コード例 #1
def mask_fill(arg, mask=None, value=0.0, **kwargs):
    """Replace masked values

    arg : array-like
    mask : array-like of bools, optional
        Default value is None, which means no masking will be applied
    value : number, optional
        Value to use for replacement, default=0.0

    y: type of input argument

    In case the arg is an ndarray all operations will be performed on the original array.
    To preserve original array pass a copy to the function

    if mask is None:
        return arg

    y = np.array(arg)

    mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool)
    y[~mask] = value

    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(y, type(arg))

    return rv
コード例 #2
def mean_max(arg, mask=None, value=0.0, **kwargs):
    """Mean-max curve

    Compute mean-max (power duration curve) from the stream. Mask-filter options can be
    added using the keyword arguments.

    arg : array-like
        Power stream
    mask: array-like, optional
        Replacement mask (the default is None, which implies no masking)
    value: number, optional
        Value to use as a replacement (the default is 0.0)

    rv : type of input argument
        Power-Duration Curve

    y = mask_fill(arg, mask=mask, value=value)
    y = pd.Series(y)

    # Compute the accumulated energy from the power data
    energy = y.cumsum()

    # Compute the maximum sustainable power using the difference in energy
    # This method is x4 faster than using rolling mean
    y = np.array([])
    for t in np.arange(1, len(energy)):
        y = np.append(y, energy.diff(t).max() / (t))
    y = cast_array_to_original_type(y, type(arg))

    return y
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_utils.py プロジェクト: charlieconnell/sweatpy
def test_cast_array_to_original_type():

    arg = [0, 0, 0]

    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(np.array(arg), type(arg))
    assert type(rv) == type(arg)

    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(pd.Series(arg), type(arg))
    assert type(rv) == type(arg)

    arg = np.array([0, 0, 0])

    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(list(arg), type(arg))
    assert type(rv) == type(arg)

    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(pd.Series(arg), type(arg))
    assert type(rv) == type(arg)

    arg = pd.Series([0, 0, 0])

    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(list(arg), type(arg))
    assert type(rv) == type(arg)

    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(np.array(arg), type(arg))
    assert type(rv) == type(arg)
コード例 #4
def median_filter(arg, window=31, threshold=1, value=None, **kwargs):
    """Outlier replacement using median filter

    Detect outliers using median filter and replace with rolling median or specified value

    arg : array-like
    window : int, optional
        Size of window (including the sample; default=31 is equal to 15 on either side of value)
    threshold : number, optional
        default=3 and corresponds to 2xSigma
    value : float, optional
        Value to be used for replacement, default=None, which means replacement by rolling median value

    y: type of input argument

    In case the arg is an ndarray all operations will be performed on the original array.
    To preserve original array pass a copy to the function
    y = pd.Series(arg)

    rolling_median = y.rolling(window, min_periods=1).median()

    difference = np.abs(y - rolling_median)

    median_abs_deviation = difference.rolling(window, min_periods=1).median()

    outlier_idx = difference > 1.4826 * threshold * median_abs_deviation
    """ The factor 1.4826 makes the MAD scale estimate
        an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation for Gaussian data.

    if value:
        y[outlier_idx] = value
        y[outlier_idx] = rolling_median[outlier_idx]

    y = y.as_matrix()

    y = cast_array_to_original_type(y, type(arg))

    return y
コード例 #5
def compute_zones(arg, **kwargs):
    """Convert stream into respective zones stream

    Watts streams can be converted either into ftp based 7-zones or into custom zones
    HR streams can be converted either in lthr based 5-zones or into custom zones
    One of three *ftp*, *lthr* or *zone* keyword parameters must be provided

    arg : array-like
    ftp : number, optional
        Value for FTP, will be used for 7-zones calculation
    lthr: number, optional
        Value for LTHR, will be used for 5-zones calculation
    zones: list, optional
        List of custom defined zones with left edge set to -1 and right edge to 10000

    array-like of int, the same type as arg

    arg_s = pd.Series(arg)

    if kwargs.get('zones', None):
        abs_zones = kwargs.get('zones')

    elif kwargs.get('ftp', None):
        abs_zones = np.asarray(POWER_ZONES_THRESHOLD) * kwargs.get('ftp')

    elif kwargs.get('lthr', None):
        abs_zones = np.asarray(HEART_RATE_ZONES) * kwargs.get('lthr')

        raise ValueError

    labels = kwargs.get('labels', list(range(1, len(abs_zones))))
    assert len(abs_zones) == (len(labels) + 1)

    y = pd.cut(arg_s, bins=abs_zones, labels=labels)
    y = cast_array_to_original_type(y, type(arg))

    return y
コード例 #6
def time_in_zones(arg, **kwargs):
    """Time in zones

    Calculate time [sec] spent in each zone

    arg : array-like, power or heartrate
    kwargs : see zones

    array-like, the same type as arg
    type_arg = type(arg)
    z = pd.Series(compute_zones(arg, **kwargs))
    tiz = z.groupby(z).count()
    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(tiz, type_arg)

    return rv
コード例 #7
ファイル: power.py プロジェクト: charlieconnell/sweatpy
def wpk(power, weight):
    """Watts per kilo

    power : list, ndarray, series
    weight : number


    if not isinstance(power, pd.Series):
        y = pd.Series(power)
        y = power

    rv = y/weight
    rv = cast_array_to_original_type(rv, type(power))

    return rv
コード例 #8
def rolling_mean(arg, window=10, mask=None, value=0.0, **kwargs):
    """Compute rolling mean

    Compute *uniform* or *ewma* rolling mean of the stream. In-process masking with replacement is
    controlled by optional keyword parameters

    arg : array-like
    window : int
        Size of the moving window in sec, default=10
    mask : array-like of boolean, optional
        Default value is None, which means no masking will be applied
    value : number, optional
        Value to use for replacement, default=0.0
    type : {"uniform", "emwa"}, optional
        Type of averaging, default="uniform"

    y: type of input argument

    The moving array will indicate which samples to set to zero before
    applying rolling mean.
    if mask is not None:
        arg = mask_fill(arg, mask, value, **kwargs)

    y = pd.Series(arg)

    if kwargs.get('type', 'uniform') == 'ewma':
        y = y.ewm(span=window, min_periods=1).mean().values
        y = y.rolling(window, min_periods=1).mean().values

    y = cast_array_to_original_type(y, type(arg))

    return y