コード例 #1
ファイル: intersect_curves.py プロジェクト: Durman/sverchok
    def process_freecad(self, sv_curve1, sv_curve2):
        fc_curve1 = curve_to_freecad(sv_curve1)[0]
        fc_curve2 = curve_to_freecad(sv_curve2)[0]
        points = fc_curve1.curve.intersectCC(fc_curve2.curve)
        points = [(p.X, p.Y, p.Z) for p in points]

        pts = []
        for p in points:
            t1 = fc_curve1.curve.parameter(Base.Vector(*p))
            t2 = fc_curve2.curve.parameter(Base.Vector(*p))
            pts.append((t1, t2, p))
        return self._filter(pts)
コード例 #2
def curves_to_face(sv_curves, planar=True, force_nurbs=True):
    Make a Part.Face from a list of SvCurve.
    Curves must have NURBS representation, must form a closed loop, and it must
    be planar, otherwise an exception will be raised.
        * list of SvCurve.
        * planar: True to make a flat face; in this case, all curves
            must lie exactly in one plane
        * force_nurbs: True if you want NURBS surface as output even when
            curves are not NURBS
    * SvSolidFaceSurface for face's surface;
        SvFreeCadNurbsSurface if force_nurbs == True.
    # Check
    sv_curves = [curve_to_freecad(curve) for curve in sv_curves]
    all_nurbs = all(
        isinstance(curve, SvFreeCadNurbsCurve) for curve in sv_curves)
    edges = [Part.Edge(curve.curve) for curve in sv_curves]
        wire = Part.Wire(edges)
    except Part.OCCError as e:
        fc_curves = [edge.Curve for edge in edges]
        raise Exception(f"Can't build a Wire out of edges: {fc_curves}: {e}")
    if not wire.isClosed():
        last_point = None
        distance = None
        for i, edge in enumerate(wire.Edges):
            p1, p2 = get_edge_endpoints(edge)
            if last_point is not None:
                distance = last_point.distanceToPoint(p1)
                    f"#{i-1}-{i}: distance={distance}: ({last_point.x}, {last_point.y}, {last_point.z}) - ({p1.x}, {p1.y}, {p1.z})"
            last_point = p2
        p1 = get_edge_endpoints(wire.Edges[-1])[1]
        p2 = get_edge_endpoints(wire.Edges[0])[0]
        distance = p1.distanceToPoint(p2)
        print(f"Last - first distance = {distance}")
        raise Exception(f"The wire is not closed: {sv_curves}")

    if planar:
            fc_face = Part.Face(wire)
        except Part.OCCError as e:
            raise Exception(
                f"Can't create a Face from {sv_curves}: {e}\nProbably these curves are not all lying in the same plane?"
        surface = SvSolidFaceSurface(fc_face)
        fc_face = Part.makeFilledFace(edges)
        surface = SvSolidFaceSurface(fc_face)

    if all_nurbs or force_nurbs:
        surface = surface.to_nurbs()

    return surface
コード例 #3
ファイル: solid_conversion.py プロジェクト: wassimj/sverchok
def to_solid(ob):
    if isinstance(ob, Part.Shape):
        return ob
    elif isinstance(ob, SvCurve):
        return [c.curve.toShape() for c in curve_to_freecad(ob)]
    elif isinstance(ob, SvSurface):
        if is_solid_face_surface(ob):
            return ob.face
            return surface_to_freecad(ob, make_face=True).face
        raise TypeError(f"Unknown data type in input: {ob}")