コード例 #1
    def process(self):
        inputs = self.inputs
        n_id = node_id(self)

        # end early

        if self.activate and inputs[0].is_linked:

                with sv_preferences() as prefs:
                    scale = prefs.stethoscope_view_scale
                    location_theta = prefs.stethoscope_view_xy_multiplier
                # print('did not find preferences - you need to save user preferences')
                scale = 1.0
                location_theta = 1.0

            # gather vertices from input
            data = inputs[0].sv_get(deepcopy=False)
            self.num_elements = len(data)

            if self.selected_mode == 'text-based':
                props = lambda: None
                props.line_width = self.line_width
                props.compact = self.compact
                props.depth = self.depth or None

                processed_data = nvBGL.parse_socket(
                #                # implement another nvBGL parses for gfx
                processed_data = data

            node_width = (self.width_hidden + 30.0) if self.hide else self.width

            # adjust proposed text location in case node is framed.
            # take into consideration the hidden state
            _x, _y = recursive_framed_location_finder(self, self.location[:])
            _x, _y = Vector((_x, _y)) + Vector((node_width + 20, 0))

            # this alters location based on DPI/Scale settings.
            location = adjust_location(_x, _y, location_theta)

            draw_data = {
                'tree_name': self.id_data.name[:],
                'content': processed_data,
                'location': location,
                'color': self.text_color[:],
                'scale' : float(scale),
                'mode': self.selected_mode[:],
                'font_id': int(self.font_id)
            nvBGL.callback_enable(n_id, draw_data)
コード例 #2
ファイル: stethoscope_mk2.py プロジェクト: nortikin/sverchok
    def process(self):
        inputs = self.inputs
        n_id = node_id(self)

        # end early

        if self.activate and inputs[0].is_linked:

                with sv_preferences() as prefs:
                    scale = prefs.stethoscope_view_scale
                    location_theta = prefs.render_location_xy_multiplier
                # print('did not find preferences - you need to save user preferences')
                scale = 1.0
                location_theta = 1.0

            # gather vertices from input
            data = inputs[0].sv_get(deepcopy=False)
            self.num_elements = len(data)

            if self.selected_mode == 'text-based':
                props = lambda: None
                props.line_width = self.line_width
                props.compact = self.compact
                props.depth = self.depth or None

                processed_data = nvBGL.parse_socket(
                #                # implement another nvBGL parses for gfx
                processed_data = data

            node_width = (self.width_hidden + 30.0) if self.hide else self.width

            # adjust proposed text location in case node is framed.
            # take into consideration the hidden state
            _x, _y = recursive_framed_location_finder(self, self.location[:])
            _x, _y = Vector((_x, _y)) + Vector((node_width + 20, 0))

            # this alters location based on DPI/Scale settings.
            location = adjust_location(_x, _y, location_theta)

            draw_data = {
                'tree_name': self.id_data.name[:],
                'content': processed_data,
                'location': location,
                'color': self.text_color[:],
                'scale' : float(scale),
                'mode': self.selected_mode[:],
                'font_id': int(self.font_id)
            nvBGL.callback_enable(n_id, draw_data)
コード例 #3
ファイル: node_tree.py プロジェクト: vicdoval/sverchok
    def absolute_location(self):
        When a node is inside a frame (and parented to it) then node.location is relative to its parent's location.
        This function returns the location in absolute screen terms whether the node is framed or not.

        The return type is a tuple (x, y)  (not a Vector)
        return recursive_framed_location_finder(self, self.location[:])
コード例 #4
def get_superficial_props(node_dict, node):
    node_dict['height'] = node.height
    node_dict['width'] = node.width
    node_dict['label'] = node.label
    node_dict['hide'] = node.hide

    _x, _y = recursive_framed_location_finder(node, node.location[:])
    node_dict['location'] = _x, _y

    if node.use_custom_color:
        node_dict['color'] = node.color[:]
        node_dict['use_custom_color'] = True
コード例 #5
def get_superficial_props(node_dict, node):
    node_dict['height'] = node.height
    node_dict['width'] = node.width
    node_dict['label'] = node.label
    node_dict['hide'] = node.hide

    _x, _y = recursive_framed_location_finder(node, node.location[:])
    node_dict['location'] = _x, _y

    if node.use_custom_color:
        node_dict['color'] = node.color[:]
        node_dict['use_custom_color'] = True
コード例 #6
    def _add_mandatory_attributes(self, node: SverchCustomTreeNode):
        """It adds attributes which all nodes have"""
        self._structure['bl_idname'] = node.bl_idname
        self._structure['height'] = node.height
        self._structure['width'] = node.width
        self._structure['label'] = node.label
        self._structure['hide'] = node.hide
        self._structure['location'] = recursive_framed_location_finder(
            node, node.location[:])

        if node.use_custom_color:
            self._structure['color'] = node.color[:]
            self._structure['use_custom_color'] = True
コード例 #7
    def export(self, node, factories: StructFactory, dependencies) -> dict:
        # add_mandatory_attributes
        self._struct['bl_idname'] = node.bl_idname
        self._struct["attributes"]['location'] = recursive_framed_location_finder(node, node.location[:])

        _set_optional(self._struct["attributes"], 'height', node.height, node.height != 100.0)
        _set_optional(self._struct["attributes"], 'width', node.width, node.width != 140.0)
        _set_optional(self._struct["attributes"], "label", node.label)
        _set_optional(self._struct["attributes"], "hide", node.hide)
        _set_optional(self._struct["attributes"], "use_custom_color", node.use_custom_color)
        _set_optional(self._struct["attributes"], "color", node.color[:], node.use_custom_color)
        if node.parent:  # the node is inside of a frame node
            prop = BPYProperty(node, "parent")
            raw_struct = factories.prop("parent", self.logger).export(prop, factories, dependencies)
            self._struct["attributes"]["parent"] = raw_struct
            del self._struct["attributes"]["parent"]

        # add non default node properties
        for prop_name in node.keys():
            prop = BPYProperty(node, prop_name)
            if prop.is_valid and prop.is_to_save:
                raw_struct = factories.prop(prop.name, self.logger).export(prop, factories, dependencies)
                if raw_struct is not None:
                    self._struct["properties"][prop.name] = raw_struct

        _set_optional(self._struct, "properties", self._struct["properties"])

        # all sockets should be kept in a file because it's possible to create UI
        # where sockets would be defined by pressing buttons for example like in the node group interface.
        # there is no sense of exporting information about sockets of group input and output nodes
        # they are totally controlled by Blender update system.
        if node.bl_idname not in ['NodeGroupInput', 'NodeGroupOutput']:
            for socket in node.inputs:
                raw_struct = factories.sock(socket.identifier, self.logger).export(socket, factories, dependencies)
                self._struct["inputs"][socket.identifier] = raw_struct

            for socket in node.outputs:
                raw_struct = factories.sock(socket.identifier, self.logger).export(socket, factories, dependencies)
                self._struct["outputs"][socket.identifier] = raw_struct

        _set_optional(self._struct, "inputs", self._struct["inputs"])
        _set_optional(self._struct, "outputs", self._struct["outputs"])

        if hasattr(node, 'save_to_json'):

        _set_optional(self._struct, "advanced_properties", self._struct["advanced_properties"])

        return self._struct
コード例 #8
    def execute(self, context):
        tree = context.space_data.edit_tree
        nodes, links = tree.nodes, tree.links

        caller_node = nodes.get(self.origin)
        new_node = nodes.new(self.new_node_idname)
        new_node.location[0] = caller_node.location[0] + self.new_node_offsetx
        new_node.location[1] = caller_node.location[1] + self.new_node_offsety
        links.new(new_node.outputs[0], caller_node.inputs[self.socket_index])

        if caller_node.parent:
            new_node.parent = caller_node.parent
            loc_xy = new_node.location[:]
            locx, locy = recursive_framed_location_finder(new_node, loc_xy)
            new_node.location = locx, locy

        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #9
ファイル: node_tree.py プロジェクト: nortikin/sverchok
    def execute(self, context):
        tree = context.space_data.edit_tree
        nodes, links = tree.nodes, tree.links

        caller_node = nodes.get(self.origin)
        new_node = nodes.new(self.new_node_idname)
        new_node.location[0] = caller_node.location[0] + self.new_node_offsetx
        new_node.location[1] = caller_node.location[1] + self.new_node_offsety
        links.new(new_node.outputs[0], caller_node.inputs[self.socket_index])

        if caller_node.parent:
            new_node.parent = caller_node.parent
            loc_xy = new_node.location[:]
            locx, locy = recursive_framed_location_finder(new_node, loc_xy)
            new_node.location = locx, locy

        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #10
 def absolute_location(self):
     return recursive_framed_location_finder(self, self.location[:])
コード例 #11
ファイル: node_tree.py プロジェクト: vktcl/sverchok
 def absolute_location(self):
     It can be useful in case if a node is in a frame node
     does not return a vactor, it returns a:  tuple(x, y)
     return recursive_framed_location_finder(self, self.location[:])
コード例 #12
ファイル: node_tree.py プロジェクト: r3nder/sverchok
 def absolute_location(self):
     """ does not return a vactor, it returns a:  tuple(x, y) """
     return recursive_framed_location_finder(self, self.location[:])
コード例 #13
ファイル: node_tree.py プロジェクト: Skyrush0/sverchok
def register():
    bpy.types.NodeReroute.absolute_location = property(
        lambda self: recursive_framed_location_finder(self, self.location[:]))