コード例 #1
def test_consistency_with_transition_first_and_uneven_level_lengths():
    color3 = Factor("color3", ["red", "blue", "green"])

    yes_fn = lambda colors: colors[0] == colors[1] == colors[2]
    no_fn = lambda colors: not yes_fn(colors)
    color3_repeats_factor = Factor("color3 repeats?", [
        DerivedLevel("yes", Window(yes_fn, [color3], 3, 1)),
        DerivedLevel("no", Window(no_fn, [color3], 3, 1))

    block = fully_cross_block([color3_repeats_factor, color3, text],
                              [color3, text], [])

    backend_request = BackendRequest(0)
    Consistency.apply(block, backend_request)

    assert backend_request.ll_requests == [
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [1, 2, 3]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [4, 5]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [6, 7, 8]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [9, 10]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [11, 12, 13]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [14, 15]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [16, 17, 18]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [19, 20]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [21, 22, 23]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [24, 25]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [26, 27, 28]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [29, 30]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [31, 32]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [33, 34]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [35, 36]),
        LowLevelRequest("EQ", 1, [37, 38])
コード例 #2
def test_generate_encoding_diagram_with_window_with_stride():
    congruent_bookend = Factor("congruent bookend?", [
        DerivedLevel("yes", Window(lambda colors, texts: colors[0] == texts[0], [color, text], 1, 3)),
        DerivedLevel("no",  Window(lambda colors, texts: colors[0] != texts[0], [color, text], 1, 3))

    block = fully_cross_block([color, text, congruent_bookend], [color, text], [])

    assert __generate_encoding_diagram(block) == "\
|   Trial |  color   |   text   | congruent bookend? |\n\
|       # | red blue | red blue |    yes       no    |\n\
|       1 |  1   2   |  3   4   |    17        18    |\n\
|       2 |  5   6   |  7   8   |                    |\n\
|       3 |  9   10  | 11   12  |                    |\n\
|       4 | 13   14  | 15   16  |    19        20    |\n\

    congruent_bookend = Factor("congruent bookend?", [
        DerivedLevel("yes", Window(lambda colors, texts: colors[0] == texts[0], [color, text], 2, 2)),
        DerivedLevel("no",  Window(lambda colors, texts: colors[0] != texts[0], [color, text], 2, 2))

    block = fully_cross_block([color, text, congruent_bookend], [color, text], [])

    assert __generate_encoding_diagram(block) == "\
コード例 #3
def test_shift_window():
    assert DerivationProcessor.shift_window([[0, 0], [1, 1]],
                                            WithinTrial(lambda x: x, None),
                                            0) == [[0, 0], [1, 1]]
    assert DerivationProcessor.shift_window([[0, 0], [1, 1]],
                                            Transition(lambda x: x, None),
                                            4) == [[0, 4], [1, 5]]
    assert DerivationProcessor.shift_window([[0, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5]],
                                            Window(lambda x: x, [1, 2], 2, 3),
                                            6) == [[0, 8, 16], [1, 9, 17]]
    assert DerivationProcessor.shift_window([[1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2]], Window(lambda x: x, [1, 2], 2, 4), 10) == \
        [[1, 11, 21, 31], [2, 12, 22, 32]]
コード例 #4
def test_generate_encoding_diagram_with_windows():
    color3 = Factor("color3", ["red", "blue", "green"])

    yes_fn = lambda colors: colors[0] == colors[1] == colors[2]
    no_fn = lambda colors: not yes_fn(colors)
    color3_repeats_factor = Factor("color3 repeats?", [
        DerivedLevel("yes", Window(yes_fn, [color3], 3, 1)),
        DerivedLevel("no",  Window(no_fn, [color3], 3, 1))

    block = fully_cross_block([color3_repeats_factor, color3, text], [color3, text], [])

    assert __generate_encoding_diagram(block) == "\
コード例 #5
def test_factor_applies_to_trial():
    assert color.applies_to_trial(1) == True
    assert color.applies_to_trial(2) == True
    assert color.applies_to_trial(3) == True
    assert color.applies_to_trial(4) == True

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert color_repeats_factor.applies_to_trial(1) == False
    assert color_repeats_factor.applies_to_trial(2) == True
    assert color_repeats_factor.applies_to_trial(3) == True
    assert color_repeats_factor.applies_to_trial(4) == True

    f = Factor('f', [DerivedLevel('l', Window(op.eq, [color], 2, 2))])
    assert f.applies_to_trial(1) == False
    assert f.applies_to_trial(2) == True
    assert f.applies_to_trial(3) == False
    assert f.applies_to_trial(4) == True

    assert color3.applies_to_trial(1) == True
コード例 #6
from sweetpea.constraints import at_most_k_in_a_row, exclude
from sweetpea.encoding_diagram import print_encoding_diagram
from sweetpea.primitives import Factor, DerivedLevel, Window
from sweetpea.tests.test_utils import get_level_from_name
from sweetpea.server import build_cnf
from acceptance import path_to_cnf_files

# Basic setup
color_list = ["red", "blue"]
color = Factor("color", color_list)
text = Factor("text", color_list)

# congruent 'bookend' Factor. (color and text in first and last trial are congruent)
congruent_bookend = Factor("congruent bookend?", [
        "yes", Window(lambda color, text: color == text, [color, text], 1, 3)),
        "no", Window(lambda color, text: color != text, [color, text], 1, 3))

                         permutations([color, text, congruent_bookend]))
def test_correct_solution_count_when_unconstrained(design):
    crossing = [color, text]
    constraints = []

    block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    experiments = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 100)

    assert len(experiments) == 24
コード例 #7
color = Factor("color", ["red", "blue"])
text = Factor("text", ["red", "blue"])

red_color = get_level_from_name(color, "red")
blue_color = get_level_from_name(color, "blue")
red_text = get_level_from_name(text, "red")
blue_text = get_level_from_name(text, "blue")

con_factor_within_trial = Factor("congruent?", [
    DerivedLevel("con", WithinTrial(op.eq, [color, text])),
    DerivedLevel("inc", WithinTrial(op.ne, [color, text]))

con_factor_window = Factor("congruent?", [
    DerivedLevel("con", Window(op.eq, [color, text], 1, 1)),
    DerivedLevel("inc", Window(op.ne, [color, text], 1, 1))

color_repeats_factor = Factor("repeated color?", [
                 Transition(lambda colors: colors[0] == colors[1], [color])),
                 Transition(lambda colors: colors[0] != colors[1], [color]))

def test_validate_accepts_basic_factors():
    block = fully_cross_block([color, text], [color, text], [])
コード例 #8
con_level  = DerivedLevel("con", WithinTrial(op.eq, [color, text]))
inc_level  = DerivedLevel("inc", WithinTrial(op.ne, [color, text]))
con_factor = Factor("congruent?", [con_level, inc_level])

color_repeats_factor = Factor("color repeats?", [
    DerivedLevel("yes", Transition(lambda colors: colors[0] == colors[1], [color])),
    DerivedLevel("no",  Transition(lambda colors: colors[0] != colors[1], [color]))

text_repeats_factor = Factor("text repeats?", [
    DerivedLevel("yes", Transition(lambda colors: colors[0] == colors[1], [text])),
    DerivedLevel("no",  Transition(lambda colors: colors[0] != colors[1], [text]))

congruent_bookend = Factor("congruent bookend?", [
    DerivedLevel("yes", Window(lambda color, text: color == text, [color, text], 1, 3)),
    DerivedLevel("no",  Window(lambda color, text: color != text, [color, text], 1, 3))

design = [color, text, con_factor]
crossing = [color, text]
blk = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, [])

def test_decode():
    solution = [-1,   2,  -3,   4,   5,  -6,
                -7,   8,   9, -10, -11,  12,
                13, -14, -15,  16, -17,  18,
                19, -20,  21, -22,  23, -24]
    assert __decode(blk, solution) == {
        'color':      ['blue', 'blue', 'red',  'red'],
コード例 #9
con_level = DerivedLevel("con", WithinTrial(op.eq, [color, text]))
inc_level = DerivedLevel("inc", WithinTrial(op.ne, [color, text]))
con_factor = Factor("congruent?", [con_level, inc_level])

color_repeats_level = DerivedLevel("yes", Transition(op.eq, [color]))
color_no_repeat_level = DerivedLevel("no", Transition(op.ne, [color]))
color_repeats_factor = Factor("color repeats?",
                              [color_repeats_level, color_no_repeat_level])

color3 = Factor("color3", ["red", "blue", "green"])

yes_fn = lambda colors: colors[0] == colors[1] == colors[2]
no_fn = lambda colors: not yes_fn(colors)
color3_repeats_factor = Factor("color3 repeats?", [
    DerivedLevel("yes", Window(yes_fn, [color3], 3, 1)),
    DerivedLevel("no", Window(no_fn, [color3], 3, 1))

def test_factor_validation():
    Factor("factor name", ["level 1", "level 2"])

    # Non-string name
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Factor(56, ["level "])

    # Non-list levels
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Factor("name", 42)
コード例 #10
def A_B_A(tasks):
    return (tasks[0] == tasks[2]) and (tasks[0] != tasks[1])

def A_B_C(tasks):
    return (tasks[0] != tasks[2]) and (tasks[0] != tasks[1]) and (tasks[1] !=

def other_transition(tasks):
    return (not (A_B_A(tasks) or A_B_C(tasks)))

task_transition = Factor("task transition", [
    DerivedLevel("A-B-A", Window(A_B_A, [task], 3, 1)),
    DerivedLevel("A-B-C", Window(A_B_C, [task], 3, 1)),


constraints = [Exclude("object configuration", "illegal")]

design = [
    deviantColorObject, deviantOrientationObject, deviantMovementObject,
    objectConfiguration, task, task_transition
crossing = [
    deviantColorObject, deviantOrientationObject, deviantMovementObject, task,
コード例 #11
color_repeats_factor = Factor("repeated color?", [
                 Transition(lambda colors: colors[0] == colors[1], [color])),
                 Transition(lambda colors: colors[0] != colors[1], [color]))

text_repeats_factor = Factor("repeated text?", [
    DerivedLevel("yes", Transition(lambda texts: texts[0] == texts[1],
    DerivedLevel("no", Transition(lambda texts: texts[0] != texts[1], [text]))

congruent_bookend = Factor("congruent bookend?", [
        "yes", Window(lambda color, text: color == text, [color, text], 1, 3)),
        "no", Window(lambda color, text: color != text, [color, text], 1, 3))

color3 = Factor("color3", ["red", "blue", "green"])

yes_fn = lambda colors: colors[0] == colors[1] == colors[2]
no_fn = lambda colors: not yes_fn(colors)
color3_repeats_factor = Factor("color3 repeats?", [
    DerivedLevel("yes", Window(yes_fn, [color3], 3, 1)),
    DerivedLevel("no", Window(no_fn, [color3], 3, 1))

def test_fully_cross_block_validate():