コード例 #1
ファイル: bucket.py プロジェクト: sapcc/swift
    def _parse_request_options(self, req, max_keys):
        encoding_type = req.params.get('encoding-type')
        if encoding_type is not None and encoding_type != 'url':
            err_msg = 'Invalid Encoding Method specified in Request'
            raise InvalidArgument('encoding-type', encoding_type, err_msg)

        # in order to judge that truncated is valid, check whether
        # max_keys + 1 th element exists in swift.
        query = {
            'limit': max_keys + 1,
        if 'prefix' in req.params:
            query['prefix'] = swob.wsgi_to_str(req.params['prefix'])
        if 'delimiter' in req.params:
            query['delimiter'] = swob.wsgi_to_str(req.params['delimiter'])
        fetch_owner = False
        if 'versions' in req.params:
            query['versions'] = swob.wsgi_to_str(req.params['versions'])
            listing_type = 'object-versions'
            version_marker = swob.wsgi_to_str(
            if 'key-marker' in req.params:
                query['marker'] = swob.wsgi_to_str(req.params['key-marker'])
                if version_marker is not None:
                    if version_marker != 'null':
                        except ValueError:
                            raise InvalidArgument(
                                'version-id-marker', version_marker,
                                'Invalid version id specified')
                    query['version_marker'] = version_marker
            elif version_marker is not None:
                err_msg = ('A version-id marker cannot be specified without '
                           'a key marker.')
                raise InvalidArgument('version-id-marker', version_marker,
        elif int(req.params.get('list-type', '1')) == 2:
            listing_type = 'version-2'
            if 'start-after' in req.params:
                query['marker'] = swob.wsgi_to_str(req.params['start-after'])
            # continuation-token overrides start-after
            if 'continuation-token' in req.params:
                decoded = b64decode(req.params['continuation-token'])
                if not six.PY2:
                    decoded = decoded.decode('utf8')
                query['marker'] = decoded
            if 'fetch-owner' in req.params:
                fetch_owner = config_true_value(req.params['fetch-owner'])
            listing_type = 'version-1'
            if 'marker' in req.params:
                query['marker'] = swob.wsgi_to_str(req.params['marker'])

        return encoding_type, query, listing_type, fetch_owner
コード例 #2
    def PUT(self, req):
        Handle PUT Object and PUT Object (Copy) request
        # set X-Timestamp by s3api to use at copy resp body
        req_timestamp = S3Timestamp.now()
        req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal
        if all(h in req.headers
               for h in ('X-Amz-Copy-Source', 'X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range')):
            raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-copy-source-range',
                                  'Illegal copy header')
        if not req.headers.get('Content-Type'):
            # can't setdefault because it can be None for some reason
            req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'binary/octet-stream'
        resp = req.get_response(self.app)

        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers:
            # delete object metadata from response
            for key in list(resp.headers.keys()):
                if key.lower().startswith('x-amz-meta-'):
                    del resp.headers[key]

        resp.status = HTTP_OK
        return resp
コード例 #3
def get_group_subclass_from_uri(uri):
    Convert a URI to one of the predefined groups.
    for group in Group.__subclasses__():  # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
        if group.uri == uri:
            return group
    raise InvalidArgument('uri', uri, 'Invalid group uri')
コード例 #4
ファイル: tagging.py プロジェクト: AymericDu/swift
def tagging_header_to_xml(header_val):
    """Convert x-amz-tagging header value to a Tagging XML document."""
    root = Element('Tagging')
    elem = SubElement(root, 'TagSet')
    # AWS supports keys with empty values like key1=&key2=
    items = parse_qs(header_val, keep_blank_values=True)
    for key, val in items.items():
        if len(val) != 1:
            raise InvalidArgument(HTTP_HEADER_TAGGING_KEY,
        tag = SubElement(elem, 'Tag')
        SubElement(tag, 'Key').text = key
        SubElement(tag, 'Value').text = val[0]
    return tostring(root)
コード例 #5
def version_id_param(req):
    Get the version ID specified by the request, if any.
    version_id = req.params.get('versionId')
    if version_id not in ('null', None):
        obj_vers_info = get_swift_info().get('object_versioning')
        if obj_vers_info is None:
            raise S3NotImplemented()
        is_valid_version = obj_vers_info.get('is_valid_version_id',
                                             lambda x: True)
        if not is_valid_version(version_id):
            raise InvalidArgument('versionId', version_id,
                                  'Invalid version id specified')
    return version_id
コード例 #6
    def from_headers(cls,
        Convert HTTP headers to an ACL instance.
        grants = []
            for key, value in headers.items():
                if key.lower().startswith('x-amz-grant-'):
                    permission = key[len('x-amz-grant-'):]
                    permission = permission.upper().replace('-', '_')
                    if permission not in PERMISSIONS:
                    for grantee in value.split(','):
                            Grant(Grantee.from_header(grantee), permission))

            if 'x-amz-acl' in headers:
                    acl = headers['x-amz-acl']
                    if len(grants) > 0:
                        err_msg = 'Specifying both Canned ACLs and Header ' \
                            'Grants is not allowed'
                        raise InvalidRequest(err_msg)
                    grantees = canned_acl_grantees(bucket_owner,
                    for permission, grantee in grantees:
                        grants.append(Grant(grantee, permission))
                except KeyError:
                    # expects canned_acl_grantees()[] raises KeyError
                    raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-acl', headers['x-amz-acl'])
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            # TODO: think about we really catch this except sequence
            raise InvalidRequest()

        if len(grants) == 0:
            # No ACL headers
            if as_private:
                return ACLPrivate(bucket_owner, object_owner)
                return None

        return cls(object_owner or bucket_owner, grants)
コード例 #7
 def from_header(grantee):
     Convert a grantee string in the HTTP header to an Grantee instance.
     type, value = grantee.split('=', 1)
     value = value.strip('"\'')
     if type == 'id':
         return User(value)
     elif type == 'emailAddress':
         raise S3NotImplemented()
     elif type == 'uri':
         # return a subclass instance of Group class
         subclass = get_group_subclass_from_uri(value)
         return subclass()
         raise InvalidArgument(type, value,
                               'Argument format not recognized')
コード例 #8
ファイル: acl_utils.py プロジェクト: AymericDu/swift
def handle_acl_header(req):
    Handle the x-amz-acl header.
    Note that this header currently used for only normal-acl
    (not implemented) on s3acl.
    TODO: add translation to swift acl like as x-container-read to s3acl

    amz_acl = req.environ['HTTP_X_AMZ_ACL']
    # Translate the Amazon ACL to something that can be
    # implemented in Swift, 501 otherwise. Swift uses POST
    # for ACLs, whereas S3 uses PUT.
    del req.environ['HTTP_X_AMZ_ACL']
    if req.query_string:
        req.query_string = ''

        translated_acl = swift_acl_translate(amz_acl)
    except ACLError:
        raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-acl', amz_acl)

    for header, acl in translated_acl:
        req.headers[header] = acl
コード例 #9
    def GET(self, req):
        Handles List Parts.
        def filter_part_num_marker(o):
                num = int(os.path.basename(o['name']))
                return num > part_num_marker
            except ValueError:
                return False

        encoding_type = req.params.get('encoding-type')
        if encoding_type is not None and encoding_type != 'url':
            err_msg = 'Invalid Encoding Method specified in Request'
            raise InvalidArgument('encoding-type', encoding_type, err_msg)

        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        _get_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id)

        maxparts = req.get_validated_param('max-parts',
        part_num_marker = req.get_validated_param('part-number-marker', 0)

        query = {
            'format': 'json',
            'prefix': '%s/%s/' % (req.object_name, upload_id),
            'delimiter': '/',
            'marker': '',

        container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
        # Because the parts are out of order in Swift, we list up to the
        # maximum number of parts and then apply the marker and limit options.
        objects = []
        while True:
            resp = req.get_response(self.app,
            new_objects = json.loads(resp.body)
            if not new_objects:
            query['marker'] = new_objects[-1]['name']

        last_part = 0

        # If the caller requested a list starting at a specific part number,
        # construct a sub-set of the object list.
        objList = [obj for obj in objects if filter_part_num_marker(obj)]

        # pylint: disable-msg=E1103
        objList.sort(key=lambda o: int(o['name'].split('/')[-1]))

        if len(objList) > maxparts:
            objList = objList[:maxparts]
            truncated = True
            truncated = False
        # TODO: We have to retrieve object list again when truncated is True
        # and some objects filtered by invalid name because there could be no
        # enough objects for limit defined by maxparts.

        if objList:
            o = objList[-1]
            last_part = os.path.basename(o['name'])

        result_elem = Element('ListPartsResult')
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name
        name = req.object_name
        if encoding_type == 'url':
            name = quote(name)
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Key').text = name
        SubElement(result_elem, 'UploadId').text = upload_id

        initiator_elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'Initiator')
        SubElement(initiator_elem, 'ID').text = req.user_id
        SubElement(initiator_elem, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id
        owner_elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'Owner')
        SubElement(owner_elem, 'ID').text = req.user_id
        SubElement(owner_elem, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id

        SubElement(result_elem, 'StorageClass').text = 'STANDARD'
        SubElement(result_elem, 'PartNumberMarker').text = str(part_num_marker)
        SubElement(result_elem, 'NextPartNumberMarker').text = str(last_part)
        SubElement(result_elem, 'MaxParts').text = str(maxparts)
        if 'encoding-type' in req.params:
            SubElement(result_elem, 'EncodingType').text = \
        SubElement(result_elem, 'IsTruncated').text = \
            'true' if truncated else 'false'

        for i in objList:
            part_elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'Part')
            SubElement(part_elem, 'PartNumber').text = i['name'].split('/')[-1]
            SubElement(part_elem, 'LastModified').text = \
                i['last_modified'][:-3] + 'Z'
            SubElement(part_elem, 'ETag').text = '"%s"' % i['hash']
            SubElement(part_elem, 'Size').text = str(i['bytes'])

        body = tostring(result_elem)

        return HTTPOk(body=body, content_type='application/xml')
コード例 #10
    def GET(self, req):
        Handles List Multipart Uploads
        def separate_uploads(uploads, prefix, delimiter):
            separate_uploads will separate uploads into non_delimited_uploads
            (a subset of uploads) and common_prefixes according to the
            specified delimiter. non_delimited_uploads is a list of uploads
            which exclude the delimiter. common_prefixes is a set of prefixes
            prior to the specified delimiter. Note that the prefix in the
            common_prefixes includes the delimiter itself.

            i.e. if '/' delimiter specified and then the uploads is consists of
            ['foo', 'foo/bar'], this function will return (['foo'], ['foo/']).

            :param uploads: A list of uploads dictionary
            :param prefix: A string of prefix reserved on the upload path.
                           (i.e. the delimiter must be searched behind the
            :param delimiter: A string of delimiter to split the path in each

            :return (non_delimited_uploads, common_prefixes)
            if six.PY2:
                (prefix, delimiter) = utf8encode(prefix, delimiter)
            non_delimited_uploads = []
            common_prefixes = set()
            for upload in uploads:
                key = upload['key']
                end = key.find(delimiter, len(prefix))
                if end >= 0:
                    common_prefix = key[:end + len(delimiter)]
            return non_delimited_uploads, sorted(common_prefixes)

        encoding_type = req.params.get('encoding-type')
        if encoding_type is not None and encoding_type != 'url':
            err_msg = 'Invalid Encoding Method specified in Request'
            raise InvalidArgument('encoding-type', encoding_type, err_msg)

        keymarker = req.params.get('key-marker', '')
        uploadid = req.params.get('upload-id-marker', '')
        maxuploads = req.get_validated_param('max-uploads',

        query = {
            'format': 'json',
            'limit': maxuploads + 1,

        if uploadid and keymarker:
            query.update({'marker': '%s/%s' % (keymarker, uploadid)})
        elif keymarker:
            query.update({'marker': '%s/~' % (keymarker)})
        if 'prefix' in req.params:
            query.update({'prefix': req.params['prefix']})

        container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
            resp = req.get_response(self.app, container=container, query=query)
            objects = json.loads(resp.body)
        except NoSuchBucket:
            # Assume NoSuchBucket as no uploads
            objects = []

        def object_to_upload(object_info):
            obj, upid = object_info['name'].rsplit('/', 1)
            obj_dict = {
                'key': obj,
                'upload_id': upid,
                'last_modified': object_info['last_modified']
            return obj_dict

        # uploads is a list consists of dict, {key, upload_id, last_modified}
        # Note that pattern matcher will drop whole segments objects like as
        # object_name/upload_id/1.
        pattern = re.compile('/[0-9]+$')
        uploads = [
            object_to_upload(obj) for obj in objects
            if pattern.search(obj.get('name', '')) is None

        prefixes = []
        if 'delimiter' in req.params:
            prefix = req.params.get('prefix', '')
            delimiter = req.params['delimiter']
            uploads, prefixes = separate_uploads(uploads, prefix, delimiter)

        if len(uploads) > maxuploads:
            uploads = uploads[:maxuploads]
            truncated = True
            truncated = False

        nextkeymarker = ''
        nextuploadmarker = ''
        if len(uploads) > 1:
            nextuploadmarker = uploads[-1]['upload_id']
            nextkeymarker = uploads[-1]['key']

        result_elem = Element('ListMultipartUploadsResult')
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name
        SubElement(result_elem, 'KeyMarker').text = keymarker
        SubElement(result_elem, 'UploadIdMarker').text = uploadid
        SubElement(result_elem, 'NextKeyMarker').text = nextkeymarker
        SubElement(result_elem, 'NextUploadIdMarker').text = nextuploadmarker
        if 'delimiter' in req.params:
            SubElement(result_elem, 'Delimiter').text = req.params['delimiter']
        if 'prefix' in req.params:
            SubElement(result_elem, 'Prefix').text = req.params['prefix']
        SubElement(result_elem, 'MaxUploads').text = str(maxuploads)
        if encoding_type is not None:
            SubElement(result_elem, 'EncodingType').text = encoding_type
        SubElement(result_elem, 'IsTruncated').text = \
            'true' if truncated else 'false'

        # TODO: don't show uploads which are initiated before this bucket is
        # created.
        for u in uploads:
            upload_elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'Upload')
            name = u['key']
            if encoding_type == 'url':
                name = quote(name)
            SubElement(upload_elem, 'Key').text = name
            SubElement(upload_elem, 'UploadId').text = u['upload_id']
            initiator_elem = SubElement(upload_elem, 'Initiator')
            SubElement(initiator_elem, 'ID').text = req.user_id
            SubElement(initiator_elem, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id
            owner_elem = SubElement(upload_elem, 'Owner')
            SubElement(owner_elem, 'ID').text = req.user_id
            SubElement(owner_elem, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id
            SubElement(upload_elem, 'StorageClass').text = 'STANDARD'
            SubElement(upload_elem, 'Initiated').text = \
                u['last_modified'][:-3] + 'Z'

        for p in prefixes:
            elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'CommonPrefixes')
            SubElement(elem, 'Prefix').text = p

        body = tostring(result_elem)

        return HTTPOk(body=body, content_type='application/xml')
コード例 #11
    def PUT(self, req):
        Handles Upload Part and Upload Part Copy.

        if 'uploadId' not in req.params:
            raise InvalidArgument('ResourceType', 'partNumber',
                                  'Unexpected query string parameter')

            part_number = int(req.params['partNumber'])
            if part_number < 1 or self.conf.max_upload_part_num < part_number:
                raise Exception()
        except Exception:
            err_msg = 'Part number must be an integer between 1 and %d,' \
                      ' inclusive' % self.conf.max_upload_part_num
            raise InvalidArgument('partNumber', req.params['partNumber'],

        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        _get_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id)

        req.container_name += MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
        req.object_name = '%s/%s/%d' % (req.object_name, upload_id,

        req_timestamp = S3Timestamp.now()
        req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal
        source_resp = req.check_copy_source(self.app)
        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers and \
                'X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range' in req.headers:
            rng = req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range']

            header_valid = True
                rng_obj = Range(rng)
                if len(rng_obj.ranges) != 1:
                    header_valid = False
            except ValueError:
                header_valid = False
            if not header_valid:
                err_msg = ('The x-amz-copy-source-range value must be of the '
                           'form bytes=first-last where first and last are '
                           'the zero-based offsets of the first and last '
                           'bytes to copy')
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg)

            source_size = int(source_resp.headers['Content-Length'])
            if not rng_obj.ranges_for_length(source_size):
                err_msg = ('Range specified is not valid for source object '
                           'of size: %s' % source_size)
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg)

            req.headers['Range'] = rng
            del req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range']
        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers:
            # Clear some problematic headers that might be on the source
                sysmeta_header('object', 'etag'): '',
                'X-Object-Sysmeta-Swift3-Etag': '',  # for legacy data
                'X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Etag': '',
                'X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Size': '',
                get_container_update_override_key('etag'): '',
        resp = req.get_response(self.app)

        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers:

        resp.status = 200
        return resp
コード例 #12
    def GET(self, req):
        Handle GET Bucket (List Objects) request

        max_keys = req.get_validated_param('max-keys',
        # TODO: Separate max_bucket_listing and default_bucket_listing
        tag_max_keys = max_keys
        max_keys = min(max_keys, self.conf.max_bucket_listing)

        encoding_type = req.params.get('encoding-type')
        if encoding_type is not None and encoding_type != 'url':
            err_msg = 'Invalid Encoding Method specified in Request'
            raise InvalidArgument('encoding-type', encoding_type, err_msg)

        query = {
            'format': 'json',
            'limit': max_keys + 1,
        if 'prefix' in req.params:
            query.update({'prefix': req.params['prefix']})
        if 'delimiter' in req.params:
            query.update({'delimiter': req.params['delimiter']})
        fetch_owner = False
        if 'versions' in req.params:
            listing_type = 'object-versions'
            if 'key-marker' in req.params:
                query.update({'marker': req.params['key-marker']})
            elif 'version-id-marker' in req.params:
                err_msg = ('A version-id marker cannot be specified without '
                           'a key marker.')
                raise InvalidArgument('version-id-marker',
                                      req.params['version-id-marker'], err_msg)
        elif int(req.params.get('list-type', '1')) == 2:
            listing_type = 'version-2'
            if 'start-after' in req.params:
                query.update({'marker': req.params['start-after']})
            # continuation-token overrides start-after
            if 'continuation-token' in req.params:
                decoded = b64decode(req.params['continuation-token'])
                query.update({'marker': decoded})
            if 'fetch-owner' in req.params:
                fetch_owner = config_true_value(req.params['fetch-owner'])
            listing_type = 'version-1'
            if 'marker' in req.params:
                query.update({'marker': req.params['marker']})

        resp = req.get_response(self.app, query=query)

        objects = json.loads(resp.body)

        # in order to judge that truncated is valid, check whether
        # max_keys + 1 th element exists in swift.
        is_truncated = max_keys > 0 and len(objects) > max_keys
        objects = objects[:max_keys]

        if listing_type == 'object-versions':
            elem = Element('ListVersionsResult')
            SubElement(elem, 'Name').text = req.container_name
            SubElement(elem, 'Prefix').text = req.params.get('prefix')
            SubElement(elem, 'KeyMarker').text = req.params.get('key-marker')
                'VersionIdMarker').text = req.params.get('version-id-marker')
            if is_truncated:
                if 'name' in objects[-1]:
                    SubElement(elem, 'NextKeyMarker').text = \
                if 'subdir' in objects[-1]:
                    SubElement(elem, 'NextKeyMarker').text = \
                SubElement(elem, 'NextVersionIdMarker').text = 'null'
            elem = Element('ListBucketResult')
            SubElement(elem, 'Name').text = req.container_name
            SubElement(elem, 'Prefix').text = req.params.get('prefix')
            if listing_type == 'version-1':
                SubElement(elem, 'Marker').text = req.params.get('marker')
                if is_truncated and 'delimiter' in req.params:
                    if 'name' in objects[-1]:
                        name = objects[-1]['name']
                        name = objects[-1]['subdir']
                    if encoding_type == 'url':
                        name = quote(name)
                    SubElement(elem, 'NextMarker').text = name
            elif listing_type == 'version-2':
                if is_truncated:
                    if 'name' in objects[-1]:
                        SubElement(elem, 'NextContinuationToken').text = \
                    if 'subdir' in objects[-1]:
                        SubElement(elem, 'NextContinuationToken').text = \
                if 'continuation-token' in req.params:
                    SubElement(elem, 'ContinuationToken').text = \
                if 'start-after' in req.params:
                    SubElement(elem, 'StartAfter').text = \
                SubElement(elem, 'KeyCount').text = str(len(objects))

        SubElement(elem, 'MaxKeys').text = str(tag_max_keys)

        if 'delimiter' in req.params:
            SubElement(elem, 'Delimiter').text = req.params['delimiter']

        if encoding_type == 'url':
            SubElement(elem, 'EncodingType').text = encoding_type

        SubElement(elem, 'IsTruncated').text = \
            'true' if is_truncated else 'false'

        for o in objects:
            if 'subdir' not in o:
                name = o['name']
                if encoding_type == 'url':
                    name = quote(name.encode('utf-8'))

                if listing_type == 'object-versions':
                    contents = SubElement(elem, 'Version')
                    SubElement(contents, 'Key').text = name
                    SubElement(contents, 'VersionId').text = 'null'
                    SubElement(contents, 'IsLatest').text = 'true'
                    contents = SubElement(elem, 'Contents')
                    SubElement(contents, 'Key').text = name
                SubElement(contents, 'LastModified').text = \
                    o['last_modified'][:-3] + 'Z'
                if 's3_etag' in o:
                    # New-enough MUs are already in the right format
                    etag = o['s3_etag']
                elif 'slo_etag' in o:
                    # SLOs may be in something *close* to the MU format
                    etag = '"%s-N"' % o['slo_etag'].strip('"')
                    # Normal objects just use the MD5
                    etag = '"%s"' % o['hash']
                    # This also catches sufficiently-old SLOs, but we have
                    # no way to identify those from container listings
                SubElement(contents, 'ETag').text = etag
                SubElement(contents, 'Size').text = str(o['bytes'])
                if fetch_owner or listing_type != 'version-2':
                    owner = SubElement(contents, 'Owner')
                    SubElement(owner, 'ID').text = req.user_id
                    SubElement(owner, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id
                SubElement(contents, 'StorageClass').text = 'STANDARD'

        for o in objects:
            if 'subdir' in o:
                common_prefixes = SubElement(elem, 'CommonPrefixes')
                name = o['subdir']
                if encoding_type == 'url':
                    name = quote(name.encode('utf-8'))
                SubElement(common_prefixes, 'Prefix').text = name

        body = tostring(elem)

        return HTTPOk(body=body, content_type='application/xml')
コード例 #13
ファイル: bucket.py プロジェクト: yinhui1150/swift
    def GET(self, req):
        Handle GET Bucket (List Objects) request

        max_keys = req.get_validated_param('max-keys',
        # TODO: Separate max_bucket_listing and default_bucket_listing
        tag_max_keys = max_keys
        max_keys = min(max_keys, self.conf.max_bucket_listing)

        encoding_type = req.params.get('encoding-type')
        if encoding_type is not None and encoding_type != 'url':
            err_msg = 'Invalid Encoding Method specified in Request'
            raise InvalidArgument('encoding-type', encoding_type, err_msg)

        query = {
            'format': 'json',
            'limit': max_keys + 1,
        if 'marker' in req.params:
            query.update({'marker': req.params['marker']})
        if 'prefix' in req.params:
            query.update({'prefix': req.params['prefix']})
        if 'delimiter' in req.params:
            query.update({'delimiter': req.params['delimiter']})

        # GET Bucket (List Objects) Version 2 parameters
        is_v2 = int(req.params.get('list-type', '1')) == 2
        fetch_owner = False
        if is_v2:
            if 'start-after' in req.params:
                query.update({'marker': req.params['start-after']})
            # continuation-token overrides start-after
            if 'continuation-token' in req.params:
                decoded = b64decode(req.params['continuation-token'])
                query.update({'marker': decoded})
            if 'fetch-owner' in req.params:
                fetch_owner = config_true_value(req.params['fetch-owner'])

        resp = req.get_response(self.app, query=query)

        objects = json.loads(resp.body)

        elem = Element('ListBucketResult')
        SubElement(elem, 'Name').text = req.container_name
        SubElement(elem, 'Prefix').text = req.params.get('prefix')

        # in order to judge that truncated is valid, check whether
        # max_keys + 1 th element exists in swift.
        is_truncated = max_keys > 0 and len(objects) > max_keys
        objects = objects[:max_keys]

        if not is_v2:
            SubElement(elem, 'Marker').text = req.params.get('marker')
            if is_truncated and 'delimiter' in req.params:
                if 'name' in objects[-1]:
                    SubElement(elem, 'NextMarker').text = \
                if 'subdir' in objects[-1]:
                    SubElement(elem, 'NextMarker').text = \
            if is_truncated:
                if 'name' in objects[-1]:
                    SubElement(elem, 'NextContinuationToken').text = \
                if 'subdir' in objects[-1]:
                    SubElement(elem, 'NextContinuationToken').text = \
            if 'continuation-token' in req.params:
                SubElement(elem, 'ContinuationToken').text = \
            if 'start-after' in req.params:
                SubElement(elem, 'StartAfter').text = \
            SubElement(elem, 'KeyCount').text = str(len(objects))

        SubElement(elem, 'MaxKeys').text = str(tag_max_keys)

        if 'delimiter' in req.params:
            SubElement(elem, 'Delimiter').text = req.params['delimiter']

        if encoding_type is not None:
            SubElement(elem, 'EncodingType').text = encoding_type

        SubElement(elem, 'IsTruncated').text = \
            'true' if is_truncated else 'false'

        for o in objects:
            if 'subdir' not in o:
                contents = SubElement(elem, 'Contents')
                SubElement(contents, 'Key').text = o['name']
                SubElement(contents, 'LastModified').text = \
                    o['last_modified'][:-3] + 'Z'
                SubElement(contents, 'ETag').text = '"%s"' % o['hash']
                SubElement(contents, 'Size').text = str(o['bytes'])
                if fetch_owner or not is_v2:
                    owner = SubElement(contents, 'Owner')
                    SubElement(owner, 'ID').text = req.user_id
                    SubElement(owner, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id
                SubElement(contents, 'StorageClass').text = 'STANDARD'

        for o in objects:
            if 'subdir' in o:
                common_prefixes = SubElement(elem, 'CommonPrefixes')
                SubElement(common_prefixes, 'Prefix').text = o['subdir']

        body = tostring(elem, encoding_type=encoding_type)

        return HTTPOk(body=body, content_type='application/xml')