def delete_account(name): scope_id = kapua_config.get_scope_id() try: api_client = kapua_config.get_api_client() api_instance = swagger_client.AccountsApi(api_client) account_id = get_account_id(name) api_instance.account_delete(scope_id, account_id) print(f'Deleted account id: {account_id}') except ApiException as e: print(f'Exception when calling API: {e}')
def get_account_id(name): scope_id = kapua_config.get_scope_id() try: api_client = kapua_config.get_api_client() api_instance = swagger_client.AccountsApi(api_client) api_response = api_instance.account_simple_query(scope_id, name=name, limit=1) if len(api_response.items) > 0: account_id = api_response.items[0].id print(f'Found account id: {account_id} for {name}') return account_id else: raise NameError(f'No account named {name} found') except ApiException as e: print(f'Exception when calling API: {e}')
def create_account(name, organization, email): scope_id = kapua_config.get_scope_id() try: api_client = kapua_config.get_api_client() api_instance = swagger_client.AccountsApi(api_client) # AccountCreator | Provides the information for the new Account to be created body = swagger_client.AccountCreator(name=name, organization_name=organization, organization_email=email) # Create an Account api_response = api_instance.account_create(scope_id, body) pprint(api_response) print(f'Created account with id: {}') except ApiException as e: print(f'Exception when calling API: {e}')