コード例 #1
    def test_import_examples(self):

        for cat in examples_paths:

            if not examples_paths.get(cat):
                info("Dir named: %s is empty", cat)

            info("Opening Dir named: %s", cat)

            examples_set = Path(examples_paths.get(cat))
            for listed_path in examples_set.iterdir():

                # cast from Path class to dumb string.
                path = str(listed_path)

                # assuming these are all jsons for now.
                name = basename(path)

                if name in UNITTEST_BLACKLIST:
                    info("Skipping (blacklisted) : %s to permit unit tests to continue", name)

                with self.subTest(file=name):
                    # info("Importing: %s", name)
                    with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
                        with self.assert_logs_no_errors():
                            # Do not try to process imported tree,
                            # that will just take time anyway
                            new_tree.sv_process = False
                            import_tree(new_tree, path)
                        for node in new_tree.nodes:
                            if is_old(node):
                                error_format = "This example contains deprecated node `{}' ({}). Please upgrade the example file." 
                                self.fail(error_format.format(node.name, node.bl_idname))
コード例 #2
    def test_import_examples(self):

        for cat in examples_paths:

            if not examples_paths.get(cat):
                info("Dir named: %s is empty", cat)

            info("Opening Dir named: %s", cat)

            examples_set = Path(examples_paths.get(cat))
            for listed_path in examples_set.iterdir():

                # cast from Path class to dumb string.
                path = str(listed_path)

                # assuming these are all jsons for now.
                name = basename(path)

                if name in UNITTEST_BLACKLIST:
                    info("Skipping (blacklisted) : %s to permit unit tests to continue", name)

                with self.subTest(file=name):
                    info("Importing: %s", name)
                    with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
                        with self.assert_logs_no_errors():
                            # Do not try to process imported tree,
                            # that will just take time anyway
                            new_tree.sv_process = False
                            import_tree(new_tree, path)
                        for node in new_tree.nodes:
                            if is_old(node):
                                error_format = "This example contains deprecated node `{}' ({}). Please upgrade the example file." 
                                self.fail(error_format.format(node.name, node.bl_idname))
コード例 #3
 def test_monad_import(self):
     with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
         with self.assert_logs_no_errors():
         self.assert_node_input_equals("ImportedTree", "Monad", "Num X",
コード例 #4
    def execute(self, context):

        # print(self.id_tree, self.filepath)

        # if triggered from a non-initialized tree, we first make a tree
        if self.id_tree == '____make_new____':
            ng_params = {
                'name': basename(self.filepath),
                'type': 'SverchCustomTreeType'
            ng = bpy.data.node_groups.new(**ng_params)

            # pass this tree to the active nodeview
            context.space_data.node_tree = ng


            ng = bpy.data.node_groups[self.id_tree]

        # Deselect everything, so as a result only imported nodes
        # will be selected
        import_tree(ng, self.filepath)
        context.space_data.node_tree = ng
        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #5
ファイル: monad.py プロジェクト: tramper2/sverchok
def monad_make_unique(node):

    Create a new version of the monad class (duplicate but unique)

    This will attempt to store the duplicate in a json using create_dict_of_tree (from the Gist IO).
    The upside is that this will test the pack/unpack routine continuously. 
    The downside is that this will likely expose all the shortcommings that we don't know 
    about because it wasn't being tested extensively.

    node_tree = node.id_data
    nodes = node_tree.nodes

    # generate a new copy of monad group node. using ( copy? ) 
    monad_group = bpy.data.node_groups[node.monad.name]
    new_monad_group = monad_group.copy()
    new_cls_name = make_new_classname(new_monad_group) 

    # the new tree dict will contain information about 1 node only, and 
    # the node_group too (at the moment) but the node_group data can be ignored.
    layout_json = create_dict_of_tree(ng=node_tree, identified_node=node)

    # do not restore links this way. wipe this entry and restore at a later stage.
    layout_json['update_lists'] = []

    # massage content of node_items, to correspond with the new desired name.
    node_ref = layout_json['nodes'][node.name]
    node_items = node_ref['params']
    node_items['all_props']['name'] = new_monad_group.name
    node_items['all_props']['cls_bl_idname'] = new_cls_name
    node_items['monad'] = new_monad_group.name
    node_items['cls_dict']['cls_bl_idname'] = new_cls_name

    pre_nodes = set(nodes)

    # place new empty version of the monad node
    import_tree(node_tree, nodes_json=layout_json)

        if (original instance has no connections) then 
            replace it outright.
            if mode=='replace':
                store connections
                replace instance with new unique instance
                reconnect old connections
            elif mode=='dupe_translate':
                generate unique instance
                attache node to transform operator.


    # return newly generated node!
    return (set(node_tree.nodes) ^ pre_nodes).pop() 
コード例 #6
ファイル: monad.py プロジェクト: nortikin/sverchok
def monad_make_unique(node):

    Create a new version of the monad class (duplicate but unique)

    This will attempt to store the duplicate in a json using create_dict_of_tree (from the Gist IO).
    The upside is that this will test the pack/unpack routine continuously. 
    The downside is that this will likely expose all the shortcommings that we don't know 
    about because it wasn't being tested extensively.

    node_tree = node.id_data
    nodes = node_tree.nodes

    # generate a new copy of monad group node. using ( copy? ) 
    monad_group = bpy.data.node_groups[node.monad.name]
    new_monad_group = monad_group.copy()
    new_cls_name = make_new_classname(new_monad_group) 

    # the new tree dict will contain information about 1 node only, and 
    # the node_group too (at the moment) but the node_group data can be ignored.
    layout_json = create_dict_of_tree(ng=node_tree, identified_node=node)

    # do not restore links this way. wipe this entry and restore at a later stage.
    layout_json['update_lists'] = []

    # massage content of node_items, to correspond with the new desired name.
    node_ref = layout_json['nodes'][node.name]
    node_items = node_ref['params']
    node_items['all_props']['name'] = new_monad_group.name
    node_items['all_props']['cls_bl_idname'] = new_cls_name
    node_items['monad'] = new_monad_group.name
    node_items['cls_dict']['cls_bl_idname'] = new_cls_name

    pre_nodes = set(nodes)

    # place new empty version of the monad node
    import_tree(node_tree, nodes_json=layout_json)

        if (original instance has no connections) then 
            replace it outright.
            if mode=='replace':
                store connections
                replace instance with new unique instance
                reconnect old connections
            elif mode=='dupe_translate':
                generate unique instance
                attache node to transform operator.


    # return newly generated node!
    return (set(node_tree.nodes) ^ pre_nodes).pop() 
コード例 #7
    def import_sverchok_tree(self, name=None):
        if not SVERCHOK_AVAILABLE:
            raise ImportError("Sverchok is not available")

        if not name:
            name = basename(self.data)
        json = self.get_json_data()
        ng = bpy.data.node_groups.new(name=name, type='SverchCustomTreeType')
        import_tree(ng, nodes_json=json)
コード例 #8
ファイル: presets.py プロジェクト: pskl/sverchok
                def execute(operator, context):
                    # please not be confused: "operator" here references to
                    # SverchPresetAddOperator instance, and "self" references to
                    # SvPreset instance.  
                    ntree = context.space_data.node_tree
                    id_tree = ntree.name
                    ng = bpy.data.node_groups[id_tree]

                    # Deselect everything, so as a result only imported nodes
                    # will be selected
                    import_tree(ng, self.path)
                    return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #9
    def test_script_uv_import(self):
        with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
            import_tree(new_tree, self.get_reference_file_path("script_uv.json"))

            # Check links
            self.assert_nodes_linked("ImportedTree", "Scripted Node Lite", "verts", "UV Connection", "vertices")
            self.assert_nodes_linked("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "vertices", "Viewer Draw", "vertices")
            self.assert_nodes_linked("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "data", "Viewer Draw", "edg_pol")

            # Check random node properties
            self.assert_node_property_equals("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "cup_U", False)
            self.assert_node_property_equals("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "polygons", 'Edges')
            self.assert_node_property_equals("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "dir_check", 'U_dir')
コード例 #10
    def test_script_uv_import(self):
        with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
            with self.assert_logs_no_errors():
                import_tree(new_tree, self.get_reference_file_path("script_uv.json"))

            # Check links
            self.assert_nodes_linked("ImportedTree", "Scripted Node Lite", "verts", "UV Connection", "vertices")
            self.assert_nodes_linked("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "vertices", "Viewer Draw", "verts")
            self.assert_nodes_linked("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "data", "Viewer Draw", "edges")

            # Check random node properties
            self.assert_node_property_equals("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "cap_U", False)
            self.assert_node_property_equals("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "polygons", 'Edges')
            self.assert_node_property_equals("ImportedTree", "UV Connection", "dir_check", 'U_dir')
コード例 #11
ファイル: sv_IO_panel.py プロジェクト: tramper2/sverchok
    def execute(self, context):
        ng = context.scene.io_panel_properties.import_tree
        if not ng:
                "The tree was not chosen, have a look at property (N) panel")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        import_tree(ng, self.filepath)

        # set new node tree to active
        context.space_data.node_tree = ng
        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #12
    def assert_node_equals_file(self, actual_node, reference_node_name, reference_file_name, imported_tree_name=None):
        Assert that actual_node equals to node named reference_node_name imported from file reference_file_name.
        This works only for simple nodes.
        if imported_tree_name is None:
            imported_tree_name = "ImportedTree"

            new_tree = get_or_create_node_tree(imported_tree_name)
            import_tree(new_tree, self.get_reference_file_path(reference_file_name))
            self.assert_nodes_are_equal(actual_node, get_node(reference_node_name, imported_tree_name))
コード例 #13
    def execute(self, context):
        if not self.id_tree:
            ng_name = self.new_nodetree_name
            ng_params = {
                'name': ng_name or 'unnamed_tree',
                'type': 'SverchCustomTreeType'}
            ng = bpy.data.node_groups.new(**ng_params)
            ng = bpy.data.node_groups[self.id_tree]
        import_tree(ng, self.filepath)

        # set new node tree to active
        context.space_data.node_tree = ng
        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #14
                def execute(operator, context):
                    # please not be confused: "operator" here references to
                    # SverchPresetAddOperator instance, and "self" references to
                    # SvPreset instance.  
                    ntree = context.space_data.node_tree
                    id_tree = ntree.name
                    ng = bpy.data.node_groups[id_tree]

                    center = SvPreset.get_target_location(ng)
                    # Deselect everything, so as a result only imported nodes
                    # will be selected
                    import_tree(ng, self.path, center = center)
                    return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #15
    def execute(self, context):
        if not self.id_tree:
            ng_name = self.new_nodetree_name
            ng_params = {
                'name': ng_name or 'unnamed_tree',
                'type': 'SverchCustomTreeType'}
            ng = bpy.data.node_groups.new(**ng_params)
            ng = bpy.data.node_groups[self.id_tree]

        if self.gist_id == 'clipboard':
            self.gist_id = context.window_manager.clipboard

        nodes_json = load_json_from_gist(self.gist_id.strip(), self)
        if not nodes_json:
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        # import tree and set new node tree to active
        import_tree(ng, nodes_json=nodes_json)
        context.space_data.node_tree = ng
        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #16
    def execute(self, context):

        # print(self.id_tree, self.filepath)

        # if triggered from a non-initialized tree, we first make a tree
        if self.id_tree == '____make_new____':
            ng_params = {
                'name': basename(self.filepath),
                'type': 'SverchCustomTreeType'}
            ng = bpy.data.node_groups.new(**ng_params)

            # pass this tree to the active nodeview
            context.space_data.node_tree = ng


            ng = bpy.data.node_groups[self.id_tree]

        # Deselect everything, so as a result only imported nodes
        # will be selected
        import_tree(ng, self.filepath)
        context.space_data.node_tree = ng
        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #17
 def test_mesh_expr_import(self):
     with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
         import_tree(new_tree, self.get_reference_file_path("mesh.json"))
コード例 #18
 def test_mesh_expr_import(self):
     with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
         with self.assert_logs_no_errors():
コード例 #19
 def test_monad_import(self):
     with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
         import_tree(new_tree, self.get_reference_file_path("monad_1.json"))
         self.assert_node_property_equals("ImportedTree", "Monad",
                                          "amplitude", 0.6199999451637268)
コード例 #20
 def test_profile_import(self):
     with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
         import_tree(new_tree, self.get_reference_file_path("profile.json"))
コード例 #21
 def test_monad_import(self):
     with self.temporary_node_tree("ImportedTree") as new_tree:
         import_tree(new_tree, self.get_reference_file_path("monad_1.json"))
         self.assert_node_property_equals("ImportedTree", "Monad", "amplitude", 0.6199999451637268)