Inductor, Label, Source, Wire, midpoint, shift, shift_y, ) from inform import Error, error, os_error try: with Schematic(filename="oscillator.svg", background='none', line_width=2): # resonator vdd = Label(loc='n', nudge=10, name=r'$V_{\rm dd}$') Wire([vdd.C, shift_y(vdd.C, 25)]) ll = Inductor(p=shift(vdd.C, -125, 25), orient='v', name=r'$\frac{1}{2} L$') lr = Inductor(p=shift(vdd.C, 125, 25), orient='v|', name=r'$\frac{1}{2} L$') c = Capacitor(C=midpoint(ll.n, lr.n), orient='h', name='$C$') Wire([ll.p, lr.p]) Wire([ll.n, c.p]) Wire([lr.n, c.n]) # gain stage ml = MOS(d=ll.n, yoff=75, orient='|') mr = MOS(d=lr.n, yoff=75, orient='') Wire([ll.n, ml.d])
from svg_schematic import ( Schematic, Capacitor, Ground, Inductor, Resistor, Pin, Source, Wire ) from inform import Error, error, os_error try: with Schematic( filename = 'mfed.svg', background = 'none', ): vin = Source(name='Vin', value='1 V', kind='sine') Ground(C=vin.n) rs = Resistor(name='Rs', value='50 Ω', n=vin.p, xoff=25) Wire([vin.p, rs.n]) c1 = Capacitor(name='C1', value='864 pF', p=rs.p, xoff=25) Ground(C=c1.n) l2 = Inductor(name='L2', value='5.12 μH', n=c1.p, xoff=25) Wire([rs.p, l2.n]) c3 = Capacitor(name='C3', value='2.83 nF', p=l2.p, xoff=25) Ground(C=c3.n) l4 = Inductor(name='L4', value='8.78 μH', n=c3.p, xoff=25) Wire([l2.p, l4.n]) c5 = Capacitor(name='C5', value='7.28 nF', p=l4.p, xoff=25) Ground(C=c5.n) rl = Resistor(name='Rl', value='50 Ω', p=c5.p, xoff=100, orient='v') Ground(C=rl.n) out = Pin(name='out', C=rl.p, xoff=50, w=2) Wire([l4.p, out.t]) except Error as e: except OSError as e:
# transistor version mp = MOS(kind='p') mn = MOS(N=mp.S, kind='n') vin = Pin(C=midpoint(mp.g, mn.g), xoff=-50, kind='in', name=r'$V_{\rm in}$', w=2) vout = Pin(C=midpoint(mp.d, mn.d), xoff=50, kind='out', name=r'$V_{\rm out}$', w=2) Label(C=mp.s, loc='n', name=r'$V_{\rm dd}$') Ground(C=mn.s) Wire([vin.t, mp.g], kind='-|') Wire([vin.t, mn.g], kind='-|') Wire([vout.t, mp.d], kind='-|') Wire([vout.t, mn.d], kind='-|') # gate version inv = Gate(N=mn.S, yoff=25, kind='inv') vin = Pin(t=inv.i, xoff=-25, kind='in', name=r'$V_{\rm in}$', w=2) vout = Pin(t=inv.o, xoff=25, kind='out', name=r'$V_{\rm out}$', w=2) Wire([inv.o, vout.t]) Wire([inv.i, vin.t]) except Error as e: except OSError as e: error(os_error(e))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from svg_schematic import Schematic, Amp, Box, Label, Pin, Source, Wire, shift_x from inform import Error, error, os_error try: with Schematic( filename = "feedback.svg", font_size=16, font_family='serif' ): summer = Source(kind='sum') amp = Amp(W=summer.E, xoff=25, name='$a$', kind='se') fb = Box(C=amp.C, yoff=100, name='$f$', h=1, orient='|') Label(C=summer.W, name='$+$', loc='nw') Label(C=summer.S, name='$-$', loc='sw') i = Pin(C=summer.W, xoff=-50, name='in', kind='in') o = Pin(C=amp.E, xoff=50, name='out', kind='out') Wire([i.C, summer.W]) Wire([summer.E, amp.i]) Wire([amp.E, o.C]) Wire([shift_x(amp.E, 25), fb.i], kind='|-') Wire([summer.S, fb.W], kind='|-') except Error as e: except OSError as e: error(os_error(e))