コード例 #1
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: benjamin0/gnss-analysis-old
def run(hdf5_filename, known_baseline, reports=reports, baseline_is_NED=False):
    """Alternative entry point for running DGNSS SITL analysis.

    data, rover_ecef_df, base_ecef_df = load_sdiffs_and_pos(hdf5_filename)
    if len(data.items) < 2:
        raise Exception("Data must contain at least two observations.")
    # data = data.ix[:,:,[0,2,22,30,31]]
    first_datum = data.ix[1]
    data = data.ix[2:]

    parameters = DGNSSParameters(known_baseline, rover_ecef_df, base_ecef_df,
    print parameters.known_baseline
    updater = DGNSSUpdater(first_datum, parameters.rover_ecef)
    initial_sats = mgmt.get_sats_management()[1]
    initial_means = mgmt.get_amb_kf_mean()
    tester = SITL(updater.update_function, data, parameters)
    return tester.compute()
コード例 #2
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: imh/gnss-analysis
def run(hdf5_filename, known_baseline, reports=reports, baseline_is_NED=False):
  """Alternative entry point for running DGNSS SITL analysis.

  data, rover_ecef_df, base_ecef_df = load_sdiffs_and_pos(hdf5_filename)
  if len(data.items) < 2:
    raise Exception("Data must contain at least two observations.")
  # data = data.ix[:,:,[0,2,22,30,31]]
  first_datum = data.ix[1]
  data = data.ix[2:]

  parameters = DGNSSParameters(known_baseline, rover_ecef_df,
                               base_ecef_df, baseline_is_NED)
  print parameters.known_baseline
  updater = DGNSSUpdater(first_datum, parameters.rover_ecef)
  initial_sats = mgmt.get_sats_management()[1]
  initial_means = mgmt.get_amb_kf_mean()
  tester = SITL(updater.update_function, data, parameters)
  return tester.compute()
コード例 #3
def analyze_datum(datum, i, time, ag):
    f2 = utils.get_non_nans(datum)
    # TODO use a libswiftnav-python version
    t = gpstime.datetime2gpst(time)
    sats = list(f2.index)
    # measurements = np.concatenate(([f2.ix[sats,'L1']], [f2.ix[sats,'C1']]), axis=0).T
    numeric_sats = map(lambda x: int(x[1:]), list(sats))
    # alms = [ag.alm[j] for j in numeric_sats]
    ref_ecef = ag.ecef.copy()
    mgmt.dgnss_update(f2, ref_ecef)
    # mgmt.dgnss_update(alms, t_,
    #                   measurements,
    #                   ag.ecef + np.array([0, 0, 1e-1]), 1)
    # get ILSQ ambiguity from 'known' baseline
    if len(sats) <= 1:
        return pd.Series([], index=[])
    float_de, float_phase = mgmt.get_float_de_and_phase(f2, ag.ecef + 0.5 * ag.b)
    float_N_i_from_b = utils.get_N_from_b(float_phase, float_de, ag.b)
    # TODO save it in the Series or DataFrame output, along with its
    # sats, so that we may analyze its variation and use dynamic sat
    # sets
    # TODO the two baseline computations loop to find DE, which could
    # be fused
    float_b = mgmt.measure_float_b(f2, ag.ecef)
    faux_resolved_b \
        = mgmt.measure_b_with_external_ambs(f2, float_N_i_from_b, ag.ecef)
    # NOTE: maybe use ag.ecef + 0.5*b or something
    float_b_NED = cs.wgsecef2ned(float_b, ag.ecef)
    faux_resolved_b_NED = cs.wgsecef2ned(faux_resolved_b, ag.ecef)
    # check convergence/resolution
    num_hyps = mgmt.dgnss_iar_num_hyps()
    num_hyp_sats = mgmt.dgnss_iar_num_sats()
    float_converged = num_hyp_sats > 0
    resolution_done = float_converged and num_hyps == 1
    float_ambs = mgmt.get_amb_kf_mean()
    float_amb_cov = mgmt.get_amb_kf_cov(len(float_ambs))
    float_prns = mgmt.get_amb_kf_prns()
    float_ref_prn = float_prns[0]
    float_prns = float_prns[1:]
    cov_labels_cols = map(lambda x: 'float_amb_cov_' + str(x), float_prns)
    cov_labels \
        = map(lambda col: map(lambda row: col + '_' + str(row), float_prns),
    if not ag.resolution_ended:
        ag.kf_weighted_log_likelihood = \
            i / (i + 1.0) * ag.kf_weighted_log_likelihood \
          + utils.neg_log_likelihood(float_ambs - float_N_i_from_b,
                                     float_amb_cov) / (i + 1.0)
    output_data = np.concatenate((float_b_NED,
                                  [len(numeric_sats), num_hyps, num_hyp_sats],
                                  reduce(lambda x, y: np.concatenate((x, y)),
    output_labels = ['float_b_N', 'float_b_E', 'float_b_D',
                     'faux_resolved_b_N', 'faux_resolved_b_E', 'faux_resolved_b_D',
                     'num_sats', 'num_hyps', 'num_hyp_sats'] \
                  + map(lambda x: 'float_amb_' + str(x), float_prns) \
                  + reduce(operator.add, cov_labels) \
                  + map(lambda x: 'float_amb_from_b_' + str(x), float_prns) \
                  + ['float_ref_sat']
    if float_converged and (num_hyps > 0):
        iar_de, iar_phase = mgmt.get_iar_de_and_phase(f2, ag.ecef + 0.5 * ag.b)
        iar_N_i_from_b = utils.get_N_from_b(iar_phase, iar_de, ag.b)
        iar_prns = mgmt.get_amb_test_prns()
        iar_ref_prn = iar_prns[0]
        iar_prns = iar_prns[1:]
        iar_faux_resolved_b = mgmt.measure_iar_b_with_external_ambs(f2, iar_N_i_from_b, ag.ecef)
        iar_faux_resolved_b_NED = cs.wgsecef2ned(iar_faux_resolved_b, ag.ecef)
        iar_MLE_ambs = mgmt.dgnss_iar_MLE_ambs()
        iar_MLE_b = mgmt.measure_iar_b_with_external_ambs(f2, iar_MLE_ambs, ag.ecef)
        iar_MLE_b_NED = cs.wgsecef2ned(iar_MLE_b, ag.ecef)
        output_data = np.concatenate((output_data,
        output_labels += ['iar_MLE_b_N', 'iar_MLE_b_E', 'iar_MLE_b_D']       \
                        + ['iar_faux_resolved_b_N',
                           'iar_faux_resolved_b_D'] \
                        + map(lambda x: 'iar_MLE_amb_' + str(x), iar_prns)    \
                        + map(lambda x: 'iar_amb_from_b_' + str(x), iar_prns) \
                        + ['iar_ref_sat']
        # if the resolution just started
        if (not ag.resolution_started):
            ag.resolution_started = True
            ag.resolution_contains_ilsq_N \
                = (mgmt.dgnss_iar_pool_contains(iar_N_i_from_b) == 1)
            ag.float_convergence_time_delta = time - ag.t_0
            ag.float_convergence_i = i
        # if the integer ambiguity resolution just finished
        if ag.resolution_started and (not ag.resolution_ended) and resolution_done:
            n = mgmt.dgnss_iar_get_single_hyp(len(iar_N_i_from_b))
            ag.resolution_ended = True
            ag.resolution_time_delta = time - ag.t_0
            ag.resolution_i = i
            ag.N = n
            ag.resolution_matches_ilsq_N = True
            for j in xrange(len(ag.N)):
                if int(round(ag.N[j])) != int(round(iar_N_i_from_b[j])):
                    ag.resolution_matches_ilsq_N = False
    return pd.Series(output_data, index=output_labels)
コード例 #4
 def compute(self, data, current_analyses, prev_fold, parameters):
   return mgmt.get_amb_kf_mean()
コード例 #5
def analyze_datum(datum, i, time, ag):
    f2 = utils.get_non_nans(datum)
    # TODO use a libswiftnav-python version
    t = gpstime.datetime2gpst(time)
    sats = list(f2.index)
    # measurements = np.concatenate(([f2.ix[sats,'L1']], [f2.ix[sats,'C1']]), axis=0).T
    numeric_sats = map(lambda x: int(x[1:]), list(sats))
    # alms = [ag.alm[j] for j in numeric_sats]
    ref_ecef = ag.ecef.copy()
    mgmt.dgnss_update(f2, ref_ecef)
    # mgmt.dgnss_update(alms, t_,
    #                   measurements,
    #                   ag.ecef + np.array([0, 0, 1e-1]), 1)
    # get ILSQ ambiguity from 'known' baseline
    if len(sats) <= 1:
        return pd.Series([], index=[])
    float_de, float_phase = mgmt.get_float_de_and_phase(
        f2, ag.ecef + 0.5 * ag.b)
    float_N_i_from_b = utils.get_N_from_b(float_phase, float_de, ag.b)
    # TODO save it in the Series or DataFrame output, along with its
    # sats, so that we may analyze its variation and use dynamic sat
    # sets
    # TODO the two baseline computations loop to find DE, which could
    # be fused
    float_b = mgmt.measure_float_b(f2, ag.ecef)
    faux_resolved_b \
        = mgmt.measure_b_with_external_ambs(f2, float_N_i_from_b, ag.ecef)
    # NOTE: maybe use ag.ecef + 0.5*b or something
    float_b_NED = cs.wgsecef2ned(float_b, ag.ecef)
    faux_resolved_b_NED = cs.wgsecef2ned(faux_resolved_b, ag.ecef)
    # check convergence/resolution
    num_hyps = mgmt.dgnss_iar_num_hyps()
    num_hyp_sats = mgmt.dgnss_iar_num_sats()
    float_converged = num_hyp_sats > 0
    resolution_done = float_converged and num_hyps == 1
    float_ambs = mgmt.get_amb_kf_mean()
    float_amb_cov = mgmt.get_amb_kf_cov(len(float_ambs))
    float_prns = mgmt.get_amb_kf_prns()
    float_ref_prn = float_prns[0]
    float_prns = float_prns[1:]
    cov_labels_cols = map(lambda x: 'float_amb_cov_' + str(x), float_prns)
    cov_labels \
        = map(lambda col: map(lambda row: col + '_' + str(row), float_prns),
    if not ag.resolution_ended:
        ag.kf_weighted_log_likelihood = \
            i / (i + 1.0) * ag.kf_weighted_log_likelihood \
          + utils.neg_log_likelihood(float_ambs - float_N_i_from_b,
                                     float_amb_cov) / (i + 1.0)
    output_data = np.concatenate(
        (float_b_NED, faux_resolved_b_NED,
         [len(numeric_sats), num_hyps, num_hyp_sats], float_ambs,
         reduce(lambda x, y: np.concatenate((x, y)),
                float_amb_cov), float_N_i_from_b, [float_ref_prn]))
    output_labels = ['float_b_N', 'float_b_E', 'float_b_D',
                     'faux_resolved_b_N', 'faux_resolved_b_E', 'faux_resolved_b_D',
                     'num_sats', 'num_hyps', 'num_hyp_sats'] \
                  + map(lambda x: 'float_amb_' + str(x), float_prns) \
                  + reduce(operator.add, cov_labels) \
                  + map(lambda x: 'float_amb_from_b_' + str(x), float_prns) \
                  + ['float_ref_sat']
    if float_converged and (num_hyps > 0):
        iar_de, iar_phase = mgmt.get_iar_de_and_phase(f2, ag.ecef + 0.5 * ag.b)
        iar_N_i_from_b = utils.get_N_from_b(iar_phase, iar_de, ag.b)
        iar_prns = mgmt.get_amb_test_prns()
        iar_ref_prn = iar_prns[0]
        iar_prns = iar_prns[1:]
        iar_faux_resolved_b = mgmt.measure_iar_b_with_external_ambs(
            f2, iar_N_i_from_b, ag.ecef)
        iar_faux_resolved_b_NED = cs.wgsecef2ned(iar_faux_resolved_b, ag.ecef)
        iar_MLE_ambs = mgmt.dgnss_iar_MLE_ambs()
        iar_MLE_b = mgmt.measure_iar_b_with_external_ambs(
            f2, iar_MLE_ambs, ag.ecef)
        iar_MLE_b_NED = cs.wgsecef2ned(iar_MLE_b, ag.ecef)
        output_data = np.concatenate(
            (output_data, iar_MLE_b_NED, iar_faux_resolved_b_NED, iar_MLE_ambs,
             iar_N_i_from_b, [iar_ref_prn]))
        output_labels += ['iar_MLE_b_N', 'iar_MLE_b_E', 'iar_MLE_b_D']       \
                        + ['iar_faux_resolved_b_N',
                           'iar_faux_resolved_b_D'] \
                        + map(lambda x: 'iar_MLE_amb_' + str(x), iar_prns)    \
                        + map(lambda x: 'iar_amb_from_b_' + str(x), iar_prns) \
                        + ['iar_ref_sat']
        # if the resolution just started
        if (not ag.resolution_started):
            ag.resolution_started = True
            ag.resolution_contains_ilsq_N \
                = (mgmt.dgnss_iar_pool_contains(iar_N_i_from_b) == 1)
            ag.float_convergence_time_delta = time - ag.t_0
            ag.float_convergence_i = i
        # if the integer ambiguity resolution just finished
        if ag.resolution_started and (
                not ag.resolution_ended) and resolution_done:
            n = mgmt.dgnss_iar_get_single_hyp(len(iar_N_i_from_b))
            ag.resolution_ended = True
            ag.resolution_time_delta = time - ag.t_0
            ag.resolution_i = i
            ag.N = n
            ag.resolution_matches_ilsq_N = True
            for j in xrange(len(ag.N)):
                if int(round(ag.N[j])) != int(round(iar_N_i_from_b[j])):
                    ag.resolution_matches_ilsq_N = False
    return pd.Series(output_data, index=output_labels)