コード例 #1
    def test_stat_container_verbose(self):
        self.options['verbose'] += 1
        # stub head container request
        stub_headers = {
            'x-container-object-count': 10**6,
            'x-container-bytes-used': 2**30,
        self.conn.head_container.return_value = stub_headers
        args = ('c', )
        with self.output_manager as output_manager:
            items, headers = h.stat_container(self.conn, self.options, *args)
            h.print_container_stats(items, headers, output_manager)
        expected = """
       URL: http://storage/v1/a/c
Auth Token: tk12345
   Account: a
 Container: c
   Objects: 1000000
     Bytes: 1073741824
  Read ACL:
 Write ACL:
   Sync To:
  Sync Key:
コード例 #2
    def test_stat_container_verbose(self):
        self.options['verbose'] += 1
        # stub head container request
        stub_headers = {
            'x-container-object-count': 10 ** 6,
            'x-container-bytes-used': 2 ** 30,
        self.conn.head_container.return_value = stub_headers
        args = ('c',)
        with self.output_manager as output_manager:
            items, headers = h.stat_container(self.conn, self.options, *args)
            h.print_container_stats(items, headers, output_manager)
        expected = """
       URL: http://storage/v1/a/c
Auth Token: tk12345
   Account: a
 Container: c
   Objects: 1000000
     Bytes: 1073741824
  Read ACL:
 Write ACL:
   Sync To:
  Sync Key:
コード例 #3
    def test_stat_container_human(self):
        self.options.human = True
        # stub head container request
        stub_headers = {"x-container-object-count": 10 ** 6, "x-container-bytes-used": 2 ** 30}
        self.conn.head_container.return_value = stub_headers
        args = ("c",)
        with self.thread_manager as thread_manager:
            h.stat_container(self.conn, self.options, args, thread_manager)
        expected = """
       Account: a
     Container: c
       Objects: 976K
         Bytes: 1.0G
      Read ACL:
     Write ACL:
       Sync To:
      Sync Key:
コード例 #4
    def test_stat_container_verbose(self):
        self.options.verbose += 1
        # stub head container request
        stub_headers = {"x-container-object-count": 10 ** 6, "x-container-bytes-used": 2 ** 30}
        self.conn.head_container.return_value = stub_headers
        args = ("c",)
        with self.thread_manager as thread_manager:
            h.stat_container(self.conn, self.options, args, thread_manager)
        expected = """
           URL: http://storage/v1/a/c
    Auth Token: tk12345
       Account: a
     Container: c
       Objects: 1000000
         Bytes: 1073741824
      Read ACL:
     Write ACL:
       Sync To:
      Sync Key:
コード例 #5
    def test_stat_container_human(self):
        self.options.human = True
        # stub head container request
        stub_headers = {
            'x-container-object-count': 10**6,
            'x-container-bytes-used': 2**30,
        self.conn.head_container.return_value = stub_headers
        args = ('c', )
        with self.thread_manager as thread_manager:
            h.stat_container(self.conn, self.options, args, thread_manager)
        expected = """
       Account: a
     Container: c
       Objects: 976K
         Bytes: 1.0G
      Read ACL:
     Write ACL:
       Sync To:
      Sync Key:
コード例 #6
    def test_stat_container_human(self):
        self.options["human"] = True
        # stub head container request
        stub_headers = {"x-container-object-count": 10 ** 6, "x-container-bytes-used": 2 ** 30}
        self.conn.head_container.return_value = stub_headers
        args = ("c",)
        with self.output_manager as output_manager:
            items, headers = h.stat_container(self.conn, self.options, *args)
            h.print_container_stats(items, headers, output_manager)
        expected = """
  Account: a
Container: c
  Objects: 976K
    Bytes: 1.0G
 Read ACL:
Write ACL:
  Sync To:
 Sync Key:
コード例 #7
    def test_stat_container_human(self):
        self.options['human'] = True
        # stub head container request
        stub_headers = {
            'x-container-object-count': 10**6,
            'x-container-bytes-used': 2**30,
        self.conn.head_container.return_value = stub_headers
        args = ('c', )
        with self.output_manager as output_manager:
            items, headers = h.stat_container(self.conn, self.options, *args)
            h.print_container_stats(items, headers, output_manager)
        expected = """
  Account: a
Container: c
  Objects: 976K
    Bytes: 1.0G
 Read ACL:
Write ACL:
  Sync To:
 Sync Key: