コード例 #1
def label_drives(blank_drives, ip_label, fs, disk_label_list, cp_input_list):
    Label the partition and filesystem of a drive

    :param blank_drives: drives that have not been labelled yet
    :param disk_label_list: list of devices that are labelled and their swift
                            device number ("v" is with the swift number if the
                            device is an lvm)
    :param ip_label: hex representation of the ip address that is used for the
                     swift device labels
    :param cp_input_list: list of tuples that show the devices selected by the
                          configuration(drive/part/lvm name, swift device
    :return disk_label_list: see above
    for blank in blank_drives:

        config_match, config_disk_val = confirm_config(blank, cp_input_list)

        if not config_match:
            print("%s has not been selected for swift use" % (blank))

        full_label, disk_number = get_full_label(config_disk_val,
                                                 cp_input_list, ip_label)

        p_lab_status, p_lab_output = run_cmd('/sbin/parted -s ' + blank +
                                             ' name 1 "' + full_label + '"')

        if p_lab_status != 0:
            print("Error labelling partition %s - %s" % (blank, p_lab_output))


        xfs_label_status, xfs_label_output = run_cmd(
            '/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -L "' + full_label + '" ' + blank + '1')

        if xfs_label_status != 0:
            print("Error labelling xfs partition %s - %s" %
                  (blank, xfs_label_output))
            # Revert the partition label back
            os.system('/sbin/parted -s ' + blank + ' name 1 "primary"')

        disk_label_list.append([str(disk_number), blank + "1"])

    return disk_label_list
コード例 #2
def check_details():
    Parses ntp data in the form:

        remote           refid   st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
    bindcat.fhsu.ed .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    origin.towfowi. .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    time-b.nist.gov .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    services.quadra .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
    version="ntpd [email protected] Fri Apr 10 19:04:04 UTC 2015 (1)",
    processor="x86_64", system="Linux/3.14.44-1-amd64-hlinux", leap=11,
    stratum=16, precision=-23, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=26.340, refid=INIT,
    reftime=00000000.00000000  Mon, Jan  1 1900  0:00:00.000,
    clock=d94f932a.13f33874  Tue, Jul 14 2015 13:54:50.077, peer=0, tc=3,
    mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
    clk_jitter=0.000, clk_wander=0.000
    results = []
    cmd_result = run_cmd('ntpq -pcrv')

    if cmd_result.exitcode != 0:
        failed = CheckFailure.child(dimensions={
            'check': BASE_RESULT.name,
            'error': cmd_result.output,
        failed.value = Severity.fail
        return [failed]

    results.append(check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, 'stratum'))
    results.append(check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, 'offset'))

    return results
コード例 #3
def ping_check(hp):
        cmd_result = run_cmd('ping -c 1 -A %s' % hp.host)
        if cmd_result.exitcode == 0:
            return (True, )
            return (False, "ping_check failed")
    except Exception:
        return (False, "ping_check failed")
コード例 #4
ファイル: connectivity.py プロジェクト: grze/helion-ansible
def ping_check(hp):
        cmd_result = run_cmd('ping -c 1 -A %s' % hp.host)
        if cmd_result.exitcode == 0:
            return (True,)
            return (False, "ping_check failed")
    except Exception:
        return (False, "ping_check failed")
コード例 #5
def is_valid_label(d, r):
    if d.label == LABEL_CHECK_DISABLED:
        return True

    rc = run_cmd('xfs_admin -l %s | grep -q %s' % (d.mount, d.label))
    if rc.exitcode == 0:
        return True
        return False
コード例 #6
ファイル: ntp.py プロジェクト: grze/helion-ansible
def check_status():
    cmd_result = run_cmd('systemctl status ntp')
    r = BASE_RESULT.child()

    if cmd_result.exitcode != 0:
        r['error'] = cmd_result.output
        r.value = Severity.fail
        r.value = Severity.ok

    return [r]
コード例 #7
def get_product_name():
    Returns the type of node (product)
    prod_stat, prod_out = run_cmd("dmidecode -s system-product-name")

    if prod_stat != 0:
        print("Error getting node product name - %s" % (prod_out))
        return prod_out
コード例 #8
def check_status():
    cmd_result = run_cmd('systemctl status ntp')
    r = BASE_RESULT.child()

    if cmd_result.exitcode != 0:
        r['error'] = cmd_result.output
        r.value = Severity.fail
        r.value = Severity.ok

    return [r]
コード例 #9
def handler(signum, frame):
    Handler that is called if the parted command is > 10 seconds. This will
    then kill the parted command.
    pid_out = run_cmd('ps -A')

    for line in pid_out.output.splitlines():
        if 'parted' in line:
            pid = int(line.split(None, 1)[0])
            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)

    raise TimeoutError("Parted command is hanging for device")
コード例 #10
def label_volumes(blank_volumes, ip_label, disk_label_list, cp_input_list):
    Label the filesystem of a logical volume

    :param blank_volumes: volumes that have not been labelled yet
    :param disk_label_list: list of devices that are labelled and their swift
                            device number ("v" is with the swift number if the
                            device is an lvm)
    :param ip_label: hex representation of the ip address that is used for the
                     swift device labels
    :param cp_input_list: list of tuples that show the devices selected by the
                          configuration(drive/part/lvm name, swift device
    :return disk_label_list: see above
    for blank_vol in blank_volumes:

        # No need to confirm that volume is marked for swift use as only
        # volumes in the config processor are included from the start

        swift_vol_match = False

        for full_vol, swift_name in cp_input_list:
            if blank_vol == full_vol:
                # Remove "lvm"
                config_vol_val = swift_name[3:]
                swift_vol_match = True

        if not swift_vol_match:
            print("%s has not been selected for swift use" % (blank_vol))

        full_label, volume_number = get_full_vol_label(config_vol_val,
                                                       cp_input_list, ip_label)

        vol_label_status, vol_label_output = run_cmd(
            '/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -L "' + full_label + '" ' + blank_vol)

        if vol_label_status != 0:
            print("Error labelling xfs volume %s - %s" %
                  (blank_vol, vol_label_output))

        disk_label_list.append([str(volume_number), blank_vol])

    return disk_label_list
コード例 #11
def find_parted_drives(drives):
    Find partitioned devices

    This goes through each device on he node. If there is no partition present
    it will be added to a list for later partitioning. Output is divided into
    partitioned and unpartitioned drives

    : param drives: list of all drives specified by the swift input model
    : return partitioned_drives: list of partitioned drives
    : return umpartitioned_drives: list of unpartitioned drives
    partitioned_drives = []
    unpartitioned_drives = []

    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)

    for drive, swift_name in drives:

        # Ignore lvms
        if is_lvm(swift_name):

        status = -1

            status, output = run_cmd('/sbin/parted ' + drive + ' print')
        except TimeoutError as exc:
            print("%s %s - killing command" % (exc, drive))

        if status == 0 and "Error" not in output:
        elif status == -1:

    # Disable the alarm

    return partitioned_drives, unpartitioned_drives
コード例 #12
def get_drive_partitions(parted_d):
    Returns all partition of a given drives
    status, output = run_cmd('/sbin/parted ' + parted_d + ' print')

    if status == 0:
        if "unrecognised disk label" in output:
            return []
            partitions = output.split("Flags")[2].split("\n")
        print("Error reading %s - %s" % (parted_d, output))

    # Remove blank entries
    for p in partitions:
        if not p:

    return partitions
コード例 #13
ファイル: ntp.py プロジェクト: grze/helion-ansible
def check_details():
    Parses ntp data in the form:

        remote           refid   st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
    bindcat.fhsu.ed .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    origin.towfowi. .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    time-b.nist.gov .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    services.quadra .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
    version="ntpd [email protected] Fri Apr 10 19:04:04 UTC 2015 (1)",
    processor="x86_64", system="Linux/3.14.44-1-amd64-hlinux", leap=11,
    stratum=16, precision=-23, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=26.340, refid=INIT,
    reftime=00000000.00000000  Mon, Jan  1 1900  0:00:00.000,
    clock=d94f932a.13f33874  Tue, Jul 14 2015 13:54:50.077, peer=0, tc=3,
    mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
    clk_jitter=0.000, clk_wander=0.000
    results = []
    cmd_result = run_cmd('ntpq -pcrv')

    if cmd_result.exitcode != 0:
        failed = CheckFailure.child(
                'check': BASE_RESULT.name,
                'error': cmd_result.output,
        failed.value = Severity.fail
        return [failed]

    results.append(check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, 'stratum'))
    results.append(check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, 'offset'))

    return results
コード例 #14
def is_xfs(d, r):
    rc = run_cmd('mount | grep -qE "%s.*xfs"' % d.mount)
    if rc.exitcode == 0:
        return True
        return False
コード例 #15
def label_partitions(blank_partitions, ip_label, fs, disk_label_list,
    Label particular partitions and filesystems in a drive

    :param blank_partitions: partitions that have not been labelled yet
    :param disk_label_list: list of devices that are labelled and their swift
                            device number ("v" is with the swift number if the
                            device is an lvm)
    :param ip_label: hex representation of the ip address that is used for the
                     swift device labels
    :param cp_input_list: list of tuples that show the devices selected by the
                          configuration(drive/part/lvm name, swift device
    :return disk_label_list: see above
    for blank_p in blank_partitions:

        config_match, config_disk_no = confirm_config(blank_p, cp_input_list)

        if not config_match:
            print("%s has not been selected for swift use" % (blank_p))

        full_label, disk_number = get_full_label(config_disk_no,
                                                 cp_input_list, ip_label)

        p_lab_status, p_lab_output = run_cmd('/sbin/parted -s ' +
                                             blank_p[:-1] + ' name ' +
                                             blank_p[-1] + ' "' + full_label +

        if p_lab_status != 0:
            print("Error labelling partition %s - %s" %
                  (blank_p, p_lab_output))


        # Make sure that there is a filesystem to label
        part_status, part_output = run_cmd('/sbin/parted -s ' + blank_p + ' p')

        # Add the fs to the partition if it isn't there already
        if fs not in part_output and fs == "xfs":

            create_fs_stat, create_fs_out = run_cmd(
                '/sbin/mkfs.xfs -f -i size=256 ' + blank_p)

            if create_fs_stat != 0:
                print("Error: Failed to create filesystem for partition %s "
                      "- %s" % (blank_p, create_fs_out))

        fs_label_status, fs_label_output = run_cmd('/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -L "' +
                                                   full_label + '" ' + blank_p)

        if fs_label_status != 0:
            print("Error labelling xfs partition %s - %s" %
                  (blank_p, fs_label_output))
            # Revert the partition label back
            os.system('/sbin/parted -s ' + blank_p[:-1] + ' name ' +
                      blank_p[-1] + ' "primary"')

        disk_label_list.append([str(disk_number), blank_p])

    return disk_label_list
コード例 #16
def mount_devices(ip_label, disk_label_list, mount_dir, cp_input_list):
    Function to mount all labelled devices. Returns a list of
    mounted drives

    :param ip_label: hex representation of the ip address that is used for the
                     swift device labels
    :param disk_label_list: list of devices that are labelled and their swift
                            device number ("v" is with the swift number if the
                            device is an lvm)
    :param mount_dir: directory where the devices will be mounted to
    :param cp_input_list: list of tuples that show the devices selected by the
                          configuration(drive/part/lvm name, swift device
    mounts_to_check = []
    return_results = []
    mount_threads = []

    if not os.path.isdir(mount_dir):
        cmd_status, cmd_output = run_cmd("/bin/mkdir " + mount_dir)

        if cmd_status != 0:
            print("Error creating mount directory %s" % (mount_dir))

    for label_no in disk_label_list:

        # Logical volumes
        if "v" in label_no[0]:
            if cp_input_list:
                mount_vol_match = False
                for full_vol, swift_name in cp_input_list:
                    if ("lvm" + label_no[0][1:]) == swift_name:
                        # Remove "v" from label_no val when creating mount
                        # point
                        mount_point = os.path.join(mount_dir,
                                                   "lvm" + label_no[0][1:])
                        mount_vol_match = True
                if not mount_vol_match:
                        "Not mounting lvm%s - it isn't marked for swift use" %
                mount_point = os.path.join(mount_dir, "lvm" + label_no[0][1:])

            if cp_input_list:
                mount_match = False
                for full_vol, swift_name in cp_input_list:
                    if ("disk" + label_no[0]) == swift_name:
                        mount_point = mount_dir + "disk" + label_no[0]
                        mount_match = True
                if not mount_match:
                        "Not mounting disk%s - it isn't marked for swift use" %
                mount_point = mount_dir + "disk" + label_no[0]

        # Create mount dir if it doesn't exist
        if not os.path.isdir(mount_point):
            cmp_status, cmp_output = run_cmd("/bin/mkdir " + mount_point)

            if cmp_status != 0:
                print("Error creating mount point %s - %s" %
                      (mount_point, cmp_output))

        # Make sure that the directories are owned by root:root
        chown_status, chown_out = run_cmd("/bin/chown root:root " +

        if chown_status != 0:
            print("Error changing ownership of %s - %s" %
                  (mount_point, chown_out))

        if "v" in label_no[0]:
            mount_label = ip_label + "v" + three_dig_format(label_no[0][1:])
            mount_label = ip_label + "h" + three_dig_format(label_no[0])

        # Check if already mounted
        if os.path.ismount(mount_point):
            print("%s is already mounted" % (mount_point))
            t = threading.Thread(target=mount_by_label,
                                 args=(mount_point, mount_label,
        mounts_to_check.append([mount_label, mount_point])

    for mt in mount_threads:

    # TODO - this will soon be logged instead of printed out
    if return_results:
        print("%s" % ("Running: ".join(return_results)))

    # Confirm that the drives are mounted
    for drives in mounts_to_check:
        if os.path.isdir(drives[1]):

            # Double-check the directories are owned by swift:swift
            # NOTE - there is a corner-case where the thread_timeout value
            # expires and the ownership will not be changed here (the mount
            # thread may complete at a later time). In this case, it is
            # necessary that the diags pick up bad ownership asap
            chwn_status, chwn_out = run_cmd("/bin/chown swift:swift " +

            if chwn_status != 0:
                print("Error changing ownership of %s - %s" %
                      (drives[1], chwn_out))

            print("Mounted to %s with label %s" % (drives[1], drives[0]))
コード例 #17
ファイル: hpssacli.py プロジェクト: ArdanaCLM/swiftlm
def get_controller_info():
    parses controller data from hpssacli in the form.
    returns a dict.
    key's are lowercased versions of the key name on each line,
    including special characters.
    Values are not changed.

    keys 'model' and 'slot' are parsed from the first line

    Smart Array P410 in Slot 1
       Bus Interface: PCI
       Slot: 1
       Serial Number: PACCR0M9VZ41S4Q
       Cache Serial Number: PACCQID12061TTQ
       RAID 6 (ADG) Status: Disabled
       Controller Status: OK
       Hardware Revision: C
       Firmware Version: 6.60
       Rebuild Priority: Medium
       Expand Priority: Medium
       Surface Scan Delay: 15 secs
       Surface Scan Mode: Idle
       Queue Depth: Automatic
       Monitor and Performance Delay: 60  min
       Elevator Sort: Enabled
       Degraded Performance Optimization: Disabled
       Inconsistency Repair Policy: Disabled
       Wait for Cache Room: Disabled
       Surface Analysis Inconsistency Notification: Disabled
       Post Prompt Timeout: 15 secs
       Cache Board Present: True
       Cache Status: OK
       Cache Ratio: 25% Read / 75% Write
       Drive Write Cache: Disabled
       Total Cache Size: 256 MB
       Total Cache Memory Available: 144 MB
       No-Battery Write Cache: Disabled
       Cache Backup Power Source: Batteries
       Battery/Capacitor Count: 1
       Battery/Capacitor Status: OK
       SATA NCQ Supported: True
       Number of Ports: 2 Internal only
       Encryption Supported: False
       Driver Name: hpsa
       Driver Version: 3.4.0
       Driver Supports HP SSD Smart Path: False

    Smart Array P440ar in Slot 0 (Embedded) (HBA Mode)
       Bus Interface: PCI
       Slot: 0
       Serial Number: PDNLH0BRH7V7GC
       Cache Serial Number: PDNLH0BRH7V7GC
       Controller Status: OK
       Hardware Revision: B
       Firmware Version: 2.14
       Controller Temperature (C): 50
       Number of Ports: 2 Internal only
       Driver Name: hpsa
       Driver Version: 3.4.4
       HBA Mode Enabled: True
       PCI Address (Domain:Bus:Device.Function): 0000:03:00.0
       Negotiated PCIe Data Rate: PCIe 3.0 x8 (7880 MB/s)
       Controller Mode: HBA
       Controller Mode Reboot: Not Required
       Current Power Mode: MaxPerformance
       Host Serial Number: MXQ51906YF
    results = []
    controller_slots = []
    controller_result = BASE_RESULT.child()
    controller_result.name += '.' + 'smart_array'

    rc = run_cmd(LOCK_FILE_COMMAND + 'hpssacli ctrl all show detail')

    if rc.exitcode != 0:
        if 'Error: No controllers detected.' in str(rc.output):
            return [[], []]
        if len(rc.output) > 1847:
            rc = rc._replace(exitcode=rc.exitcode,
                             output='...' + rc.output[-1844:])
        raise Exception('{0}: hpssacli ctrl all show detail '
                        'failed with exit code: {1}'.format(
                            rc.output, rc.exitcode))

    if rc.output:
        lines = rc.output.split('\n')
        raise Exception('{0}: hpssacli ctrl all show detail '
                        'failed with exit code: {1}'.format(
                            rc.output, rc.exitcode))

    info = []
    text_scanner = TextScanner(lines)
    root = text_scanner.get_root_block()
    c_info = None
    # Extract controller information
    for controller in root.subblocks:
        line = controller.text
        if line.startswith('Smart Array') or line.startswith('Smart HBA'):
            model, _ = parse_controller_name(line)
            c_info = {'model': model}

            # Process controller attributes
            for attribute in controller.subblocks:
                parse_cont_attribute(attribute, c_info, controller_slots)

        elif line.startswith('CACHE STATUS'):
            for attribute in controller.subblocks:
                # Process controller attributes
                att = attribute.text
                if ': ' in att and c_info:
                    parse_cont_attribute(attribute, c_info, controller_slots)
            # Unknown controller type

    # Walk dictionary to gather controller metrics
    for c_info in info:
        results.extend(check_controller(c_info, controller_result))

    return results, controller_slots
コード例 #18
def get_smart_array_info():
    parses controller data from hpssacli in the form.
    returns a dict.
    key's are lowercased versions of the key name on each line,
    including special characters.
    Values are not changed.

    keys 'model' and 'slot' are parsed from the first line

    Smart Array P410 in Slot 1
       Bus Interface: PCI
       Slot: 1
       Serial Number: PACCR0M9VZ41S4Q
       Cache Serial Number: PACCQID12061TTQ
       RAID 6 (ADG) Status: Disabled
       Controller Status: OK
       Hardware Revision: C
       Firmware Version: 6.60
       Rebuild Priority: Medium
       Expand Priority: Medium
       Surface Scan Delay: 15 secs
       Surface Scan Mode: Idle
       Queue Depth: Automatic
       Monitor and Performance Delay: 60  min
       Elevator Sort: Enabled
       Degraded Performance Optimization: Disabled
       Inconsistency Repair Policy: Disabled
       Wait for Cache Room: Disabled
       Surface Analysis Inconsistency Notification: Disabled
       Post Prompt Timeout: 15 secs
       Cache Board Present: True
       Cache Status: OK
       Cache Ratio: 25% Read / 75% Write
       Drive Write Cache: Disabled
       Total Cache Size: 256 MB
       Total Cache Memory Available: 144 MB
       No-Battery Write Cache: Disabled
       Cache Backup Power Source: Batteries
       Battery/Capacitor Count: 1
       Battery/Capacitor Status: OK
       SATA NCQ Supported: True
       Number of Ports: 2 Internal only
       Encryption Supported: False
       Driver Name: hpsa
       Driver Version: 3.4.0
       Driver Supports HP SSD Smart Path: False

    Smart Array P440ar in Slot 0 (Embedded) (HBA Mode)
       Bus Interface: PCI
       Slot: 0
       Serial Number: PDNLH0BRH7V7GC
       Cache Serial Number: PDNLH0BRH7V7GC
       Controller Status: OK
       Hardware Revision: B
       Firmware Version: 2.14
       Controller Temperature (C): 50
       Number of Ports: 2 Internal only
       Driver Name: hpsa
       Driver Version: 3.4.4
       HBA Mode Enabled: True
       PCI Address (Domain:Bus:Device.Function): 0000:03:00.0
       Negotiated PCIe Data Rate: PCIe 3.0 x8 (7880 MB/s)
       Controller Mode: HBA
       Controller Mode Reboot: Not Required
       Current Power Mode: MaxPerformance
       Host Serial Number: MXQ51906YF
    results = []
    controller_result = BASE_RESULT.child()
    controller_result.name += '.' + 'smart_array'

    rc = run_cmd(LOCK_FILE_COMMAND + 'hpssacli ctrl all show detail')

    if rc.exitcode != 0:
        if 'Error: No controllers detected.' in str(rc.output):
            return []
        r = MetricData.single(
            'check.failure', Severity.fail, '{check} failed with: {error}', {
                'check': controller_result.name,
                'error': str(rc.output),
                'component': 'swiftlm-scan'
        return [r]

    if rc.output:
        lines = rc.output.split('\n')
        r = MetricData.single(
            'check.failure', Severity.fail, '{check} failed with: {error}', {
                'check': controller_result.name,
                'error': 'No usable output from hpssacli',
                'component': 'swiftlm-scan'
        return [r]

    controllers = []
    info = {}
    for line in lines:

        # Ignore blank lines
        if (not line) or (line.isspace()) or (line == "\n"):

        if is_cont_heading(line):

            if info:

            # To get controller model, assume that the line is in the form:
            # <model> in Slot <slot>
            model = line.strip().split("in Slot")[0].strip()
            info = {'model': model}

        k, v = line.split(':', 1)
        k = k.strip().lower()
        v = v.strip()
        info[k] = v

    if info:

    controller_slots = []

    for c in controllers:
        results.extend(check_controller(c, controller_result))
        if c.get('slot'):

    return results, controller_slots
コード例 #19
def create_volume_fs(cp_input_list, disk_label_list, iplabel):
    Create xfs filesystems for any volumes that don't have one. Also, add
    labelled volumes to list

    As well as adding the labelled volumes to the disk label list this will
    return a list of unlabelled volumes. Furthermore, any unlabelled volume
    that doesn't have an xfs filesystem will be give one.

    :param cp_input_list: list of tuples that show the devices selected by the
                          configuration (drive/part/lvm name, swift device
    :param disk_label_list: list of devices that are labelled and their swift
                            device number ("v" is with the swift number if the
                            device is an lvm)
    :param iplabel: hex representation of the ip address that is used for the
                    swift device labels
    :return blank_volumes: volumes that have yet to be labelled
    :return disk_label_list: list of devices that have been labelled and their
                             device number
    blank_volumes = []

    for full_vol, swift_name in cp_input_list:

        # Only interested in logical volumes
        if "lvm" in swift_name:

            lvm_l_stat, lvm_l_out = run_cmd("/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -l " +

            # Create an xfs filesystem if there is not already one present
            if lvm_l_stat != 0:

                # Make sure that the volume is not being used already
                # 1) Check if it has another filesystem
                ext_status, _ = run_cmd("/sbin/e2label" + full_vol)

                if ext_status == 0:
                    print("Cannot proceed - %s has a non-compatible swift fs" %

                # 2) Check if already mounted. * Note - os.path.ismount()
                # can't be used as cannot be certain of mount point at this
                # stage
                _, mount_status = run_cmd("df")

                logical_vol = full_vol.split("/")[-1]

                if logical_vol in mount_status:
                    print("Cannot proceed - %s is already mounted" %

                lvm_xfs_stat, lvm_xfs_out = run_cmd(
                    "/sbin/mkfs.xfs -f -i size=256" + " " + full_vol)

                if lvm_xfs_stat != 0:
                    print("Error: Failed to create filesystem for volume %s"
                          " - %s" % (full_vol, lvm_xfs_out))


            # Otherwise check if labelled correctly
                if (iplabel + "v") in lvm_l_out:
                    nop, number = lvm_l_out.strip('"').split("v")
                    disk_label_list.append(["v" + str(int(number)), full_vol])

    return blank_volumes, disk_label_list
コード例 #20
def format_drives(blank_drives, unparted_drives, fs, cp_input_list):
    Partition all raw drives

    As well as partitioning and adding a fs to a drive, the function will also
    add them to the unlabelled drives list

    :param blank_drives: list of partitioned drives that do not have a swift
    :param unparted_drives: list of drives that need to be partitioned
    :param fs: type of filesystem to create
    :parama cp_input_list: list of tuples that show the devices selected by
                           the configuration(drive/part/lvm name, swift device
    :return blank_drives: see above
    for unparted in unparted_drives:

        if cp_input_list:
            # Make sure that the drive is marked for swift use by the config
            # processor
            config_match = False

            for full_vol, swift_name in cp_input_list:
                if unparted == full_vol:
                    config_match = True

            if not config_match:
                print("%s has not been selected for swift use" % (unparted))

        # Partition the drive:
        create_status, create_output = run_cmd("/sbin/parted -s " + unparted +
                                               " mklabel gpt")

        if create_status != 0:
            print("Error: Failed to create partition table for disk %s - %s" %
                  (unparted, create_output))

        partition_status, partition_output = run_cmd("/sbin/parted -s -- " +
                                                     unparted +
                                                     " mkpart primary 1 -1")

        if partition_status != 0:
            print("Error: Failed to create partition table for disk %s - %s" %
                  (unparted, partition_output))

        blockdev_retry_max = 5
        blockdev_retry_count = 0

        while blockdev_retry_count < blockdev_retry_max:
            blockdev_status, blockdev_output = run_cmd("/sbin/partprobe %s" %

            if blockdev_status != 0:
                blockdev_retry_count += 1

        if blockdev_retry_max == blockdev_retry_count:
            print("Error: Failed to reread the disks partition table %s - %s" %
                  (unparted, blockdev_output))

        # Need to introduce a delay between creating the partition and the
        # file system

        # Only supports xfs for now
        if fs == "xfs":
            filesys_status, filesys_output = run_cmd(
                "/sbin/mkfs.xfs -f -i size=256 " + unparted + "1")

        if filesys_status != 0:
            print("Error: Failed to create filesystem for disk %s - %s" %
                  (unparted, filesys_output))


    return blank_drives
コード例 #21
ファイル: hpssacli.py プロジェクト: grze/helion-ansible
def get_logical_drive_info(slot, cache_check=True):
    array L
      Logical Drive: 12
         Size: 1.8 TB
         Fault Tolerance: 0
         Heads: 255
         Sectors Per Track: 32
         Cylinders: 65535
         Strip Size: 256 KB
         Full Stripe Size: 256 KB
         Status: OK
         Caching:  Enabled
         Unique Identifier: 600508B1001CEA938043498011A76404
         Disk Name: /dev/sdl
         Mount Points: /srv/node/disk11 1.8 TB Partition Number 2
         OS Status: LOCKED
         Logical Drive Label: AF3C73D8PACCR0M9VZ41S4QEB69
         Drive Type: Data
         LD Acceleration Method: Controller Cache

    It appears that the current build of hpssacli has a bug and outputs
    Disk Name and Mount Points on the same line. We work around this by
    checking for these specifically but that could fail if they change
    results = []
    drive_result = BASE_RESULT.child()
    drive_result.name += '.' + 'logical_drive'
    rc = run_cmd(
        LOCK_FILE_COMMAND + 'hpssacli ctrl slot=%s ld all show detail' % slot)

    if rc.exitcode != 0:

        r = MetricData.single('check.failure',
                              '{check} slot: {slot} failed with: {error}',
                              {'check': drive_result.name,
                               'slot': slot,
                               'error': str(rc.output),
                               'component': 'swiftlm-scan'})
        return [r]

    # Remove blank lines and strip trailing/leading spaces for each line
    lines = [l.strip() for l in rc.output.split('\n') if l.strip()]
    if not lines:
        r = MetricData.single('check.failure',
                              '{check} slot: {slot} failed with: {error}',
                              {'check': drive_result.name,
                               'slot': slot,
                               'error': 'No usable output from hpssacli',
                               'component': 'swiftlm-scan'})
        return [r]

    # First line should be the controller model and slot number.
    # We already have this so remove it if it exists
    if is_cont_heading(lines[0]):
        lines = lines[1:]

    drives = []
    drive_info = {}
    for line in lines:

        # If we see two colons we have to assume that it is a bugged version
        # of hpssacli and split them accordingly.
        cc = line.count(':')
        if cc == 2:
            _, dn, mp = line.split(':')
            drive_info['disk name'] = dn.strip().split()[0]
            drive_info['mount points'] = mp.strip()

        # The Array # line may be useful in the future but does not follow
        # the format of colon seperated infommation.
        # It is also the only delimiter between drives. We create a new
        # drive_info dict when we see it.
        if line.startswith('array '):
            if drive_info:
                drive_info = {}
            drive_info['array'] = line.split()[1]

        k, v = line.split(':', 1)
        k = k.strip().lower()
        v = v.strip()
        drive_info[k] = v

    # Have to add the last drive.
    if drive_info:

    for d in drives:
        results.extend(check_logical_drive(d, drive_result, cache_check))

    return results
コード例 #22
ファイル: hpssacli.py プロジェクト: grze/helion-ansible
def get_physical_drive_info(slot):
    Parses drive data from hpssacli in the form.
    There are multiple drives in the output.

    array A
      physicaldrive 2C:1:1
         Port: 2C
         Box: 1
         Bay: 1
         Status: OK
         Drive Type: Data Drive
         Interface Type: SAS
         Size: 2 TB
         Native Block Size: 512
         Rotational Speed: 7200
         Firmware Revision: HPD3
         Serial Number:         YFJMHTZD
         Model: HP      MB2000FBUCL
         Current Temperature (C): 27
         Maximum Temperature (C): 38
         PHY Count: 2
         PHY Transfer Rate: 6.0Gbps, Unknown
    results = []
    drive_result = BASE_RESULT.child(dimensions={
        'controller_slot': str(slot),
    drive_result.name += '.physical_drive'
    rc = run_cmd(
        LOCK_FILE_COMMAND + 'hpssacli ctrl slot=%s pd all show detail' % slot)

    if rc.exitcode != 0:

        r = MetricData.single('check.failure',
                              '{check} slot: {slot} failed with: {error}',
                              {'check': drive_result.name,
                               'slot': slot,
                               'error': str(rc.output),
                               'component': 'swiftlm-scan'})
        return [r]

    # Remove blank lines and strip trailing/leading spaces for each line
    lines = [l.strip() for l in rc.output.split('\n') if l.strip()]

    if not lines:
        r = MetricData.single('check.failure',
                              '{check} slot: {slot} failed with: {error}',
                              {'check': drive_result.name,
                               'slot': slot,
                               'error': 'No usable output from hpssacli',
                               'component': 'swiftlm-scan'})
        return [r]

    if is_cont_heading(lines[0]):
        lines = lines[1:]

    drives = []
    drive_info = {}
    for line in lines:
        # The first two lines for each drive are special.

        # The physicaldrive line will contain 2 colons and duplicates
        # information so we drop it.
        cc = line.count(':')
        if cc > 1:

        # The Array # line may be useful in the future but does not follow
        # the format of colon seperated infommation.
        # It is also the only delimiter between drives. We create a new
        # drive_info dict when we see it.
        if line.startswith('array '):
            if drive_info:
                drive_info = {}
            drive_info['array'] = line.split()[1]

        k, v = line.split(':', 1)
        k = k.strip().lower()
        v = v.strip()
        drive_info[k] = v

    # Have to add the last drive.
    if drive_info:

    for d in drives:
        results.extend(check_physical_drive(d, drive_result))

    return results
コード例 #23
def is_valid_xfs(d, r):
    rc = run_cmd('xfs_info %s' % d.mount)
    if rc.exitcode == 0:
        return True
        return False
コード例 #24
ファイル: hpssacli.py プロジェクト: ArdanaCLM/swiftlm
def get_logical_drive_info(controller_slot, cache_check=True):
    array L
      Logical Drive: 12
         Size: 1.8 TB
         Fault Tolerance: 0
         Heads: 255
         Sectors Per Track: 32
         Cylinders: 65535
         Strip Size: 256 KB
         Full Stripe Size: 256 KB
         Status: OK
         Caching:  Enabled
         Unique Identifier: 600508B1001CEA938043498011A76404
         Disk Name: /dev/sdl
         Mount Points: /srv/node/disk11 1.8 TB Partition Number 2
         OS Status: LOCKED
         Logical Drive Label: AF3C73D8PACCR0M9VZ41S4QEB69
         Drive Type: Data
         LD Acceleration Method: Controller Cache

    results = []
    drive_result = BASE_RESULT.child(
        dimensions={'controller_slot': controller_slot})
    drive_result.name += '.' + 'logical_drive'
    rc = run_cmd(LOCK_FILE_COMMAND +
                 'hpssacli ctrl slot=%s ld all show detail' % controller_slot)

    if rc.exitcode != 0:
        if len(rc.output) > 1847:
            rc = rc._replace(exitcode=rc.exitcode,
                             output='...' + rc.output[-1844:])
        raise Exception('{0}: hpssacli ctrl slot={1} ld all show detail '
                        'failed with exit code: {2}'.format(
                            rc.output, controller_slot, rc.exitcode))

    lines = rc.output.split('\n')
    if lines == ['']:
        raise Exception('{0}: hpssacli ctrl slot={1} ld all show detail '
                        'failed with exit code: {2}'.format(
                            rc.output, controller_slot, rc.exitcode))

    drive_info = []
    text_scanner = TextScanner(lines)
    root = text_scanner.get_root_block()

    # Extract logical drive information
    for controller in root.subblocks:
        line = controller.text
        if line.startswith("Smart Array"):
            for array in controller.subblocks:
                line = array.text
                if "array" in line:
                    _, array_letter, array_name = parse_array_name(line)
                    for lun in array.subblocks:
                        line = lun.text
                        if "Logical Drive:" in line:
                            logical_drive = line.strip()
                                _, ld_num = parse_ld_name(line)
                                ld_data = {
                                    'array': array_letter,
                                    'logical_drive': ld_num
                            except ValueError:
                            for attribute in lun.subblocks:
                                line = attribute.text
                                    k, v = parse_attribute(line,
                                except ValueError:
                                if any(k in s for s in METRIC_KEYS):
                                    ld_data.update({k: v})

    # Now walk the LUNs and check them
    for ld_data in drive_info:
        results.extend(check_logical_drive(ld_data, drive_result, cache_check))

    return results
コード例 #25
def generate_drive_info(my_ip, mount_dir, disk_label_list):
    Gather all the partitioned and labelled drive data on the node into a
    single array of element.

    :param my_ip: ip address of the node
    :param mount_dir: directory where the swift devices were mounted to
    :param disk_label_list: list of devices that are labelled and their swift
                            device number ("v" is with the swift number if the
                            device is an lvm)
    :return node_info: array with all the device information of the node
    server_type = get_product_name()

    node_info = {
        "hostname": socket.getfqdn(),
        "ip_addr": my_ip,
        "model": server_type
    drive_info = []

    for lab in disk_label_list:

        # Get the size of the drive
        size_status, size_output = run_cmd("/sbin/blockdev --getsize64 " +

        if size_status == 0:
            size = ((float(size_output) / 1024) / 1024) / 1024

            print("Error getting size of %s - %s" % (lab[1], size_output))

        # Check if drive is mounted
        if "v" in lab[0]:
            mount_to_check = os.path.join(mount_dir, LVM_MOUNT + lab[0][1:])
            mount_to_check = os.path.join(mount_dir, DISK_MOUNT + lab[0])

        if os.path.ismount(mount_to_check):
            is_mounted = True
            is_mounted = False

        if "v" in lab[0]:
                "name": lab[1],
                "swift_drive_name": "lvm" + lab[0][1:],
                "size_gb": size,
                "mounted": str(is_mounted)
                "name": lab[1],
                "swift_drive_name": "disk" + lab[0],
                "size_gb": size,
                "mounted": str(is_mounted)

    node_info["devices"] = drive_info

    return node_info
コード例 #26
def get_logical_drive_info(slot, cache_check=True):
    array L
      Logical Drive: 12
         Size: 1.8 TB
         Fault Tolerance: 0
         Heads: 255
         Sectors Per Track: 32
         Cylinders: 65535
         Strip Size: 256 KB
         Full Stripe Size: 256 KB
         Status: OK
         Caching:  Enabled
         Unique Identifier: 600508B1001CEA938043498011A76404
         Disk Name: /dev/sdl
         Mount Points: /srv/node/disk11 1.8 TB Partition Number 2
         OS Status: LOCKED
         Logical Drive Label: AF3C73D8PACCR0M9VZ41S4QEB69
         Drive Type: Data
         LD Acceleration Method: Controller Cache

    It appears that the current build of hpssacli has a bug and outputs
    Disk Name and Mount Points on the same line. We work around this by
    checking for these specifically but that could fail if they change
    results = []
    drive_result = BASE_RESULT.child()
    drive_result.name += '.' + 'logical_drive'
    rc = run_cmd(LOCK_FILE_COMMAND +
                 'hpssacli ctrl slot=%s ld all show detail' % slot)

    if rc.exitcode != 0:

        r = MetricData.single(
            'check.failure', Severity.fail,
            '{check} slot: {slot} failed with: {error}', {
                'check': drive_result.name,
                'slot': slot,
                'error': str(rc.output),
                'component': 'swiftlm-scan'
        return [r]

    # Remove blank lines and strip trailing/leading spaces for each line
    lines = [l.strip() for l in rc.output.split('\n') if l.strip()]
    if not lines:
        r = MetricData.single(
            'check.failure', Severity.fail,
            '{check} slot: {slot} failed with: {error}', {
                'check': drive_result.name,
                'slot': slot,
                'error': 'No usable output from hpssacli',
                'component': 'swiftlm-scan'
        return [r]

    # First line should be the controller model and slot number.
    # We already have this so remove it if it exists
    if is_cont_heading(lines[0]):
        lines = lines[1:]

    drives = []
    drive_info = {}
    for line in lines:

        # If we see two colons we have to assume that it is a bugged version
        # of hpssacli and split them accordingly.
        cc = line.count(':')
        if cc == 2:
            _, dn, mp = line.split(':')
            drive_info['disk name'] = dn.strip().split()[0]
            drive_info['mount points'] = mp.strip()

        # The Array # line may be useful in the future but does not follow
        # the format of colon seperated infommation.
        # It is also the only delimiter between drives. We create a new
        # drive_info dict when we see it.
        if line.startswith('array '):
            if drive_info:
                drive_info = {}
            drive_info['array'] = line.split()[1]

        k, v = line.split(':', 1)
        k = k.strip().lower()
        v = v.strip()
        drive_info[k] = v

    # Have to add the last drive.
    if drive_info:

    for d in drives:
        results.extend(check_logical_drive(d, drive_result, cache_check))

    return results
コード例 #27
ファイル: hpssacli.py プロジェクト: grze/helion-ansible
def get_smart_array_info():
    parses controller data from hpssacli in the form.
    returns a dict.
    key's are lowercased versions of the key name on each line,
    including special characters.
    Values are not changed.

    keys 'model' and 'slot' are parsed from the first line

    Smart Array P410 in Slot 1
       Bus Interface: PCI
       Slot: 1
       Serial Number: PACCR0M9VZ41S4Q
       Cache Serial Number: PACCQID12061TTQ
       RAID 6 (ADG) Status: Disabled
       Controller Status: OK
       Hardware Revision: C
       Firmware Version: 6.60
       Rebuild Priority: Medium
       Expand Priority: Medium
       Surface Scan Delay: 15 secs
       Surface Scan Mode: Idle
       Queue Depth: Automatic
       Monitor and Performance Delay: 60  min
       Elevator Sort: Enabled
       Degraded Performance Optimization: Disabled
       Inconsistency Repair Policy: Disabled
       Wait for Cache Room: Disabled
       Surface Analysis Inconsistency Notification: Disabled
       Post Prompt Timeout: 15 secs
       Cache Board Present: True
       Cache Status: OK
       Cache Ratio: 25% Read / 75% Write
       Drive Write Cache: Disabled
       Total Cache Size: 256 MB
       Total Cache Memory Available: 144 MB
       No-Battery Write Cache: Disabled
       Cache Backup Power Source: Batteries
       Battery/Capacitor Count: 1
       Battery/Capacitor Status: OK
       SATA NCQ Supported: True
       Number of Ports: 2 Internal only
       Encryption Supported: False
       Driver Name: hpsa
       Driver Version: 3.4.0
       Driver Supports HP SSD Smart Path: False

    Smart Array P440ar in Slot 0 (Embedded) (HBA Mode)
       Bus Interface: PCI
       Slot: 0
       Serial Number: PDNLH0BRH7V7GC
       Cache Serial Number: PDNLH0BRH7V7GC
       Controller Status: OK
       Hardware Revision: B
       Firmware Version: 2.14
       Controller Temperature (C): 50
       Number of Ports: 2 Internal only
       Driver Name: hpsa
       Driver Version: 3.4.4
       HBA Mode Enabled: True
       PCI Address (Domain:Bus:Device.Function): 0000:03:00.0
       Negotiated PCIe Data Rate: PCIe 3.0 x8 (7880 MB/s)
       Controller Mode: HBA
       Controller Mode Reboot: Not Required
       Current Power Mode: MaxPerformance
       Host Serial Number: MXQ51906YF
    results = []
    controller_result = BASE_RESULT.child()
    controller_result.name += '.' + 'smart_array'

    rc = run_cmd(LOCK_FILE_COMMAND + 'hpssacli ctrl all show detail')

    if rc.exitcode != 0:
        if 'Error: No controllers detected.' in str(rc.output):
            return []
        r = MetricData.single('check.failure',
                              '{check} failed with: {error}',
                              {'check': controller_result.name,
                               'error': str(rc.output),
                               'component': 'swiftlm-scan'})
        return [r]

    if rc.output:
        lines = rc.output.split('\n')
        r = MetricData.single('check.failure',
                              '{check} failed with: {error}',
                              {'check': controller_result.name,
                               'error': 'No usable output from hpssacli',
                               'component': 'swiftlm-scan'})
        return [r]

    controllers = []
    info = {}
    for line in lines:

        # Ignore blank lines
        if (not line) or (line.isspace()) or (line == "\n"):

        if is_cont_heading(line):

            if info:

            # To get controller model, assume that the line is in the form:
            # <model> in Slot <slot>
            model = line.strip().split("in Slot")[0].strip()
            info = {'model': model}

        k, v = line.split(':', 1)
        k = k.strip().lower()
        v = v.strip()
        info[k] = v

    if info:

    controller_slots = []

    for c in controllers:
        results.extend(check_controller(c, controller_result))
        if c.get('slot'):

    return results, controller_slots
コード例 #28
def get_physical_drive_info(slot):
    Parses drive data from hpssacli in the form.
    There are multiple drives in the output.

    array A
      physicaldrive 2C:1:1
         Port: 2C
         Box: 1
         Bay: 1
         Status: OK
         Drive Type: Data Drive
         Interface Type: SAS
         Size: 2 TB
         Native Block Size: 512
         Rotational Speed: 7200
         Firmware Revision: HPD3
         Serial Number:         YFJMHTZD
         Model: HP      MB2000FBUCL
         Current Temperature (C): 27
         Maximum Temperature (C): 38
         PHY Count: 2
         PHY Transfer Rate: 6.0Gbps, Unknown
    results = []
    drive_result = BASE_RESULT.child(dimensions={
        'controller_slot': str(slot),
    drive_result.name += '.physical_drive'
    rc = run_cmd(LOCK_FILE_COMMAND +
                 'hpssacli ctrl slot=%s pd all show detail' % slot)

    if rc.exitcode != 0:

        r = MetricData.single(
            'check.failure', Severity.fail,
            '{check} slot: {slot} failed with: {error}', {
                'check': drive_result.name,
                'slot': slot,
                'error': str(rc.output),
                'component': 'swiftlm-scan'
        return [r]

    # Remove blank lines and strip trailing/leading spaces for each line
    lines = [l.strip() for l in rc.output.split('\n') if l.strip()]

    if not lines:
        r = MetricData.single(
            'check.failure', Severity.fail,
            '{check} slot: {slot} failed with: {error}', {
                'check': drive_result.name,
                'slot': slot,
                'error': 'No usable output from hpssacli',
                'component': 'swiftlm-scan'
        return [r]

    if is_cont_heading(lines[0]):
        lines = lines[1:]

    drives = []
    drive_info = {}
    for line in lines:
        # The first two lines for each drive are special.

        # The physicaldrive line will contain 2 colons and duplicates
        # information so we drop it.
        cc = line.count(':')
        if cc > 1:

        # The Array # line may be useful in the future but does not follow
        # the format of colon seperated infommation.
        # It is also the only delimiter between drives. We create a new
        # drive_info dict when we see it.
        if line.startswith('array '):
            if drive_info:
                drive_info = {}
            drive_info['array'] = line.split()[1]

        k, v = line.split(':', 1)
        k = k.strip().lower()
        v = v.strip()
        drive_info[k] = v

    # Have to add the last drive.
    if drive_info:

    for d in drives:
        results.extend(check_physical_drive(d, drive_result))

    return results
コード例 #29
ファイル: hpssacli.py プロジェクト: ArdanaCLM/swiftlm
def get_physical_drive_info(controller_slot):
    Parses drive data from hpssacli in the form.
    There are multiple drives in the output.

    Smart Array P410 in Slot 1

        array A
          physicaldrive 2C:1:1
             Port: 2C
             Box: 1
             Bay: 1
             Status: OK
             Drive Type: Data Drive
             Interface Type: SAS
             Size: 2 TB
             Native Block Size: 512
             Rotational Speed: 7200
             Firmware Revision: HPD3
             Serial Number:         YFJMHTZD
             Model: HP      MB2000FBUCL
             Current Temperature (C): 27
             Maximum Temperature (C): 38
             PHY Count: 2
             PHY Transfer Rate: 6.0Gbps, Unknown
    results = []
    drive_result = BASE_RESULT.child(
        dimensions={'controller_slot': str(controller_slot)})
    drive_result.name += '.physical_drive'
    rc = run_cmd(LOCK_FILE_COMMAND +
                 'hpssacli ctrl slot=%s pd all show detail' % controller_slot)

    if rc.exitcode != 0:
        if len(rc.output) > 1847:
            rc = rc._replace(exitcode=rc.exitcode,
                             output='...' + rc.output[-1844:])
        raise Exception('{0}: hpssacli ctrl slot={1} pd all show detail '
                        'failed with exit code: {2}'.format(
                            rc.output, controller_slot, rc.exitcode))

    lines = rc.output.split('\n')
    if lines == ['']:
        raise Exception('{0}: hpssacli ctrl slot={1} pd all show detail '
                        'failed with exit code: {2}'.format(
                            rc.output, controller_slot, rc.exitcode))

    drive_info = []
    text_scanner = TextScanner(lines)
    root = text_scanner.get_root_block()

    # Extract drive information
    for controller in root.subblocks:
        line = controller.text
        if line.startswith("Smart Array"):
            _, controller_key = parse_controller_name(line)
            for assignment in controller.subblocks:
                line = assignment.text
                if "array" in line:
                    # drives assigned to a LUN
                elif "hba drives" in line.lower():
                    # controller in HBA mode
                elif "unassigned" in line.lower():
                    # Unassigned drives are probably unassigned for a reason
                    # (such as failed) so we'll ignore them
                    # Unrecognised assignment - ignore

                for pd in assignment.subblocks:
                    # Parse drive attributes
                    pd_data = {}
                    for attribute in pd.subblocks:
                        parse_cont_attribute(attribute, pd_data)


    # Now walk drive_info to get metrics' data from the controller(s),
    # array(s), physical drive(s), and logical drive(s)
    for pd_data in drive_info:
        results.extend(check_physical_drive(pd_data, drive_result))
    return results