コード例 #1
ファイル: path.py プロジェクト: afajl/sy
def chown(path, owner, group):
    ''' Change owner and group of a file or directory.

    If owner or group is None it is left unchanged. If both are set to None
    this function does nothing.

    If you use username or groupname that user or group must exist on the
    current system.

    :arg owner: Uid or username of the new owner. 
    :arg group: Gid or groupname of the new owner. 

    if owner is None:
        uid = -1    # dont modify
    elif isinstance(owner, int):
        uid = owner
        # convert username to uid
        uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid

    if group is None:
        gid = -1    # dont modify
    if isinstance(group, int):
        gid = group
        # convert group name to gid
        gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid

    log.debug('Chowning "{}" to uid={} and gid={}', path, uid, gid)
    os.chown(path, uid, gid)
コード例 #2
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: afajl/sy
 def fn(*args, **kwargs):
     exception = None
     for _ in range(self.tries):
             return f(*args, **kwargs)
         except self.exceptions, e:
             log.debug('Retry, exception: ' +str(e))
             exception = e
コード例 #3
ファイル: cmd.py プロジェクト: afajl/sy
def run(command, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Execute a command with a timeout and capture output and exit status::

            status, out, err = sy.cmd.run('ls -R {}', '/tmp', timeout=15) 
        Use the convenience function :func:`do` if you want to fire off a
        command and fail if it doesnt return exit status 0.                        
        :arg command: Command template
        :arg args: Arguments for formatting the command, see :func:`format_cmd`
        :arg timeout: Seconds until the command times out and raises 
                      a :exc:`CommandTimeoutError`
        :returns: exit status from the command, stdout and stderr. 
                  On timeout it raises :exc:`CommandTimeoutError`
    timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', CMD_TIMEOUT)
    bufsize = kwargs.pop('bufsize', 8192)
    assert kwargs == {}, 'Unknown keyword arg passed to run: ' + ','.join(kwargs.keys())
    escapedcmd = format_cmd(command, args)
    log.debug('Spawning: {}', escapedcmd)

    start_time = time.time()
    process = _subprocess(escapedcmd, bufsize=bufsize)
    if process.read(timeout):
        # process timed out
        errormsg = 'Command "%s" timed out after %d secs' % (escapedcmd, timeout)
        raise CommandTimeoutError(errormsg, out=process.outdata, 
                                     err=process.errdata, cmd=escapedcmd, 

    exitstatus = os.WEXITSTATUS( process.cleanup() )
    out = process.outdata
    err = process.errdata

    log.debug('Command result, stdout:{}, stderr:{}, exitstatus:{}', 
                 out.strip(), err.strip(), exitstatus)
    log.debug('Command took {} seconds', int(time.time() - start_time))
    return exitstatus, out, err