コード例 #1
ファイル: hiksvm.py プロジェクト: Peratham/jingwei
def hiksvm_train(labels, features, beta):
    # calculate class prior
    np = len([1 for lab in labels if  1 == lab])
    nn = len([1 for lab in labels if -1 == lab])
    wp = float(beta)/np
    wn = (1.0-beta)/nn
    wp *= (np+nn)
    wn *= (np+nn)
    parameters = "-s 0 -c 1 -t %d -w-1 %g -w1 %g" % (KERNEL_TYPE.index("HI"), wn, wp)
    model = svm_train(labels, features, parameters)
    return model
コード例 #2
ファイル: hiksvm.py プロジェクト: xiaojiew1/KDGAN
def hiksvm_train(labels, features, beta):
    # calculate class prior
    np = len([1 for lab in labels if 1 == lab])
    nn = len([1 for lab in labels if -1 == lab])
    wp = float(beta) / np
    wn = (1.0 - beta) / nn
    wp *= (np + nn)
    wn *= (np + nn)
    parameters = "-s 0 -c 1 -t %d -w-1 %g -w1 %g" % (KERNEL_TYPE.index("HI"),
                                                     wn, wp)
    model = svm_train(labels, features, parameters)
    return model
コード例 #3
def process(options, trainCollection, trainAnnotationName, feature):
    import re
    p = re.compile(

    rootpath = options.rootpath
    overwrite = options.overwrite
    #autoweight = options.autoweight
    numjobs = options.numjobs
    job = options.job
    nr_bins = options.nr_bins
    best_param_dir = options.best_param_dir
    beta = 0.5

    modelName = 'fik%d' % nr_bins
    if best_param_dir:
        modelName += '-tuned'

    concepts = readConcepts(trainCollection,
    resultdir = os.path.join(rootpath, trainCollection, 'Models',
                             trainAnnotationName, feature, modelName)
    todo = []
    for concept in concepts:
        resultfile = os.path.join(resultdir, concept + '.model')
        if not checkToSkip(resultfile, overwrite):
    todo = [todo[i] for i in range(len(todo)) if i % numjobs == (job - 1)]
                'to process %d concepts: %s' % (len(todo), ' '.join(todo)))
    if not todo:
        return 0

    feat_dir = os.path.join(rootpath, trainCollection, 'FeatureData', feature)
    feat_file = BigFile(feat_dir)
    params = {'nr_bins': nr_bins}

    with open(os.path.join(feat_dir, 'minmax.txt'), 'r') as f:
        params['min_vals'] = map(float, str.split(f.readline()))
        params['max_vals'] = map(float, str.split(f.readline()))

    for concept in todo:
        if best_param_dir:
            param_file = os.path.join(best_param_dir, '%s.txt' % concept)
            m = p.search(open(param_file).readline().strip())
            C = float(m.group('C'))
            A = float(m.group('a'))
            B = float(m.group('b'))
            C = 1
            A = 0
            B = 0
        printStatus(INFO, '%s, C=%g, A=%g, B=%g' % (concept, C, A, B))

        model_file_name = os.path.join(resultdir, concept + '.model')

        names, labels = readAnnotationsFrom(trainCollection,
        name2label = dict(zip(names, labels))
        renamed, vectors = feat_file.read(names)
        y = [name2label[x] for x in renamed]
        np = len([1 for lab in labels if 1 == lab])
        nn = len([1 for lab in labels if -1 == lab])
        wp = float(beta) * (np + nn) / np
        wn = (1.0 - beta) * (np + nn) / nn

        svm_params = '-w1 %g -w-1 %g' % (wp * C, wn * C)
        model = svm_train(
            y, vectors,
            svm_params + ' -s 0 -t %d -q' % KERNEL_TYPE.index("HI"))
        newmodel = svm_to_fiksvm([model], [1.0], feat_file.ndims, params)
        newmodel.set_probAB(A, B)
        printStatus(INFO, '-> %s' % model_file_name)
        fiksvm_save_model(model_file_name, newmodel)

        # reload the model file to do a simple check
        assert (abs(newmodel.get_probAB()[0] - A) < 1e-6)
        assert (abs(newmodel.get_probAB()[1] - B) < 1e-6)

    return len(todo)
コード例 #4
def process(options, trainCollection, trainAnnotationName, feature):
    import re
    p = re.compile(r'best_C=(?P<C>[\.\d]+),\sa=(?P<a>[\.\-\d]+),\sb=(?P<b>[\.\-\d]+)')

    rootpath = options.rootpath
    overwrite = options.overwrite
    #autoweight = options.autoweight
    numjobs = options.numjobs
    job = options.job
    nr_bins = options.nr_bins
    best_param_dir = options.best_param_dir
    beta = 0.5
    modelName = 'fik%d' % nr_bins
    if best_param_dir:
        modelName += '-tuned'
    concepts = readConcepts(trainCollection, trainAnnotationName, rootpath=rootpath)
    resultdir = os.path.join(rootpath, trainCollection, 'Models', trainAnnotationName, feature, modelName)
    todo = []
    for concept in concepts:
        resultfile = os.path.join(resultdir, concept + '.model')
        if not checkToSkip(resultfile, overwrite):
    todo = [todo[i] for i in range(len(todo)) if i%numjobs==(job-1)]
    printStatus(INFO, 'to process %d concepts: %s' % (len(todo), ' '.join(todo)))
    if not todo:
        return 0
    feat_dir = os.path.join(rootpath,trainCollection,'FeatureData',feature)
    feat_file = BigFile(feat_dir)
    params = {'nr_bins': nr_bins}

    with open(os.path.join(feat_dir, 'minmax.txt'), 'r') as f:
        params['min_vals'] = map(float, str.split(f.readline()))
        params['max_vals'] = map(float, str.split(f.readline()))
    for concept in todo:
        if best_param_dir:
            param_file = os.path.join(best_param_dir, '%s.txt' % concept)
            m = p.search(open(param_file).readline().strip())
            C = float(m.group('C'))
            A = float(m.group('a'))
            B = float(m.group('b'))
            C = 1
            A = 0
            B = 0
        printStatus(INFO, '%s, C=%g, A=%g, B=%g' % (concept, C, A, B))
        model_file_name = os.path.join(resultdir, concept + '.model')
        names,labels = readAnnotationsFrom(trainCollection, trainAnnotationName, concept, skip_0=True, rootpath=rootpath)
        name2label = dict(zip(names,labels))
        renamed,vectors = feat_file.read(names)
        y = [name2label[x] for x in renamed]
        np = len([1 for lab in labels if  1 == lab])
        nn = len([1 for lab in labels if  -1== lab])
        wp = float(beta) * (np+nn) / np
        wn = (1.0-beta) * (np+nn) /nn
        svm_params = '-w1 %g -w-1 %g' % (wp*C, wn*C) 
        model = svm_train(y, vectors, svm_params + ' -s 0 -t %d -q' % KERNEL_TYPE.index("HI"))
        newmodel = svm_to_fiksvm([model], [1.0], feat_file.ndims, params)
        newmodel.set_probAB(A, B)
        printStatus(INFO, '-> %s'%model_file_name)
        fiksvm_save_model(model_file_name, newmodel)

        # reload the model file to do a simple check

    return len(todo)