtopcone_rad / (rdtopcone_apex - rdtopcone_bot)
rd_topcone_Q = np.vstack(([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -rd_topcone_b**2]))
rd_topcone_P = np.array([0, 0, 2 * rd_topcone_b**2 * rdtopcone_apex])
rd_topcone_R = -(rd_topcone_b * rdtopcone_apex)**2

rd_botcone_b = rdbotcone_rad / (rdbotcone_apex - rdbotcone_bot)
rd_botcone_Q = np.vstack(([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -rd_botcone_b**2]))
rd_botcone_P = np.array([0, 0, 2 * rd_botcone_b**2 * rdbotcone_apex])
rd_botcone_R = -(rd_botcone_b * rdbotcone_apex)**2

surface_list = []

## Inner Jar
#inner_jar_density = -2.203

inner_jar_inner_cyl = surface.surface()
inner_jar_inner_cyl.description = 'inside surface of inner quartz jar cylinder'
inner_jar_inner_cyl.shape = 'cylinder'
inner_jar_inner_cyl.param_list = [
    np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), r1[3]
]  # shouldn't r be 10?
inner_jar_inner_cyl.inbounds_function = lambda p: np.reshape(
    (p[:, 2, :] >= (ijar_elevation - ijar_cyllength)) *
    (p[:, 2, :] < ijar_elevation), (p.shape[0], -1))  # -66.40278, -21.61143
inner_jar_inner_cyl.n_outside = n_jar
inner_jar_inner_cyl.n_inside = n_hydraulic
inner_jar_inner_cyl.surface_type = 'normal'
inner_jar_inner_cyl.absorption = 0

inner_jar_outer_cyl = surface.surface()